637 research outputs found

    Should We Flip the Script?: A Literature Review of Deficit-Based Perspectives on First-Year Undergraduate Students’ Information Literacy

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    This mixed method systematic review considers recent literature on the information literacy (IL) skills of first-year undergraduate students. The review uncovers the following themes: faculty and librarians perceive first-year students as lacking IL skills; students have varying perceptions of their IL skills; assessment studies yield conflicting findings on first-year students\u27 IL; communication between high school and college librarians is challenging; and some IL researchers emphasise and leverage first-year students\u27 prior knowledge and experience in IL instruction. These themes emerge from extensive searches in four research databases for scholarly and professional articles written in English within the past ten years. With the exception of a few articles, studies reviewed consistently express their findings in terms of students’ gaps or deficits. We question whether this is the most productive basis for developing effective IL programs. Instead, we call for further investigation of students’ existing knowledge and skills as a basis for implementing constructivist and strengths-based pedagogies

    Food marketing cooperatives of Crete: A financial assessment within the EU context

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    In this paper an estimate is made concerning the correlation between the prosperity and viability of food enterprises and the volume of fixed assets. The amount of investment in fixed assets refers to the volume of the food cooperative activities. Hence, it can be considered as a comprehensive indicator which shows the size and use orientation of enterprises. The financial activity results and efficiency of the cooperatives depend, in many respects, on investments in the floating funds and fixed assets, the size of investment in monetary units and materials and the optimum ratio between them. This paper provides a financial assessment and comparative analysis of the food marketing cooperatives, against the amount of the fixed assets they have. The main purpose of this research is to estimate the viability of food marketing cooperatives under competitive conditions in the agricultural sector and to evaluate the financial aspects of their activities in terms of the size of fixed assets. The research provides a brief overview of the European Union experience from the financial side of cooperative activities. But due to the huge size of the EU and the significant differences between the various countries, it is difficult to estimate the issue on a union scale. Instead, some general features are mentioned briefly with reference to Greek cooperation, with more specific and detailed data and analyses provided for several cooperatives located in Crete. Crete was chosen for this research because it is one of the largest food producing regions in Greece. The comparative analysis was carried out based on the data for four consecutive years (from 2003 to 2006). For the purpose of this study, cooperatives functioning in Crete were chosen. The aim of the current research was to determine the interdependence between the size of the fixed assets and the welfare of the cooperatives and to underline the optimum amount of assets for marketing cooperatives, based on the ranking of the enterprises. Keywords:food marketing cooperatives, fixed assets, financial ratio analysis, multicriteria analysis., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Innovating Peer Research Programs Together

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    This presentation provides details about two distinctive and unique peer learning programs at Gettysburg College and Millersville University. It also highlights how our collaboration sparked new initiatives to advance each of our peer research programs

    The content of antimicrobial proteins in children with respiratory tract inflammatory diseases

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    Background. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are often associated with impaired synthesis of antimicrobial peptides, whose representatives are defensins and lactoferrin (LF). The purpose of the study was to establish the concentrations of antimicrobial peptides in the oropharyngeal secretion and plasma in children with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Materials and methods. The study group included 111 children aged 4 to 17 years from orphanages. Сontent of antimicrobial proteins of LF, α-defensins 1–3 (human neutrophil peptides (HNP) 1–3), secretory immunoglobulin A in the oropharyngeal secretion, HNP 1–3 in the blood plasma, of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and -10 in the blood serum in children was measured by immunoassay. Results. Analysis of anamnestic data in somatically healthy children from orphanages showed the presence of 4 to 6 episodes of acute respiratory infections throughout the year, the duration of which averaged 5.3 ± 0.4 days. According to the results of the study, the content of α-defensins 1–3 in the blood plasma of the children of the control group was 3583.3 ± 735.4 pg/ml, while in the group of children with recurrent bronchitis, the HNP 1–3 level was almost twice higher — 6576.7 ± 602.8 pg/ml, p 0.05). Against this background, we observed more than 3-fold increase in the level of anti-inflammatory IL-10, which is a product of type 2 helper cells, responsible for the formation of a humoral antigen-specific immune response, — 4.42 ± 1.00 pg/ml vs 1.41 ± 0.59 pg/ml, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions. It was found that sickly children had been characterized by the changes of mucosal protection, low content of α-defensins 1–3 in oropharyngeal secretions. The revealed changes indicated the stress of the local defense mechanisms. The investigation has revealed that overproduction of HNP 1–3 in children with recurrent bronchitis against the background of the disturbed balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines could be one of the causes of recurrent forms of the respiratory tract infection. Актуальність. Запальні захворювання дихальних шляхів часто пов’язані з порушенням синтезу антимікробних пептидів, представниками яких є дефензини та лактоферин (ЛФ). Метою дослідження було встановлення концентрації антимікробних пептидів в орофарингеальному секреті та плазмі кровi в дітей iз запальними захворюваннями дихальних шляхів. Матеріали та методи. Досліджувана групи включала 111 дітей віком від 4 до 17 років із дитячих будинків. Уміст антимікробних білків ЛФ, α-дефензинів 1–3 (людські нейтрофільні пептиди (ЛНП) 1–3), секреторного імуноглобуліну A в ротоглотковому секреті, ЛНП 1–3 у плазмі крові, інтерлейкіну-6 (IЛ-6) та -10 у дітей визначали з використанням методу імуноферментного аналізу. Результати. Аналіз анамнестичних даних у соматично здорових дітей із дитячих будинків показав наявність від 4 до 6 епізодів гострих респіраторних інфекцій протягом року, тривалість яких становила в середньому 5,3 ± 0,4 дня. За результатами дослідження, уміст α-дефензинів 1–3 у плазмі крові дітей контрольної групи становив 3583,3 ± 735,4 пг/мл, тоді як у групі дітей iз рецидивуючим бронхітом рівень ЛНП 1–3 був майже вдвічі вищим — 6576,7 ± 602,8 пг/мл, р 0,05). На цьому тлі ми спостерігали збільшення більше ніж у 3 рази рівня протизапального ІЛ-10, що є продуктом клітин-помічників 2-го типу, якi відповідають за формування гуморальної антигенспецифічної імунної відповіді, — 4,42 ± 1,00 пг/мл проти 1,41 ± 0,59 пг/мл відповідно (p < 0,05). Висновки. Встановлено, що для дітей, якi часто хворіють, характерні зміни показників мукозального захисту, низький вміст α-дефензинів 1–3 в ротоглотковому секреті, що свідчить про напруження механізмів місцевого захисту. У результаті дослідження виявлено, що гіперпродукція ЛНП 1–3 в дітей, хворих на рецидивуючий бронхіт, на тлі порушеної рівноваги між про- і протизапальними цитокінами може бути однією з причин виникнення рецидивуючих форм інфекційного процесу респіраторного тракту

    The Reactivity of Mineral Dust and Soot Surfaces Towards NO2, SO2 and H2O in the Temperature Range 180 to 670 K

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    The chemistry of atmospheric aerosol surfaces is currently not well understood. Important remaining questions concern the modification of the aerosol surfaces during ageing, the removal of trace gases from the gas phase and the processing in the hydrological cycle. Mineral dust and soot have been chosen as typical heterogeneous surfaces, which are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, and the role of which is still not very well understood. In this work these surfaces have been characterized in terms of two important issues: Hydrophilicity of atmospheric surfaces: Hydrophilicity is a critical but difficult to quantify parameter, characterizing the possibility of aerosol particles to act as cloud/ice condensation nuclei. Therefore, adsorption and desorption rates together with the amount of water adsorbed, are important parameters in the assessment of the hydrophilicity. Regarding this issue we have studied the interaction of mineral dust and kerosene soot surfaces with water vapour in the temperature interval 203 K < T < 298 K using a Knudsen cell reactor. A comparison of the uptake kinetics and adsorption enthalpies of water on mineral dust and soot leads to the conclusion that water is interacting with mineral dust much stronger than with soot. In terms of the hydrophilicity concept the results suggest, that mineral dust may be regarded as hydrophilic whereas soot is hydrophobic and that fundamental kinetic and thermo-chemical parameters may be used to quantify this concept. Reactivity of atmospheric surfaces: We have investigated two different types of soot samples (kerosene and ethene) and their behaviour towards NO2 and SO2 (as typical atmospheric pollutants) in a wide temperature interval between 180 K < T < 670 K. It has been found that under these conditions SO2 undergoes only reversible adsorption/desorption on the surface, whereas for temperatures above 300 K NO2 adsorbs irreversibly on the surface and reacts further leading to the formation of NO and HONO as gas phase products with strongly temperature dependent yields. Complementary, for temperatures above 470 K, the formation of CO2 as gas phase product is observed. For the mechanistic interpretation of the reaction we have found that NO2 adsorbs irreversibly on the surface, followed by further formation of HONO or reduction to NO (depending on temperature). Additionally, due to the reduction to NO, a new oxidised surface site is formed at higher temperatures, which releases CO2 into the gas phase, indicating the ability of NO2 to oxidize the soot sample followed by the consumption of soot

