361 research outputs found

    PXRD and PDF analysis of multifunctional lanthanide nitrilotris-methylphosphonate-based proton conductors

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    Metal phosphonates are multifunctional solids which possess tunable properties, such as H-bond networks, while exhibiting high chemical and thermal stability. Depending on the protonation of the ligand, different crystalline phases can be obtained. Here, we report three different families of proton conductors based on lanthanide nitrilotrismethylphosphonates. Compounds having cationic layers compensate by chloride or sulfate anions were isolated: [Ln(H4NMP)(H2O)2]Cl·2H2O and Ln(H5NMP)]·SO4·4H2O [H6NMP = nitrilotris(methylphosphonic acid)]. The crystal structure of Gd-(H5NMP)]·SO4·4H2O was solved ab initio from synchrotron powder diffraction data (λ=0.4124 Å, beamline BL04-MSPD ALBA) and refined by the Rietveld method. Chloride containing phases show two irreversible solid state transformations take place: (1) a crystalline-to-crystalline phase transition, {Ln-H4NMP → [Ln2(H3NMP)2(H2O)4]·4.5H2O for Ln= La, Pr}, and (2) crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition, {LnH4NMP → [Ln(H3NMP)]·1.5H2O for Ln= Gd - Ho}, both implies the loss of HCl and structural rearrangements of the frameworks. Variations in average and local structure have been monitored by high resolution powder diffraction and PDF analysis, upon exposure the samples at high relative humidity and temperature (95% RH and 80 ºC), in order to understand their behavior as proton conductors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Proton conductivity of lanthanide nitrilotris-methylphosphonates

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    Multifunctional metal phosphonates are acidic coordination polymers (CPs) with remarkable stability and proton conducting properties owing to their structure is usually composed of extended hydrogen-bond networks that favor proton transfer pathways [1]. In this communication, three different families of proton conductors based on lanthanide nitrilotris-methylphosphonates are examined. Compounds were isolated by crystallization at room temperature at pH <0.8 in the presence of. When chloride is presented in solution two families of compounds were isolated, depending on the concentration of chloride in solution: free-chloride 1D solids with formula Ln2(H3NMP)2(H2O)4]·4.5H2O [Ln= La3+] [2] or layered chloride-containing Ln(H4NMP)(H2O)2]Cl·2H2O [Ln= La3+ - Ho3+] materials [3]. In absence of chloride, a third series of compounds was obtained. This structural versatility leads to a wide range of proton conductivity varying between 3 × 10−4 S·cm−1 and 2 × 10−3 S·cm−1 as measured at 80 °C and 95% RH.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Structural study of the local order in ammonia-modulated FE(II) hydroxyphosphonoacetate proton conductors

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    Layered Fe(II) carboxiphosphonate, Fe-HPAA·2H2O, is a crystalline multifunctional coordination polymer exhibiting properties as photocatalyst and proton conductor. Postsynthesis modification by ammonia/water adsorption strongly enhances its proton conductivity. However, this process entails a progressive amorphization but in no case intercalation of the guest species was detected. Understanding the mechanism involved in this increased conductivity is crucial to develop novel high performance proton conductors for PEMFCs. Thus, total scattering and PDF study has been carried out to explore the mechanism of ammonia adsorption and subsequent amorphization. Different lenght scales have been investigated to characterize the average and local structure at variable ammonia loaded in order to ascertain posible structural modifications after gas/solid reactions. While significant short range order (from 1.4 to 10 Å) variations were observed even for low loadings, the average structure seems to be basically preserved except for the highest ammonia/water contents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Synthesis and proton conduction properties of lanthanide amino-sulfophosphonates

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    Crystalline acid-functionalized metal phosphonates are potential candidates as proton conducting electrolytes. Their frameworks can be chemically modified to contain proton carriers such as acidic groups (P-OH; -SO3H, -COOH,…) and guest molecules (H2O, NH3,…) that generates hydrogen bond networks stable in a wide range of temperature [1,2]. In this work, focus is laid on properties derived from the combination of lanthanide ions with the amino-sulfophosphonate ligand (H2O3PCH2)2-N-(CH2)2-SO3H. Hightrough-put screening was followed to reach the optimal synthesis conditions under solvothermal conditions at 140 ºC. Isolated polycrystalline solids, Ln[(O3PCH2)2-NH-(CH2)2-SO3H].2H2O (Ln= La, Pr and Sm), crystallize in the monoclinic (La) and orthorhombic (Pr and Sm) systems with unit cell volume of ~2548 Å3. Preliminary proton conductivity measurements for Sm derivative have been carried out between 25º and 80 ºC at relative humidity (RH) values of 70 % and 95 %. The sample exhibits enhanced conductivity at high RH and T (Figure 1) and constant activation energies of 0.4 eV, typical of a Grothuss mechanism of proton.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. FQM-1656; MAT2013-41836-

