417 research outputs found

    Deblurring of frequency-wavenumber images from small-scale seismic arrays

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    Temporary arrays installed in urban areas for investigating the upper-most geological structure typically comprised of a limited number of stations and are arranged in geometries constrained by environmental boundaries. Therefore, it is expected that the frequency–wavenumber images are significantly blurred by the array transfer function and are corrupted by noise. In this paper, the effect of theRichardson–Lucy regularization method applied to the problem of deblurring frequency–wavenumber images is investigated. The images are computed by analysing data from two small-aperture 2-D arrays, installed with different configurations in a test-site within the town of Potenza (Southern Italy) for near-surface investigations. We show that removing the effects of the array response from the frequency–wavenumber images improve the phase-velocity estimation, reducing the relevant level of uncertainty. Furthermore, the Richardson–Lucy regularization method is effective in reducing the level of noise related to spatial aliasing by eliminating spurious peaks, allowing the maxima related to different seismic sources to be better discriminated

    The Damage Assessment for Rapid Response (DARR) Method and its Application to Different Ground-Motion Levels and Building Types

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    Seismic recordings in buildings and on the ground are increasingly available due to the increment and expansion of seismic monitoring networks worldwide. However, most urban strong‐motion networks consist of stations installed at the ground or, less frequently, in selected building’s basement. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to develop methods that can provide estimates of expected structural damage, starting from earthquake recordings at the ground level. Damage Assessment for Rapid Response (DARR) provides first‐level estimates of the expected damage to buildings, based on ground‐motion recordings and simple information on buildings’ characteristics. In this work, we apply DARR using both weak and strong ground‐motion recordings available for different low‐ and mid‐rise building typologies. A total of 9 buildings and 19 earthquake recordings were analyzed. DARR reproduces the shaking at the building’s top, and estimates the peak structural relative displacement or average interstory drift. Results show that the method works well for the considered building types and ground‐motion levels for the estimation of relative and total displacements using first‐order assessments. Comparison with the previously defined thresholds allows the estimation of expected damage. Our results (i.e., no damage for most buildings and events) are consistent with the absence of damaging events in northeastern Italy in the studied period (2019–2021). For a school building in central Italy, which was heavily damaged by the 2016 Central Italian sequence, DARR correctly predicted this fact

    Applying the damage assessment for rapid response approach to the august 24 M6 event of the seismic sequence in central Italy (2016)

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    Seismic monitoring networks are increasingly being used in urban areas to record and locate earthquakes. Recordings in the proximity of buildings also allow assessing, as a first approximation, the expected building damage. The DARR (Damage Assessment for Rapid Response) method provides local-scale information on expected damage patterns. The potential of this approach is discussed here for the August 24 M6 event of the Central Italy seismic sequence (2016-2017). We focus only on the first event of the sequence because cumulative damage is outside the scope of this study. The earthquake recordings are available from two Italian monitoring networks: the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) and the OSS (Osservatorio Sismico delle Strutture), which collects data from monitored buildings and bridges in Italy. We selected four target areas (Amatrice, Norcia, Visso and Sulmona) characterized by different epicentral distances and building typologies, that suffered different levels of damage during the M6 event on 24 August 2016. Using recordings either in the free field or in the basement of buildings, the expected relative displacement of building typologies common in the studied areas is calculated with the DARR method. Using predefined damage thresholds from literature, the obtained results allow quantifying the expected damage for dominant building typologies in the surroundings of the recording sites. We investigate and discuss the potential use and applicability of the DARR method in different areas depending on the epicentral distance and building characteristics. The results indicate that the DARR approach is useful for supporting and improving rapid response activities after a seismic event

    Seismic input motion determined from a surface-downhole pair of sensors: a constrained deconvolution approach.

