Regional rationing of air temperature for design of buildings of enterprises of Agricultural Engineering on the territory of Kirovograd region


За результатами метеорологічних спостережень визначені мінімальні розрахункові значення температури атмосферного повітря в холодний період року і виконано їх територіальне районування для Кіровоградської області. Objective: to establish settlement parameters of temperature of the atmospheric air, necessary for design of a heat-shielding cover of buildings, to present them in the form of cards of territorial division into districts of the Kirovograd area. By results of meteorological supervision the minimum calculated values of temperature of atmospheric air during the cold period of year are defined. These values depend on the period of repeatability considering service life of the building, and the interval of averaging of temperature considering thermal inertia of protecting designs. Maps of territorial division into districts of the Kirovograd area on the average annual air temperature, average temperature of July and January, and also on the characteristic values of temperature corresponding to the period of repeatability of 50 years and intervals of averaging of 1, 5 and 10 days are developed. The received results will allow to specify calculated values of air temperature for any settlements of area

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