197 research outputs found

    Standing sausage modes in curved coronal slabs

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    Context. Magnetohydrodynamic waveguides such as dense coronal loops can support standing modes. The ratios of the periods of oscillations for different longitudinal harmonics depend on the dispersive nature of the waveguide and so may be used as a seismological tool to determine coronal parameters. Aims. We extend models of standing sausage modes in low β coronal loops to include the effects of loop curvature. The behaviour of standing sausage modes in this geometry is used to explain the properties of observed oscillations that cannot be accounted for using straight loop models. Methods. We perform 2D numerical simulations of an oscillating coronal loop, modelled as a dense slab embedded in a potential magnetic field. The loop is field-aligned and so experiences expansion with height in addition to being curved. Standing sausage modes are excited by compressive perturbations of the loop and their properties are studied. Results. The spatial profiles of standing sausage modes are found to be modified by the expanding loop geometry typical for flaring loops and modelled by a potential magnetic field in our simulations. Longitudinal harmonics of order n > 1 have anti-nodes that are shifted towards the loop apex and the amplitude of anti-nodes near the loop apex is smaller than those near the loop footpoints. Conclusions. We find that the observation of standing sausage modes by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph in a flaring coronal loop on 12 January 2000 is consistent with interpretation in terms of the global mode (n = 1) and third harmonic (n = 3). This interpretation accounts for the period ratio and spatial structure of the observed oscillations

    Spatially resolved observation of the fundamental and second harmonic standing kink modes using SDO/AIA

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    We consider a coronal loop kink oscillation observed by the atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) which demonstrates two strong spectral components. The period of the lower frequency component being approximately twice that of the shorter frequency component suggests the presence of harmonics. Methods. We examine the presence of two longitudinal harmonics by investigating the spatial dependence of the loop oscillation. The time-dependent displacement of the loop is measured at 15 locations along the loop axis. For each position the detrended displacement is fitted as the sum of two damped sinusoids, having periods P1 and P2, and a damping time τ. The shorter period component exhibits anti-phase oscillations in the loop legs. Results. We interpret the observation in terms of the first (global or fundamental) and second longitudinal harmonics of the standing kink mode. The strong excitation of the second harmonic appears connected to the preceding coronal mass ejection (CME) which displaced one of the loop legs. The oscillation parameters found are P1 “ 5.00 ˘ 0.62 minutes, P2 “ 2.20 ˘ 0.23 minutes, P1{2P2 “ 1.15 ˘ 0.22, and τ{P “ 3.35 ˘ 1.45

    Fast magnetoacoustic wave trains with time-dependent drivers

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    Context Frequent observations of quasi-periodic rapidly-propagating wave trains in coronal structures have been made in the last decade. The dispersive evolution of fast magnetohydrodynamic waves propagating in coronal waveguides can provide a physical interpretation for many of these observations. Aims Previous studies have considered the generation of fast wave trains by impulsive drivers which deposit energy instantaneously. The signatures of dispersively formed wave trains must depend on the temporal nature of the driver. We investigate the effect of varying the temporal width of the driving perturbation. Methods 2D magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations of impulsively generated wave trains in a guiding field-aligned density enhancement were performed with the novel addition of a time-dependant driver. Results The final spatial and spectral signatures of the guided wave trains are found to depend strongly on the temporal duration of the initial perturbation. In particular, the wavelength (or frequency) of highest spectral amplitude is found to increase (decrease) within creasing temporal duration, whereas the spectral width decreases. Additionally, the efficiency of generation of fast wave trains is found to decrease strongly with increasing temporal width of the driver, with a cut-off at twice the internal Alfvén crossing time

    Dispersive evolution of nonlinear fast magnetoacoustic wave trains

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    Quasi-periodic rapidly propagating wave trains are frequently observed in extreme ultraviolet observations of the solar corona, or are inferred by the quasi-periodic modulation of radio emission. The dispersive nature of fast magnetohydrodynamic waves in coronal structures provides a robust mechanism to explain the detected quasi-periodic patterns. We perform 2D numerical simulations of impulsively generated wave trains in coronal plasma slabs and investigate how the behavior of the trapped and leaky components depend on the properties of the initial perturbation. For large amplitude compressive perturbations, the geometrical dispersion associated with the waveguide suppresses the nonlinear steepening for the trapped wave train. The wave train formed by the leaky components does not experience dispersion once it leaves the waveguide and so can steepen and form shocks. The mechanism we consider can lead to the formation of multiple shock fronts by a single, large amplitude, impulsive event and so can account for quasi-periodic features observed in radio spectra

    Coronal loop seismology using damping of standing kink oscillations by mode coupling II. additional physical effects and Bayesian analysis

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    Context. The strong damping of kink oscillations of coronal loops can be explained by mode coupling. The damping envelope depends on the transverse density profile of the loop. Observational measurements of the damping envelope have been used to determine the transverse loop structure which is important for understanding other physical processes such as heating. Aims. The general damping envelope describing the mode coupling of kink waves consists of a Gaussian damping regime followed by an exponential damping regime. Recent observational detection of these damping regimes has been employed as a seismological tool. We extend the description of the damping behaviour to account for additional physical effects, namely a time-dependent period of oscillation, the presence of additional longitudinal harmonics, and the decayless regime of standing kink oscillations. Methods. We examine four examples of standing kink oscillations observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We use forward modelling of the loop position and investigate the dependence on the model parameters using Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. Results. Our improvements to the physical model combined with the use of Bayesian inference and MCMC produce improved estimates of model parameters and their uncertainties. Calculation of the Bayes factor also allows us to compare the suitability of different physical models. We also use a new method based on spline interpolation of the zeroes of the oscillation to accurately describe the background trend of the oscillating loop. Conclusions. This powerful and robust method allows for accurate seismology of coronal loops, in particular the transverse density profile, and potentially reveals additional physical effects