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    We apply a deconvolution approach to the problem of determining the input motion at the base of an instrumented borehole using only a pair of recordings, one at the borehole surface and the other at its bottom. To stabilize the bottom-tosurface spectral ratio, we apply an iterative regularization algorithm that allows us to constrain the solution to be positively defined and to have a finite time duration. Through the analysis of synthetic data, we show that the method is capable of retrieving reliable input motion, suppressing the effect of the negative interference generated by the downgoing waves. Results obtained by applying the methodology to weak earthquakes recorded at the Ataköy (Istanbul) vertical array are also presented and show that removing the effect of the downgoing waves is remarkable, even considering the recording at a depth of 140 m

    Empirical site-specific response-spectra correction factors for the Gubbio basin (central Italy)

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    Providing quantitative microzonation results that can be taken into account in urban land-use plans is a challenging task that requires collaborative efforts between the seismological and engineering communities. In this study, starting from the results obtained by extensive geophysical and seismological investigations, we propose and apply an approach to the Gubbio basin (Italy) that can be easily implemented for cases of moderate-to-low ground motion and that takes into account not only simple 1D, but also more complicated 3D effects. With this method, the sites inside the basin are classified by their fundamental resonance frequencies, estimated from the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio applied to noise recordings (HVNSR). The correspondence between estimates of the fundamental frequency from this method and those derived from earthquake recordings was verified at several calibration sites. The amplification factors used to correct the response spectra are computed by the ratio between the response spectra at sites within the basin and the response spectra at a hard-rock site using data from two seismic transects. Empirical amplification functions are then assigned to the fundamental frequencies after applying an interpolation technique. The suitability of the estimated site-specific correction factors for response spectra was verified by computing synthetic response spectra for stations within the basin, starting from the synthetic recording at a nearby rock station, and comparing them with observed ones

    Source Spectra and Site Response from S Waves of Intermediate-Depth Vrancea, Romania, Earthquakes

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    Seismograms from 55 intermediate-depth Vrancea earthquakes (M 4:0– 7:1) recorded at 43 stations of an accelerometric network in Romania are used to derive source spectra and site amplification functions from S waves in the frequency range 0.5–20 Hz with the generalized inversion technique (GIT) (Castro et al., 1990). Attenuation is taken into account using the nonparametric attenuation functions derived by Oth et al. (2008) from the same dataset, and the attenuation-corrected data are then split into source and site contributions. The source spectra follow the ω 2 model (Brune, 1970, 1971) with high corner frequencies and a related Brune stress drop of the order of 100 MPa. The site amplification functions are separately determined for both horizontal and vertical components. Contrary to widespread expectation, the vertical component shows significant amplification effects at high frequencies. The H=Z ratios determined from the GIT results compare well with H=V ratios computed directly from the S-wave window of the accelerograms (Lermo and ChĂĄvez-GarcĂ­a, 1993). The basic assumption for the determination of site effects from H=V ratios is that the vertical component is not or only little affected by site effects. For Vrancea earthquakes, this assumption is incorrect; consequently, site effects should not be estimated from H=V ratios. The reason for this peculiar fact is the geometry of intermediate-depth seismicity that leads to almost vertical ray paths beneath the stations

    S-Wave Attenuation Characteristics beneath the Vrancea Region in Romania: New Insights from the Inversion of Ground-Motion Spectra

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    The S-wave attenuation characteristics beneath the Vrancea region in Romania are analyzed from the spectra (frequency range 0.5–20 Hz) of more than 850 recordings at 43 accelerometric stations of 55 intermediate-depth earthquakes (M 4:0–7:1) that occurred in the Vrancea seismogenic zone. The method commonly chosen for this type of investigation in the case of crustal earthquakes is the generalized inversion technique (GIT) (e.g., Andrews, 1986; Castro et al., 1990). Yet the Vrancea dataset is entirely different from common crustal datasets. Because of the strong clustering of the hypocenters within a very small focal volume, there are only few crossing ray paths from sources to receivers. As a consequence, inhomogeneities in the attenuation properties are not averaged out, which leads to unphysical results if the standard GIT approach is adopted. The problem is discussed qualitatively by performing tests with synthetic data and solved quantitatively by adapting the GIT technique in view of these peculiarities.With the optimally adapted inversion scheme, it is possible to unravel differences in the attenuation characteristics between two (or more) sets of stations. The results show that the attenuation of seismic waves is roughly comparable in the low frequency range (<4–5 Hz) but stronger by up to an order of magnitude at higher frequencies within the Carpathian mountain arc as compared with the foreland area. Modeling this strongly frequency-dependent lateral variation of seismic attenuation by a significantly lower Q beneath Vrancea (1) provides a very good fit of observed strong-motion characteristics, (2) sheds new light on the distribution of intensities of the previous strong earthquakes, (3) will have strong implications for future hazard assessment, and (4) is fully compatible with structural models from deep seismic sounding, tomography, and teleseismic attenuation

