174 research outputs found

    Board of Director’s influence on Innovation in Established Firms : An Exploratory Study

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    This thesis aims to explore how boards of directors in established firms facilitate innovation through exerting specific activities. We explore this phenomenon by conducting interviews with key informants who serve as board members in various established companies in Norway. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 18 informants, we find and present board members’ activities aiming to facilitate innovation within the organization. Our primary research question is: “Through what activities do board members aim to facilitate innovation within established firms”? We identify eleven activities that the board members who are closely involved in innovation adopt to facilitate innovation within the organization. These activities can be grouped into the three pillars of the dynamic capability framework, namely sensing, seizing, and transforming, which according to existing research are necessary organizational-level capabilities for innovation and to sustain competitive advantage. While previous research has focused on the role of top management, our findings show how board members can assist firms to develop these capabilities with their specific activities. Moreover, our research shows that some of the boards of directors have limited involvement in innovation and we identify internal and external factors hindering them from active involvement. We develop two models that show an overview of two types of board involvement with specific activities to foster innovation and contextual factors behind limited involvement. This study contributes to the existing literature by shedding light on the role of a new set of actors at the very top of the organizational hierarchy – the board of directions. Our study offers a set of empirically based activities practiced by board members that can enable organizational dynamic capabilities, aiming to ultimately result in enhanced innovation. Moreover, the study sheds light on various external and internal factors that can explain limited involvement of boards. In terms of practical implications, the research puts forth various activities that can be embraced by boards of directors seeking to enhance the established firms’ engagement in innovation. Additionally, the identification of factors behind limited involvement offers practitioners new perspectives to explore, with the aim of investigating and resolving this issue.nhhma

    Understanding Feedforward – Feedback Controller Components In Human Movement Through Optimization-Based Approaches

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    Despite many studies in human motion analysis using optimal control theory to understand how movement is generated, less attention is focused on the structure of the optimal controller. The majority of existing studies assume that the person is using a feedforward controller to accomplish the desired task. However, during perturbed motions a feedback controller becomes active, and enables the person to react to unforeseen perturbations and adapt their motions to the environment. As such, understanding controller structure becomes important to analyze human motion more accurately. Three key contributions will be elaborated in this thesis to enable analyzing the human feedforward and feedback controller components. The first key contribution is the formulation of an inverse optimization problem for trajectories generated by feedforward-feedback controllers for nonlinear systems and feedback controllers for linear systems. We adapt the recovery matrix inverse optimal control approach, originally developed for recovering the cost matrices from trajectories observed under feedforward control, and apply it to analyze trajectories observed from systems controlled in the feedback form plus additional feedforward term. This method also estimates the feedback gain for linear systems where inverse linear quadratic regulator approaches are dependent on the given feedback gain assumption. The perturbation in this study is added as a zero mean Gaussian noise at the state output. The second key contribution is an algorithm to decompose the controller components for tracking problems. This algorithm uses Bellman optimality condition to form an optimization problem to detect whether the system was disturbed or not. We formulate a constrained optimization problem to estimate the control signal. The identification of controller components is made based on the estimated and the reference experimental trajectories. The proposed approach is tested in simulation, where a perturbation is applied on different nonlinear systems in a continuous form. The third key contribution is to combine the first two contributions to analyze feedforward and feedback controller components of human movement. First, squat motion is identified as a suitable motion for analyzing human perturbed motion and controller structure. We collected both unperturbed and perturbed squat motions for this study. The perturbation is applied during a short time in a continuous form through a push stick. Then the human body is modeled as a three degrees of freedom system, and the task is modeled by an optimal control problem. By modifying the decomposition algorithm, the trials are classified and the controller components are identified by the inverse optimal control

    Removal of Contaminant Nanoparticles from Wastewater Produced Via Hydrothermal Carbonization by Spions

