183 research outputs found

    Blended learning technologies in the automotive industry specialists' training

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    © 2018 IEEE. Today, business requires engineers with sufficient level of professionalism that mean not only high qualification, but also that students must be able to use personal, interpersonal and system competences in professional sphere. Therefore the system of engineering education in the 21st century should embrace the innovative principles, methods and teaching technologies. The analysis of applied forms of education shows that Blended Learning has advantages over traditional learning and E-Learning. For its successful implementation an intelligent learning environment, including such technologies, as gamification, virtual and augmented reality, has to be created. The specific feature of proposed approach is to use such modeling environment and software tools for education process, which are applied at manufacturing site as well as allow to model the systems, with which the future engineer will work in practices. Examples of interaction between Kazan Federal University and the Public Corporation 'KAMAZ' in engineers training are presented

    Improving Reliability Through the Product's Life Cycle Management

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    © 2018 IEEE. Each manufacturer is responsible for his product from the beginning of design and development to disposal. Thus, it is important to understand the interconnection between all stages of the life cycle and to develop management considering this. Production and service systems can be connected by logistics system and through creation of the integrated information space. Authors propose the concept of decision support system to organize the interaction of production, service and logistics with simulation models as the intelligent heart. Simulation model of spare parts supply optimization as well as the simulation model of internal logistics management are considered

    Ensuring Sustainability of Public Transport System through Rational Management

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    © 2017 The Authors. This paper presents a research of possibility to improve sustainability of public transport system in the city by implementation of management system. Test of proposed method was done using the example of Naberezhnye Chelny. Conceptual model of system as well as interaction scheme of its program modules were shown. The composite indicator to assess system efficiency was proposed. An information-logical model of data as well as process of scientifically based decision making in the sphere of urban public transport routing were described. Such routing approach requires actual information about traffic flows on the city roads and, in the same time, takes into account the minimization of negative environmental impact while keeping index of population mobility

    Використання рухового тесту для оцінки ефективності фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності студентів вищих навчальних закладів

