26 research outputs found

    ,,Niech zginą nałogi mięsno-wódczano-tytuniowo-modne”. Programy i idee polskich wegetarian XIX i początku XX stulecia

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    The article presents an analysis of the ideas and platforms developed by the first Polish vegetarians in the latter half of the 19th and in the early 20th century. The views of the following authors are considered: Konstanty Moes-Oskragiełło, Józef Drzewiecki, Janisław Jastrzębowski and Rajmund Jankowski. I draw attention to three basic features: anthropocentrism, eclecticism and a somewhat informal culture.The vegetarian movement which emerged in Poland in the second half of the 19th century was informal undertaking at first, while its leaders championed original conceptions of their own. Unlike advocates of protecting animals from cruel treatment, who established the Society for the Protection of Animals in the 1860s-1870s, vegetarians functioned without a registered association until 1904. Their ideas were an eclectic mix: the essential idea of a vegetarian diet was combined with many other conceptions and postulations. Konstanty Moes-Oskragiełło connected vegetarianism with the requirement to wear woollen clothes (though he himself also supported naturism) and certain natural treatments. Józef Drzewiecki added homeopathy as well as natural medicine. Rajmund Janicki advocated an ascetic lifestyle, eschewing any substances and German-style attire. Rev. Wincent Pix, as a vegetarian, was a patron of campaigns against vaccinations. The feature which united these diverse elements the most was their explicitly anthropocentric nature: the ultimate goal was the wellness and rejuvenation of people and their return to a life lived in accordance with Nature. From their standpoint, the health of the humankind and its spiritual well-being were the prevailing concern, whereas comparatively little attention was devoted to the welfare of animals

    Typical variant of takotsubo cardiomyopathy in oncological patients : two case reports and review of the literature

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) represents an acute systolic left ventricular dysfunction typically triggered by severe psychological or physical stress. Oncological patients due to emotional distress of the diagnosis, proinflammatory and prothrombotic nature of cancer and also physical stress often following complex anticancer therapies are at high-risk of TCM. Moreover, there are also few reports of TCM associated with oncological treatment, mostly chemotherapy. Recent data from large registries indicate a surprisingly high incidence of malignancy in TCM, significant differences in clinical characteristics and unfavorable short- and long-term clinical outcomes in this specific group of patients. Therefore, we present two case reports of TCM that occurred during active anticancer therapy. Both women were admitted with suspicion of acute coronary syndrome. The first patient underwent mastectomy two years before due to hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and on admission she was during adjuvant hormonotherapy with tamoxifen. The admission of the second patient was preceded by fifteen fractions of adjuvant external beam radiotherapy due to intermediate-risk endometrial cancer after radical hysterectomy. Based on coronary angiography type I of acute coronary syndrome was excluded. Both patients negated stressful situations in the period immediately before the symptoms onset. Within hospital course baseline apical ballooning observed in both cases fully recovered and enabled subsequent completion of oncological treatment in accordance with adopted treatment protocols without recurrence of TCM. To our knowledge, presented cases are the first reports showing direct relationship between TCM and adjuvant hormonotherapy with tamoxifen or pelvic radiotherapy

    Vascular iInflammatory markers as predictors of peripheral arterial disease patients’ quality-of-life changes after endovascular treatment

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    The association between chronic inflammation and depression, anxiety, anhedonia, and quality of life (QoL) has been recently emphasized. However, the pathophysiology of this relationship remains unsolved. This study aims to assess the dependence between vascular inflammation represented by eicosanoid concentration and quality of life in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). A total of 175 patients undergoing endovascular treatment due to lower limbs ischemia were covered with eight years of observation after the endovascular procedure, including ankle-brachial index (ABI), color Doppler ultrasound examination, urinary leukotriene E4 (LTE4), thromboxane B2 (TXB2) and 5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) measurement and quality-of-life assessment with VascuQol-6. The baseline concentrations of LTE4 and TXB2 reversely correlated with preoperative VascuQol-6 and were predictive of the postoperative values of VascuQol-6 at each follow-up. At every follow-up timepoint, the results of VascuQol-6 reflected the LTE4 and TXB2 concentrations. Higher concentrations of LTE4 and TXB2 were correlated with lower life quality during the next follow-up meeting. Changes in VascuQol-6 at eight years vs. preoperative values were reversely related to the preoperative concentrations of LTE4 and TXB2. This is the first study to confirm that changes in life quality in PAD patients undergoing endovascular treatment are highly dependent on eicosanoid-based vascular inflammation

    Influence of endovascular treatment on the vascular endothelium in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a systematic review

