136 research outputs found

    Working and knowing in technology-mediated environments: : the case of the telecardiological consultation

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    Comprehensions of how technology-mediated environments work are marked by a lack of theoretical sophistication about how expertise emerges and develops. Using a practice-based approach to workplace learning and knowing, a case of telecardiological consultation is discussed, where a dedicated call center works by connecting general practitioners (GPs) with remote cardiologists. The service allows GPsto send electrocardiogram traces (ECGs) and discuss the needs of patients with a cardiologist. The role of materials (ECG traces, the recording machine, infrastructure), and communication (synchronous communication in the form of a phone call) are considered in the practical application of the service. It is argued that being an expert telecardiologist entails the ability to align heterogeneous elements, and co-construct, a reliable interpretation of the patient’s situation alongside a doctor. To do that when the situation is not immediately clear, necessitates both doctors discursively mobilize different bio-physiological, chemical, material, social and psychological aspects of a patient’s condition, in order to arrive at a reliable interpretation. Thanks to a practice-based sensitivity, I analyze the case study reading these interactions as competent material-discursive practices

    Like grandparents, like parents: Empirical evidence and psychoanalytic thinking on the transmission of parenting styles

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    The authors discuss the issue of intergenerational transmission of parenting from an empirical and psychoanalytic perspective. After presenting a framework to explain their conception of parenting, they describe intergenerational transmission of parenting as a key to interpreting and eventually changing parenting behaviors. Then they present (1) the empirical approach aimed at determining if there is actually a stability across generations that contributes to harsh parenting and eventually maltreatment and (2) the psyphoanalytic thinking that seeks to explain the continuity in terms of representations and clinical phenomena. The authors also discuss the relationship between the attachment and the caregiving systems and hypothesize a common base for the two systems in childhood experience. Finally, they propose the psychoanalytic perspective as a fruitful theoretical framework to integrate the evidence for the neurophysiological mediators and moderators of intergenerational transmission. Psychoanalytically informed research can provide clinically relevant insights and hypotheses to be tested

    Problematic internet use in emerging adulthood to escape from maternal helicopter parenting: defensive functioning as a mediating mechanism

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    The increasing use of the Internet has raised concerns about its problematic use, particularly among emerging adults who grew up in a highly digitalized world. Helicopter parenting, characterized by excessive involvement, overcontrol, and developmentally inappropriate behavior, has been identified as a potential factor contributing to problematic Internet use (PIU). Under these circumstances, considering that emerging adults navigate their adult lives and strive to reduce their sense of being in-between, implicit emotion regulation strategies, such as defense mechanisms, may help comprehend PIU. The present questionnaire-based study investigated the associations between maternal and paternal helicopter parenting and PIU through defensive functioning among a community sample of 401 cisgender emerging adults (71.82% females; 82.04% heterosexuals; Mage=24.85, SD=2.52) living in Italy. About one-fourth (25.19%) reported PIU. Greater maternal, B=0.904, SE=0.235, p<.001, but not paternal, B=0.343, SE=0.188, p=.068, helicopter parenting was significantly associated with PIU through a less mature defensive functioning. Conversely, neither maternal, B=1.158, SE=0.722, p=.109, nor paternal, B=0.355, SE=0.731, p=.628, helicopter parenting had a direct association with PIU. The results suggest the importance for psychotherapists to incorporate individuals' defense mechanisms and parent-child relationship history when designing tailored interventions for effective treatment of PIU. This emphasis is crucial because, in the context of a developmentally appropriate parenting style, relying on more mature defenses after psychotherapeutic intervention can lead to healthier adjustment among emerging adults

    Advancement in the child attachment interview and the child and adolescent reflective functioning scale using a PDM-2 framework: case reports