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    RÉSUMÉ La carbonisation hydrothermale (CHT) peut ĂȘtre dĂ©finie chimiquement comme un processus combinĂ© de dĂ©shydratation et de dĂ©carboxylation dans un Ă©tat humide. En bref, ce procĂ©dĂ© est rĂ©alisĂ© par l'application d'une tempĂ©rature Ă©levĂ©e (entre 180 Ă  250°C) et d’une pression (de l’ordre de 2 MPa) pour dĂ©gager l’eau de la biomasse et transformer le carbone en biocharbon de haute qualitĂ© en l'espace de quelques heures. D'abord la biomasse est chauffĂ©e sous forme de solution aqueuse dans un rĂ©servoir sous pression jusqu’à ce qu’un procĂ©dĂ© exothermique entre en action. DĂšs ce moment l’exploitation de l’installation ne requiert aucune Ă©nergie additionnelle. En outre, pendant le processus de conversion humide, la forte teneur en rĂ©sidus est transformĂ©e en nanoparticules qui pourraient prĂ©senter une nanostructure hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne bien dĂ©finie. Bien que la CHT soit connue depuis des annĂ©es, on observe un regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt envers ce procĂ©dĂ© en raison de sa rentabilitĂ© et des propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes de ses produits comme le biochar, un produit semblable Ă  l'humus, qui peut ĂȘtre employĂ© pour amender les sols agricoles et stocker le CO2. En fait, la CHT a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour le traitement des boues et des eaux usĂ©es dans certains pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s tels que l'Allemagne. Aujourd'hui, de nombreux scientifiques continuent Ă  Ă©tudier les produits solides de ce procĂ©dĂ© tel que le biochar. Ces Ă©tudes concernent la caractĂ©risation physico-chimique et biologique des produits gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par la CHT, ainsi que leur utilisation potentielle. Toutefois, les produits aqueux de la CHT, riches en hydrocarbures dĂ©rivĂ©s et en nanoparticules (NPs), sont rarement Ă©tudiĂ©s. Ainsi, notre objectif est d'Ă©tudier les eaux usĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par la CHT Ă  partir d’une biomasse de glycĂ©rine ou de sucre. En outre, nous proposons une nouvelle stratĂ©gie de traitement pour Ă©liminer les NPs de ces eaux usĂ©es. À cet Ă©gard, nous avons utilisĂ©s les nanoparticules superparamagnĂ©tiques d’oxyde de fer (SPIONs) en raison de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques uniques (propriĂ©tĂ©s magnĂ©tiques, capacitĂ© d’absorption, biocompatibilitĂ© et Ă©co-compatibilitĂ©) pour la dĂ©contamination de l'eau et des eaux usĂ©es. Dans ce travail, nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© deux nanocomposites Ă  base de SPIONs pour le retrait magnĂ©tique des nanoparticules des eaux usĂ©es. Dans le premier cas, nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© des SPIONS recouverts de polyĂ©thylĂšne-glycol (PEG) (SPIONs @ (PEG)). Dans le second cas, nous avons utilisĂ© un procĂ©dĂ© de croissance in situ pour produire un nanocomposite de SPIONS et d’oxyde de graphĂšne purifiĂ© (OG), (SPIONs / OG), et recouvert par la suite de PEG (20000Da), (SPIONS / OG @ PEG). Comme les OG contiennent divers groupes fonctionnels comprenant, entre autres, les acides carboxyliques, les hydroxyles et les Ă©poxydes, ayant une valence Ă©levĂ©e pour l’adsorption de contaminants en raison de leur teneur Ă©levĂ©e en oxygĂšne, nous supposons que SPIONS / GO @ PEG amĂ©liorent le procĂ©dĂ© de dĂ©contamination.----------ABSTRACT Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a chemical approach that can be defined as a combined dehydration and decarboxylation process in a wet state. Briefly, this process is performed by applying elevated temperature (between 180-250°C) and pressure (arround 2MPa) to convert biomass from aqueous suspension (e.g. sludge, wastewater, natural products, among other) into three different phases and materials products, including biocoal. Further, during the wet conversion process the high residue content is transformed into nanoparticles that could present well-defined or heterogeneous nanostructure. Although HTC was known for years, it has been focused only recently due to exclusive products properties and cost-effective production. In fact, HTC has been used for sludge and wastewater treatment plants in some developed countries such as Germany. Nowadays, many scientific groups still investigate solid products (e.g. biocoal) from HTC. These studies are related to physico-chemical and biological characterization of HTC’s generated materials, as well as their potential uses. However, aqueous products from HTC, which are rich in hydrocarbons derivatives and nanoparticles (NPs), are rarely studied. Thereby, our objective is to study the wastewater generated from HTC applied to samples of either glycerin or sugar. Furthermore, we propose a novel treatment strategy to remove the NPs from the wastewater. In this regard, we have used Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIONs) due to their unique physico-chemical properties (magnetic properties, adsorption capacity, biocompatibility and eco-friendly degradation) for decontamination of water and wastewater. In this regard, we synthesized two different nanocomposites based on SPIONs to carry out the magnetic removal of existent NPs in the wastewater. For the first case, we synthesized polyethylene-glycol (PEG) coated SPIONS (SPIONs@PEG). The second one was a new nanocomposite (SPIONs/GO) obtained from in situ growth of SPIONS over purified graphene oxide (GO), which was afterwards coated with PEG (20000Da), resulting in SPIONs/GO@PEG. As GO has various functional groups that have a high valence for absorption of contaminants due to their oxygen content, we assume that SPIONs/GO@PEG improves the efficiency of the decontamination process compared to SPIONs@PEG alone. Initially, we have characterized the synthetized SPIONs. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to identify the present functional groups in the SPIONs samples. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) were used to determine the topography and diameter size via high resolution images with fine details of the nanocomposites. Finally Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) was used to evaluate the size distribution of the SPIONs in distilled water

    The Desirable Basis of Civil Liability from the Economic Analysis of Law Viewpoint (Looking at Market Rights)

