1,232 research outputs found

    Shell Effects and Phase Separation in a Trapped Multi-Component Fermi System

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    Shell effects in the coordinate space can be seen with degenerate Fermi vapors in non-uniform trapping potentials. In particular, below the Fermi temperature, the density profile of a Fermi gas in a confining harmonic potential is characterized by several local maxima. This effect is enhanced for "magic numbers" of particles and in quasi-1D (cigar-shaped) configurations. In the case of a multi-component Fermi vapor, the separation of Fermi components in different spatial shells (phase-separation) depends on temperature, number of particles and scattering length. We derive analytical formulas, based on bifurcation theory, for the critical density of Fermions and the critical chemical potential, which give rise to the phase-separation.Comment: to be published in the Proceedings of the VIII Meeting on Problems in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cortona, October 18-20, 2000, Ed. G. Pisent, A. Fabrocini and L. Canton (World Scientific

    Infinite compressibility states in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of fluids. II. Numerical evidence

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    Continuing our investigation into the Hierarchical Reference Theory of fluids for thermodynamic states of infinite isothermal compressibility kappa[T] we now turn to the available numerical evidence to elucidate the character of the partial differential equation: Of the three scenarios identified previously, only the assumption of the equations turning stiff when building up the divergence of kappa[T] allows for a satisfactory interpretation of the data. In addition to the asymptotic regime where the arguments of part I (cond-mat/0308467) directly apply, a similar mechanism is identified that gives rise to transient stiffness at intermediate cutoff for low enough temperature. Heuristic arguments point to a connection between the form of the Fourier transform of the perturbational part of the interaction potential and the cutoff where finite difference approximations of the differential equation cease to be applicable, and they highlight the rather special standing of the hard-core Yukawa potential as regards the severity of the computational difficulties.Comment: J. Stat. Phys., in press. Minor changes to match published versio

    Bosonic clouds with attractive interaction beyond the local interaction approximation

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    We study the properties of a Bose-Einstein condensed cloud of atoms with negative scattering length confined in a harmonic trap. When a realistic non local (finite range) effective interaction is taken into account, we find that, besides the known low density metastable solution, a new branch of Bose condensate appears at higher density. This state is self-bound but its density can be quite low if the number NN of atoms is not too big. The transition between the two classes of solutions as a function of NN can be either sharp or smooth according to the ratio between the range of the attractive interaction and the length of the trap. A tight trap leads to a smooth transition. In addition to the energy and the shape of the cloud we study also the dynamics of the system. In particular, we study the frequencies of collective oscillation of the Bose condensate as a function of the number of atoms both in the local and in the non local case. Moreover, we consider the dynamics of the cloud when the external trap is switched off.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, 2 figure, 1 table, presented to the International Symposium of Quantum Fluids and Solids 98, Amherst (USA), 9-14 June 199

    Effective wave-equations for the dynamics of cigar-shaped and disc-shaped Bose condensates

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    Starting from the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation and using a variational approach, we derive an effective 1D wave-equation that describes the axial dynamics of a Bose condensate confined in an external potential with cylindrical symmetry. The trapping potential is harmonic in the transverse direction and generic in the axial one. Our equation, that is a time-dependent non-polynomial nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (1D NPSE), can be used to model cigar-shaped condensates, whose dynamics is essentially 1D. We show that 1D NPSE gives much more accurate results than all other effective equations recently proposed. By using 1D NPSE we find analytical solutions for bright and dark solitons, which generalize the ones known in the literature. We deduce also an effective 2D non-polynomial Schr\"odinger equation (2D NPSE) that models disc-shaped Bose condensates confined in an external trap that is harmonic along the axial direction and generic in the transverse direction. In the limiting cases of weak and strong interaction, our approach gives rise to Schr\"odinger-like equations with different polynomial nonlinearities.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamics of Bose-Condensed Atomic Hydrogen

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    We study the thermodynamics of the Bose-condensed atomic hydrogen confined in the Ioffe-Pritchard potential. Such a trapping potential, that models the magnetic trap used in recent experiments with hydrogen, is anharmonic and strongly anisotropic. We calculate the ground-state properties, the condensed and non-condensed fraction and the Bose-Einstein transition temperature. The thermodynamics of the system is strongly affected by the anharmonicity of this external trap. Finally, we consider the possibility to detect Josephson-like currents by creating a double-well barrier with a laser beam.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal

