47 research outputs found

    Social support, social control and health behavior change in spouses

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    Our work on support processes in intimate relationships has focused on how partners in committed relationships help one another contend with personal difficulties, and how partners elicit and provide support in their day-to-day interactions. We are particularly interested in how these support skills relate to marital outcomes (Pasch & Bradbury, 1998; Pasch, Harris, Sullivan, & Bradbury, 2004; Sullivan, Pasch, Eldridge, & Bradbury, 1998) and how they relate to behavior change in spouses (Sullivan, Pasch, Johnson, & Bradbury, 2006), especially health behavior changes. In this chapter, we review research examining the effects of social support and social control on spouses\u27 health behaviors, propose a theory to account for discrepancies in these findings, and report initial data examining the usefulness of this theory in understanding the relationship between social support, social control, and partner health behavior

    Physical aggression, compromised social support, and 10-year marital outcomes: Testing a relational spillover model

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    The purpose of the present study was to test a relational spillover model of physical aggression whereby physical aggression affects marital outcomes due to its effects on how spouses ask for and provide support to one another. Newlywed couples (n = 172) reported levels of physical aggression over the past year and engaged in interactions designed to elicit social support; marital adjustment, and stability were assessed periodically over the first 10 years of marriage. Multilevel modeling revealed that negative support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and 10-year marital adjustment levels whereas positive support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and divorce status. These findings emphasize the need to look beyond conflict when explaining how aggression affects relationships and when working with couples with a history of physical aggression who are seeking to improve their relationships

    Predictors of participation in premarital prevention programs: The health belief model and social norms

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    The development of effective programs to prevent marital dysfunction has been a recent focus for marital researchers, but the effective dissemination of these programs to engaged couples has received relatively little attention. The purpose of this study is to determine which factors predict couples\u27 participation in premarital counseling. Predictive factors were derived from the health prevention literature, with a particular focus on the health belief model (HBM). Couples\u27 beliefs and attitudes about premarital counseling were assessed at least six months before their wedding, and participation was assessed after their wedding. Results indicate that the strongest predictors of couples\u27 participation were couples\u27 perceptions of barriers to counseling and whether they had counseling recommended to them. These variables predicted participation even after controlling for important demographic variables. Recommendations for recruiting engaged couples for premarital counseling are made based on the findings

    Responses to intimate partners’ attempts to change health behavior: The role of readiness

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    Intimate partners seeking to influence one another’s health may do so by providing support for positive health behavior and attempting to change negative health behavior (social control). Research findings examining the effectiveness of intimate partners’ attempts to influence health behavior are mixed however, and the purpose of the present research is to examine individuals’ responses to hypothetical health behavior influence attempts by an intimate partner. Specifically, we examine the role of readiness to change, cognitive appraisals, and affective responses to partner change attempts. Undergraduate students (n = 185) who reported infrequent exercise or unhealthy eating habits were asked to respond to a variety of tactics an intimate partner might use to try to change their health behavior. In the first phase of the study, we examine a model wherein individuals’ readiness to change influences their perceptions of, and affective reactions to, attempts to influence health behavior and the subsequent likelihood of making a behavioral change. In Phase 2, we use a within-subjects experimental design to simulate changes in readiness and assess resulting changes to affective and perceptual responses to a variety of hypothetical support and control attempts by an intimate partner. The findings indicate that a comprehensive model that includes readiness to change more fully accounts for variance in how individuals respond to partners’ change attempts. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed

    Social support in marriage: Translating research into practical applications for clinicians

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    How spouses support one another may be important in understanding and preventing marital distress, but has received relatively little attention. Instead, the behavioral model of marriage and corresponding treatment protocols have focused on the importance of good conflict management skills in preventing and treating marital distress. This paper outlines recent research indicating that couples social support skills predict marital outcome two years later, above and beyond conflict management skills. These results indicate that successful prevention and treatment programs may need to incorporate support skills training as well as conflict management training. Practical implications of this research are outlined, and specific techniques are recommended for teaching social support skills to couples

