20 research outputs found

    Interaction of glycophorin A with lectins as measured by surface plasmon resonance (SPR).

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    Glycophorin A (GPA), the major sialoglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membrane, was isolated from erythrocytes of healthy individuals of blood groups A, B and O using phenol-water extraction of erythrocyte membranes. Interaction of individual GPA samples with three lectins (Psathyrella velutina lectin, PVL; Triticum vulgaris lectin, WGA and Sambucus nigra I agglutinin SNA-I) was analyzed using a BIAcoreTM biosensor equipped with a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detector. The experiments showed no substantial differences in the interaction between native and desialylated GPA samples originating from erythrocytes of either blood group and each of the lectins. Desialylated samples reacted weaker than the native ones with all three lectins. PVL reacted about 50-fold more strongly than WGA which, similar to PVL, recognizes GlcNAc and Neu5Ac residues. SNA-I lectin, recognizing α2-6 linked Neu5Ac residues, showed relatively weak reaction with native and only residual reaction with desialylated GPA samples. The data obtained show that SPR is a valuable method to determine interaction of glycoproteins with lectins, which potentially can be used to detect differences in the carbohydrate moiety of individual glycoprotein samples

    Vulvodynia as a pain syndrome associated with the pelvic floor muscles dysfunction

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    Vulvodynia is a chronic pain syndrome occurring in 5–13% of women. It persists at least 3–6 months. The symptoms may affect the vulva, vagina, anus and even the buttocks, of different intensification and location. The pain can also be continuous or intermittent, poorly localized by the patient (unprovoked vulvodynia), can occur in response to touching (provoked vulvodynia) and may be associated with sexual activity (dyspareunia). Vulvodynia is a rarely diagnosed condition because of the low knowledge of health care providers, unexplained etiology and the difficulties in distin-guishing it from other vulvovaginal pathologies. There are many factors producing vulvar symptoms, but in 80% of vulvodynia women, pelvic floor muscle instability or hyperactivity are found primarily or secondarily (Overactive Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction). These are two potential mechanisms of sensitization and pain caused by pelvic floor muscle overactivity: hypoxia and trigger points in muscle, fascia and ligament tissue. The exclusion of vulvovag-inal diseases (e.g. sexually transmitted diseses), dermatological, neurological disorders, orthopedic and rheumatologic or oncologic conditions, even allergic reactions, is crucial for diagnosis because vulvodynia is diagnosed from exclusion. In this work the etiology, classification and the most common vulvodynia method treatment were introduced.Wulwodynia (łac. vulva – srom) to przewlekły zespół bólowy, występujący u 5–13% kobiet, trwający minimum 3–6 miesięcy. Dolegliwości mogą obejmować srom, pochwę, odbyt, a nawet pośladki. Ból bywa różnie nasilony i miewa różną, czasem niedokładnie określoną lokalizację (wulwodynia nieprowokowana). Jeśli dolegliwości pojawiają się w odpowiedzi na dotyk, określane są jako wulwodynia prowokowana i zazwyczaj związane są z aktywnością seksualną (dyspareunia). Wulwodynia jest rzadko rozpoznawana z powodu niewielkiej wiedzy na jej temat, niejasnej etiologii oraz trudności w różnicowaniu z innymi chorobami obejmującymi pochwę i srom. Istnieje wiele czynników mogących powodować dolegliwości, jednak u 80% kobiet pierwotnie lub wtórnie występują niestabilność i wzmożone napięcie mięśni dna miednicy. Istnieją dwa potencjalne mechanizmy, przez które nadmierna aktywacja mięśni powoduje sensytyzację (nadmierną wrażliwość na bodziec) i ból. Jest to niedotlenienie mięśni i obecność punktów spustowych (trigger points) w tkance mięśniowej, podwięziach i więzadłach. Ważnym elementem diagnozy jest wyeliminowanie chorób sromu i pochwy, np. przenoszonych drogą płciową, chorób skóry, chorób neurologicznych, ortopedycznych i reumatologicznych, nowotworów czy reakcji alergicznych. Wulwodynia jest chorobą z wykluczenia innych przyczyn powodujących ból sromu. W pracy przedstawiono etiologię, klasyfikację oraz najczęstsze metody leczenia wulvodynii

    Preliminary report on unique laminated holocene sediments from the Garun Lake in Egypt

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    The Lake Qarun (Faiyum Oasis, northern Egypt) is a relic of the much larger Holocene lake. Past lake levels and extensions were reconstructed, based on setting of archaeological sites scattered along northern paleoshores of the ancient lake. However, geoarcheological works did not yield enough data to establish continuous environmental history of the lake. A deep drilling FA-1 on the southeastern shore of the lake, performed in 2014, supplied with a core, 26 m long that is the one of the longest lake sediment cores in northeastern Africa. The basal section of the core consisted of thin-laminated diatom marly deposits, underlain at the Late Pleistocene/Holocene boundary by coarse-grained sands. The sediment lamine were quite well developed, especially in the lower part of the core. Preliminary results indicated annually deposited sediment sequence with seasonality signals provided by microlamine of diatoms, calcite, organic matter and clastic material. Early Holocene varved sediments from the Faiyum Oasis supplied with exceptional paleoenvironmental data for northeastern Africa, which enriched a record from previous logs drilled at the southwestern margin of the Qarun Lake