83 research outputs found

    Curación de contenidos desde bibliotecas: competencias, herramientas y aplicaciones

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    In the Age of Big Data we have at our disposal a great amount of information in different formats and from websites, repositories, blogs, databases, digitized files and documentary sources of all kinds, which presents a great challenge for the management and the analysis of the information that we apply day by day in our personal and labor scope. Given the difficulty of organizing and optimizing all this data flow, the content curator emerges as an intermediary of knowledge that discriminates against “informational waste” and facilitates quality on the web through search, selection and dissemination of content. Virtual environments permanently extend and complement the library’s services in time and space so it is necessary to think of activities and contents that are digital in order to capture the confidence of new users and reinforce their operational and informational capacities and competences through the new generation of technological applications that have emerged in recent years. From this premise, we analyze the origin and basic characteristics of this new professional profile, as well as the proposals and functionalities related

    La cooperación de la biblioteca escolar y la pública: alfabetización en información, “biblioteca integrada” y el mundo virtual = The school and public library cooperation: information literacy, “joint-use” and virtual world

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    The stimuli of educative convergence between the school and public libraries are examined, within the framework of the new environments and educational models that the Society of the information is trying, a few stimuli tending to a model of cooperation more effective than till now existing. There is studied, then, the educational convergent process, based on the informative competitions on the electronic discourse, for major efficiency of the collaborative and lifelong learning in formal and non-formal education, in order to reach a convergent educative model, whose engine is the information literacy, phenomenon that transforms the educational role of the libraries, particularly the school and public, who find new ways of cooperation, as he is credited in different actions. Authors analyse, finally, two scenes of this partnership working between school and public libraries: the model joint-use, that is defined, describes its typology and their possibilities in future; the virtual world, Second Life and the MMORPGs, that are described, score their formative applications and their incorporation at librarie

    La cooperación de la biblioteca escolar y la pública: alfabetización en información, “biblioteca integrada” y el mundo virtual

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    The stimuli of educative convergence between the school and public libraries are examined, within the framework of the new environments and educational models that the Society of the information is trying, a few stimuli tending to a model of cooperation more effective than till now existing. There is studied, then, the educational convergent process, based on the informative competitions on the electronic discourse, for major efficiency of the collaborative and lifelong learning in formal and non-formal education, in order to reach a convergent educative model, whose engine is the information literacy, phenomenon that transforms the educational role of the libraries, particularly the school and public, who find new ways of cooperation, as he is credited in different actions. Authors analyse, finally, two scenes of this partnership working between school and public libraries: the model joint-use, that is defined, describes its typology and their possibilities in future; the virtual world, Second Life and the MMORPGs, that are described, score their formative applications and their incorporation at libraries.Se analizan los estímulos de convergencia educativa entre las bibliotecas escolares y públicas, en el marco de los nuevos entornos y modelos educativos que está procurando la Sociedad de la información, unos estímulos tendentes a un modelo de cooperación más eficaz que el hasta ahora existente. Se estudia, entonces, el proceso educativo convergente, basado en las competencias informativas sobre el discurso electrónico, para mayor eficacia del aprendizaje permanente y colaborativo en Educación Formal y no Formal propio del e-learning, para llegar a un modelo educativo convergente, cuyo motor es la alfabetización en información, fenómeno que transforma la función educativa de las bibliotecas, particularmente las escolares y públicas, que hallan nuevos modos de cooperación, como se acredita en diferentes acciones. Se analizan, finalmente, dos escenarios de cooperación de bibliotecas escolares y públicas: el modelo jointuse, que se define, se describe su tipología y se apuntan sus posibilidades; el mundo virtual, Second Life y los MMORPGs, que se describen, se apuntan sus aplicaciones formativas y su incorporación a bibliotecas

    La biblioteca integrada como modelo de convergencia educativa en alfabetización en información

