209 research outputs found

    Coherence properties and diagnostics of betatron radiation emitted by an externally-injected electron beam propagating in a plasma channel

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    A 3-dimensional time-domain simulation of X-ray produced by a laser wakefield accelerated electron beam was performed in order to know its properties like intensity, spectrum, divergence and coherence. Particular attention was paid to the coherence around the acceleration axis. The broad spectrum of betatron radiation (1-10 keV) leads to a short coherence length. Nevertheless we observe that under particular detection condition the spatial coherence has a characteristic enlargement. We give a simplified interpretation of this effect in terms of phase shift of the electric field on a virtual detector. Moreover we describe a near field scattering technique to characterize the betatron radiation. This diagnostics will be used to map the transverse spatiooral coherence of X-ray radiation in the laser wakefield accelerator under development at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF)

    Advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a genetically predisposed, female-predominant disease, characterized by multiple organ damage, that in its most severe forms can be life-threatening. The pathogenesis of SLE is complex and involves cells of both innate and adaptive immunity. The distinguishing feature of SLE is the production of autoantibodies, with the formation of immune complexes that precipitate at the vascular level, causing organ damage. Although progress in understanding the pathogenesis of SLE has been slower than in other rheumatic diseases, new knowledge has recently led to the development of effective targeted therapies, that hold out hope for personalized therapy. However, the new drugs available to date are still an adjunct to conventional therapy, which is known to be toxic in the short and long term. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of the disease and discuss the results obtained from the use of new targeted drugs, with a look at future therapies that may be used in the absence of the current standard of care or may even cure this serious systemic autoimmune disease

    Two-dimensional mapping of the asymmetric lateral coherence of thermal light

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    We report in this work the first experimental verification of the asymmetric lateral coherence which is a measurement of the spatio-temporal coherence by using a wide-band Young interference experiment with a fixed off-axis slit. We demonstrate the coherence properties through the measurement of the real part of the coherence factor of thermal light. We extend our recent results obtained for betatron and undulator radiations providing a robust experimental method for the two-dimensional mapping of the two-point correlation function of broadband radiation preserving the phase information. The proposed method can be used as a high-sensitivity alternative to traditional interferometry with quasi-monochromatic radiation

    Radiation emission processes and properties: synchrotron, undulator and betatron radiation

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    Synchrotron, undulator and betatron radiations are generated from last generation and novel concept sources. The achievement of unprecedented radiation properties opens new opportunities in various research fields as well as novel potential applications. In particular, bright coherent X-rays and (Formula presented.) -rays have been recently obtained thanks to enormous efforts in technological advancements and research activities. We give in this work a uniform argumentation and comparison of the main fundamental emission processes and radiation properties of synchrotron, undulator and betatron radiations. Emphasis is given to spatial coherence and related diagnostics, a fundamental property for any \u2018modern light source\u2019 and a basis for recent important advancements

    The local intrinsic curvature of wavefronts allows to detect optical vortices

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    We describe a method for effectively distinguishing the radiation endowed with optical angular momentum, also known as optical vortex, from ordinary light. We show that by detecting the inversion of the transverse intrinsic curvature sign (ITICS) an optical vortex can be locally recognized. The method is effective under conditions of huge importance for the exploitation of optical vortices, such as the far field of the source and access to a small fraction of the wavefront only. The validity of the method has been verified with table-top experiments with visible light, and the results show that a measurement performed over a transverse distance smaller than 4% of the beam diameter distinguishes a vortex from a Gaussian beam with a significance of 93.4%. New perspectives are considered for the characterization of vortices, with potential impact on the detection of extra-terrestrial radiation as well as on broadcast communication techniques

    Solving classification tasks by a receptron based on nonlinear optical speckle fields

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    Among several approaches to tackle the problem of energy consumption in modern computing systems, two solutions are currently investigated: one consists of artificial neural networks (ANNs) based on photonic technologies, the other is a different paradigm compared to ANNs and it is based on random networks of nonlinear nanoscale junctions resulting from the assembling of nanoparticles or nanowires as substrates for neuromorphic computing. These networks show the presence of emergent complexity and collective phenomena in analogy with biological neural networks characterized by self-organization, redundancy, non-linearity. Starting from this background, we propose and formalize a generalization of the perceptron model to describe a classification device based on a network of interacting units where the input weights are nonlinearly dependent. We show that this model, called "receptron", provides substantial advantages compared to the perceptron as, for example, the solution of non-linearly separable Boolean functions with a single device. The receptron model is used as a starting point for the implementation of an all-optical device that exploits the non-linearity of optical speckle fields produced by a solid scatterer. By encoding these speckle fields we generated a large variety of target Boolean functions without the need for time-consuming machine learning algorithms. We demonstrate that by properly setting the model parameters, different classes of functions with different multiplicity can be solved efficiently. The optical implementation of the receptron scheme opens the way for the fabrication of a completely new class of optical devices for neuromorphic data processing based on a very simple hardware

    Single-shot measurement of phase and topological properties of orbital angular momentum radiation through asymmetric lateral coherence

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    We show a single-shot technique to measure topological and phase properties of radiation carrying orbital angular momentum. The single-shot method is effectively described as the one-dimensional case of a more general two-dimensional approach based on scanning interferometry (asymmetric lateral coherence). The validity of the method has been experimentally verified and the applicability to ultrarelativistic sources of hard x-rays has been discussed. The method is suitable to characterize phase and topological properties of x-ray sources by using simple apertures

    Excitation of the l=3 diocotron mode in a pure electron plasma by means of a rotating electric field

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    The l=3 diocotron mode in an electron plasma confined in a Malmberg–Penning trap has been resonantly excited by means of a rotating electric field applied on an azimuthally four-sectored electrode. The experimental observations are interpreted with a theory based on the linearization of the drift-Poisson equations and by means of two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The experimental technique presented in this paper is able to selectively excite different diocotron perturbations and can be efficiently used for electron or positron plasma control and manipulation

    Analogical optical modeling of the asymmetric lateral coherence of betatron radiation

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    By exploiting analogical optical modeling of the radiation emitted by ultrarelativistic electrons undergoing betatron oscillations, we demonstrate peculiar properties of the spatial coherence through an interferometric method reminiscent of the classical Young's double slit experiment. The expected effects due to the curved trajectory and the broadband emission are accurately reproduced. We show that by properly scaling the fundamental parameters for the wavelength, analogical optical modeling of betatron emission can be realized in many cases of broad interest. Applications to study the feasibility of future experiments and to the characterization of beam diagnostics tools are described
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