720 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTJati Leaves (Tectona grandis L.) and Rose balsam flower (Impantiens balsamina L.) contain flavonoid compounds, saponins and tannins that are antibacterial. This research was aimed to formulate liquid soap extracts of Jati leaves and Rose balsam flower ethanol and test the antibacterial drugs for the antibacterial liquid soap with a concentration of (6%:2%), (5%:3%), (4%:4%). (3%:5%) and (2%:6%) against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Experimental methods were permorfed for this research. For the formulation of this liquid soap, several experiments were conducted (e.g., organoleptic test, pH, high foam, moisture content, free alkaline content, and type weights). The effectiveness of antibacterial to s.aureus growth was tested by diffusion method. The results of liquid soap quality testing finally met all the requirements according to ISN (Indonesian National Standard). The results of the effectiveness of antibacterial liquid soap esxtract of the obtained Jati leaves and Rose balsam flower can inhibit the s.aureus bacteria, with a concentration of (5%:3%) and (2%:6%) which has the strongest inhibition with a diameter of 19,3 mm. Keywords: Jati Leaves, Rose Balsam, Liquid Soap, Antibacterial.  ABSTRAKDaun Jati (Tectona grandis L.) dan Bunga Pacar Air (Impantiens balsamina L.) memiliki kandungan senyawa flavonoid, saponin, dan tannin yang bersifat sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan sabun cair kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun Jati dan bunga Pacar Air serta menguji aktivitas antibakteri sediaan sabun cair dengan konsentrasi (6%:2%), (5%:3%), (4%:4%), (3%:5%), (2%:6%) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental. Formulasi sediaan sabun cair kombinasi dilakukan pengujian organoleptic, pH, tinggi busa, kadar air, kadar alkali bebas, dan bobot jenis. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi. Hasil pengujian mutu sabun cair memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia). Hasil uji aktivitas antibakteri yang diperoleh dapat menghambat bakteri s.aureus dengan konsentrasi (5%:3%) dan (2%:6%) yang memiliki daya hambat terkuat dengan diameter 19,3 mm. Kata kunci: Daun Jati, Bunga Pacar Air, Sabun Cair, Antibakteri

    Architectural Challenges and Solutions for Collocated LWIP - A Network Layer Perspective

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    Achieving a tighter level of aggregation between LTE and Wi-Fi networks at the radio access network (a.k.a. LTE-Wi-Fi Aggregation or LWA) has become one of the most prominent solutions in the era of 5G to boost network capacit y and improve end user's quality of experience. LWA offers flexible resource scheduling decisions for steering user tr affic via LTE and Wi-Fi links. In this work, we propose a Collocated LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration architecture at IP layer (C-LWIP), an enhancement over 3GPP non-collocated LWIP architecture. We have evaluated C-LWIP performance in vari ous link aggregation strategies (LASs). A C-LWIP node ( i.e. , the node having collocated, aggregated LTE eNodeB and Wi-Fi access point functionalities) is implemented in NS-3 which introd uces a traffic steering layer ( i.e. , Link Aggregation Layer) for efficient integration of LTE and Wi-Fi. Using extensive simulations, we verified the correctness of C-LWIP module in NS-3 and evaluat ed the aggregation benefits over standalone LTE and Wi-Fi netwo rks with respect to varying number of users and traffic types. We found that split bearer performs equivalently to switched b earer for UDP flows and switched bearer outperforms split bearer in the case of TCP flows. Also, we have enumerated the potential challenges to be addressed for unleashing C-LWIP capabilit ies. Our findings also include WoD-Link Aggregation Strategy whi ch is shown to improve system throughput by 50% as compared to Naive-LAS in a densely populated indoor stadium environmen t

    Common activation of canonical Wnt signaling in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is an extremely aggressive malignancy, which carries a dismal prognosis. Activating mutations of the Kras gene are common to the vast majority of human PDA. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that embryonic signaling pathway such as Hedgehog and Notch are inappropriately upregulated in this disease. The role of another embryonic signaling pathway, namely the canonical Wnt cascade, is still controversial. Here, we use gene array analysis as a platform to demonstrate general activation of the canonical arm of the Wnt pathway in human PDA. Furthermore, we provide evidence for Wnt activation in mouse models of pancreatic cancer. Our results also indicate that Wnt signaling might be activated downstream of Hedgehog signaling, which is an early event in PDA evolution. Wnt inhibition blocked proliferation and induced apoptosis of cultured adenocarcinoma cells, thereby providing evidence to support the development of novel therapeutical strategies for Wnt inhibition in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

    Motion-corrected reconstruction of parametric images from dynamic PET data with the Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework (SIRF)

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    Motion correction has been added to a PET-MR reconstruction tool, SIRF, by incorporating a registration package, NiftyReg. New functionality has been demonstrated in the context of estimating kinetic parameters in the left temporal lobe, comparing direct and indirect reconstructions and evaluating the impact of using motion correction.Principal component analysis was used to detect motion and to determine time frames, while STIR's parametric-OSEM was used to perform the motion-corrected direct parametric reconstruction.It was found that the variance in the left temporal lobe decreased when motion correction was performed, and the same was true of direct reconstructions compared to indirect.With SIRF, the entirety of the demonstrated functionality can be performed from a single Matlab or Python script

    Characterization of speech and language phenotype in GLUT1DS

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    Background: To analyze the oral motor, speech and language phenotype in a sample of pediatric patients with GLUT 1 transporter deficiency syndrome (GLUT1DS). Methods: eight Italian-speaking children with GLUT1DS (aged 4.6–15.4 years) in stable treatment with ketogenic diet from a variable time underwent a specific and standardized speech and language assessment battery. Results: All patients showed deficits with different degrees of impairment in multiple speech and language areas. In particular, orofacial praxis, parallel and total movements were the most impaired in the oromotor domain; in the speech domain patients obtained a poor performance in the diadochokinesis rate and in the repetition of words that resulted as severely deficient in seven out of eight patients; in the language domain the most affected abilities were semantic/phonological fluency and receptive grammar. Conclusions: GLUT1DS is associated to different levels of speech and language impairment, which should guide diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. Larger population data are needed to identify more precisely a speech and language profile in GLUT1DS patients

    Mutant p53R270H drives altered metabolism and increased invasion in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic cancer is characterized by nearly universal activating mutations in KRAS. Among other somatic mutations, TP53 is mutated in more than 75% of human pancreatic tumors. Genetically engineered mice have proven instrumental in studies of the contribution of individual genes to carcinogenesis. Oncogenic Kras mutations occur early during pancreatic carcinogenesis and are considered an initiating event. In contrast, mutations in p53 occur later during tumor progression. In our model, we recapitulated the order of mutations of the human disease, with p53 mutation following expression of oncogenic Kras. Further, using an inducible and reversible expression allele for mutant p53, we inactivated its expression at different stages of carcinogenesis. Notably, the function of mutant p53 changes at different stages of carcinogenesis. Our work establishes a requirement for mutant p53 for the formation and maintenance of pancreatic cancer precursor lesions. In tumors, mutant p53 becomes dispensable for growth. However, it maintains the altered metabolism that characterizes pancreatic cancer and mediates its malignant potential. Further, mutant p53 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cancer cell invasion. This work generates new mouse models that mimic human pancreatic cancer and expands our understanding of the role of p53 mutation, common in the majority of human malignancies