7 research outputs found

    Assessing the Regional and District Capacity for Operationalizing Emergency Obstetric Care through First Referral Units in Gujarat

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    Maternal mortality remains to be one of the very important public health problems in India. The maternal mortality estimates, is about (300-400/100,000 live births). There are diverse management issues, policy barriers to be overcome for improving maternal health. Especially, the operationalization of Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) and access to skilled care attendance during delivery. This study focuses on understanding the regional and district level capacity of the state government to operationalize First Referral Units for providing Emergency Obstetric care. This study is a part of a larger project for strengthening midwifery and Emergency Obstetric Care in India. The study apart from giving an in-depth insight into the functioning of various health facilities highlights the results from the basic to the more comprehensive level of EmOC services. It gives recommendation on various measures to rectify shortcomings noticed and make EmOC a more effective at different levels in the State of Gujarat. The study uses both primary and secondary data collection. The study was conducted in six regions of Gujarat -one district from each of these regions was selected. Out of these districts 27 health facilities were examined, which consists of seven district hospitals, eight designated as first referral units (FRU), four community health centers (CHC) and eight 24/7 primary health centers (PHC). Detailed field notes for individual facilities were prepared and analyzed subsequently for all facilities together. A common feature among all health centres were issues related to general infrastructure. Many times infrastructure planning (location, layout and maintenance) is left to engineers, who have limited knowledge about proper EmOC services. Poor infrastructure leads to poor quality of health services and wastage of resources. Through National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Rogi Kalyan Samiti funds major and minor repair/renovations are taking place to improve hospital buildings. In some health facilities from poor resource setting with high demand from patients were still able to deliver services. Human resources analysis suggests that there is shortage of specialists at FRUs, and committed nursing staff in labor room. As result of the Chiranjeevi initiative, the Below Poverty Line (BPL) population who earlier used to public health facilities are now accessing private facilities for delivery, and this has affected and decreased the workload of the public health facilities. Furthermore, there is lack of managerial skills at senior level hospital staff. Registers like birth, drug, Medical Termination of Pregnancy are maintained but not in standard format. Since complicated cases are not registered properly, maternal deaths are not reported. Even though the system of monitoring is well established at the state and district level, they are not properly followed. The funds for operationalization of First Referral Units come from department of family welfare. However, the administrative control is in the hands of department of medical services. Due to this factor monitoring system has become weak. The weak link between these two departments is the Regional Deputy Director who has only one administrative staff to take care of the issues in their region. The problem of monitoring the Primary Health Centres has become smooth with the appointment of new District Project Coordinators. Some facilities especially in district hospital reported that internal meetings and monitoring are happening because of the special interest of facility managers and newly appointed assistant hospitals administrators. In lower facilities this type of internal monitoring exists in a weak form. Underutilization of government facilities is a result of poor quality of services provided. In spite of reasonably developed health system, several problems of infrastructure, staffing, accountability and management capacity contribute to the poor functioning of facilities to act as an EmOC service delivery center. Some of the major bottlenecks in improving EmOC services are limited management capacity, lack of availability of blood in rural areas and poor registration of births and deaths and no monitoring of EmOC. District hospitals, FRUs, CHCs and Sub district hospitals come under the administrative control of the department of medical services. The clinical monitoring of these facilities lies with the department of health and family welfare. At the district level monitoring of these facilities are not properly done, therefore it effects directly the operationalization of the facilities. In the absence of adequate management capacity, the operationalization of EmOC is not well planned, executed or monitored, which results in delays in implementation and poor quality of care.

