167 research outputs found

    Phytochemical Characterization and Antiplatelet Activity of Mexican Red Wines and Their By-products

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    Red wines and their grape pomaces are important sources of phenolic compounds. Inhibition of plateletaggregation is one of the mechanisms proposed for cardioprotective effect of phenolic compounds fromwine and grape pomace; however, phenolic content is affected by region, variety and winemaking process.In the present study, antiplatelet effect of red wines and grape pomaces was related to its phenolic content(determined by spectrophotometric techniques) and profile (determined using HPLC-MS/MS). in vitroAnti-platelet aggregation was determined using human platelets. Results showed that Zinfandel wine andCabernet Sauvignon grape pomace presented the highest phenolic content. Phenolic profiles presenteddifferences in the presence of flavonoids and oligomeric tannins. Results from platelet aggregationshowed that Merlot and Petit Verdot wines and Petit Verdot grape pomace sample presented the highestantiaggregant effect. These results indicate that antiplatelet effect could be related to phenolic profile thanphenolic content in wines and grape pomaces. Cardioprotective effect of red wines and grape pomacecould be related to specific compounds such as monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols

    Evolution of Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Profile during Cold Pre-fermentative Maceration and Subsequent Fermentation of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine

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    The phenolic compound profile and content of red wines are modified during the maceration-fermentation process by several factors that alter the extractability of the compounds and by reactions that phenolic compounds undergo, and can be directly related to the quality of the final wine and its beneficial effects on the consumer. The aim of this study was to determine the change in phenolic content and profile during cold pre-fermentative maceration and fermentation without the removal of grape pomace. Total phenolics,flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins and antioxidant capacity were determined by spectrophotometric methods, and the phenolic profile was determined by HPLC-MS on each day of the maceration-fermentation process. The results showed a variation in the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity over time, but the final phenolic content showed no significative difference compared with the initial content (1 268 mg GAE/L and 1 115 mg GAE/L respectively). The phenolic profile showed that flavonoids were theprincipal compounds in wine and that they increased at the end of the winemaking. Condensed tannins also increased during fermentation, while anthocyanins and some phenolic acids decreased at the end of the process. The final content of phenolic compounds was similar to the initial one, but there was a change in the different fractions of phenolic compounds at the end of fermentation

    Inhibición de la polifenol oxidasa de manzana “red delicious” por compuestos naturales, como una estrategia para reducir el pardeamiento de productos mínimamente procesados de manzana

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    En los últimos años, ha existido una tendencia creciente a consumir frutos y vegetales frescos cortados. Uno de los principales problemas para la comercialización de este tipo de productos, es el pardeamiento enzimático ocasionado por la actividad de la enzima polifenol oxidasa (PPO, EC Este problema es particularmente importante en la manzana, por su tendencia a oxidarse una vez que es cortada. Debido a que la FDA ha prohibido el uso de sulfitos para reducir el pardeamiento de productos frescos cortados, se han desarrollado diversos estudios para reducir este efecto indeseable. Recientemente Villegas-Ochoa y col. En el 2005 demostraron que el uso de extractos de mieles típicas del estado de Sonora, México, reducían el oscurecimiento de jugos de manzana. En el presente trabajo se estudió el mecanismo de inhibición de la enzima PPO de manzana “Red Delicious” por diversos compuestos de origen natural: extracto de miel de palo fierro (Olneya tesota), ester fenílico del ácido caféico (CAPE) y L-cisteina. Se utilizó ácido clorogénico como sustrato, y la actividad se determinó espectrofotométricamente, midiendo el incremento de absorbancia a 400 y 420 nm. El CAPE, uno de los principales polifenoles presentes en mieles, presentó una inhibición de la PPO, por un mecanismo que puede ser considerado como una coprecipitación de la enzima o del sustrato. Palo Fierro y L-cisteina presentaron una inhibición del tipo mixto. Estos resultados pueden ser explicados, en el caso del Palo Fierro, considerando que el extracto es una mezcla de diferentes compuestos que pueden interactuar con la PPO de diferente manera. Estos resultados concuerdan con los resultados de inhibición del pardeamiento de jugo de manzana por los extractos naturales descritos previamente

    Promoting Interpersonal Relationships through Elbow Tag, a Traditional Sporting Game. A Multidimensional Approach

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    The aim of this research was to study from a multidimensional point of view (decisional, relational and energetic) the interpersonal relationships established by girls and boys in the traditional sport game of Elbow Tag. Scientific evidence has shown that Traditional Sport Games (TSG) trigger different effects on male and female genders in relation to emotional experiences, decision-making, conflicts and motor relationships. Despite the fact that these dimensions are intertwined, there are hardly any studies that interpret motor behaviors holistically, i.e., taking a multidimensional (360◦ ) view of these dimensions. For this study, a quasi-experimental design was used and a type III design was applied, inspired by the observational methodology N/P/M. A total of 147 university students participated (M = 19.6, SD = 2.3): 47 girls (31.97%) and 100 boys (68.02%). A mixed ‘ad hoc’ registration system was designed with acceptable margins of data quality. Cross-tabulations, classification trees and T-patterns analysis were applied. The results indicated that social interactions between girls and boys in a mixed group were unequal. This difference was mainly due to decisionmaking (sub-role variable), which has much greater predictive power than the energetic variables (MV and steps).This research was funded by the Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC), Universitat de Lleida (UdL), through the 2016 PINEF 00016 project