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    The study objective is to evaluate the possibility of using screening methods for determining the effectiveness of health and fitness activities of students in higher education institutions. Materials and methods. The participants in the experiment were 37 first-year students (17 boys and 20 girls) of the School of History of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The experiment lasted during the fall semester. Using the Framingham method for analyzing weekly timing, the study conducted a survey among the students on their level of motor activity and performed a functional movement screen testing. To tentatively evaluate the cause and effect relationship between the level of motor activity and the occurrence of a pathological movement pattern, the study used the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The characteristics between the groups were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney test for comparing the distribution of ordinal variables. Results. The correlation analysis showed that the first-year students’ motor activity was positively related to the results of functional movement screening (R=+0.69, p< 0.05). At the same time, the students (EG1) who mainly had a high level of physical activity at physical education classes showed low values of functional movement evaluation, compared to the students (EG2) participating in extra-curricular physical activity. In EG1, the overall screening score was 10.3±0.7, in EG2 — 14.2±0.9 (p<0.05). Conclusions. The students with insufficient weekly motor activity had risk values of the test (10.3±0.7), which requires further analysis of the causes of a pathological movement pattern. The study results have confirmed the existence of the relationship between motor activity indicators and functional movement evaluation (R=+0.69, p<0.05). This provides a way to use the screening method of determining motor competence for the effectiveness evaluation of health and fitness programs, but further research is needed.Цель исследования: оценка возможности использования скрининговых методов для определения эффективности физкультурно-оздоровительной деятельности среди студентов в высшем учебном заведении. Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением находилось 37 студентов (17 юношей и 20 девушек) первого курса исторического факультета ХНПУ имени Г.С. Сковороды. Исследование проводилось в период осеннего семестра. По Фреймингемской методике анализа недельного хронометража проведено анкетирование студентов относительно их уровня двигательной активности и тестирование функциональной оценки движений (Functional movement screen). Для ориентировочной оценки причинно-следственной связи между уровнем двигательной активности и возникновением патологического двигательного стереотипа был использован ранговый коэффициент корреляции Спирмена. Характеристики между группами сравнивались с использованием теста Манна-Уитни для сравнения распределения порядковых переменных. Результаты. Корреляционный анализ показал, что двигательная активность студентов первого курса имела положительную связь с результатами скрининга функциональной оценки движений (R=+0,69, p<0,05). При этом студенты (ЭГ1), у которых высокая физическая активность была преимущественно на парах по физическому воспитанию имели низкие значения функциональной оценки движений (FMS), по сравнению со студентами (ЭГ2), которые имели дополнительные внеаудиторные виды физической активности. В ЭГ1 комплексная балльная оценка FMS составляла 10,3±0,7 у.е., в ЭГ2 – 14,2±0,9 у.е. (р<0,05). Выводы. Студенты с недостаточным недельным уровнем высокой двигательной активности имели рисковые значения теста FMS (10,3±0,7 у.е.), что требует дальнейшего анализа причин патологического двигательного стереотипа. Результаты исследования подтверждают наличие взаимосвязи показателей двигательной активности и функциональной оценки движений (R = + 0,69, p<0,05), что дает возможность использовать скрининговый метод определения двигательной компетентности для оценки эффективности физкультурно-оздоровительных программ, но требуются дальнейшие исследования в динамике.Мета дослідження: оцінка можливості використання скринінгових методів для визначення ефективності фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності студентів у вищому закладі освіти. Матеріали і методи. Під спостереженням знаходилося 37 студентів (17 хлопців та 20 дівчат) першого курсу історичного факультету ХНПУ імені Г.С. Сковороди. Дослідження тривало протягом осіннього семестру. За Фреймінгемською методикою аналізу тижневого хронометражу проведено анкетування студентів відносно їхнього рівня рухової активності та тестування функціонального скринінгу рухів (Functional movement screen). Для орієнтовної оцінки причинно-наслідкового зв’язку між рівнем рухової активності та виникненням патологічного рухового стереотипу було використано ранговий коефіцієнт кореляції Спірмена. Характеристики між групами порівнювалися з використанням тесту Манна-Уїтні для порівняння розподілу порядкових змінних. Результати. Кореляційний аналіз показав, що рухова активність студентів першого курсу мала позитивний зв’язок з результатами скринінгу функціональної оцінки рухів (R=+0,69, p<0,05). При цьому студенти (ДГ1), які мали високу фізичну активність переважно на парах з фізичного виховання мали низькі значення функціональної оцінки рухів, порівняно зі студентами (ДГ2), які мали додаткові позанавчальні види фізичної активності. У ДГ1 комплексна бальна оцінка скринінгу складала 10,3±0,7 ум.од., у ДГ2 – 14,2±0,9 ум.од. (p<0,05). Висновки. Студенти з недостатнім тижневим рівнем високої рухової активності мали ризикові значення тесту (10,3±0,7 ум.од.), що потребує подальшого аналізу причин патологічного рухового стереотипу. Результати дослідження підтверджують наявність взаємозв’язку показників рухової активності та функціональної оцінки рухів (R=+0,69, p<0,05), що надає можливість використовувати скринінговий метод визначення рухової компетентності для оцінки ефективності фізкультурно-оздоровчих програм, але потрібні подальші дослідження у динаміці

    Using Movement Test to Evaluate Effectiveness of Health and Fitness Activities of Students in Higher Education Institutions

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    The study objective is to evaluate the possibility of using screening methods for determining the effectiveness of health and fitness activities of students in higher education institutions. Materials and methods. The participants in the experiment were 37 first-year students (17 boys and 20 girls) of the School of History of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The experiment lasted during the fall semester. Using the Framingham method for analyzing weekly timing, the study conducted a survey among the students on their level of motor activity and performed a functional movement screen testing. To tentatively evaluate the cause and effect relationship between the level of motor activity and the occurrence of a pathological movement pattern, the study used the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The characteristics between the groups were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney test for comparing the distribution of ordinal variables. Results. The correlation analysis showed that the first-year students’ motor activity was positively related to the results of functional movement screening (R=+0.69, p< 0.05). At the same time, the students (EG1) who mainly had a high level of physical activity at physical education classes showed low values of functional movement evaluation, compared to the students (EG2) participating in extra-curricular physical activity. In EG1, the overall screening score was 10.3±0.7, in EG2 — 14.2±0.9 (p<0.05). Conclusions. The students with insufficient weekly motor activity had risk values of the test (10.3±0.7), which requires further analysis of the causes of a pathological movement pattern. The study results have confirmed the existence of the relationship between motor activity indicators and functional movement evaluation (R=+0.69, p<0.05). This provides a way to use the screening method of determining motor competence for the effectiveness evaluation of health and fitness programs, but further research is needed