    Social support, problem solving, and the longitudinal course of newlywed marriage

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    Married couples (N = 172) were observed as newlyweds and again one year later while engaging in 2 problem-solving and 2 personal support discussions. Microanalytic coding of these conversations was used to examine associations between problem-solving and social support behaviors over one year and their relative contributions to 10-year trajectories of self-reported relationship satisfaction and dissolution. Results demonstrated that initially lower levels of positive support behaviors and higher levels of negative support behaviors predicted 1-year increases in negative emotion displayed during problem-solving conversations. Emotions coded from the initial problem-solving conversations did not predict 1-year changes in social support behaviors. Controlling for emotions displayed during problem-solving interactions eliminated or reduced associations between initial social support behaviors and (a) later levels of satisfaction and (b) relationship dissolution. These findings corroborate models that prioritize empathy, validation, and caring as key elements in the development of intimacy (e.g., Reis & Shaver, 1988), and they suggest that deficits in these domains foreshadow deterioration in problem-solving and conflict management. Implications for integrating support and problem-solving in models of relationship change are outlined, as are implications for incorporating social support in education programs for developing relationships

    Parental Feeding Practices in Mexican American Families: Initial Test of an Expanded Measure

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    Background: Although obesity rates are high among Latino children, relatively few studies of parental feeding practices have examined Latino families as a separate group. Culturally-based approaches to measurement development can begin to identify parental feeding practices in specific cultural groups. This study used qualitative and quantitative methods to develop and test the Parental Feeding Practices (PFP) Questionnaire for use with Mexican American parents. Items reflected both parent’s use of control over child eating and child-centered feeding practices. Methods: In the qualitative phase of the research, 35 Latino parents participated in focus groups. Items for the PFP were developed from focus group discussions, as well as adapted from existing parent feeding practice measures. Cognitive interviews were conducted with 37 adults to evaluate items. In the quantitative phase, mothers and fathers of 174 Mexican American children ages 8–10 completed the PFP and provided demographic information. Anthropometric measures were obtained on family members. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses identified four parental feeding practice dimensions: positive involvement in child eating, pressure to eat, use of food to control behavior, and restriction of amount of food. Factorial invariance modeling suggested equivalent factor meaning and item response scaling across mothers and fathers. Mothers and fathers differed somewhat in their use of feeding practices. All four feeding practices were related to child body mass index (BMI) percentiles, for one or both parents. Mothers reporting more positive involvement had children with lower BMI percentiles. Parents using more pressure to eat had children with lower BMI percentiles, while parents using more restriction had children with higher BMI percentiles. Fathers using food to control behavior had children with lower BMI percentiles. Conclusions: Results indicate good initial validity and reliability for the PFP. It can be used to increase understanding of parental feeding practices, children’s eating, and obesity among Mexican Americans, a population at high risk of obesity

    Parental Feeding Practices and Child Weight Status in Mexican American Families: A Longitudinal Analysis

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    Parental feeding practices are thought to influence children\u27s weight status, through children\u27s eating behavior and nutritional intake. However, because most studies have been cross-sectional, the direction of influence is unclear. Moreover, although obesity rates are high among Latino children, few studies of parental feeding practices have focused on this population. This 2-year longitudinal study examined mutual influences over time between parental feeding practices and children\u27s weight status, in Mexican American families with children 18 years old at baseline. Mothers (n = 322) and fathers (n = 182) reported on their feeding practices at baseline, 1-year follow-up, and 2-year follow-up. Weight status, defined by waist-height ratio (WHtR) and body mass index (BMI), was ascertained at all assessments. Cross-lagged panel models were used to examine the mutual influences of parental feeding practices and child weight status over time, controlling for covariates. Both mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 restriction of food predicted higher subsequent child weight status at Year 1, and for fathers this effect was also found at Year 2. Mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 pressure to eat predicted lower weight status among boys, but not girls, at Year 1. Child weight status also predicted some parental feeding practices: boys\u27 heavier weight predicted mothers\u27 less pressure to eat at Year 1, less use of food to control behavior at Year 2, and greater restriction at Year 2; and girls\u27 heavier weight at Year 1 predicted fathers\u27 less pressure to eat and less positive involvement in child eating at Year 2. This study provides longitudinal evidence that some parental feeding practices influence Mexican American children\u27s weight status, and that children\u27s weight status also influences some parental feeding practices. Feeding practices of both mothers and fathers were related to children\u27s weight status, underscoring the importance of including fathers in research on parental feeding practices and child obesity