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    open5siThe Child Attachment Interview (CAI) is a well-established semi-structured interview, widely used to identify attachment representations in middle childhood and adolescence. The application of the Child and Adolescent Reflective Functioning Scale (CRFS) to CAI narratives allows for an assessment of child mentalization, considered a strong predictor of attachment security. The 2nd edition of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2) includes CAI and CRFS as valid and reliable assessment measures in order to assess the dominion of the Mental Functioning axis. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the informative power of CAI and CRFS for the overall understanding of mental functioning and personality in a PDM-2 framework. The present report includes the discussion of two clinical cases of school-aged children in applying the Psychodiagnostic Chart-Second Edition (PDC-2) to the CAI transcript. The first case concerns a young male, aged 10, suffering from Oppositional-Provocative Disorder (externalizing disorder), while the second case concerns a young female, aged 15, suffering from Somatic Symptoms Disorder (internalizing disorder). PDC-2 for children and adolescents was used. Data from the scoring of CAI and CRFS were combined with a systematic evaluation of the qualitative contents emerging from CAI transcripts. A detailed analysis suggests that both the CAI and CRFS are useful attachment-oriented measures, able to explore a child's mental states, and together with the application of PDC-2 they provide an essential contribution in the understanding of developmental psychopathology. Implications of this innovative approach for clinical assessment, treatment design, and interventions are further discussed.openBizzi, Fabiola; Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura; Shmueli-Goetz Yael; Brusadelli, EmanuelaBizzi, Fabiola; Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura; Shmueli-Goetz, Yael; Brusadelli, Emanuel

    New Evidence of Ancient Mitochondrial DNA of the Southern Andes (Calchaquí Valleys, Northwest Argentina, 3600–1900 Years BPA)

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    Genetic studies on pre-Hispanic populations of the Southern Andes have been increasing steadily in the last decade. Nevertheless, ancient DNA characterization of Formative Period archaeological human remains is particularly scant, especially for Northwest Argentina. In order to enlarge current information on genetic characterization of the first agricultural communities of the Southern Calchaquí Valleys, we present and discuss the first mitochondrial aDNA information obtained on samples dated to ca. 3600-1900 years BP from the Cajón Valley, Catamarca Province. Reproducible mtDNA HVR-1 sequences were obtained in 7 individuals. Mitochondrial HVR-1 haplotypes were assigned to three of the four founding haplogroups D1 (57.1%), C1 (28.5%) and B2 (14.2%), with absence of A2. Our results show that the Cajón Valley sample -with predominance of D1 and C1- differ from that commonly observed in ancient and modern Andean populations, which usually show a high prevalence of haplogroup B2. The fact that the Cajón Valley and Pampa Grande (Salta Province, Argentina) share a prevalence of haplogroup D1 could provide additional evidence to support possible genetic affinities between the Valleys and the eastern sub-Andean region during the Formative Period in Northwest Argentina, expanding the archaeological evidence of contact between both populations. Future complete mitogenomes analysis will provide substantial information to formulate new hypotheses about the origins and phylogenetic relationships between the individuals of the Cajón Valley and other groups from the Andes, Gran Chaco and the Amazon

    “Don’t leave me behind!” problematic Internet use and fear of missing out through the lens of epistemic trust in emerging adulthood

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    the present study investigates the association between fear of missing out (FoMO) and problematic Internet Use (PIU) in a sample of 358 cisgender emerging adults (74.58% females assigned at birth; mage = 25.02, SD = 2.60; age range: 18–29 years), with a specific focus on the roles of various stances of epistemic trust, including trust, mistrust, and credulity. the aim is to explore the complexities of these relationships and their implications for the psychological well-being of this population. we computed a mediation model to examine the relationships among PIU as the dependent variable, FoMO as the predictor, and epistemic trust, mistrust, and credulity as the mediating factors. covariates such as age, gender, and sexual orientation were also considered in the analysis. the results revealed significant indirect effects for both mistrust and credulity. specifically, higher levels of FoMO were associated with increased mistrust and credulity, leading to greater PIU. In contrast, the indirect effect of trust was not significant. also, FoMO had a direct effect on PIU. the results highlight the importance of considering mistrust and credulity as potential risk factors for Internet addiction in emerging adults. these findings have practical implications for clinical practice, psychological assessment, and intervention strategies, emphasizing the need to address FoMO and its associated vulnerabilities within different therapeutic settings. by doing so, mental health professionals can better support the psychological well-being of emerging adults and assist them in navigating the challenges inherent to this crucial developmental stage

