174 research outputs found

    Dynamic networks and directed percolation

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    We introduce a model for dynamic networks, where the links or the strengths of the links change over time. We solve the model by mapping dynamic networks to the problem of directed percolation, where the direction corresponds to the evolution of the network in time. We show that the dynamic network undergoes a percolation phase transition at a critical concentration pcp_c, which decreases with the rate rr at which the network links are changed. The behavior near criticality is universal and independent of rr. We find fundamental network laws are changed. (i) For Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi networks we find that the size of the giant component at criticality scales with the network size NN for all values of rr, rather than as N2/3N^{2/3}. (ii) In the presence of a broad distribution of disorder, the optimal path length between two nodes in a dynamic network scales as N1/2N^{1/2}, compared to N1/3N^{1/3} in a static network.Comment: 10 pages 5 figures; corrected metadata onl

    Structural crossover of polymers in disordered media

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    We present a unified scaling theory for the structural behavior of polymers embedded in a disordered energy substrate. An optimal polymer configuration is defined as the polymer configuration that minimizes the sum of interacting energies between the monomers and the substrate. The fractal dimension of the optimal polymer in the limit of strong disorder (SD) was found earlier to be larger than the fractal dimension in weak disorder (WD). We introduce a scaling theory for the crossover between the WD and SD limits. For polymers of various sizes in the same disordered substrate we show that polymers with a small number of monomers, N << N*, will behave as in SD, while large polymers with length N >> N* will behave as in WD. This implies that small polymers will be relatively more compact compared to large polymers even in the same substrate. The crossover length N* is a function of \nu and a, where \nu is the percolation correlation length exponent and a is the parameter which controls the broadness of the disorder. Furthermore, our results show that the crossover between the strong and weak disorder limits can be seen even within the same polymer configuration. If one focuses on a segment of size n << N* within a long polymer (N >> N*) that segment will have a higher fractal dimension compared to a segment of size n >> N*

    Towards designing robust coupled networks

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    Natural and technological interdependent systems have been shown to be highly vulnerable due to cascading failures and an abrupt collapse of global connectivity under initial failure. Mitigating the risk by partial disconnection endangers their functionality. Here we propose a systematic strategy of selecting a minimum number of autonomous nodes that guarantee a smooth transition in robustness. Our method which is based on betweenness is tested on various examples including the famous 2003 electrical blackout of Italy. We show that, with this strategy, the necessary number of autonomous nodes can be reduced by a factor of five compared to a random choice. We also find that the transition to abrupt collapse follows tricritical scaling characterized by a set of exponents which is independent on the protection strategy

    Inter-similarity between coupled networks

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    Recent studies have shown that a system composed from several randomly interdependent networks is extremely vulnerable to random failure. However, real interdependent networks are usually not randomly interdependent, rather a pair of dependent nodes are coupled according to some regularity which we coin inter-similarity. For example, we study a system composed from an interdependent world wide port network and a world wide airport network and show that well connected ports tend to couple with well connected airports. We introduce two quantities for measuring the level of inter-similarity between networks (i) Inter degree-degree correlation (IDDC) (ii) Inter-clustering coefficient (ICC). We then show both by simulation models and by analyzing the port-airport system that as the networks become more inter-similar the system becomes significantly more robust to random failure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A New Analysis Method for Simulations Using Node Categorizations

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    Most research concerning the influence of network structure on phenomena taking place on the network focus on relationships between global statistics of the network structure and characteristic properties of those phenomena, even though local structure has a significant effect on the dynamics of some phenomena. In the present paper, we propose a new analysis method for phenomena on networks based on a categorization of nodes. First, local statistics such as the average path length and the clustering coefficient for a node are calculated and assigned to the respective node. Then, the nodes are categorized using the self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm. Characteristic properties of the phenomena of interest are visualized for each category of nodes. The validity of our method is demonstrated using the results of two simulation models. The proposed method is useful as a research tool to understand the behavior of networks, in particular, for the large-scale networks that existing visualization techniques cannot work well.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. This paper will be published in Social Network Analysis and Mining(www.springerlink.com