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    One of the most important topics in the economic analysis of law is civil liability and the basis of civil liability is the most fundamental issue in analyzing the content of civil liability rules and the way that the legal system views these rules. There are two types of approaches to economic analysis of Basis of Civil Liability; economic analysis of traditional Foundations and tendency to new basis. Conventional foundations are fault-based liability theory and fault-free liability theory that in the legal literature, these are called fault theory and risk theory. In the general rules among traditional theories, by changing their lawsuits and their level of caution, either fault or strict liability can be effective. Market rights have generally accepted strict liability and the theory of market security. In the market rights, new foundations have been introduced because of inefficiencies of traditional foundations And because of their social capability, they are becoming more prominent in the legal literature of the world. The consequentialist basis are deterrence and distributive justice. This research is an analytical-descriptive study using library data in two topics

    The Effect of Vitamin E Therapy on Post Chemotherapy Mucositis in Leukemic Patients

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    Introduction: Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatment modalities for blood malignancies such as leukemia, with several potential complications. Mucositis is one of the complications of chemotherapy, manifested with different severities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prophylactic effect of vitamin E on reducing the severity of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Materials & Methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed in Ahvaz’s Shafa Hospital on 56 leukemic patients, undergoing chemotherapy. The patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) systemic treatment group, case group 1; 2) topical treatment group, the case group 2; and 3) control group. The oral mucosa of the patients was evaluated for the severity of mucositis and the patient’s response to pain. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney test and t-test (α = 0.05). Results: In relation to the severity of mucositis, based on the results of Mann-Whitney test, there was a significant difference between the case group 2 and control group (p value ≀ 0.01). There was no significant difference between the two case groups (p value = 0.2). In relation to the patient’s response to pain, there was a significant difference between the case group 2 and control group (p value ≀ 0.01). There was no significant difference between the two case groups (p value = 0.4). Therefore, vitamin E decreased the incidence of thermotherapy-induced mucositis. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, vitamin E in its topical form is an effective medicament for reducing the severity and pain of chemotherapy-induced mucositis

    Modeling of Suitability Iranian Oak site for establish of coppice regeneration in Zagros forest

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    ABSTRACT To modeling of Suitability Iranian Oak site to establish coppice regenerations, chahartagh forest reserve, Ardal region, chaharmehal and Bakhtiari Province, southern Zagros forest, and southwest Iranian state was selected. To modeling Suitability Iranian Oak used the physiographic element, soil depth, climatology and distance from village selected. To this study used the raster formats by pixel size 20 meter and data convert to this size and physiographic and other parameter extracted. The element have negative impact on the Oak condition was negative score. By used the table of score and range of score detected the site condition. Site condition divided the high un-appropriate, un-appropriate, average, appropriate and high appropriate. Results showed that the 40 percent of study area are appropriate and high appropriate condition for established the seed regeneration. Overall Results showed that the approximately of 40 percent of study area have a suitable condition for regeneration. Prevention of livestock grazing and irregular tree cutting in the degraded forest stands can be suggested as a suitable approach for natural restoration and increasing plant diversity and regenerations

    Developing Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Professionals: A Qualitative Study

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    Codes of ethics are a set of moral standards based on a value system widely accepted by members of a profession. In order to choose the right course of action and resolve potential ethical challenges, these codes will need to be developed so that ethical values can be identified and prioritized. Medical ethics covers all areas of medicine, and surely, rehabilitation is not an exception. This study aims to codify the ethics of the rehabilitation profession while considering the cultural and religious issues in Iran. For this purpose, we used a qualitative research method, including literature review, questionnaire, targeted interviews, content analysis, group discussion, and code extraction. The results were categorized into seven sections: “respect and empathy”, “autonomy”, “offering responsible care and reducing suffering”, “doing the right thing”, “beneficence”, “privacy and confidentiality”, and “social responsibility”. The development of ethical codes for rehabilitation determines moral norms in order to protect the rights of people who need rehabilitation services. These codes can also be used as a guide to the ethical challenges of the profession

    Acrylamide Reduction in Potato Chips by Selection of Potato Variety Grown in Iran and Processing Conditions

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    Background Acrylamide as a possible carcinogen is known to form in heated carbohydrate-rich food such as potato chips. In this study, the effect of three potato varieties (Agria, Sante and Savalan) and two blanching conditions ((75˚C for 9 min and 83˚C for 2.5 min) on the concentration of precursors and acrylamide reduction in potato chips was investigated. Results Results revealed that potato variety and blanching time-temperature ere important parameters for acrylamide formation in potato chips. Acrylamide content in Sante variety potatoes, which contained the highest amount of reducing sugars, was found to be the highest (8825ÎŒg/kg). However, Savalan, containing the highest asparagine concentration showed the lowest amount of acrylamide due to its lower reducing sugar content. Blanching reduced acrylamide formation. It was more efficient at 75˚C for 9 min, with an average reduction of 74%. The effect of three frying temperatures (170, 180 and 190˚C) on acrylamide formation was also studied just for the Agria potato variety. Increasing frying temperature led to a significant increase in acrylamide formation. Conclusion Potato variety and processing conditions were important parameters for acrylamide formation in potato chips. The combination of a suitable variety and appropriate processing conditions could considerably reduce acrylamide content
