108 research outputs found

    Lhx6 regulates the migration of cortical interneurons from the ventral telencephalon but does not specify their GABA phenotype

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    The LIM homeodomain family of transcription factors is involved in many processes in the developing CNS, ranging from cell fate specification to connectivity. A member of this family of transcription factors, lhx6, is expressed in the medial ganglionic eminence(MGE) of the ventral telencephalon, where the vast majority of cortical interneurons are generated. Its expression in the GABA-containing MGE cells that migrate to the cortex suggests that this gene uniquely or in combination with other transcription factors may play a role in the neurochemical identity and migration of these neurons. We performed loss of function studies for lhx6 in mouse embryonic day 13.5 brain slices and dissociated MGE neuronal cultures using Lhx6-targeted small interfering RNA produced by a U6 promoter-driven vector. We found that silencing lhx6 impeded the tangential migration of interneurons into the cortex, although it did not obstruct their dispersion within the ganglionic eminence. Blocking lhx6 expression in dissociated MGE cultured neurons did not interfere with the production of GABA or its synthesizing enzyme. These results indicate that lhx6, unlike the closely related member lhx7, does not regulate neurotransmitter choice in interneurons but plays an important role in their migration from the ventral telencephalon to the neocortex

    Both doublecortin and doublecortin-like kinase play a role in cortical interneuron migration

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    Type I lissencephaly, a genetic disease characterized by disorganized cortical layers and gyral abnormalities, is associated with severe cognitive impairment and epilepsy. Two genes, LIS1 and doublecortin (DCX), have been shown to be responsible for a large proportion of cases of type I lissencephaly. Both genes encode microtubule-associated proteins that have been shown to be important for radial migration of cortical pyramidal neurons. To investigate whether DCX also plays a role in cortical interneuron migration, we inactivated DCX in the ganglionic eminence of rat embryonic day 17 brain slices using short hairpin RNA. We found that, when DCX expression was blocked, the migration of interneurons from the ganglionic eminence to the cerebral cortex was slowed but not absent, similar to what had previously been reported for radial neuronal migration. In addition, the processes of DCX-deficient migrating interneurons were more branched than their counterparts in control experiments. These effects were rescued by DCX overexpression, confirming the specificity to DCX inactivation. A similar delay in interneuron migration was observed when Doublecortin-like kinase (DCLK), a microtubule-associated protein related to DCX, was inactivated, although the morphology of the cells was not affected. The importance of these genes in interneuron migration was confirmed by our finding that the cortices of Dcx, Dclk, and Dcx/Dclk mutant mice contained a reduced number of such cells in the cortex and their distribution was different compared with wild-type controls. However, the defect was different for each group of mutant animals, suggesting that DCX and DCLK have distinct roles in cortical interneuron migration

    Disrupted Slit-Robo signalling results in membranous ventricular septum defects and bicuspid aortic valves.

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    The mesenchymal cushions lining the early embryonic heart undergo complex remodelling to form the membranous ventricular septum as well as the atrioventricular and semilunar valves in later life. Disruption of this process underlies the most common congenital heart defects. Here, we identified a novel role for Slit-Robo signalling in the development of the murine membranous ventricular septum and cardiac valves

    Semaphorin3A-neuropilin1 signalling is involved in the generation of cortical interneurons

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    Cortical interneurons are generated predominantly in the medial ganglionic eminence of the ventral telencephalon and migrate to the cortex during embryonic development. These cells express neuropilin (Nrp1 and Nrp2) receptors which mediate their response to the chemorepulsive class 3 semaphorin (Sema) ligands. We show here that semaphorins Sema3A and Sema3F are expressed in layers adjacent to cortical interneuron migratory streams as well as in the striatum, suggesting they may have a role in guiding these cells throughout their journey. Analysis of Sema3A (-/-) and Sema3F (-/-) mice during corticogenesis showed that absence of Sema3A, but not Sema3F, leads to aberrant migration of cortical interneurons through the striatum. Reduced number of cortical interneurons was found in the cortex of Sema3A (-/-), Nrp1 (-/-) and Nrp2 (-/-) mice, as well as altered distribution in Sema3F (-/-), Nrp1 (-/-), Nrp2 (-/-) animals and especially in neuropilin double mutants. The observed decrease in interneurons in Sema3A (-/-) and Nrp1 (-/-) mice was due to altered proliferative activity of their progenitors highlighted by changes in their mitotic spindle positioning and angle of cleavage plane during cell division. These findings point to a novel role for Sema3A-Nrp1 signalling in progenitor cell dynamics and in the generation of interneurons in the ventral telencephalon

