72 research outputs found

    Effect of supplementary feed on the growth of shinghi (Heteropneustes fossilis Bloch)

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    Effect of two supplementary feed (food A and food B) on the growth of shinghi, Heteropneustes fossilis was observed for 3 months period during winter and summer. Food B containing rice bran 2 g, wheat bran 2 g and blood 10 ml, showed better growth. The net gain in length was 70.04 mm and in weight was 13.82 g. Total net production was observed as 254.00 g/m² with feed A and 345.50 g/m² with feed B

    Distribution of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in three rivers of Paikgacha, Bangladesh

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    Distribution of post larvae, juveniles and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was studied in three rivers of Paikgachha, Khulna during November '91 to Apri1 '94. The adults were found to ascend upstream and the matured ones again return to the estuary to breed. Post larvae of M. rosenbergii prefer a salinity range in between 0.5 to 19.0 ppt and juveniles require a salinity range in between 0.0 to 2.0 ppt

    Comparison of different phenotypic methods of detection of methicillin resistance in staphylococcus aureus with the molecular detection of mec-a gene

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate accuracy, cost-effectiveness and ease to perform different phenotypic methods i.e. Cefoxitin 30 microg disc, Oxacillin 1microg disc and Oxacillin agar screening plate (6microg/ml ) for early and accurate identification of MRSA by comparing with the detection of mec-A gene in our clinical isolates. DESIGN: A comparative study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Clinical samples submitted in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from 1st August to 31st October 2006. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Out of 200 clinical samples, conventional Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done on 62 pure biochemically identified S. aureus isolates for mec-A gene detection. Phenotypic methods for detecting methicillin sensitivity (Cefoxitin 30 microg disc, Oxacillin 1 microg disc and Oxacillin agar screening plate) were also used according to the recommended incubation time, duration and temperature on the same isolates. RESULTS: Out of 62 isolates of S. aureus, mec-A gene were detected (MRSA) in 32, whereas 30 were mec-A gene negative (MSSA). Cefoxitin disc and agar screening plate correctly identify all MRSA isolates with the sensitivity and specificity of 100%. Single isolate was false, positively detected as sensitive with Oxacillin 1microg disc, due to which, the sensitivity and negative predictive value of this method were reduced to 96.9% and 96.8% respectively, while positive predictive value and specificity remained 100%. CONCLUSION: Comparing different phenotypic methods for MRSA screening in routine microbiology laboratory, Cefoxitin disc and Oxacillin agar screening has better sensitivity and specificity comparative to Oxacillin disc. However, Cefoxitin disc can be preferred especially for small laboratories because it is easy to perform, do not require special technique and media preparation is consequently more cost-effective

    Genome-wide association coupled gene to gene interaction studies unveil novel epistatic targets among major effect loci impacting rice grain chalkiness

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    Rice varieties whose quality is graded as excellent have a lower percent grain chalkiness (PGC) of two percent and below with higher whole grain yields upon milling, leading to higher economic returns for farmers. We have conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a combined population panel of indica and japonica rice varieties, and identified a total of 746 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were strongly associated with the chalk phenotype, covered 78 Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) regions. Among them, 21 were high-value QTLs, as they explained at least 10 % of the phenotypic variance for PGC. A combined epistasis and GWAS was applied to dissect the genetics of the complex chalkiness trait, and its regulatory cascades were validated using gene regulatory networks. Promising novel epistatic interactions were found between the loci of chromosomes 6 (PGC6.1) and 7 (PGC7.8), that contributed to lower PGC. Based on haplotype mining only a few modern rice varieties confounded with a lower chalkiness, and they possess several PGC QTLs. The importance of PGC6.1 was validated through multi-parent advanced generation intercrosses and several low chalk lines possessing superior haplotypes were identified. The results of this investigation have deciphered the underlying genetic networks that can reduce PGC to 2 %, and will thus support future breeding programs to improve the grain quality of elite genetic material with high yielding potentials

    Effects of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Viability during Differentiation In Vitro

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are being used extensively in array of studies to understand different mechanisms such as early human embryogenesis, drug toxicity testing, disease modeling, and cell replacement therapy. The protocols for the directed differentiation of hESCs towards specific cell types often require long-term cell cultures. To avoid bacterial contamination, these protocols include addition of antibiotics such as pen-strep and gentamicin. Although aminoglycosides, streptomycin, and gentamicin have been shown to cause cytotoxicity in various animal models, the effect of these antibiotics on hESCs is not clear. In this study, we found that antibiotics, pen-strep, and gentamicin did not affect hESC cell viability or expression of pluripotency markers. However, during directed differentiation towards neural and hepatic fate, significant cell death was noted through the activation of caspase cascade. Also, the expression of neural progenitor markers Pax6, Emx2, Otx2, and Pou3f2 was significantly reduced suggesting that gentamicin may adversely affect early embryonic neurogenesis whereas no effect was seen on the expression of endoderm or hepatic markers during differentiation. Our results suggest that the use of antibiotics in cell culture media for the maintenance and differentiation of hESCs needs thorough investigation before use to avoid erroneous results

    Balancing the double‐edged sword effect of increased resistant starch content and its impact on rice texture: its genetics and molecular physiological mechanisms

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    Resistant starch (RS) is the portion of starch that escapes gastrointestinal digestion and acts as a substrate for fermentation of probiotic bacteria in the gut. Aside from enhancing gut health, RS contributes to a lower glycemic index. A genome‐wide association study coupled with targeted gene association studies was conducted utilizing a diverse panel of 281 resequenced Indica rice lines comprising of ~2.2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms. Low‐to‐intermediate RS phenotypic variations were identified in the rice diversity panel, resulting in novel associations of RS to several genes associated with amylopectin biosynthesis and degradation. Selected rice lines encoding superior alleles of SSIIa with medium RS and inferior alleles with low RS groups were subjected to detailed transcriptomic, metabolomic, non‐starch dietary fibre (DF), starch structural and textural attributes. The gene regulatory networks highlighted the importance of a protein phosphatase alongside multiple genes of starch metabolism. Metabolomics analyses resulted in the identification of several metabolite hubs (carboxylic acid, sugars and polyamines) in the medium RS group. Among DF, mannose and galactose from the water‐insoluble fraction were found to be highly associated with low and medium RS lines, respectively. Starch structural analyses revealed that a moderate increase in RS is also linked to an elevation of amylose 1 and amylose 2 fractions. Although rice lines with medium RS content negatively affected textural and viscosity properties in comparison to low RS, the textural property of medium RS lines was in the same acceptable range as IR64, a rice mega variety popular in Asia

    The effect of Triflumuron on malathion-susceptible (FSSII) and malathion-resistant (CTC12) strains of Tribolium casteneum herbst

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