    Mother-Reported Sleep, Accelerometer-Estimated Sleep, and Weight Status in Mexican American Children: Sleep Duration Is Associated with Increased Adiposity and Risk for Overweight/Obese Status

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    We know of no studies comparing parent-reported sleep with accelerometer-estimated sleep in their relation to pediatric adiposity. We examined: 1) the reliability of mother-reported sleep compared with accelerometer-estimated sleep, and 2) the relationship between both sleep measures and child adiposity. The current cross-sectional study included 304 Mexican American mother-child pairs recruited from Kaiser Permanente Northern California. We measured sleep duration, using maternal report and accelerometry, and child anthropometrics. Concordance between sleep measures was evaluated using the Bland-Altman method. We conducted zero-ordered correlations between mother-reported sleep, accelerometer-estimated sleep and child BMI z-scores (BMIz). Using linear regression, we examined three models to assess child BMIz with mother-reported sleep (model 1), accelerometer-estimated sleep (model 2), and both sleep measures (model 3). Children had an average age of 8.86 years (SD= .82). Mothers reported that their child slept 9.81 ± 0.74 (95% CI: 9.72, 9.89) hours, compared to 9.58 ± 0.71 (95% CI: 9.50, 9.66) hours based on accelerometry. Mother-reported sleep and accelerometer-estimated sleep were correlated (r = 0.33, p \u3c 0.001). BMIz outcomes were negatively associated with mother-reported sleep duration (model 1: β = −0.13; P = .02) and accelerometer-estimated sleep duration (model 2: β = −0.17; P \u3c .01). Accounting for both sleep measures, only accelerometer-measured sleep was related to BMIz (model 3: β = −0.14, P = .02). Each sleep measure was significantly related to adiposity, independent of covariates. Accelerometry appeared to be a more reliable measure of children’s sleep than maternal report, yet maternal report may be sufficient to examine the sleep-adiposity relationship when resources are limited

    Parental feeding practices and child weight status in Mexican American families: a longitudinal analysis

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    Parental feeding practices are thought to influence children\u27s weight status, through children\u27s eating behavior and nutritional intake. However, because most studies have been cross-sectional, the direction of influence is unclear. Moreover, although obesity rates are high among Latino children, few studies of parental feeding practices have focused on this population. This 2-year longitudinal study examined mutual influences over time between parental feeding practices and children\u27s weight status, in Mexican American families with children 18 years old at baseline. Mothers (n = 322) and fathers (n = 182) reported on their feeding practices at baseline, 1-year follow-up, and 2-year follow-up. Weight status, defined by waist-height ratio (WHtR) and body mass index (BMI), was ascertained at all assessments. Cross-lagged panel models were used to examine the mutual influences of parental feeding practices and child weight status over time, controlling for covariates. Both mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 restriction of food predicted higher subsequent child weight status at Year 1, and for fathers this effect was also found at Year 2. Mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 pressure to eat predicted lower weight status among boys, but not girls, at Year 1. Child weight status also predicted some parental feeding practices: boys\u27 heavier weight predicted mothers\u27 less pressure to eat at Year 1, less use of food to control behavior at Year 2, and greater restriction at Year 2; and girls\u27 heavier weight at Year 1 predicted fathers\u27 less pressure to eat and less positive involvement in child eating at Year 2. This study provides longitudinal evidence that some parental feeding practices influence Mexican American children\u27s weight status, and that children\u27s weight status also influences some parental feeding practices. Feeding practices of both mothers and fathers were related to children\u27s weight status, underscoring the importance of including fathers in research on parental feeding practices and child obesity