    Forensic population data for 20 STR loci in Argentina

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    In order to provide useful information of forensic interest for the new markers included in the PowerPlex1 21 System (Promega Corp, USA), namely D1S1656, D6S1043 and D12S391, a population study was conducted in a sample of 907 unrelated healthy individuals from Argentina. Samples were randomly chosen from routine paternity testing. Blood samples or buccal swabs were collected after informed consent, taken from individuals of different urban populations from 7 provinces of Argentina: 464 individuals from a Region 1, including the provinces of Catamarca (N = 27), Córdoba (N = 67), Entre Ríos (N = 24) and Buenos Aires (N = 346), and 443 individuals form a Region 2 including the provinces of Neuquén (N = 134), Chubut (N = 223) and Santa Cruz (N = 86).Fil: Borosky, Alicia. Laboratorio de Inmunogenética y Diagnóstico Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Toscanini, Ulises. Fundación Favaloro. Primer Centro Argentino de Inmunogenética; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Andrea. Fundación Favaloro. Primer Centro Argentino de Inmunogenética; ArgentinaFil: Parolin, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Basso, Nestor Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Vullo, Carlos. Laboratorio de Inmunogenética y Diagnóstico Molecular; Argentin

    Population genetic analyses of the Powerplex Fusion kit in a cosmopolitan sample of Chubut province (Patagonia Argentina)

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    Allele frequencies and forensic parameters for 22 autosomal STR loci and DYS391 locus included in the PowerPlex® Fusion System kit were estimated in a sample of 770 unrelated individuals from Chubut province, southern Patagonia. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed after Bonferroni?s correction. The combined power of discrimination and the combined probability of exclusion were >0.999999 and 0.999984, respectively. Comparisons with other worldwide populations were performed. The MDS obtained show a close biological relation between Chubut and Chile. The estimated interethnic admixture supports a high Native American contribution (46%) in the population sample of Chubut. These results enlarge the Argentine databases of autosomal STR and would provide a valuable contribution for identification tests and population genetic studies.Fil: Parolin, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Real, Luciano Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Martinazzo Giménez, Liza Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; ArgentinaFil: Basso, Nestor Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Diversidad y Evolución Austral; Argentin

    Mechanisms of HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein Inhibition by Lysyl-Peptidyl-Anthraquinone Conjugates

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    The Nucleocapsid protein NCp7 (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone responsible for essential steps of the HIV-1 life cycle and an attractive candidate for drug development. NC destabilizes nucleic acid structures and promotes the formation of annealed substrates for HIV-1 reverse transcription elongation. Short helical nucleic acid segments bordered by bulges and loops, such as the Trans-Activation Response element (TAR) of HIV-1 and its complementary sequence (cTAR), are nucleation elements for helix destabilization by NC and also preferred recognition sites for threading intercalators. Inspired by these observations, we have recently demonstrated that 2,6-disubstituted peptidylanthraquinone-conjugates inhibit the chaperone activities of recombinant NC in vitro, and that inhibition correlates with the stabilization of TAR and cTAR stem-loop structures. We describe here enhanced NC inhibitory activity by novel conjugates that exhibit longer peptidyl chains ending with a conserved Nterminal lysine. Their efficient inhibition of TAR/cTAR annealing mediated by NC originates from the combination of at least three different mechanisms, namely, their stabilizing effects on nucleic acids dynamics by threading intercalation, their ability to target TAR RNA substrate leading to a direct competition with the protein for the same binding sites on TAR, and, finally, their effective binding to the NC protein. Our results suggest that these molecules may represent the stepping-stone for the future development of NC-inhibitors capable of targeting the protein itself and its recognition site in RNA