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    Se presenta y estudia con detalle el concepto joint use library o biblioteca integrada como un modelo de convergencia entre bibliotecas públicas y centros educativos, a través del diseño de un prototipo de programa de actuación de alfabetización en información aplicado al entorno virtual de aprendizaje de la empresa Baratz, referente mundial en automatización de procesos y gestión de flujos de información y documentación, y dirigido a la formación de formadores, bibliotecarios, usuarios de bibliotecas y profesionales que necesitan información para su toma de decisiones. La hipótesis de partida es la alianza entre biblioteca y escuela, que siempre ha estado presente en la filosofía de trabajo de las bibliotecas como una manera de rentabilizar recursos y mejorar los servicios. Desde los primeros momentos de su desarrollo contemporáneo la biblioteca pública asumió una mayor responsabilidad en su función educativa ofreciendo espacios de lectura infantiles, visitas guiadas y préstamos de libros a las escuelas. En aquellos lugares donde no existía una biblioteca pública eran las escuelas las únicas que podían ofertar el servicio bibliotecario a la comunidad. De esta mutua necesidad, surgieron los primeros casos de biblioteca integrada a mediados del siglo XIX. En la actualidad, tras muchos años en los que ha sido considerada como una forma inferior de provisión de servicios bibliotecarios, el concepto de biblioteca integrada comienza a consolidarse a nivel mundial, encontrando numerosos ejemplos de buenas prácticas en la prestación de distintos servicios bibliotecarios. A partir del análisis de los modelos y normas de alfabetización en información aplicados en bibliotecas públicas y bibliotecas educativas (escolares y universitarias) y de los programas dealfabetización en información implantados en bibliotecas joint use, el presente trabajo pretende mostrar un posible método de “integración” de ambos tipos de bibliotecas mediante el desarrollo de un curso diseñado para alcanzar destrezas, habilidades y competencias en alfabetización en información y para su difusión y posible uso en la acción formativa de bibliotecas integradas. La estructura del programa que se presenta como prototipo, fruto de la cooperación entre la empresa Baratz y la Universidad Carlos III, se desarrolla en cinco módulos formativos: un módulo 1 de competencias básicas, para destrezas y habilidades en la búsqueda y recuperación de información, un módulo 2 de asimilación de contenidos, un módulo 3 de lectura digital, un módulo 4 de generación de conocimiento y contenidos mediante instrumentos de la Web 2.0 y un módulo 5 de escritura digital. El curso también incorpora como parte sustancial la evaluación, tanto programática para la institución, como formativa y de diagnóstico para los educandos, una con indicadores, la otra con cuestionarios.The joint use library is introduced as a model for school and public library convergence with the purpose to create a information literacy programme implemented in the virtual learning environment developed by Baratz, a world class automatic processing and information and documentation flow management company. The aim was not to establish a virtual educational programme monitored by librarians and geared to delivery and use, not only in libraries, but in of all manner of entities needing to include this type of programmes in their training plans or in institutions whose professionals need to constantly update their skills. The underlying hypothesis is the existence of the alliance between libraries and schools that has always been an element of libraries’ working philosophy as a way to optimise resources and improve user services. From the outset, the contemporary public library established one-directional cooperation with educational institutions, assuming greater educational responsibilities, creating environments and offering guided tours for children and lending books to schools. At the same time, in communities with no public library, schools were the only institutions able to provide library services. This mutual need gave rise to the first joint use libraries in the midnineteenth century. At present, after many years in which it was regarded as a lesser form of library service delivery, the joint use library has begun to consolidate its position world-wide with numerous examples of good practice in the provision of library services. From the analisys of the models and rules of information literacy being carried out in public and educational libraries (school and university libraries) and the information literacy programmes introduced in joint use libraries, this paper aims to show a possiblemethod of integration of both types of libraries. This would be done by means of developing a course designed to get skills, abilities and competence in information literacy and its spreading and possible use in a formative action in joint use libraries. Structurally speaking, the course has five core training modules in which skills are acquired gradually. Module 1 describes the strategies for retrieving information, along with expert handling, selection and assessment of information sources. Module 2 teaches the expert use of the tools designed for effective content organisation and knowledge-effective editing and characteristic of digital content management. Module 3 is designed to gain effective “digital reading” skills through the satisfactory editing, use and management of self-charted concept maps, the basis of the pupil's own electronic discourse. Module 4 is specifically geared to knowledge and the efficient “educational” use of social networking and Web 2.0 tools as fundamental elements for digital reading comprehension in the context of education in the knowledge society; and module 5 addresses digital writing. The course contains follow-up or self-assessment questionnaires and edited and structured indicators designed to measure the skills acquired.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno DigitalPresidente: Francisco Javier García Marco.- Secretario: Jorge Luis Morato Lara.- Vocal: Luis Fernando Ramos Simó

