4 research outputs found


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    The research goal is to model a system of choreographic training in techno-aesthetic kinds of sport. Materials and methods: systematization of scientific sources on the problem under study; method of pedagogical modeling. Results: In this paper, the scientific and methodological justification of the choreographic training system as a purposeful controlled process proceeds from the theory of general training of athletes. It ensures the unity of the stages and unites them into a continuous pedagogical process, makes it possible to consider choreographic training as an integral system with the prediction of choreographic preparedness control in evaluating the indicators of the component criteria; selection of choreographic instruments taking into account the levels of formation of criteria for choreographic preparedness; content and variational methodological support for choreographic training at various stages of multi-year training. Conclusions: a modelled system of choreographic training, which can simultaneously be considered as a separate independent element, and as a component of the general system of training of athletes

    Теоретико-методические основы хореографической подготовки в технико-эстетических видах спорта

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    Мета статті – змоделювати систему хореографічної підготовки в техніко-естетичних видах спорту. Матеріали й методи – систематизація наукових джерел із досліджуваної проблеми; метод педагогічного моделювання. Результати. У цій роботі науково-методичне обґрунтування системи хореографічної підготовки як цілеспрямованого керованого процесу виходить із теорії загальної підготовки спортсменів. Вона забезпечує єдність етапів та об’єднує їх у безперервний педагогічний процес, дає можливість розглядати хореографічну підготовку як цілісну систему з передбаченням контролю хореографічної підготовленості за оцінкою показників складників критеріїв; підбору хореографічних засобів з урахуванням рівнів сформованості критеріїв хореографічної підготовленості, змісту та варіативного методичного забезпеченням хореографічної підготовки на різних етапах багаторічної підготовки. Висновки. Змодельовано систему хореографічної підготовки, яка може одночасно розглядатися і як окремий самостійний елемент, і як складова частина загальної системи підготовки спортсменів.The research goal is to model a system of choreographic training in techno-aesthetic kinds of sport. Materials and methods: systematization of scientific sources on the problem under study; method of pedagogical modeling. Results: In this paper, the scientific and methodological justification of the choreographic training system as a purposeful controlled process proceeds from the theory of general training of athletes. It ensures the unity of the stages and unites them into a continuous pedagogical process, makes it possible to consider choreographic training as an integral system with the prediction of choreographic preparedness control in evaluating the indicators of the component criteria; selection of choreographic instruments taking into account the levels of formation of criteria for choreographic preparedness; content and variational methodological support for choreographic training at various stages of multi-year training. Conclusions: a modelled system of choreographic training, which can simultaneously be considered as a separate independent element, and as a component of the general system of training of athletes.Цель статьи – смоделировать систему хореографической подготовки в технико-эстетических видах спорта. Материалы и методы – систематизация научных источников по исследуемой проблеме; метод педагогического моделирования. Результаты. В данной работе научно-методическое обоснование системы хореографической подготовки как целенаправленного управляемого процесса исходит из теории общей подготовки спортсменов. Она обеспечивает единство этапов и объединяет их в непрерывный педагогический процесс, дает возможность рассматривать хореографическую подготовку как целостную систему с предвиденным контролем хореографической подготовленности по оценке показателей составляющих критериев; подбор хореографических средств с учетом уровней сформированности критериев хореографической подготовленности; содержанием и вариативным методическим обеспечением хореографической подготовки на различных этапах многолетней подготовки. Выводы. Смоделирована система хореографической подготовки, которая может одновременно рассматриваться и как отдельный самостоятельный элемент, и как составляющая общей системы подготовки спортсменов

    Effectiveness of yoga intervention enhanced by progressive muscular relaxation on pain in women after breast cancer surgery

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    Introduction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of yoga intervention enhanced by progressive muscular relaxation on pain in women after breast cancer surgery. Methods. Overall, 84 patients after Madden mastectomy were eligible for this study. After the exclusion of 7 women, 77 participants were randomly allocated to group A (n = 38), receiving progressive muscular relaxation and visualization exercises in addition to yoga intervention, and group B (n = 39), receiving yoga intervention only. McGill Pain Questionnaire and visual analogue scale were used to evaluate pain at baseline and after the 4-week intervention. Results. Most of the investigated pain characteristics in both studied groups steadily improved during the 4-week rehabilitation. However, the 4-week monitoring indicated that using progressive muscular relaxation and visualization exercises in addition to the yoga intervention was more effective for reducing self-reported pain in women after Madden mastectomy. The post-intervention level of pain reported in the visual analogue scale and present pain intensity were statistically lower in group A compared with group B by 0.99 points (p < 0.05) and 1.68 points (p < 0.05), respectively. Conclusions. Performing progressive muscular relaxation and visualization exercises in addition to yoga intervention helped reduce pain in women after Madden mastectomy

    Choreographic training in the sport aerobics

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    The research was conducted with the aim to check effectiveness of realization of qualification programs for choreographic training at the different stages of long-term development of the sport aerobic sportsmen. Materials and methods: pedagogic supervision, visual appraisal of choreographic preparedness of the training process participants. Methods of descriptive statistics; Shapiro-Wilk criteria; Student parametric criteria. Results: it was found that technical and esthetic component parameters of choreographic preparedness of experiment group (EG) of the sportsmen were increased by 37% and 33,8% respectively owing to exercises as per devised qualifying programs at the stage of initial training, by 29,4% and 44,5% at the stage of preliminary basic training, by 36,8% and 43,5% at the stage of specialized basic training. Conclusions: results of research illustrate that implementation of qualification programs of choreographic practice into sport aerobic training process improves choreographic preparedness criteria in all components and at different stages of the long-term betterment of the sport aerobic sportsmen