    Thermodynamics of a trapped Bose condensate with negative scattering length

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    We study the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) for a system of 7Li^7Li atoms, which have negative scattering length (attractive interaction), confined in a harmonic potential. Within the Bogoliubov and Popov approximations, we numerically calculate the density profile for both condensate and non-condensate fractions and the spectrum of elementary excitations. In particular, we analyze the temperature and number-of-boson dependence of these quantities and evaluate the BEC transition temperature TBECT_{BEC}. We calculate the loss rate for inelastic two- and three-body collisions. We find that the total loss rate is strongly dependent on the density profile of the condensate, but this density profile does not appreciably change by increasing the thermal fraction. Moreover, we study, using the quasi-classical Popov approximation, the temperature dependence of the critical number NcN_c of condensed bosons, for which there is the collapse of the condensate. There are different regimes as a function of the total number NN of atoms. For N<NcN<N_c the condensate is always metastable but for N>NcN>N_c the condensate is metastable only for temperatures that exceed a critical value TcT_c.Comment: RevTex, 7 postscript figures, to be published in Journal of Low Temperature Phsyic

    Implementation of the Hierarchical Reference Theory for simple one-component fluids

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    Combining renormalization group theoretical ideas with the integral equation approach to fluid structure and thermodynamics, the Hierarchical Reference Theory is known to be successful even in the vicinity of the critical point and for sub-critical temperatures. We here present a software package independent of earlier programs for the application of this theory to simple fluids composed of particles interacting via spherically symmetrical pair potentials, restricting ourselves to hard sphere reference systems. Using the hard-core Yukawa potential with z=1.8/sigma for illustration, we discuss our implementation and the results it yields, paying special attention to the core condition and emphasizing the decoupling assumption's role.Comment: RevTeX, 16 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes, published versio

    Phase diagram of symmetric binary mixtures at equimolar and non-equimolar concentrations: a systematic investigation

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    We consider symmetric binary mixtures consisting of spherical particles with equal diameters interacting via a hard-core plus attractive tail potential with strengths epsilon_{ij}, i,j=1,2, such that epsilon_{11} = epsilon_{22} > epsilon_{12}. The phase diagram of the system at all densities and concentrations is investigated as a function of the unlike-to-like interaction ratio delta = epsilon_{12}/epsilon_{11} by means of the hierarchical reference theory (HRT). The results are related to those of previous investigations performed at equimolar concentration, as well as to the topology of the mean-field critical lines. As delta is increased in the interval 0 < delta < 1, we find first a regime where the phase diagram at equal species concentration displays a tricritical point, then one where both a tricritical and a liquid-vapor critical point are present. We did not find any clear evidence of the critical endpoint topology predicted by mean-field theory as delta approaches 1, at least up to delta=0.8, which is the largest value of delta investigated here. Particular attention was paid to the description of the critical-plus-tricritical point regime in the whole density-concentration plane. In this situation, the phase diagram shows, in a certain temperature interval, a coexistence region that encloses an island of homogeneous, one-phase fluid.Comment: 27 pages + 20 figure

    Spin-lattice coupling in frustrated antiferromagnets

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    We review the mechanism of spin-lattice coupling in relieving the geometrical frustration of pyrochlore antiferromagnets, in particular spinel oxides. The tetrahedral unit, which is the building block of the pyrochlore lattice, undergoes a spin-driven Jahn-Teller instability when lattice degrees of freedom are coupled to the antiferromagnetism. By restricting our considerations to distortions which preserve the translational symmetries of the lattice, we present a general theory of the collective spin-Jahn-Teller effect in the pyrochlore lattice. One of the predicted lattice distortions breaks the inversion symmetry and gives rise to a chiral pyrochlore lattice, in which frustrated bonds form helices with a definite handedness. The chirality is transferred to the spin system through spin-orbit coupling, resulting in a long-period spiral state, as observed in spinel CdCr2O4. We discuss explicit models of spin-lattice coupling using local phonon modes, and their applications in other frustrated magnets.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Lecture notes for Trieste Summer School, August 2007. To appear as a chapter in "Highly Frustrated Magnetism", Eds. C. Lacroix, P. Mendels, F. Mil

    Thermodynamics of Solitonic Matter Waves in a Toroidal Trap

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate with negative scattering length confined in a toroidal trapping potential. By numerically solving the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, we study the phase transition from the uniform state to the symmetry-breaking state characterized by a bright-soliton condensate and a localized thermal cloud. In the localized regime three states with a finite condensate fraction are present: the thermodynamically stable localized state, a metastable localized state and also a metastable uniform state. Remarkably, the presence of the stable localized state strongly increases the critical temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Physical Review A as a Rapid Communication. Related papers can be found at http://www.padova.infm.it/salasnich/tdqg.htm