    Curación de contenidos desde bibliotecas: competencias, herramientas y aplicaciones

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    Inmersos en la Era del Big Data tenemos hoy a nuestra libre disposición gran cantidad de información en diferentes formatos y procedentes de sitios web, repositorios, blogs, bases de datos, archivos digitalizados y fuentes documentales de todo tipo, lo que supone un gran desafío para la gestión y el análisis de la información que aplicamos día a día en nuestros ámbito personal y laboral. Ante la dificultad de organizar y optimizar todo ese caudal de datos, surge la figura del content curator (curador de contenidos) como un intermediario del conocimiento que discrimina la “basura informacional” y facilita calidad en la web a través del desarrollo de competencias infocomunicacionales en búsqueda, selección, caracterización y difusión de contenidos. Los entornos virtuales extienden y complementan de manera permanente los servicios de la biblioteca en el tiempo y en el espacio por lo que es necesario pensar en actividades y contenidos propiamente digitales que permitan captar la confianza de nuevos usuarios y reforzar sus capacidades y competencias operacionales,informacionales y de comunicación a través de la nueva generación de aplicaciones tecnológicas surgidas en los últimos años. A partir de esta premisa, se analiza el origen y las características básicas de este nuevo perfil profesional, así como las propuestas y funcionalidades relacionadas con la curación de contenidos más utilizadas en bibliotecas públicas y educativas

    Curación de contenidos desde bibliotecas: competencias, herramientas y aplicaciones

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    In the Age of Big Data we have at our disposal a great amount of information in different formats and from websites, repositories, blogs, databases, digitized files and documentary sources of all kinds, which presents a great challenge for the management and the analysis of the information that we apply day by day in our personal and labor scope. Given the difficulty of organizing and optimizing all this data flow, the content curator emerges as an intermediary of knowledge that discriminates against “informational waste” and facilitates quality on the web through search, selection and dissemination of content. Virtual environments permanently extend and complement the library’s services in time and space so it is necessary to think of activities and contents that are digital in order to capture the confidence of new users and reinforce their operational and informational capacities and competences through the new generation of technological applications that have emerged in recent years. From this premise, we analyze the origin and basic characteristics of this new professional profile, as well as the proposals and functionalities related

    Difusión y conservación del libro antiguo: exposición de originales

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    Se trata el tema de la difusión del libro antiguo desde una perspectiva de la conservación de los originales. Se repasan conceptos relativos a exposiciones, normativas y posibilidades ofrecidas por los nuevos entornos virtuales como por ejemplo Second Lif

    La cooperación de la biblioteca escolar y la pública: alfabetización en información, “biblioteca integrada” y el mundo virtual = The school and public library cooperation: information literacy, “joint-use” and virtual world

