131 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in Development of Tnt1 Functional Genomics Platform for Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus in Bulgaria

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    Legumes, as protein-rich crops, are widely used for human food, animal feed and vegetable oil production. Over the past decade, two legume species, Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus, have been adopted as model legumes for genomics and physiological studies. The tobacco transposable element, Tnt1, is a powerful tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene inactivation in plants. A large collection of Tnt1-tagged lines of M. truncatula cv. Jemalong was generated during the course of the project ‘GLIP’: Grain Legumes Integrated Project, funded by the European Union (www.eugrainlegumes.org). In the project ‘IFCOSMO’: Integrated Functional and COmparative genomics Studies on the MOdel Legumes Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus, supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Bulgaria, these lines are used for development of functional genomics platform of legumes in Bulgaria. This review presents recent advances in the evaluation of the M. truncatula Tnt1 mutant collection and outlines the steps that are taken in using the Tnt1-tagging for generation of a mutant collection of the second model legume L. japonicus. Both collections will provide a number of legume-specific mutants and serve as a resource for functional and comparative genomics research on legumes. Genomics technologies are expected to advance genetics and breeding of important legume crops (pea, faba bean, alfalfa and clover) in Bulgaria and worldwide

    Expanding the Benefits of Tnt1 for the Identification of Dominant Mutations in Polyploid Crops: A Single Allelic Mutation in the MsNAC39 Gene Produces Multifoliated Alfalfa

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    Most major crops are polyploid species and the production of genetically engineered cultivars normally requires the introgression of transgenic or gene-edited traits into elite germplasm. Thus, a main goal of plant research is the search of systems to identify dominant mutations. In this article, we show that the Tnt1 element can be used to identify dominant mutations in allogamous tetraploid cultivated alfalfa. Specifically, we show that a single allelic mutation in the MsNAC39 gene produces multifoliate leaves (mfl) alfalfa plants, a pivot trait of breeding programs of this forage species. Finally, we discuss the potential application of a combination of preliminary screening of beneficial dominant mutants using Tnt1 mutant libraries and genome editing via the CRISPR/Cas9 system to identify target genes and to rapidly improve both autogamous and allogamous polyploid crops.Fil: Jozefkowicz, Cintia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Cristina. Agencia de Extension Rural Villa Maria (aer Villa Maria) ; Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Manfredi ; Centro Regional Cordoba ; Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria;Fil: Odorizzi, Ariel Sebastian. Agencia de Extension Rural Villa Maria (aer Villa Maria) ; Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Manfredi ; Centro Regional Cordoba ; Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria;Fil: Iantcheva, Anelia. AgroBioInstitute Agricultural Academy; BulgariaFil: Ratet, Pascal. Université D'evry Val D'essonne; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Ayub, Nicolås. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Soto, Gabriela Cynthia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; Argentin

    Amaryllidaceae alkaloids : identification and partial characterization of montanine production in Rhodophiala bifida plant

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    Rhodophiala bifida (R. bifida) is a representative of the Amaryllidaceae plant family and is rich in montanine, an alkaloid with high pharmaceutical potential. Despite the interest in these compounds, many steps of the biosynthetic pathway have not been elucidated. In this study, we identified the alkaloids produced in different organs of R. bifida under different growth conditions, set up the conditions for in vitro R. bifida regeneration and initiated the molecular characterization of two R. bifida genes involved in alkaloids biosynthesis: the Norbelladine 4â€Č-O-Methyltransferase (RbN4OMT) and the Cytochrome P450 (RbCYP96T). We show that montanine is the main alkaloid produced in the different R. bifida organs and developed a direct organogenesis regeneration protocol, using twin-scale explants cultivated on media enriched with naphthalene acetic acid and benzyladenine. Finally, we analyzed the RbN4OMT and RbCYP96T gene expressions in different organs and culture conditions and compared them to alkaloid production. In different organs of R. bifida young, adult and regenerated plants, as well as under various growing conditions, the transcripts accumulation was correlated with the production of alkaloids. This work provides new tools to improve the production of this important pharmaceutical compound and for future biotechnological studies

    Impact of high atmospheric carbon dioxide on the biotic stress response of the model cereal species Brachypodium distachyon

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    Losses due to disease and climate change are among the most important issues currently facing crop production. It is therefore important to establish the impact of climate change, and particularly of high carbon dioxide (hCO2), on plant immunity in cereals, which provide 60% of human calories. The aim of this study was to determine if hCO2 impacts Brachypodium distachyon immunity, a model plant for temperate cereals. Plants were grown in air (430 ppm CO2) and at two high CO2 conditions, one that is relevant to projections within the coming century (1000 ppm) and a concentration sufficient to saturate photosynthesis (3000 ppm). The following measurements were performed: phenotyping and growth, salicylic acid contents, pathogen resistance tests, and RNAseq analysis of the transcriptome. Improved shoot development was observed at both 1000 and 3000 ppm. A transcriptomic analysis pointed to an increase in primary metabolism capacity under hCO2. Alongside this effect, up-regulation of genes associated with secondary metabolism was also observed. This effect was especially evident for the terpenoid and phenylpropanoid pathways, and was accompanied by enhanced expression of immunity-related genes and accumulation of salicylic acid. Pathogen tests using the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae revealed that hCO2 had a complex effect, with enhanced susceptibility to infection but no increase in fungal development. The study reveals that immunity in B. distachyon is modulated by growth at hCO2 and allows identification of pathways that might play a role in this effect