    Innovations and Challenges in Reducing Maternal Mortality in Tamil Nadu, India

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    Although India has made slow progress in reducing maternal mortality, progress in Tamil Nadu has been rapid. This case study documents how Tamil Nadu has taken initiatives to improve maternal health services leading to reduction in maternal morality from 380 in 1993 to 90 in 2007. Various initiatives include establishment of maternal death registration and audit, establishment and certification of comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn-care centres, 24-hour x 7-day delivery services through posting of three staff nurses at the primary health centre level, and attracting medical officers to rural areas through incentives in terms of reserved seats in postgraduate studies and others. This is supported by the better management capacity at the state and district levels through dedicated public-health officers. Despite substantial progress, there is some scope for further improvement of quality of infrastructure and services. The paper draws out lessons for other states and countries in the region

    Situational Analysis of Reporting and Recording of Maternal Deaths in Gandhinagar District, Gujarat State

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    A situational analysis of recording and reporting maternal deaths in Gandhinagar district, Gujarat, India and to suggest improvements in the system for reporting and recording maternal deaths based on the findings. This qualitative study was conducted during June-August 2008 and analyzed maternal deaths occurred during April 2007–March 2008. To understand the current reporting system of maternal deaths, semi-structured interviews were conducted with all the concerned officials and offices. Forms and formats relating to death registration and registers containing information on deaths in the villages and towns were studied. Deaths of women in reproductive age group (15-49), reported by the district for the same year were also analyzed. Analysis of 15 verbal autopsy forms filled by the Medical Officers and Block Health Officers was also carried out using Epi Info software. Verbal autopsy method was used for in-depth understanding the circumstances and issues relating to 2 maternal deaths occurred during the study period and its reporting. A group meeting was conducted with Anganwadi workers to understand the reporting of maternal deaths through ICDS.maternal deaths, autopsy, Mumbai, gujarat state, maternal mortality ratio, MMR, south asia, NFHS, births, MDGs, Anganwadi workers, ICDS,women, reproductive age group,

    The state-led large scale public private partnership 'Chiranjeevi Program' to increase access to institutional delivery among poor women in Gujarat, India: How has it done? What can we learn?

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    BACKGROUND: Many low-middle income countries have focused on improving access to and quality of obstetric care, as part of promoting a facility based intra-partum care strategy to reduce maternal mortality. The state of Gujarat in India, implements a facility based intra-partum care program through its large for-profit private obstetric sector, under a state-led public-private-partnership, the Chiranjeevi Yojana (CY), under which the state pays accredited private obstetricians to perform deliveries for poor/tribal women. We examine CY performance, its contribution to overall trends in institutional deliveries in Gujarat over the last decade and its effect on private and public sector deliveries there. METHODS: District level institutional delivery data (public, private, CY), national surveys, poverty estimates, census data were used. Institutional delivery trends in Gujarat 2000-2010 are presented; including contributions of different sectors and CY. Piece-wise regression was used to study the influence of the CY program on public and private sector institutional delivery. RESULTS: Institutional delivery rose from 40.7% (2001) to 89.3% (2010), driven by sharp increases in private sector deliveries. Public sector and CY contributed 25-29% and 13-16% respectively of all deliveries each year. In 2007, 860 of 2000 private obstetricians participated in CY. Since 2007, >600,000 CY deliveries occurred i.e. one-third of births in the target population. Caesareans under CY were 6%, higher than the 2% reported among poor women by the DLHS survey just before CY. CY did not influence the already rising proportion of private sector deliveries in Gujarat. CONCLUSION: This paper reports a state-led, fully state-funded, large-scale public-private partnership to improve poor women's access to institutional delivery - there have been >600,000 beneficiaries. While caesarean proportions are higher under CY than before, it is uncertain if all beneficiaries who require sections receive these. Other issues to explore include quality of care, provider attrition and the relatively low coverage

    Mean regression (GEE) of proportion of (a) non-CY deliveries in private institutions (panel A) (b) public sector deliveries (panel B) over time in districts of Gujarat before and after CY.

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    <p>Mean regression (GEE) of proportion of (a) non-CY deliveries in private institutions (panel A) (b) public sector deliveries (panel B) over time in districts of Gujarat before and after CY.</p