5 research outputs found

    Beam test performance of the highly granular SiW-ECAL technological prototype for the ILC

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    International audienceThe technological prototype of the CALICE highly granular silicon–tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) was tested in a beam at DESY in 2017. The setup comprised seven layers of silicon sensors. Each layer comprised four sensors, with each sensor containing an array of 256 5.5×5.5 mm 2 silicon PIN diodes. The four sensors covered a total area of 18 × 18 cm and comprised a total of 1024 channels. The readout was split into a trigger line and a charge signal line. Key performance results for signal over noise for the two output lines are presented, together with a study of the uniformity of the detector response. Measurements of the response to electrons for the tungsten loaded version of the detector are also presented

    Commissioning of the highly granular SiW-ECAL technological prototype

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    In this article we describe the commissioning and a first analysis of the the beam test performance of a small prototype of a highly granular silicon tungsten calorimeter. The prototype features detector elements with a channel number similar to that envisaged for e.g. the ILD Detector of the International Linear Collider (ILC). The analysis demonstrates the capability of the detector to record signals as low as 0.5 MIP. Further, no loss of performance has been observed when operating the detector in a high magnetic field

    T2K ND280 Upgrade - Technical Design Report

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    In this document, we present the Technical Design Report of the Upgrade of the T2K Near Detector ND280. The goal of this upgrade is to improve the Near Detector performance to measure the neutrino interaction rate and to constrain the neutrino interaction cross-sections so that the uncertainty in the number of predicted events at Super-Kamiokande is reduced to about 4%. This will allow to improve the physics reach of the T2K-II project. This goal is achieved by modifying the upstream part of the detector, adding a new highly granular scintillator detector (Super-FGD), two new TPCs (High-Angle TPC) and six TOF planes. Details about the detector concepts, design and construction methods are presented, as well as a first look at the test-beam data taken in Summer 2018. An update of the physics studies is also presented

    T2K ND280 Upgrade - Technical Design Report

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    In this document, we present the Technical Design Report of the Upgrade of the T2K Near Detector ND280. The goal of this upgrade is to improve the Near Detector performance to measure the neutrino interaction rate and to constrain the neutrino interaction cross-sections so that the uncertainty in the number of predicted events at Super-Kamiokande is reduced to about 4%. This will allow to improve the physics reach of the T2K-II project. This goal is achieved by modifying the upstream part of the detector, adding a new highly granular scintillator detector (Super-FGD), two new TPCs (High-Angle TPC) and six TOF planes. Details about the detector concepts, design and construction methods are presented, as well as a first look at the test-beam data taken in Summer 2018. An update of the physics studies is also presented