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    Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a major public health problem. Endothelial dysfunction represents an important mechanism in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, in part attributable to inflammation, platelet and smooth muscle activation, and arterial stiffening. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of lower limb revascularization on endothelial function in patients with PAD. We performed a comprehensive search of the academic literature using the PubMed and Embase databases to screen suitable records. Following the application of our search strategies, a total of eight studies were included in this review. Despite the limited available evidence, the dearth of academic literature suggests that revascularization has a positive effect on endothelial functioning. The effects of endovascular revascularization on endothelial functioning in patients with PAD are subject to further research

    Polish pharmacists : their eating habits and quality of life

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    Scientific reports suggest that pharmacists can play an important role, especially through nutritional consultation, in supporting patients in the treatment of chronic diseases. At the same time, it is worth noting that the quality of life of pharmacists may indirectly affect the quality of their services. The aim of our work was to examine nutritional habits and nutrition knowledge as well as the quality of life of Polish pharmacists using using two validated questionnaires questionnaires - KomPAN and SF-36. The form containing both questionnaires was available online and was addressed only to Polish pharmacists with an active licensure. Information about the survey was repeatedly published on the website of the Małopolska Apothecary Chamber and the E-farmacja.pl. More than half (61%) of respondents had a normal value of the body mass index (18.5-24.9 kg/m2), more than half (68%) of the respondents declared their physical activity in their free time as moderate or high. More than 70% of the respondents achieved a nutritional knowledge test result defined as "good" (17-25 points). Polish pharmacists declared more frequent consumption of vegetables, fruit and fish,and less frequent consumption of white bread, fast food, fried foods or sweets compared to the population data. The analysis of the SF-36 questionnaire showed a statistically significant correlation between the age of respondents and their physical and mental quality of life component scores. The analysis also revealed a statistically significant correlation between their body mass index and the physical component score. The results of the KomPAN questionnaire indicate that Polish pharmacists, having a very high level of nutritional knowledge, are a potentially useful source of widely available nutritional information. The results of the SF-36 questionnaire especially highlight the low value of the mental dimension of Polish pharmacists’ quality of life, which might result from excessive workload and/or high levels of stress

    Pacjent z chorobą nowotworową i ostrym zespołem wieńcowym

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    Cancers and cardio-vascular diseases occur concomitantly in 1.9–4.2% of patients with these diseases. Due to a rising number of these cases, insight into cardiooncology seems to be obligatory nowadays. In this paper we sought to describe selected issues concerning this topic including mechanisms of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) primarily caused by cancer as well as toxic influence of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on cardio-vascular system, especially on coronary arteries and their correlation with ACS. Also bleeding complications and anemia secondary to cancer disease in patients using anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs as a treatment after ACS have been discussed. Finally, management in case of bleeding complications and anemia in patients with ACS and cancer has been presented.Współwystępowanie chorób nowotworowych i chorób sercowo-naczyniowych dotyczy około 1,9–4,2% pacjentów z tymi schorzeniami. Ze względu na stały wzrost występowania obu tych chorób, aktualna wiedza z zakresu kardioonkologii jest powszechnie oczekiwana. W niniejszym opracowaniu zostały przedstawione wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące tego tematu, w tym mechanizmy ostrych zespołów wieńcowych (OZW) spowodowanych chorobą nowotworową, a także mechanizmy toksycznego wpływu chemioterapii i radioterapii na układ sercowo-naczyniowy, zwłaszcza na tętnice wieńcowe i ich związek z OZW u pacjentów poddawanych takiemu leczeniu. Przedstawiono również problem powikłań krwotocznych lub niedokrwistości indukowanej lekami przeciwpłytkowymi lub przeciwzakrzepowymi po OZW związanych z chorobą nowotworową. Na końcu zostały zamieszczone wskazówki dotyczące postępowania z pacjentem z powikłaniem krwotocznym lub niedokrwistością z powodu choroby nowotworowej i OZW

    Kształcenie postaw wobec zwierząt w XIX-wiecznej literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży

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    Despite the continued tendency of 19th century literature to use traditional fables with animal characters to reveal human virtues and vices, there rapidly grew up a movement of literature for young people whose only aim was to cultivate moral attitudes towards animals. By means of various literary genres, the younger generation was educated to achieve a sensitivity towards the pain and suffering of animals. Learning about the consequences of cruelty, young readers were taught to avoid maltreating animals. Literature prompted compassion in the young readers. Not only were particular examples condemned – of cruelty, beating, abuse – but the moral consequences of these violations were demonstrated. Following Immanuel Kant, it was assumed that harming animals weakens our moral sensitivity, which leads to a person becoming cruel not only towards animals but towards people as well

    Animals and Their Attitude to Death

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    Until recently, received wisdom held that it is a uniquely human privilege not only to be able to encounter reality with the aid of reason and language, but also to live with the awareness of one’s own mortality. The distinction accorded death and the experience of dying for humans results from the fact that human culture is not only in many ways importantly related this tragic experience but issues directly from it. Without the awareness of death there would not be culture and its, precisely, enduring achievements: the existence of culture represents the paradoxical effect of the ‘tanataphobia’ that haunts us. Today, however, more and more evidence has been gathered suggesting that animals also experience death in some way. Changes in their behaviour and mood may be the result of a variety of factors, but it is undeniable that the death of another individual has an effect. Evidence suggests that the effects may be lasting, because the sense of sadness, mourning and even deep depression may the result of that event of death related as it is to emotional and social bonds. Even if their requiem takes the form of yelping and groaning, this does not reduce their ‘mourning’ to a meaningless frown in a purely unreasoned and uninterrupted existence-persistence.Jeszcze do niedawna szacowna mądrość utrzymywała, iż przywilejem ludzi jest nie tylko poznawać rzeczywistość przy pomocy rozumu i mowy, lecz żyć ze świadomością własnej śmiertelności. Ranga, jaką nadawano śmierci oraz doświadczeniu umierania wynikała stąd, iż ludzka kultura jest nie tylko na wiele sposobów związana z tym tragicznym doświadczeniem, ale dla wielu wprost z niego wynika. Bez świadomości śmierci nie byłoby kultury i jej trwałych osiągnięć. Jej istnienie stanowi paradoksalny efekt trapiącej nas tanatofobii. Współcześnie istnieje coraz więcej dowodów na to, że zwierzęta również w jakiś sposób doświadczają śmierci. Zmiany w ich zachowaniu i nastroju mogą być motywowane różnymi czynnikami, lecz nie sposób zaprzeczyć, że śmierć innego osobnika nie wywiera na nich żadnego wpływu. Wiele wskazuje na to, że ma on trwały skutek, gdyż uczucia smutku, żalu, a nawet głębokiej depresji będące następstwem tego wydarzenia stanowią ważne czynniki utrwalające łączące je więzi emocjonalne i społeczne. Nawet jeśli ich requiem ma formę skowytu i jęku, to nie znaczy, że jest tylko nic nie znaczącą zmarszczką na oceanie ich bezrozumnego i niezakłóconego trwania

    Edukacja przyrodnicza na rzecz ochrony zwierząt w XIX-wiecznej literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży

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    W XIX stuleciu literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży włączyła się do ruchu na rzecz ochrony zwierząt przed okrucieństwem i przemocą. Kluczową kwestią stało się kształtowanie moralnego stosunku do zwierząt, przede wszystkim u dzieci i młodzieży. W ówczesnej literaturze tego typu można wyróżnić dwa podstawowe nurty. Pierwszy to literatura dydaktyczno-moralna, zawierająca historie z życia zwierząt i ludzi, za pośrednictwem których promowano postawy opieki i troski o zwierzęta oraz ukazywano zalety i korzyści płynące z dobrego ich traktowania. Drugi to popularnonaukowa literatura przyrodnicza, w której zadanie upowszechniania wiedzy o życiu i zachowaniu zwierząt traktowano jednocześnie jako środek wychowawczej perswazji na rzecz niezadawania krzywdy zwierzętom

    Krytyka i obrona wiwisekcji w siedemnastym wieku

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    Experiments on animals have a long tradition, going back to ancient times. In modern times animal experiments, together with the sixteenth-century revival of anatomy, were increasingly used to explain the functioning of organs and accounting, to explain the difference between a living and a dead body and for advocating the idea of the pulmonary transit. However, it was only in the XVII century that extensive physiological research was carried out, including vivisection as a key element. Discoveries made in the 20s of the XVII century by William Harvey on blood flow as a closed circulation system, as well as by Gaspare Aselli on lymph vessels were possible because of numerous animal experiments. These experiments and the interpretation of their results became the subject of polemical debate – both on the reliability of results obtained in this way and on the ethics of the enterprise. This article is an attempt to describe these disputes.Eksperymenty na zwierzętach mają długą tradycję, sięgającą antyku. W czasach nowożytnych wraz z ożywieniem badań anatomicznych w XVI wieku zaczęto je wykorzystywać do wyjaśniania funkcji organów ciała, określenia różnicy pomiędzy ciałem żywym a martwym i obrony koncepcji krążenia płucnego krwi. Dopiero jednak w kolejnym stuleciu podjęto zakrojone na szeroką skalę badania z zakresu fizjologii, w których wiwisekcje stały się kluczowym elementem. Odkrycia dokonane w latach 20. XVII wieku przez Williama Harveya, układu krwionośnego jako zamkniętego układu cyrkulacyjnego, jak również przez Gaspare Aselliego, naczyń limfatycznych, zostały dokonane dzięki przeprowadzeniu licznych doświadczeń na zwierzętach. Eksperymenty te, jak i ich wyniki stały się przedmiotem polemik i debat, które dotyczyły zarówno kwestii wiarygodności uzyskanych w ten sposób danych, jak i etycznej strony przeprowadzonych badań. Artykuł jest próbą opisu tych sporów