43 research outputs found

    Subsonic stability and control characteristics of a 0.015-scale (remotely controlled elevon) model 44-0 of the space shuttle orbiter tested in the NASA/ARC 12-foot pressure tunnel (LA66)

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    The investigation was conducted in the NASA/Ames Research Center 12-foot Pressure Tunnel. The model was a Langley-built 0.015-scale SSV orbiter model with remote independently operated left and right elevon surfaces. The objective of the test was to generate a detailed aerodynamic data base for the current shuttle orbiter configuration. Special attention was directed to definition of nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics by taking data at small increments in angle of attack, angle of sideslip, and elevon position. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment and elevon position data were recorded over an angle of attack range from -4 deg to 24 deg at angles of sideslip of 0 deg and + or - 4 deg. Additional tests were made over an angle of sideslip range from -6 deg to 6 deg at selected angles of attack. The test Mach numbers were 0.22 and 0.29 and the Reynolds number was varied from 2.0 to 8.5 million per foot

    Transonic high Reynolds number stability and control characteristics of a 0.015-scale remotely controlled elevon model (44-0) of the space shuttle orbiter tested in calspan 8-foot TWT (LA70)

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    Transonic Wind Tunnel tests were run on a .015 scale model of the space shuttle orbiter vehicle in the 8-foot transonic wind tunnel. Purpose of the test program was to obtain basic shuttle aerodynamic data through a full range of elevon and aileron deflections, verification of data obtained at other facilities, and effects of Reynolds number. Tests were performed at Mach numbers from .35 to 1.20 and Reynolds numbers from 3,500,000 to 8,200,000 per foot. The high Reynolds number conditions (nominal 8,000,000/foot) were obtained using the ejector augmentation system. Angle of attack was varied from -2 to +20 degrees at sideslip angles of -2, 0, and +2 degrees. Sideslip was varied from -6 to +8 degrees at constant angles of attack from 0 to +20 degrees. Aileron settings were varied from -5 to +10 degrees at elevon deflections of -10, 0, and +10 degrees. Fixed aileron settings of 0 and 2 degrees in combination with various fixed elevon settings between -20 and +5 degrees were also run at varying angles of attack

    Phase Transformations during the Reaction Heat Treatment

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    The evolution of Nb containing phases during the diffusion heat treatment of three different high critical current Nb3_{3}Sn strand types is compared, based on synchrotron X-ray diffraction results that have been obtained at the ID15 beam line of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). In all strands studied, Nb3_{3}Sn formation is preceded by the formation of a Cu-Nb-Sn ternary phase, NbSn2 and Nb6Sn5. As compared to the PIT and Tube Type strand, the amount of these phases formed in the RRP strand is relatively small. In the RRP strand subelements with a fine filament structure Nb3_{3}Sn grows more quickly, thereby preventing to a large extent the formation of the other higher tin phases

    Evolution of the transport critical current density and irreversibility field as a function of heat treatment and pressing pressure during processing of Ag-sheathed (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes

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    Cold work loss during heat treatment and extrusion of Nb-46.5Wt%Ti composites as measured by microhardness

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder