1,481 research outputs found

    The Design and Implementation of AIDA: Ancient Inscription Database and Analytics System

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    AIDA, the Ancient Inscription Database and Analytic system can be used to translate and analyze ancient Minoan language. The AIDA system currently stores three types of ancient Minoan inscriptions: Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyph and Phaistos Disk inscriptions. In addition, AIDA provides candidate syllabic values and translations of Minoan words and inscriptions into English. The AIDA system allows the users to change these candidate phonetic assignments to the Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyph and Phaistos symbols. Hence the AIDA system provides for various scholars not only a convenient online resource to browse Minoan inscriptions but also provides an analysis tool to explore various options of phonetic assignments and their implications. Such explorations can aid in the decipherment of Minoan inscriptions. Adviser: Peter Z. Reves

    Statical Analysis of Rainfall for Development of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Upper Cauvery Karnataka by Log-Normal Distribution

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    Intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves are among the most demandable information in meteorology, hydrology and engineering water resources design, planning, operation, and management works. The IDF Curves accessible are for the most part done by fitting arrangement of yearly greatest precipitation force to parametric dispersions. Intensity-durationfrequency (IDF) curves represent the relationship between storm intensity, storm duration and return period. Environmental change is relied upon to intensify the boundaries in the atmosphere factors. Being prone to harsh climate impacts, it is very crucial to study extreme rainfall-induced flooding for short durations over regions that are rapidly growing. One way to approach the extremes is by the application of the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves. The annual maximum rainfall intensity (AMRI) characteristics are often used to construct these IDF curves that are being used in several infrastructure designs for urban areas. Thus, there is a necessity to obtain high temporal and spatial resolution rainfall information. Many urban areas of developing countries lack long records of short-duration rainfall. The shortest duration obtained is normally at a daily scale/24 h. This paper suggests their generation based on annual daily maximum rainfall (ADMR) records. Rainfall data of 23 (Twenty three) hydrological years of all stations were used. Maximum rainfall frequency analysis was made by LogNormal Distribution method

    Leading logarithm calculation of the e^+ e^- -> e^+ \nu_e \bar{u} d cross section

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    We analytically evaluate in the leading logarithm approximation the differential cross section for e^+ e^- -> e^+ \nu_e \bar{u} d. We compare our order \alpha^4 \alpha_s^0 leading-log result to the order \alpha^4 \alpha_s^0 exact result obtained from the GRC4F Monte Carlo program. Finally we use the Gluck, Reya, Schienbien distribution of partons in a virtual photon, which incorporates both evolution and nonperturbative strong interaction contributions, to obtain better estimates of the differential cross section.Comment: 10 pages including 9 figure

    To What Extent is the Free Market Compatible With the ‘Strong State’?

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    Contradictory views persist among neoliberals, social democrats and social liberals regarding relationships between free market and the nation State. In one hand, neoliberals suggest that the development of the free market puts constraints on the role of the state. Yet empirical evidence to support this view is lacking and range of commentators show not only resilience but even the expansion of state spending. Moreover, the article highlights that the State has welcomed globalization for the betterment of the society and subsequently it is restructuring itself to accommodate the changes to be effective on a desired way. Keywords: Globalization, Strong State, Free Market, State Control and Liberalism
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