    Damping profile of standing kink oscillations observed by SDO/AIA

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    Aims: Strongly damped standing and propagating kink oscillations are observed in the solar corona. This can be understood in terms of mode coupling, which causes the wave energy to be converted from the bulk transverse oscillation to localised, unresolved azimuthal motions. The damping rate can provide information about the loop structure, and theory predicts two possible damping profiles. Methods: We used the recently compiled catalogue of decaying standing kink oscillations of coronal loops to search for examples with high spatial and temporal resolution and sufficient signal quality to allow the damping profile to be examined. The location of the loop axis was tracked, detrended, and fitted with sinusoidal oscillations with Gaussian and exponential damping profiles. Results: Using the highest quality data currently available, we find that for the majority of our cases a Gaussian profile describes the damping behaviour at least as well as an exponential profile, which is consistent with the recently developed theory for the damping profile due to mode coupling

    Coronal loop seismology using damping of standing kink oscillations by mode coupling

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    Context. Kink oscillations of solar coronal loops are frequently observed to be strongly damped. The damping can be explained by mode coupling on the condition that loops have a finite inhomogeneous layer between the higher density core and lower density background. The damping rate depends on the loop density contrast ratio and inhomogeneous layer width. Aims. The theoretical description for mode coupling of kink waves has been extended to include the initial Gaussian damping regime in addition to the exponential asymptotic state. Observation of these damping regimes would provide information about the structuring of the coronal loop and so provide a seismological tool. Methods. We consider three examples of standing kink oscillations observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) for which the general damping profile (Gaussian and exponential regimes) can be fitted. Determining the Gaussian and exponential damping times allows us to perform seismological inversions for the loop density contrast ratio and the inhomogeneous layer width normalised to the loop radius. The layer width and loop minor radius are found separately by comparing the observed loop intensity profile with forward modelling based on our seismological results. Results. The seismological method which allows the density contrast ratio and inhomogeneous layer width to be simultaneously determined from the kink mode damping profile has been applied to observational data for the first time. This allows the internal and external Alfvén speeds to be calculated, and estimates for the magnetic field strength can be dramatically improved using the given plasma density. Conclusions. The kink mode damping rate can be used as a powerful diagnostic tool to determine the coronal loop density profile. This information can be used for further calculations such as the magnetic field strength or phase mixing rate

    Synthesis of 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyrans using a palladium-catalyzed oxidative heck redox-relay strategy

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    The C-aryl-tetrahydropyran motif is prevalent in nature in a number of natural products with biological activity; however, this challenging architecture still requires novel synthetic approaches. We demonstrate the application of a stereoselective Heck redox-relay strategy for the synthesis of functionalized 2,6-trans-tetrahydropyrans in excellent selectivity in a single step from an enantiopure dihydropyranyl alcohol, proceeding through a novel exo-cyclic migration. The strategy has also been applied to the total synthesis of a trans-epimer of the natural product centrolobine in excellent yield and stereoselectivity

    Genomic tailoring of autogenous poultry vaccines to reduce Campylobacter from farm to fork

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    Campylobacter is a leading cause of food-borne gastroenteritis worldwide, linked to the consumption of contaminated poultry meat. Targeting this pathogen at source, vaccines for poultry can provide short-term caecal reductions in Campylobacter numbers in the chicken intestine. However, this approach is unlikely to reduce Campylobacter in the food chain or human incidence. This is likely as vaccines typically target only a subset of the high genomic strain diversity circulating among chicken flocks, and rapid evolution diminishes vaccine efficacy over time. To address this, we used a genomic approach to develop a whole-cell autogenous vaccine targeting isolates harbouring genes linked to survival outside of the host. We hyper-immunised a whole major UK breeder farm to passively target offspring colonisation using maternally-derived antibody. Monitoring progeny, broiler flocks revealed a near-complete shift in the post-vaccination Campylobacter population with an ~50% reduction in isolates harbouring extra-intestinal survival genes and a significant reduction of Campylobacter cells surviving on the surface of meat. Based on these findings, we developed a logistic regression model that predicted that vaccine efficacy could be extended to target 65% of a population of clinically relevant strains. Immuno-manipulation of poultry microbiomes towards less harmful commensal isolates by competitive exclusion, has major potential for reducing pathogens in the food production chain

    A study of the reactivity of cyclic aminomethylammonium mannich salts

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    A novel method for the preparation of aminoalkylaminomethyl products was developed utilising novel Mannich-type salts featuring a R 2NCH 2NR 3 + moiety. This methodology showed good nucleophile scope and was successfully employed in reactions under basic, acidic, and neutral conditions. A wide range of diamine products was successfully synthesised, including a neuropeptide Y antagonist
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