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    The stimuli of educative convergence between the school and public libraries are examined, within the framework of the new environments and educational models that the Society of the information is trying, a few stimuli tending to a model of cooperation more effective than till now existing. There is studied, then, the educational convergent process, based on the informative competitions on the electronic discourse, for major efficiency of the collaborative and lifelong learning in formal and non-formal education, in order to reach a convergent educative model, whose engine is the information literacy, phenomenon that transforms the educational role of the libraries, particularly the school and public, who find new ways of cooperation, as he is credited in different actions. Authors analyse, finally, two scenes of this partnership working between school and public libraries: the model joint-use, that is defined, describes its typology and their possibilities in future; the virtual world, Second Life and the MMORPGs, that are described, score their formative applications and their incorporation at librarie

    Joint-use libraries: information literacy as a stimulus for cooperation

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    This article presents the educational role of jointuse libraries as a suitable model of cooperation. Its integrated character allows it to become a platform of convergence for libraries with an educational function in order to effectively administer and manage information services, contents and library human resources. Considering the principal models of joint-use libraries, we pay special attention to the Australian case for its leadership in the topic and its contribution to information literacy. Experience, progress and, even more, the opportunities that the model offers in Spain are analyzed through a SWOT matrix. Finally, we propose a model programme on information literacy for joint-use libraries, developed by the authors for Baratz Servicios de Teledocumentación S. A., that provides for the development of reading and writing skills in the digital area and in the world of Web 2.0

    Além dos livros: A Biblioteca Ricardo León e os 17 objetivos da UNESCO

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    This Project, developed and executed entirely by librarians was born to work on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of UNESCO through the books. It is a program oriented to children between 5 and 15 years old with risk of social exclusion. With the move of the Public Library to a centrical location, we noticed the needs of groups who lives nearly and aren’t regular users. We noticed that the biggest part of them are Moroccan immigrants of a second generation, and their families. They show deficiencies in aspects such as reading comprehension, correct use of library services or interaction with other users of different collectives. With this project we are trying to break race or religion walls and pretend to integrate all the people previously mentioned in daily activities of the library and look for a starting point where continue with a wider projection, in the duration of the project and in the number of users reached.Este proyecto, desarrollado y ejecutado íntegramente por personal bibliotecario, se concibe para trabajar sobre los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la UNESCO a través de la lectura, en un programa orientado al colectivo de niños y niñas de entre 5 y 15 años en riesgo de exclusión social. Tras el traslado de la Biblioteca Municipal a una ubicación más céntrica se hacen evidentes las necesidades de colectivos cercanos a la misma y que generalmente no forman parte de los usuarios habituales. Se detecta que la gran mayoría son inmigrantes marroquíes de segunda generación y sus familias muestran carencias en aspectos tales como la comprensión lectora, el uso correcto de las instalaciones de la biblioteca y la interacción con otros usuarios ajenos a su colectivo. Con este proyecto se busca la ruptura de barreras por razones de raza o de religión y se pretende integrar a los colectivos anteriormente mencionados en las actividades del día a día de la biblioteca, también se busca establecer un punto de partida para continuar en esta línea de colaboración y asentar las bases de un proyecto con una proyección más amplia, tanto en el tiempo como en el número de beneficiarios.Projeto desenvolvido e executado inteiramente pela equipe da biblioteca que foi concebido para trabalhar nos 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da UNESCO por meio da leitura, em um programa voltado para o grupo de crianças entre 5 e 15 anos em situação de exclusão social. Após a mudança da biblioteca pública para uma localização mais central, as necessidades de grupos próximos a ela se tornam evidentes e geralmente não fazem parte dos usuários regulares. Detecta-se que a grande maioria tem entre 5 e 15 anos de idade, imigrantes marroquinos de segunda geração e suas famílias apresentam deficiências em aspectos como compreensão de leitura, uso correto das facilidades da biblioteca e interação com outros usuários. Este projeto visa a quebra de barreiras por motivos de raça ou religião e destina-se a integrar os grupos acima mencionados nas atividades do dia-a-dia da biblioteca, também procura estabelecer um ponto de partida para continuar nesta linha de colaboração e estabelecer as bases de um projeto com uma projeção mais ampla, tanto no tempo como no número de beneficiários