3 research outputs found

    Meteorological data forcasting of temperature and humidity mode of bricks

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    За результатами експериментального дослідження та статистичного аналізу метеорологічних даних розроблена методика визначення статистичних характеристик температури й ступеню насичення вологою пор поверхневого шару цегляних стін в заданих кліматичних умовах експлуатації. Based on the results of the experiment it is specified that the temperature of the surface layer of brick walls is close to the temperature of the air. Brick sorption humidity is linearly dependent on the relative humidity of air, averaged over half of the month. Statistical analysis of long-term observations of temperature and humidity of air in Kirovograd weather station confirmed the possibility of the probabilistic description of the climatic parameters in the form of quasi-stationary random processes. Ordinates temperature distributions are described by normal distribution law and those of relative humidity and degree of saturation of the pore ceramics with moisture sorption – by the sliced normal distribution law. It is established that the process of change of temperature and humidity in the winter months can be considered practically independent. We found the average annual variation and temperature conversions through zero degrees Celsius in different geographic regions of Ukraine, which can be regarded as the number of cycles of freezing and thawing of the surface layer of the brick walls. Working formulas to determine the statistical characteristics of the degree of the ceramics pore saturation with sorption moisture through the statistical characteristics of the random process of humidity changes of air were obtained. A large inertia of moisture exchange between the wall and the ambient air causes significant smoothing of random process changes of humidity. The obtained results and working formulas are an important element of forecasting methodology of brick walls durability on the criterion of frost resistance loss of the surface layer

    Regional rationing of air temperature for design of buildings of enterprises of Agricultural Engineering on the territory of Kirovograd region

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    За результатами метеорологічних спостережень визначені мінімальні розрахункові значення температури атмосферного повітря в холодний період року і виконано їх територіальне районування для Кіровоградської області. Objective: to establish settlement parameters of temperature of the atmospheric air, necessary for design of a heat-shielding cover of buildings, to present them in the form of cards of territorial division into districts of the Kirovograd area. By results of meteorological supervision the minimum calculated values of temperature of atmospheric air during the cold period of year are defined. These values depend on the period of repeatability considering service life of the building, and the interval of averaging of temperature considering thermal inertia of protecting designs. Maps of territorial division into districts of the Kirovograd area on the average annual air temperature, average temperature of July and January, and also on the characteristic values of temperature corresponding to the period of repeatability of 50 years and intervals of averaging of 1, 5 and 10 days are developed. The received results will allow to specify calculated values of air temperature for any settlements of area

    Розгляд особливостей динаміки менструального циклу у спортсменок юнацького віку, що займаються тенісом

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    В статье представлены результаты исследования, посвящённого изучению становления и динамики овариально-менструального цикла (ОМЦ) в выявленных половых соматотипах у спортсменок юношеского возраста, занимающихся теннисом. Установлено, что у 9 (75,00%) юных спортсменок, которые начали занятия спортом до наступления менархе, определено более позднее, чем в попу- ляции, наступление первой менструации. Помимо этого, было установлено, что сроки установления и стабилизации ОМЦ после менархе были пролонгированы в первую очередь у юных спортсменок, начавших занятия спортом до наступления первой менструации. Также у них были зафиксированы многочисленные, зачастую комбинированные нарушения овариально-менструального цикла в виде явлений гипоменструального синдрома или вторичной аменореи. Подобные проявления характерны для 4 (33,33%) спортсменок, у которых был определён андроморфный половой соматотип и у 6 (50,00%) с мезоморфным половым соматотипом. Спортсменок со вторичной аменореей было выявлено 3 (25,00%). Все они входят в группу теннисисток с выявленным андроморфным половым со- матотипом. Даже у 2 (16,67%) спортсменок с гинекоморфным половым соматотипом были определены разнообразные нарушения овариально-менструального цикла. This article presents the results of the study aimed at analysis of the development and dynamics of the ovarian-menstrual cycle in adolescent tennis player of different sex somatotypes. It has been found out that 9 (75.00%) young athletes, who started sports before the menarche, usually had their first monthly periods later than the population. Moreover, the study has shown the terms of the menarche in the adolescent tennis players, their beginning, development and normalization following the menarche are typically prolonged. The adolescent tennis players have been revealed to have combined failures of the ovarian-menstrual cycle manifested by hypomenstrual syndrome or secondary amenorrhea. Similar manifestations are characteristic for 4 (33,33%) female athletes who were to be of an andromorphic somatotype and for 6 (50.00%) girls of a mesomorphic sexual somatotype. 3 (25.00%) of the tennis players were revealed to have secondary amenorrhea. All of them belong to the group of athletes of the andromorphic sex somatotype. Even 2 (16.67%) female athletes of a gynecomorphic sex somatotype were found out to have various failures of the ovarian-menstrual cycle