15 research outputs found

    Variations in community perceptions of ecosystem services within the Tana River estuary, Kenya: Implications for ocean governance

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    Coastal communities in the Tana estuary, Kenya, rely on a variety of economic sectors linked to ecosystem services, including small-scale fisheries (SSF), commercial prawn fisheries, and tourism. Despite its environmental and social importance, the estuary has been negatively impacted by overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. As a result, developing integrated management approaches for this area is a priority. The integrated approach to ecosystem services (ES) evaluation has widespread support because it emphasizes people’s views of ecological value to human well-being and aims to provide a solution to the rapid depletion of our planet’s natural resources. This study applied mixed methods to understand the perspectives of the communities on ES. It was hypothesized that perceptions of ES differ across communities with different socioeconomic characteristics, and this hypothesis was tested in two communities (Ozi and Kipini) that share the same ecosystem but have different socioeconomic characteristics. Kipini is an area near the ocean, whereas Ozi is a rural area further upstream. Differences were noted in the valuation of cultural services, while there were similarities in provisioning and regulating services. Mangroves, other trees, and river systems were considered to have higher ES provision than the ocean, floodplains, and settlement areas. The Ozi community ranked the ocean higher than the Kipini community, even though Ozi was located further upstream from the ocean; consequently, the perception that communities benefit more from resources that they are close to could be false. The relevance of using social ES identification to determine the distribution of benefits from coastal ES is highlighted in this study and will be beneficial for informing decision-making and developing all-inclusive governance structures

    Environmental controls of billfish species in the Indian Ocean and implications for their management and conservation

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    Abstract Background and aim Billfish are epipelagic marine predators facing increasing pressures such as overfishing and rising global temperatures. Overfishing is a major concern, as they are caught by industrial longline fishers targeting tuna. Billfish are targeted by multiple fishing sectors, which provides food, socio-economic and cultural benefits. To support effective billfish management and conservation, it is essential to understand their spatial distribution and the environmental factors that may influence it. Location The focus of this study is the Indian Ocean (IO), where there are gaps in understanding the interactions between fisheries and billfish distribution. Three of six billfish species are at risk from overfishing. Therefore, determining their distribution is crucial to their management and conservation. Methods Using Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) occurrence data, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) catch data, and environmental covariates, we applied species distribution models to investigate the spatial extent of the realized niches of six billfish species in the IO. We also determined the role and relative importance of environmental drivers. Moreover, we evaluated the association between species’ spatial distribution and the fishing effort distribution. Results We found niche partitioning and overlap among the six species identified spatial distribution, with higher species richness in the northern region of the IO and off the East coast of Africa. Temperature, mixed layer depth and salinity were identified as the most important predictors of species distribution, with moderately warm and stable environments preferred by most billfish species. Areas with high species richness and high fishing effort overlap were primarily found in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ). In contrast, areas with high species diversity richness and low fishing effort were found mainly in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Main conclusion Spatial overlap between fishing effort and billfish projected distribution suggests inadvertent fishing pressure on billfish populations as they are caught together with targeted tuna. Spatial distribution transcends maritime zones, reinforcing a need to formulate effective management policies for marine areas beyond national jurisdictions

    The Future of Marine Spatial Planning—Perspectives from Early Career Researchers

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    In early 2021, the Erasmus+ knowledge flows partnership organised a session to discuss the future of marine spatial planning (MSP) at an international conference. We, a group of nine early career researchers, came together after the conference to continue the discussion: which topics should be considered in future MSP, what are the challenges, and which solutions are there to overcome these challenges? This communication shall raise awareness of the topics of climate change, ecological sustainability, blue justice, ecosystem services, and blue governance, which we identified as important for future MSP endeavours. We show the interconnectedness of the topics and argue that transdisciplinary education is required to contribute to a common understanding of MSP, which adopts an ecosystem-based approach, ensures equitable distribution of benefits, and secures ecologically sustainable development within an adaptive governance framework

    AIS and VMS Ensemble Can Address Data Gaps on Fisheries for Marine Spatial Planning

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    Spatially explicit records of fishing activities’ distribution are fundamental for effective marine spatial planning (MSP) because they can help to identify principal fishing areas. However, in numerous case studies, MSP has ignored fishing activities due to data scarcity. The vessel monitoring system (VMS) and the automatic identification system (AIS) are two commonly known technologies used to observe fishing activities. However, both technologies generate data that have several limitations, making them ineffective when used in isolation. Here, we evaluate both datasets’ limitations and strengths, measure the drawbacks of using any single dataset and propose a method for combining both technologies for a more precise estimation of the distribution of fishing activities. Using the Baltic Sea and the North Sea–Celtic Sea regions as case studies, we compare the spatial distribution of fishing effort from International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) VMS data and global fishing watch AIS data. We show that using either dataset in isolation can lead to a significant underestimation of fishing effort. We also demonstrate that integrating both datasets in an ensemble approach can provide more accurate fisheries information for MSP. Given the rapid expansion of MSP activities globally, our approach can be utilised in data-limited regions to improve cross border spatial planning

