6 research outputs found
Car Design, from Function to Fashion
Conditioning become so common in the human modern culture. Design grown as one of the spearheads of consumerism that measures the humanity based on their consumption volume. It dictated by the produced value from advertising. Cars have imprisoned the consumer inside them. It runs with a discourse of lifestyles which includes various material appreciation ideologies by the urban people mind and soul. This paper aims to look at the developing lifestyle and how it impacts on design and engineering demands through a car. The focus is from the user perspectives when they began to appreciate lifestyle as a binder between body and the consciousness. The dynamic perception of space then excessively composed to influence the psyche side of the urban people among the blended idea of identity, move, privacy, beauty, security, pleasure, satisfaction, and power on a car. Keywords: Technology, Economics, Car Designs, Function, Community, Fashion
Design Innovation Paradigm and Patterns of Family Cars
Innovation plays an important role in product design development that would respond to the user’s needs. However, users’ perspective on innovation is influenced by the values that grow in a society. The changes in society values have influenced the users’ perspective towards the innovation of the car. This situation leads to gaps between how designers think about the innovation and what the users’ needs of the car innovation design are. Thus, this study intends to compare the differences between the designers and users’ perspective on the innovation of the Indonesian car industry. The study focused on the design of the four top-selling cars in Indonesia, namely: Toyota Innova, Toyota Avanza, Suzuki APV and Nissan Grand from the year 1998 to 2012. The survey was conducted by distributing 303 questionnaires from June 10 to June 16, 2013 to a virtual community at saft7.com, one of Indonesia’s well known automotive websites. Then, questionnaires were distributed and interviews were conducted about the characteristics of product design innovation in several automotive industries, namely: Toyota, on December 1 and March 21, 2013; Daihatsu, on March 18, 2013, Suzuki on April 16, 2013; and Nissan, on May 1, 2013 and May 16, 2013. Furthermore, the data compiled from the industry and the public respondents were processed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon W. This nonparametric test was performed on two independent samples to determine similarities and differences in the values ??of certain variables between the two groups tested. The results show that the designers and users tend to perceive car innovation as being part of the incremental innovation category. The innovation gaps were found in the attributes of the orientation of innovation and the product’s platform. However, the slight difference indicates that users tend to look at the design innovation as a differentiator and a novelty marker for cars they would purchase. Keywords: incremental innovation, radical innovation, design driven innovation, designer perception, user perception, family car, design innovation
Adaptasi konsep library as a social place kian menjadi tren ditengah pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan gaya belajar kolaboratif. Pada penelitian ini diselidiki sense of place perpustakaan daerah berkonsep ruang publik dari tiga faktor pembentuknya, yaitu aspek aktvitas, fisik, dan emosi dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan observasi lapangan. Perpustakaan Umum Kota Lumajang dipilih menjadi objek dengan sampel berupa pemustaka di lingkungan tersebut yang ditetapkan dengan metode accidental sampling.Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa, variabel yang dominan membentuk keterikatan pemustaka dengan Perpustakaan Umum Kota Lumajang pada aspek aktivitas adalah kegiatan mencari ide, berkegiatan sosial, dan mengekpslor bangunan dalam variabel eksplorasi. Kemudahan akses menuju tempat dinilai sebagai faktor penting dalam aspek fisik. Dengan adanya ruang publik, peran perpustakaan sebagai sarana pengembangan wawasan, minat dan kualitas masyarakat daerah dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan diskusi, berkumpul, aktualisasi, dan bercengkrama antar pemustaka di tempat (place social bonding). Tingkatan sense of place pemustaka di Perpustakaan Umum Kota Lumajang secara umum berada pada kategori sedang, yaitu pemustaka memiliki ketertarikan khusus dengan area atau unsur yang ada di perpustakaan. Peran perpustakaan sebagai social place dinilai sebagai makna tempat dan unsur menarik untuk mengunjungi serta berlama-lama di lingkungan perpustakaan, sehingga secara berkesinambungan berpengaruh pada keterikatan tempat (sense of place)
Collaboration Building Prototyping Based on Sketch as Communication Language in Indonesia Rural Area
Researchers and builders collaborate on the manufacture of two-wheeled vehicles prototype for the Cikadu community in the rural village of West Java, Indonesia. Ethnography is used to understand the activities and solutions of two-wheeled vehicles in the community. The default, intervention, and compromise phase describe the process of collaboration with the community and execution through prototyping involving local workshops. Transparency, mutual trust, and mutual acceptance are the three intersections of the process phase carried out. Regarding collaboration of the local builder, manufacturing process for vehicle prototype, as matter of fact local builder utilizes and refers heavily on perspective sketches rather than shop drawings, these local builder utilizes perspective raw sketches during the logical measurements and prototypes assembling process. Keywords: collaboration, Cikadu, ethnography, sketch, rural vehicle DOI: 10.7176/ADS/102-05 Publication date:August 30th 202
Kajian Hubungan antara Desain Kendaraan MPV dan Penggunanya di Kota Bandung
Currently motored vehicle has become a necessity for most urban people because the demands of high mobility are performing in their daily activities. Geographical conditions, cultural distinctiveness, economic and lifestyle differences also influence the behavior of its people. Indonesia is a country with a high rate of car sales for multipurpose vehicle (MPV). With this phenomenon, criteria for the Indonesian people about MPV car, with both design aspects and also engineering aspects are no longer controlled by the principal industry in Japan, but should further reflect the desires of consumers in Indonesia. This becomes the basis of the considerations in choosing which vehicle they want to buy. The goal of this research is to identify the factors that influence the occurrence of the difference between consumer choices with a design that has been offered by the manufactures. This study was conducted to prove the hypothesis that car design using ideal values from Japanese country as the main producer of cars in some cases do not have high hopes of being accepted by the Indonesian market, considering several values and cultural differences between ideal values of Japanese car manufactures and conditions of Indonesian people, which resulted in differences of perceptions, between the ideal concept of car design of urban people in Indonesia and the concept that manufactures has offered
Effect of Scents and Interior Colors on Learning Motivation: ProceedingThe 1st Bandung Creative Movement (BCM) 2014
Acquiring knowledge are one of the most important motivation people are usually driven to do. In fact, people need for motivation as a driver to do any sort of tasks. Green color and scent for interiors can bring a positive impact on the psychological condition of an individual. From the Anova analysis, the room dominated by a higher concentration of pastel green color and lemon scent stimulated responses most positively toward learning motivation. In the future, we expect that further exploration could be carried on to enhance the science of design and support the development of related industry