    Historical Review of Ethnopharmacology in Karelia (1850s–2020s): Herbs and healers

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: The traditional medicine of various peoples populating Russia is strongly underrepresented in the international anthropological literature. In addition, it has a multicomponent structure, a long history of relations with official medicine, and is still a living system with many people using folk remedies and visiting ritual specialists. Aim of the study: The article is a review of folk medicine in Karelia (north-west part of Russia) providing a short description of the history of medicine in this region and a comparison of folk medicine among Karelians and Russians. Materials and methods: The review analyzes and systematizes published and unpublished sources related to the main remedies used by the local populations – plants, animal products, minerals, etc. – from the 1850s–2000s, tracking the main tendencies in publications about the folk medicine of Karelians and Russians of Karelia. Results: A total of 104 medicinal plants belonging to 46 families were mentioned as medicinal. In total, they represented 386 uses which demonstrate the leading role of plant remedies in the folk medicine of Karelia. The plant species with the most uses were Betula sp., Plantago sp., Rubus idaeus, Viburnum opulus, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Daphne mezereum. Medicinal uses of other origins had more modest numbers: animal remedies included 146 uses, and mineral ones 43 uses. Among animal-based remedies, physiological discharges of the human body were the most popular; fish oil and bear body parts were the most used from the wild, while from the household various components of cows, horses, and dogs were used. Animal remedies were mostly used for healing furuncles, scrofula, frostbite, hernia, and lanugo. The most diversely used mineral remedy was salt. Conclusions: Karelians and Russians are very disproportionally represented in the literature due to the lack of interest in the folk medicine of Russians in Karelia, in contrast to that of Karelians. The disparity does not allow adequate comparison, but nonetheless the available data demonstrate that the remedies shared by both ethnic groups are quite few. The review also contributes to research on the relationship of folk medicine and various state institutions in Russia/the Soviet Union

    Дослідження виноградних і плодово-ягідних вин та виявлення їх фальсифікації

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    Grape and fruit and berry wines were studied in order to detect signs of their falsification by adding synthetic dyes. It is noted that in the process of analysis (examination) of unknown &nbsp;liquids provided for research, specialists must first of all establish the nature of such objects. It is possible to find out only after identifying the spectrum of features characteristic of the object in its actual state. The list of organic acids, which are components of grape and fruit and berry wines, was established experimentally; the possibility of determining organic acids in the analyzed samples was proven; signs of falsification of wines with the addition of dyes were given and methods of their detection were proposed. One of the cornerstone requirements for forensic examination is the mandatory confirmation of the results of analysis by at least two reliable methods, therefore, in the proposed scientific research, options for the study of some synthetic dyes using methods of thin- layer chromatography, IR spectroscopy and the addition of alkaline solutions are considered. It was established that the set of specific organic acids in grape and fruit and berry wines, which can be detected using the chromatography method, makes it possible to use them as differential signs in the process of establishing the nature of the wine. Samples of real grape wines are marked by a high concentration of tartaric acid, which is present only in grape products. It has been proven that the set of methods for studying grape and fruit and berry wines, aimed at determining the presence and identification of synthetic dyes, makes it possible to answer the questions posed by the examination on the falsification of winemaking products by coloring.Досліджено виноградні та плодово-ягідні вина з метою виявити ознаки їх фальсифікації шляхом додавання синтетичних барвників. Зазначено, що у процесі аналізування (експертизи) невідомих рідин, наданих на дослідження, фахівцям насамперед необхідно встановити природу таких об’єктів. З’ясувати це можливо тільки після виявлення спектра ознак, характерних для об’єкта в реальному стані. Дослідним шляхом установлено перелік органічних кислот, що є складовими виноградних і плодово-ягідних вин; доведено можливість визначення органічних кислот в аналізованих зразках; наведено ознаки фальсифікації вин за допомогою додавання барвників і запропоновано методи їх виявлення. Одна з наріжних вимог до судової експертизи — обов’язкове підтвердження результатів аналізу не менш ніж двома достовірними методами, тому в запропонованій науковій праці розглянуто варіанти дослідження деяких синтетичних барвників із застосуванням методів тонкошарової хроматографії, ІЧ-спектроскопії та додаванням лужних розчинів. Констатовано, що сукупність конкретних органічних кислот у виноградних і плодово-ягідних винах, які можна виявити за допомогою методу хроматографії, дає змогу використовувати їх як диференційні ознаки у процесі встановлення природи вина. Зразки справжніх виноградних вин відзначено високою концентрацією винної кислоти, наявної лише у виноградній продукції. Доведено, що комплекс методів дослідження виноградних і плодово-ягідних вин, спрямованих на визначення наявності й ідентифікацію синтетичних барвників, дає змогу відповісти на питання, поставлені на вирішення експертизи про фальсифікацію продуктів виноробства шляхом забарвлення