    Suitability of short-period sensors for retrieving reliable H/V peaks for frequencies less than 1 Hz

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    Using three different short-period electromagnetic sensors with resonant frequencies of 1 Hz (Mark L4C-3D), 2 Hz (Mark L-22D), and 4.5 Hz (I/O SM-6), coupled with three digital acquisition system, the PDAS Teledyne Geotech, the REFTEK 72A, and the Earth Data Logger PR6-24 (EDL), the effect of the seismic instruments on the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (H/V) using seismic noise for frequencies less than 1 Hz has been evaluated. For all possible sensors - acquisition system pairs, the background seismic signal and instrumental self-noise power spectral densities have been calculated and compared. The results obtained when coupling the short-period sensors with different acquisition systems show that the performance of the considered instruments at frequencies < 1 Hz strongly depends upon the sensor-acquisition system combination and the gain used, with the best performance obtained for sensors with the lowest resonance frequency. For all acquisition systems, it was possible to retrieve correctly the H/V peak down to 0.1-0.2 Hz by using a high gain and a 1 Hz sensor. In contrast, biased H/V spectral ratios were retrieved when low-gain values were considered. Particular care is required when using 4.5 Hz sensors since they may not even allow the fundamental resonance frequency peak to be reproduce

    Soil-structure interaction assessment combining deconvolution of building and field recordings with polarization analysis: application to the Matera (Italy) experiment

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    In this study, the wavefield radiated from a building to its surroundings is identified and extracted from M4.6 earthquake recordings collected by sensors installed in a building and on the nearby athletic field in Matera (Italy) using a new approach for soil-structure interaction assessment. The proposed approach for earthquake data analysis combines in an innovative way two methods already used in seismology and engineering seismology: deconvolution and polarization analysis. The approach enables the identification, reconstruction, and characterization of the wavefield radiated from a vibrating building into its surroundings, and the estimation of the amount of energy associated with it. The approach consists of four steps: (1) estimation of the resonant frequencies of the building, (2) deconvolution of the earthquake recordings from a building and its surroundings, (3) identification of the seismic phases, reconstruction of the signal transmitted from the building to its surroundings, and estimation of its energy, and (4) polarization analysis. Analysis of recordings of the M4.6 event highlighted that the motion related to the wavefield radiated from the building to the ground was mostly linearly polarized in the radial and transverse planes, while a clear ellipticity was observed only in the horizontal plane. The wavefield radiated from the building might be dominated by unconventionally polarized surface waves, i.e., quasi-Rayleigh waves or a combination of quasi-Rayleigh and quasi-Love waves. The results indicated that the energy transmitted from the analyzed vibrating building to its surroundings was significant and decreased the ground motion shaking due to the out-of-phase motion

    Source parameters and seismic moment-magnitude scaling for Northwestern Turkey

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    Abstract The source parameters of 523 aftershocks (0.5 ML 5.9) of the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake are determined by performing a two-step spectral fitting procedure. The source spectrum, corrected for both site and propagation effects, is described in terms of a standard x-square model multiplied by an exponential term of frequency. The latter term is introduced to estimate the high-frequency (f 12 Hz) fall-off of the acceleration source spectra by computing the j parameter. The seismic moments obtained range between 1.05 1014 and 2.41 1017 N m, whereas the Brune stress drops are between 0.002 and 40 MPa. The j value varies between 0.00 and 0.08 sec, indicating a decay of the acceleration level at the higher frequency part of the spectrum greater than that assumed by the x 2 model. Both the stress drop and the j parameter show the tendency of increasing with aftershock magnitude. No evidence of self-similarity breakdown is observed between the source radius and M0. Finally, both the seismic moment and the moment magnitude are compared with the local magnitude to derive new moment–magnitude relationships for the area