    Synthesis and proton conduction properties of lanthanide amino-sulfophosphonates

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    Acidic groups-containing metal phosphonates exhibit a wide range of proton conductivity depending on the water content and functionality. Moreover, this property can be enhanced by appropriate post-synthesis chemical and/or thermal treatments [1,2]. In this work, focus is laid on properties derived from the combination of lanthanide ions with the amino-sulfophosphonate ligand (H2O3PCH2)2-N-(CH2)2-SO3H. Highthrough-put screening was used to reach the optimal synthesis conditions under hydrothermal conditions at 140 ºC. Isolated polycrystalline solids, Ln[(O3PCH2)2-NH-(CH2)2-SO3H]·2H2O (Ln= La, Pr, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb and Er), crystallize in the monoclinic (La and Er) and orthorhombic (Pr, Sm, Eu, Gd and Tb) systems with unit cell volume of ~1200 and 2548 Å3 respectively. Their crystal structures, solved ab initio from X-ray powder diffraction data, correspond to different layered frameworks depending on the lanthanide cation size. Thus, compounds with orthorhombic symmetry show free acidic sulfonic pointing to the interlayer space, while La- and Er- derivatives display layered structures where both phosphonate and sulfonated groups are coordinated to the metal, leaving free P-OH groups. As consequence of this structural variability, different H-bond networks and proton transfer pathways are generated. Preliminary proton conductivity measurements have been carried out between 25 and 80 ºC at 70-95 % relative humidity. The sample exhibits conductivities near to 3.10-3 S.cm-1 and activation energies characteristics of a Grotthuss-type mechanism of proton transfer.Proyectos de investigación del ministerio MICINN, Españam(MAT2016-77648-R), Proyectos de la Junta de Andalucía (P12-FQM-1656), Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ammonia effects on proton conductivity properties of coordination polymers

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    Crystalline metal phosphonates are referred to as a type of structurally versatile coordination polymers [1]. Many of them contain guest molecules (H2O, heterocyclics, etc.), acidic sites and, furthermore, their structure can be also amenable for post‐synthesis modifications in order to enhance desired properties [2]. In the present work, we examine the relationships between crystal structure and proton conductivity for several metal phosphonates derive from multifunctional ligands, such as 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)isophthalic acid (PiPhtA) [3] and 2-hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid (H3HPAA). Crystalline divalent metal derivatives show a great structural diversity, from 1D to 3D open-frameworks, possessing hydrogen-bonded water molecules and acid groups. These solids present a proton conductivity range between 7.2·10-6 and 1.3·10−3 S·cm-1. Upon exposure to ammonia vapor, from an aqueous solution, solid state transformations are observed accompanied of enhance proton conductivities. The stability of these solids under different environment conditions (temperature and relative humidities) as well as the influence of the ammonia adsorption on the proton conduction properties of the resulting solids will be discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Structure-properties correlations in divalent metal phosphonates

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    Crystalline metal phosphonates may offer acidic sites, structural flexibility and guest molecules (H2O, heterocyclics, etc.) which can act as proton carriers. In addition, some frameworks are also amenable for post‐synthesis modifications in order to enhance desired properties [1,2]. In this work, we present the synthesis and structural characterization of two hydroxyphosphonoacetates hybrids based on magnesium, [Mg5(O3PCHOHCOO)2(HO3PCHOHCOO)2·8H2O] [Mg5(HPAA)2(H1HPAA)2·8H2O], and zinc, [Zn6K(O3PCHOHCOO)4(OH)·6.5H2O] [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O]. Both solids present three-dimensional frameworks and their crystal structures were solved ab initio from X-ray powder diffraction. The proton conductivity of [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O] as well as ammonia derivatives of M(II)(HO3PCHOHCOO)·2H2O [M(II)=Zn, Mg] will be reported and discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. FQM-1656; MAT2013-41836-

    New Multifunctional Lanthanide and Zr(IV) Phosphonates Derived from the 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl) Isophthalate Ligand as Proton Conductors