    An Italian functional genomic resource for Medicago truncatula

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    Background: Medicago truncatula is a model species for legumes. Its functional genomics have been considerably boosted in recent years due to initiatives based both in Europe and US. Collections of mutants are becoming increasingly available and this will help unravel the genetic control of important traits for many species of legumes. Findings: Our report is on the production of three complementary mutant collections of the model species Medicago truncatula produced in Italy in the frame of a national genomic initiative. Well established strategies were used: Tnt1 mutagenesis, TILLING and activation tagging. Both forward and reverse genetics screenings proved the efficiency of the mutagenesis approaches adopted, enabling the isolation of interesting mutants which are in course of characterization. We anticipate that the reported collections will be complementary to the recently established functional genomics tools developed for Medicago truncatula both in Europe and in the United States

    Differentiation of Symbiotic Cells and Endosymbionts in Medicago truncatula Nodulation Are Coupled to Two Transcriptome-Switches

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    The legume plant Medicago truncatula establishes a symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti which takes place in root nodules. The formation of nodules employs a complex developmental program involving organogenesis, specific cellular differentiation of the host cells and the endosymbiotic bacteria, called bacteroids, as well as the specific activation of a large number of plant genes. By using a collection of plant and bacterial mutants inducing non-functional, Fix− nodules, we studied the differentiation processes of the symbiotic partners together with the nodule transcriptome, with the aim of unravelling links between cell differentiation and transcriptome activation. Two waves of transcriptional reprogramming involving the repression and the massive induction of hundreds of genes were observed during wild-type nodule formation. The dominant features of this “nodule-specific transcriptome” were the repression of plant defense-related genes, the transient activation of cell cycle and protein synthesis genes at the early stage of nodule development and the activation of the secretory pathway along with a large number of transmembrane and secretory proteins or peptides throughout organogenesis. The fifteen plant and bacterial mutants that were analyzed fell into four major categories. Members of the first category of mutants formed non-functional nodules although they had differentiated nodule cells and bacteroids. This group passed the two transcriptome switch-points similarly to the wild type. The second category, which formed nodules in which the plant cells were differentiated and infected but the bacteroids did not differentiate, passed the first transcriptome switch but not the second one. Nodules in the third category contained infection threads but were devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and displayed a root-like transcriptome. Nodules in the fourth category were free of bacteria, devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and also displayed a root-like transcriptome. A correlation thus exists between the differentiation of symbiotic nodule cells and the first wave of nodule specific gene activation and between differentiation of rhizobia to bacteroids and the second transcriptome wave in nodules. The differentiation of symbiotic cells and of bacteroids may therefore constitute signals for the execution of these transcriptome-switches

    <em>NODULE ROOT</em> and <em>COCHLEATA</em> Maintain Nodule Development and Are Legume Orthologs of Arabidopsis <em>BLADE-ON-PETIOLE</em> Genes

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    During their symbiotic interaction with rhizobia, legume plants develop symbiosis-specific organs on their roots, called nodules, that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The molecular mechanisms governing the identity and maintenance of these organs are unknown. Using Medicago truncatula nodule root (noot) mutants and pea (Pisum sativum) cochleata (coch) mutants, which are characterized by the abnormal development of roots from the nodule, we identified the NOOT and COCH genes as being necessary for the robust maintenance of nodule identity throughout the nodule developmental program. NOOT and COCH are Arabidopsis thaliana BLADE-ON-PETIOLE orthologs, and we have shown that their functions in leaf and flower development are conserved in M. truncatula and pea. The identification of these two genes defines a clade in the BTB/POZ-ankyrin domain proteins that shares conserved functions in eudicot organ development and suggests that NOOT and COCH were recruited to repress root identity in the legume symbiotic organ

    A WD40 Repeat Protein from Medicago truncatula

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    WD40 repeat proteins regulate biosynthesis of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins (PAs), and mucilage in the seed and the development of trichomes and root hairs. We have cloned and characterized a WD40 repeat protein gene from Medicago truncatula (MtWD40-1) via a retrotransposon-tagging approach. Deficiency of MtWD40-1 expression blocks accumulation of mucilage and a range of phenolic compounds, including PAs, epicatechin, other flavonoids, and benzoic acids, in the seed, reduces epicatechin levels without corresponding effects on other flavonoids in flowers, reduces isoflavone levels in roots, but does not impair trichome or root hair development. MtWD40-1 is expressed constitutively, with highest expression in the seed coat, where its transcript profile temporally parallels those of PA biosynthetic genes. Transcript profile analysis revealed that many genes of flavonoid biosynthesis were down-regulated in a tissue-specific manner in M. truncatula lines harboring retrotransposon insertions in the MtWD40-1 gene. MtWD40-1 complemented the anthocyanin, PA, and trichome phenotypes of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) transparent testa glabrous1 mutant. We discuss the function of MtWD40-1 in natural product formation in M. truncatula and the potential use of the gene for engineering PAs in the forage legume alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