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    Relevance of the research. Winter wheat is considered to be a leading cereal crop. One of the area of stabilizing this crop production is to intensify its cultivation on the drained soils of Polissya. Due to the changes in external factors (global and regional climate change, soils, etc.) and technology, the question of modeling the process of crop productivity formation remains relevant. Objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of climate change (increase of average air temperature) on the winter wheat yield on the drained lands of Western Polissya when applying different fertilizer systems. Research methodology. The research was conducted in a stationary long-term field experiment of the Volyn State Agricultural Research Station of NAAS. The following fertilizer systems were investigated: control (without fertilizers); organic fertilizer – green manure crop; mineral fertilizer - N60P60K60 + lime; organic-mineral fertilizer - N60P60K60 + green manure crop + lime. In the course of the study, a systematic analysis of long-term results of field experiments and meteorological observations using mathematical and statistical methods, correlation and regression analysis were used. Research results. The coefficient of yield variation over the years of research on a variant without fertilizers reached 27%, against 19% for the organic-mineral fertilizer system. Applying the fertilizers helped to reduce the variability of winter wheat yield by 19 - 23%. Correlation analysis of winter wheat yields in view of the average air temperature of the early spring period (from the second decade of February to the first decade of April) was 0.85. Low air temperatures in this period indicate the late dates of the beginning of spring crop vegetation, which negatively affected wheat productivity. Relatively high temperatures contribute to earlier spring processes and, accordingly, positively affected the yield formation. The correlation coefficient of the average air temperature and wheat yield in the spring-summer period (second decade of April - the second decade of July) was - 0.71. Conclusions. The highest efficiency on sod-podzoliс drained soils is provided by applying organic-mineral fertilizer system. The average wheat grain yield when applying this fertilizer system was 5,7 ton per hectare (+ 38% over control). The application of balanced fertilizer systems reduces the amplitude of grain yield fluctuations from 27% to 19%. The temperature regime in the period from the 2nd decade of February – till the 1t decade of April has a significant effect on the yield of winter wheat grains. Having the average temperatures over 5оC, yields increased by 1-1,5 ton per hectare, and on the contrary, rise of average temperatures in the spring-summer period more than 16оC significantly reduced this index. The established mathematical dependences enabled to estimate the projected winter wheat yield by the analysis of the temperature regime over the years. The conducted research and established features make it possible to calculate the projected winter wheat yields by the temperature regime of the period from the end of February till the beginning of April. The study of the interrelation between the crop productivity and the combined action of temperature and water regime is supposed to be the next stage of the research.У статті висвітлена комплексна оцінка ефективності різних систем удобрення при вирощуванні пшениці озимої в зерно-кормовій сівозміні на дерново-підзолистих осушуваних ґрунтах Волинського Полісся в умовах змін клімату. Даний підхід передбачає оцінку продуктивності пшениці озимої, як за ефективністю добрив, так і за впливом особливостей агрометеорологічних умов вегетаційного періоду. Результати аналізу засвідчили, що найвищий ефект, за впливом на рівень врожайності пшениці озимої, забезпечує органо-мінеральна система удобрення в комплексі з вапнуванням. Дана система удобрення в середньому забезпечує продуктивність пшениці на рівні 5,6 т/га, що на 8% перевищує ефект від мінеральних добрив. Аналіз динаміки врожайності по роках свідчить, що застосування збалансованих систем удобрення на 3% знижує щорічні коливання врожайності. Оцінка впливу метеорологічних умов(середньої температури повітря) вегетаційного періоду засвідчила, що найвищий статистичний зв'язок відмічається між рівнем продуктивності пшениці озимої на варіанті без внесення добрив і термічними режимами ранньовесняного (r=0,85) та весняно-літнього періодів (r=-0,71). Середні температури ранньовесняного періоду більше 5оС сприяють більш раннім термінам початку весняних процесів та збільшенню рівня врожайності пшениці озимої на 1-1,5 т/га. Підвищення середніх температур весняно-літнього періоду з 15,5оС на 1,5оС навпаки знижує рівень врожайності на 1,5 т/га.. На основі встановлених закономірностей опрацьовано математичні залежності формування врожайності пшениці озимої від температурного режиму вегетаційного періоду. Кількісна комплексна оцінка впливу вищезазначених факторів дозволяє визначити можливий потенціал продуктивності пшениці озимої з урахуванням забезпечення її елементами живлення та температурним режимом окремих періодів її вегетації