18 research outputs found

    Using our own developed stent in the palliative treatment of obstruction in the left half of the colon due to ovarian cancer

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    Objectives: An assessment of implantation efficacy and safety of self-developed self-expanding stent in patients with an ovarian cancer induced by intestinal obstruction. Material and methods: The study of the stenting efficacy and safety was realized prospectively. The group consisted of 13 patients with left half colon obstruction due to an inoperable metastatic ovarian carcinoma. All the patients had a histopathologically diagnosed ovarian carcinoma and were treated in the past both surgically and systemically. Stenting was preceded by a Computed Tomography (CT) scan confirming and locating the obstruction. Patients with a multilevel intestinal obstruction were disqualified. Results: Nine stents were implanted in the rectosigmoid; 4 stents were implanted in an externally compressed rectum. One migration of implanted stent was observed. In one case 2 stents were implanted due to an insufficient coverage of the stricture. The decompression of the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract was achieved in 11 patients (85%). Conclusions: 1) The implantation of our own developed, self-expanding stent is effective and safe. 2) The implantation of the stent in patients with an inoperable ovarian cancer causing an obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract is an effective procedure limiting postoperative complications and improving life comfort by avoiding stoma

    DIY Methods 2022 Conference Proceedings

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    As the past years have proven, the methods for conducting and distributing research that we’ve inherited from our disciplinary traditions can be remarkably brittle in the face of rapidly changing social and mobility norms. The ways we work and the ways we meet are questions newly opened for practical and theoretical inquiry; we both need to solve real problems in our daily lives and account for the constitutive effects of these solutions on the character of the knowledge we produce. Methods are not neutral tools, and nor are they fixed ones. As such, the work of inventing, repairing, and hacking methods is a necessary, if often underexplored, part of the wider research process. This conference aims to better interrogate and celebrate such experiments with method. Borrowing from the spirit and circuits of exchange in earlier DIY cultures, it takes the form of a zine ring distributed via postal mail. Participants will craft zines describing methodological experiments and/or how-to guides, which the conference organisers will subsequently mail out to all participants. Feedback on conference proceedings will also proceed through the mail, as well as via an optional Twitter hashtag. The conference itself is thus an experiment with different temporalities and medialities of research exchange. As a practical benefit, this format guarantees that the experience will be free of Zoom fatigue, timezone difficulties, travel expenses, and visa headaches. More generatively, it may also afford slower thinking, richer aesthetic possibilities, more diverse forms of circulation, and perhaps even some amount of delight. The conference format itself is part of the DIY experiment

    Hospital rehabilitation in patients after brain tumor operation

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    Brain tumors are a significant cause of dysfunction of the central nervous system. In most cases, the treatment includes surgery. The neoplastic process along with surgical trauma can cause profound neurological disorders. The reversibility of these disorders, in addition to the nature of damage to the nervous system depends on the effectiveness of rehabilitation. The aim of the paper is to show the current state of knowledge about such treatment. Factors that determine the outcome of the implemented therapy were determined. General assumptions about patient rehabilitation after brain tumor surgery and treatment in the early postoperative phase were discussed. The bases of physiotherapy and methods of its implementation were presented. The importance of occupational therapy and psychotherapy was also shown.Guzy mózgu stanowią istotną przyczynę zaburzeń funkcji ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. W większości przypadków ich leczenie obejmuje zabieg operacyjny. Toczący się proces nowotworowy i nakładający się na niego uraz operacyjny mogą wywołać głębokie zaburzenia neurologiczne. Odwracalność tych zaburzeń, poza charakterem uszkodzenia struktur układu nerwowego zależy od skuteczności leczenia rehabilitacyjnego. Celem pracy jest ukazanie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat takiego leczenia. Wyodrębniono czynniki wpływające na wynik wdrożonej terapii. Omówiono ogólne założenia rehabilitacji chorego po operacji guza mózgu oraz postępowanie we wczesnej fazie pooperacyjnej. Przedstawiono podstawy kinezyterapii oraz metody jej realizacji. Ukazano też znaczenie terapii zajęciowej oraz psychoterapii

    Local Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common metabolic diseases. The most serious complication of diabetes is diabetic foot ulcer, which affects several million people around the world each year. In recent years, increasingly modern methods of physical medicine including hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been used often in the complex therapy of this complication. Methods: This study included 45 patients, 24 male (53.3%) and 21 female (46.6%), whose age was between 49 and 83 years (mean age: 66.7 ± 8.8 years) with diabetes lasting for 1.5–18 years, who underwent local hyperbaric oxygen therapy at the pressure of 2.5 ATA (30 exposures for 30 min each) due to diabetic foot ulcers. The progress in wound healing before and after the end of therapy was evaluated by computerized planimetry, and the pain intensity was assessed with the use of a VAS. Results: The analysis of results showed a statistically significant reduction in the wound surface area after the treatment, from 8.54 ± 3.34 cm to 4.23 ± 3.23 cm² (p = 0.000001). In 5 patients (11.1%), the wounds were healed completely. In 25 patients (55.5%), the topical state of the wound surface was significantly decreased by 50% on average. There was also a significant reduction in the perceived pain on the VAS in all examined patients from 4.64 ± 1.68 points before treatment to 1.51 ± 0.92 points after treatment (p = 0.000001). Conclusions: The application of local HBO therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers accelerates the ulcer healing process, as judged in objective planimetric assessment, and reduces the intensity of perceived pain ailments

    Scope of spine movement during the cognitive – motor movement therapy in virtual reality in patients rehabilitation with selected central nervous system damages – preliminary results

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    Uszkodzenia ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) wiążą się z upośledzeniem określonych funkcji poznawczo – ruchowych w organizmie człowieka. Następstwa uszkodzenia mózgu mogą objawiać się czasową bądź trwałą niepełnosprawnością i/lub ograniczeniami neurobehawioralnymi. Poszukiwanie nowych metod diagnostyki i rehabilitacji OUN często prowadzi do wykorzystania Technologii Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości. Terapia wirtualna jest interaktywna w czasie rzeczywistym i pozwala na ruch w trzech wymiarach. Celem pracy była ocena ilościowa i jakościowa zakresów ruchomości wybranych odcinków kręgosłupa podczas wykonywania ćwiczeń ruchowo-poznawczych w wirtualnej rzeczywistości. Badania przeprowadzono z udziałem 5 osób z uszkodzeniami OUN, które poddano 2-tygodniowej rehabilitacji. Oceny terapii dokonano na podstawie zmian ruchomości poszczególnych odcinków kręgosłupa przed i po terapii. Wyniki potwierdzają nowe możliwości diagnostyczne tradycyjnej terapii połączonej z Technologią Wirtualnej Rzeczywistości.Central nervous system (CNS) damage is associated with the impairment of certain cognitive - motor functions in the human body. The consequences of brain damage can be manifested by temporary or permanent disability and / or neurobehavioral restrictions. The search for new methods of CNS diagnostics and rehabilitation often leads to the use of Virtual Reality Technologies. Virtual therapy is interactive in real time and allows traffic in three dimensions. The aim of the study was the quantitative and qualitative assessment of ranges of mobility of selected spinal segments during exercise and cognitive exercises in virtual reality. The research was carried out with the participation of 5 people with CNS damage, which underwent 2-week rehabilitation. The assessment of therapy was made on the basis of changes in the mobility of individual spine sections before and after therapy. The results confirm the new diagnostic possibilities of traditional therapy combined with the Virtual Reality Technology