    Logistical Costs Minimization for Delivery of Shot Lots by using Logistical Information Systems

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    © 2017 The Authors. The article considers the possibility to reduce logistical costs using optimization of the supply chain management with the help of a decision support system. It was shown that the implementation of such systems at the transport companies allows to choose the best available options of transport route and mean of transport. It concerns in the first instance enterprises, which have an extensive dealer network and focus on deliveries of shot lots on delivery routes. The developed algorithm to make a reasonable management decision concerning the choice of route and delivery schedule gives an opportunity to manage optimally a vehicle fleet and to reduce idle runs. The optimization of delivery routes is based on the minimization of fleet usage, their total run and standing time as well as takes into account traffic intensities on road sections. It allows also to reduce transport load on the road network, which leads to improve ecological situation in the city. The model for the city of NaberezhnyeChelny was built and tested within the scope of research. Its implementation gives a possibility to correct proposed routes in such a way as to avoid "problem" parts of road network

    An integrated platform for blended learning in engineering education

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    © 2017 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved. Educational system under development of technique and emergence of new technologies faces a problem of specialists' competence, who should design, produce, maintain new technique and use advanced technologies. The analysis of applied forms of education shows that blended learning has advantages over traditional learning and e-learning. For its successful implementation the unified informational educational platform that allows developing educational content, managing the learning process and giving the opportunity of virtual communication is required. The introduction of such advanced educational technologies like a virtual and augmented reality, simulation and gamification will enhance quality of specialists' training. The use of real-world experience of leading enterprises of an automobile industry, as well as the student's evaluation system based on the objective parameters are the main advantages of a proposed concept. At this stage, the development of the module of monitoring the learning process is proceeding

    Ways to Increase Population Mobility through the Transition to Sustainable Transport

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Ways to increase sustainability of the city transport system and, particularly, measures to promote safe public transport and non-motorized means of transport are considered in the article. Analysis of the existing positive experience shows that complex decisions for a sustainable development of the urban transport system are necessary. Technical and organizational ways to increase sustainability and safety of the transport system are studied. The results of solution for separate tasks, which are aimed to meet the goal, are presented: they include definition of transport preferences for the citizens of Naberezhnye Chelny and a model of an adaptive smart-bicycle. It is shown that the reasonable combination of public transport and non-motorized transport systems for strategic and operational management will help to enhance efficiency and safety of transport system

    Smart-bike as one of the ways to ensure sustainable mobility in smart cities

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    © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2017. Ensuring sustainable urban mobility is based on the rational management of transportation system. This involves the infrastructure development and design of vehicles equipped with intelligent modules, which provide the control ability. The widespread use of environmentally friendly bicycles is constrained by a number of reasons. One of them is the absence of models designed for physically untrained people. This paper proposes the concept of the smart-bike control system, which was developed to help cyclist in the situations, when the values of his/her physical condition as well as parameters of environment are critical. Prototypes of the proposed system were tested in the laboratory environment

    Automotive enterprises flow production improvement based on the management process intellectualization

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    © 2018 IEEE. The analysis of optimization methods of the flow organization of technological assembly processes, shows that the problem should be solved in a complex manner. The scheme of interaction of decision support system (DSS) modules for the automotive enterprise is presented. The simulation model of the process of installing a pre-starting liquid engine heater (PLEH) is developed. The adequacy assessment of the developed simulation model is carried out based on the average values of the model and system responses. The optimization of the simulation model based on the number of distributed workers in positions is made. The average installation time of one PLEH decreased by 12%, the maximum time - by 9.5%