    Satellite-derived bathymetry: A case study of Mombasa Port Channel and its approaches, Kenya

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    Bathymetry refers to the depth of the water column in relation to sea level. It is fundamental in marine spatial plan- ning, resource exploration and sustainable management of marine resources. It is also vital for safety of navigation, and planning of coast-based infrastructural developments. However, acquisition of bathymetry data is very expen- sive due to the cost of equipment, expertise and technology needed to collect data and produce maps. Satellite-de- rived bathymetry (SDB) therefore offers an opportunity to generate shallow water bathymetry at extremely reduced costs, mainly due to freely-available multispectral satellite imagery and open-source processing software. This paper presents the application of an already developed and published shallow-water bathymetry derivation model and protocols. The results indicate that the technique could be effective for mapping shallow water bathymetry, with higher accuracy in low to non-turbid waters. The SDB of Mombasa Port was identical to the official charted depths upon comparison, with a R2 value of ~90% and a RMSE of 1.61 m. SDB maps can be categorized as medium resolu- tion due to their relatively low spatial resolution. SDB cannot be used as a stand-alone hydrographic tool but it rather offers a viable reconnaissance solution for mapping shallow coastal waters where hydrographic data gaps exist

    Winners and losers in marine conservation: fishers' displacement and livelihood benefits from marine reserves

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    Marine reserves can create both benefits and costs to fishers. This article explores the perceptions of fishers in Kenya and Seychelles about displacement, spillover, and overall impacts of local marine reserves on their livelihoods. We test whether these perceptions are different among fishers from different geographic and socioeconomic conditions. Sixty-six percent of fishers had been displaced from marine reserves or coastal development and 90% believed they had caught fishes that spilled over from marine reserves. Poorer fishers in Kenya were both displaced from, and also felt like they benefited from, marine reserves. This highlights how people's experiences with marine reserves, both positive and negative, are affected by a range of social considerations that may not be incorporated in typical evaluations of ecological and economic marine reserve success

    Diversity of Shallow-Water Species in Prawn Trawling: A Case Study of Malindi–Ungwana Bay, Kenya

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    Bottom trawling is a common fishing method that targets bottom-dwelling fisheries resources. It is non-selective and large amounts of by-catch are discarded, raising serious sustainability and ecosystem conservation concerns. In this study, a shallow-water bottom-trawl fishery was evaluated using logbook catch data between 2011 and 2019 and the species composition data collected by fisheries observers between 2016 and 2019. The logbook data showed a twenty-fold increase in the annual catches with a ten-fold increase in fishing effort and an increase in the proportion of retained catch from 2011 to 2019. The observer data showed that for prawn, the by-catch ratio ranged from 1:3 to 1:9 during the four years. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences between the compositions of retained and discarded catches mainly attributed to Pellona ditchela, Nematopalaemontenuipes, and Secutor insidiator. There was no significant decline in species diversity and the trophic level of the catches over the 4-year observer period indicating no marked impact of trawling on the stock at the current level of fishing effort. This study provides baseline information on the prawn trawl fishery against which the performance of the management regulations may be evaluated towards the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management

    Diversity of Shallow-Water Species in Prawn Trawling : A Case Study of Malindi–Ungwana Bay, Kenya

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    Bottom trawling is a common fishing method that targets bottom-dwelling fisheries resources. It is non-selective and large amounts of by-catch are discarded, raising serious sustainability and ecosystem conservation concerns. In this study, a shallow-water bottom-trawl fishery was evaluated using logbook catch data between 2011 and 2019 and the species composition data collected by fisheries observers between 2016 and 2019. The logbook data showed a twenty-fold increase in the annual catches with a ten-fold increase in fishing effort and an increase in the proportion of retained catch from 2011 to 2019. The observer data showed that for prawn, the by-catch ratio ranged from 1:3 to 1:9 during the four years. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences between the compositions of retained and discarded catches mainly attributed to Pellona ditchela, Nematopalaemontenuipes, and Secutor insidiator. There was no significant decline in species diversity and the trophic level of the catches over the 4-year observer period indicating no marked impact of trawling on the stock at the current level of fishing effort. This study provides baseline information on the prawn trawl fishery against which the performance of the management regulations may be evaluated towards the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management