    Sindrome metabolikoa: XXI. mendearen madarikazioa

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    Bizi-baldintzen etengabeko bilakaeran gaur egungo gizarteak bereganatu dituen hainbat ohituren ondorioz (dieta desorekatua eta ariketa fisiko eskasa besteak beste), esan daiteke eritasun kardiobasku larren intzidentzia goraka doala . Eritasun kardiobaskularren izenpean hainbat patologia topa ditzakegu (b ihotzekoa , istripu zerebrobaskularra .. . ) eta hauen atzean dauden arrisku-faktoreak desberdinak dira: hipertentsioa, kolesterola, diabetesa, obesitatea ... Arrisku-faktore hauek ez dira normalean banaka agertzen, eta elkarrekin konbinatzen dira sindrome merabolikoa delakoaren barruan. Sindrome metabolikoa kon trolatzeko bizimoduan aldaketa txikiak baina garrantzitsuak ezarri behar dira eta neurri horiek nahikoak ez direnean bakarrik hasi behar gara medikamentuak erabi ltzen. Arrisku-faktore bakoitzak tratamendu ezberdina behar duenez, beharrezkoa gertatzen da farmako ezberdinez osatu riko terapia kardiobaskular konbinarua delakoa. Orokorrean, terapia honetan, hipertentsioaren aurkako botikak erabiltzen dira presio arteriala jaisteko, hipolipemianteak gorputzeko gantz kontzentrazioak kontrolatzeko, eta bestetik intsulina edo diabetesaren aurkako botikak glukosa mailak murrizteko. Horretaz gain, koagulazioa eta agregazio plaketarioa saihesteko botikak erabiltzen dira, sarritan gertatzen den arterien buxadurak ekiditeko

    Sindrome metabolikoa: XXI. mendearen madarikazioa

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    Bizi-baldintzen etengabeko bilakaeran gaur egungo gizarteak bereganatu dituen hainbat ohituren ondorioz (dieta desorekatua eta ariketa fisiko eskasa besteak beste), esan daiteke eritasun kardiobasku larren intzidentzia goraka doala . Eritasun kardiobaskularren izenpean hainbat patologia topa ditzakegu (b ihotzekoa , istripu zerebrobaskularra .. . ) eta hauen atzean dauden arrisku-faktoreak desberdinak dira: hipertentsioa, kolesterola, diabetesa, obesitatea ... Arrisku-faktore hauek ez dira normalean banaka agertzen, eta elkarrekin konbinatzen dira sindrome merabolikoa delakoaren barruan. Sindrome metabolikoa kon trolatzeko bizimoduan aldaketa txikiak baina garrantzitsuak ezarri behar dira eta neurri horiek nahikoak ez direnean bakarrik hasi behar gara medikamentuak erabi ltzen. Arrisku-faktore bakoitzak tratamendu ezberdina behar duenez, beharrezkoa gertatzen da farmako ezberdinez osatu riko terapia kardiobaskular konbinarua delakoa. Orokorrean, terapia honetan, hipertentsioaren aurkako botikak erabiltzen dira presio arteriala jaisteko, hipolipemianteak gorputzeko gantz kontzentrazioak kontrolatzeko, eta bestetik intsulina edo diabetesaren aurkako botikak glukosa mailak murrizteko. Horretaz gain, koagulazioa eta agregazio plaketarioa saihesteko botikak erabiltzen dira, sarritan gertatzen den arterien buxadurak ekiditeko

    Real-life disease monitoring in follicular lymphoma patients using liquid biopsy ultra-deep sequencing and PET/CT

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    In the present study, we screened 84 Follicular Lymphoma patients for somatic mutations suitable as liquid biopsy MRD biomarkers using a targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel. We found trackable mutations in 95% of the lymph node samples and 80% of the liquid biopsy baseline samples. Then, we used an ultra-deep sequencing approach with 2 · 10−4 sensitivity (LiqBio-MRD) to track those mutations on 151 follow-up liquid biopsy samples from 54 treated patients. Positive LiqBio-MRD at first-line therapy correlated with a higher risk of progression both at the interim evaluation (HRINT 11.0, 95% CI 2.10–57.7, p = 0.005) and at the end of treatment (HREOT, HR 19.1, 95% CI 4.10–89.4, p < 0.001). Similar results were observed by PET/CT Deauville score, with a median PFS of 19 months vs. NR (p < 0.001) at the interim and 13 months vs. NR (p < 0.001) at EOT. LiqBio-MRD and PET/CT combined identified the patients that progressed in less than two years with 88% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Our results demonstrate that LiqBio-MRD is a robust and non-invasive approach, complementary to metabolic imaging, for identifying FL patients at high risk of failure during the treatment and should be considered in future response-adapted clinical trials.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Union through the projects PI21/00314, PI19/01430, PI19/01518 and PI18/00295, PTQ2020-011372, CP19/00140, CP22/00082, Doctorado industrial CAM IND2020/TIC-17402 and CRIS cancer foundation