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    Metal phosphonates are essentially acidic solids featured by groups such as P-OH, -COOH, etc. Moreover, the presence of coordination and lattice water molecules favors the formation of H-bond networks, which make these compounds appropriate as proton conductors, attractive for proton exchange membranes (PEMs) of fuel Cells.1 We report here, general characteristics of metal phosphonate derivatives composed of the polyfunctional 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl) isophthalate ligand2 and lanthanides or zirconium ions. In the case of the lanthanide derivatives, crystalline compounds were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. Preliminary results suggest that at least three isostructural series of compounds are formed. One of them, with La3+ derivative as prototype, is characterized by an orthorhombic unit cell (a = 12.7745(6) Å, b = 11.8921(4) Å, c = 7.2193(5) Å). Pr3+, Eu3+ and Gd3+ compounds, displays a monoclinic unit cell likewise the Yb3+ solid, the latter exhibiting different crystallographic parameters. Zr(IV) = compound, with formula Zr[(HO3P-C6H3-(COO)2H)2]·8H2O; was obtained at 80 ºC in the presence of HF as mineralizing agent. This solid crystallizes in an orthorhombic unit cell (a = 21.9306 Å, b = 16.6169 Å, c = 3.6462 Å). All these compounds contain in their frameworks water molecules that contribute to the formation of H-bond networks, making them prone as proton conductor candidates. Structural and proton conductivity are underway.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Plan Propio de Investigación de la UMA MAT2016-77648

    Tuning Proton Conductivity Properties of Lanthanide Amino-Sulfophosphonates-Loaded Nafion Composite Membranes

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    Polymer-based electrolytes in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) utilize acidic groups as proton carriers and hydrogen bonding networks as proton-conducting pathways to facilitate proton transport. Crystalline acid-functionalized metal phosphonates are potential proton conductors while maintaining a high hydration degree below 100 °C. This property may be combined with Nafion-like polymers which tend to dehydrate at the operating conditions of PEMFCs [1,2]. In this work, preliminary results of the preparation of lanthanide amino-sulfophosphonates-loaded Nafion composites membranes and the corresponding electrical properties are reported. Synthesis conditions of lanthanide derivatives were optimized following a hightrough-put screening at 140 °C. Their crystal structures, solved from synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data, corresponds to layered frameworks where the acidic groups, -CPO3H or -SO3H, point toward the interlamellar region interacting by H-bond with the lattice water. The composites were prepared by mixing the metal phosphonates with Nafion solution at different loadings. The membranes were characterized by SEM, XRD and FT-IR. A study of the proton conductivity as a function of the composite membranes was carried out at 90 °C and 95% RH. Referencias [1] Y. Gao, R. Broersen, W. Hageman, N. Yan, M. C. Mittelmeijer-Hazeleger, G. Rothenberg, S. Tanase. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 22347–22352. [2] A. Cabeza, P. Olivera-Pastor, R. M. P. Colodrero. Tailored Organic-Inorganic Materials, Brunet, E., Colón, J.L., Clearfield, A., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2015; Ch. 4, 137−191.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Proton conductivity of multifunctional metal phosphonate frameworks

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    Metal phosphonates exhibit attractive characteristics for proton conductivity, such as tunable functionality, chemical and thermal stability and the existence of H-bond networks with acidic protons within their structure.1 In the present work, we examine the relationship between crystal structure and proton conductivity for several metal (mono-, di- and tri-valent) phosphonates containing rigid: (5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)isophthalic acid, PiPhtA and 2-hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid, HPAA) or flexible: (hexa- or octamethylenediamine-N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(methylenephosphonic acid, H8HDTMP or H8ODTMP) multifunctional ligands. The crystalline hybrid derivatives prepared show a great structural diversity, from 1D to 3D open-frameworks possessing hydrogen-bonded water molecules and phosphonic and carboxylic acid groups. The rigid 3D framework of Ca-PiPhtA, that exhibits a proton conductivity of 5.7•10-4 S/cm as synthesized, transforms into a layered compound upon exposure to ammonia vapors2 with increased proton conductivity (6.6•10-3 S/cm). The flexible frameworks of magnesium or lanthanide phosphonates, with 1D channels, present conductivities higher than 10-3 S/cm. Their activation energies fall in the range corresponding to a Grotthuss mechanism.3,4 For M(I)-HPAA solids conductivities up to 5.6•10-3 S/cm were measured. References 1. P. Ramaswamy, N.E. Wong, G.K.H. Shimizu, Chem. Soc. Rev. 43 (2014) 5913. 2. M. Bazaga-García, R.M.P. Colodrero, M. Papadaki, P. Garczarek, J. Zoń, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, L. León-Reina, M.A.G. Aranda, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, K.D. Demadis, A. Cabeza, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 5731. 3. R.M.P. Colodrero, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, D. Hernández-Alonso, M.A.G. Aranda, L. Leon-Reina, J. Rius, K.D. Demadis, B. Moreau, D. Villemin, M. Palomino, F. Rey, A. Cabeza, Inorg. Chem. 51 (2012) 7689. 4. R.M.P. Colodrero, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, M.A.G. Aranda, L. Leon-Reina, M. Papadaki, A.C. McKinlay, R.E. Morris, K.D. Demadis, A. Cabeza, Dalton Trans. 41 (2012) 4045.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Junta de Andalucía, Proyecto Excelencia FQM-1656. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MAT2013-41836-