    Altered proliferative ability of neuronal progenitors in PlexinA1 mutant mice

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    Cortical interneurons are generated predominantly in the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) and migrate through the ventral and dorsal telencephalon before taking their final positions within the developing cortical plate. Previously we demonstrated that interneurons from Robo1 knockout (Robo1(-/-) ) mice contain reduced levels of neuropilin 1 (Nrp1) and PlexinA1 receptors, rendering them less responsive to the chemorepulsive actions of semaphorin ligands expressed in the striatum and affecting their course of migration (Hernandez-Miranda et al. [2011] J. Neurosci. 31:6174-6187). Earlier studies have highlighted the importance of Nrp1 and Nrp2 in interneuron migration, and here we assess the role of PlexinA1 in this process. We observed significantly fewer cells expressing the interneuron markers Gad67 and Lhx6 in the cortex of PlexinA1(-/-) mice compared with wild-type littermates at E14.5 and E18.5. Although the level of apoptosis was similar in the mutant and control forebrain, proliferation was significantly reduced in the former. Furthermore, progenitor cells in the MGE of PlexinA1(-/-) mice appeared to be poorly anchored to the ventricular surface and showed reduced adhesive properties, which may account for the observed reduction in proliferation. Together our data uncover a novel role for PlexinA1 in forebrain development. J. Comp. Neurol., 2015. © 2015 The Authors The Journal of Comparative Neurology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Protective role of Cadherin 13 in interneuron development

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    Cortical interneurons are generated in the ganglionic eminences and migrate through the ventral and dorsal telencephalon before finding their final positions within the cortical plate. During early stages of migration, these cells are present in two well-defined streams within the developing cortex. In an attempt to identify candidate genes which may play a role in interneuron stream specification, we previously carried out a microarray analysis which identified a number of cadherin receptors that were differentially expressed in these streams, including Cadherin-13 (Cdh13). Expression analysis confirmed Cdh13 to be present in the preplate layer at E13.5 and, later in development, in some cortical interneurons and pyramidal cells. Analysis of Cdh13 knockout mice at E18.5, but not at E15.5, showed a reduction in the number of interneurons and late born pyramidal neurons and a concomitant increase in apoptotic cells in the cortex. These observations were confirmed in dissociated cell cultures using overexpression and short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) constructs and dominant negative inhibitory proteins. Our findings identified a novel protective role for Cdh13 in cortical neuron development

    Cadherin 8 regulates proliferation of cortical interneuron progenitors

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    Cortical interneurons are born in the ventral forebrain and migrate tangentially in two streams at the levels of the intermediate zone (IZ) and the pre-plate/marginal zone to the developing cortex where they switch to radial migration before settling in their final positions in the cortical plate. In a previous attempt to identify the molecules that regulate stream specification, we performed transcriptomic analysis of GFP-labelled interneurons taken from the two migratory streams during corticogenesis. A number of cadherins were found to be expressed differentially, with Cadherin-8 (Cdh8) selectively present in the IZ stream. We verified this expression pattern at the mRNA and protein levels on tissue sections and found approximately half of the interneurons of the IZ expressed Cdh8. Furthermore, this cadherin was also detected in the germinal zones of the subpallium, suggesting that it might be involved not only in the migration of interneurons but also in their generation. Quantitative analysis of cortical interneurons in animals lacking the cadherin at E18.5 revealed a significant increase in their numbers. Subsequent functional in vitro experiments showed that blocking Cdh8 function led to increased cell proliferation, with the opposite results observed with over-expression, supporting its role in interneuron generation

    Cdk5 phosphorylation of ErbB4 is required for tangential migration of cortical interneurons.

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    Interneuron dysfunction in humans is often associated with neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia, and autism. Some of these disorders are believed to emerge during brain formation, at the time of interneuron specification, migration, and synapse formation. Here, using a mouse model and a host of histological and molecular biological techniques, we report that the signaling molecule cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5), and its activator p35, control the tangential migration of interneurons toward and within the cerebral cortex by modulating the critical neurodevelopmental signaling pathway, ErbB4/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, that has been repeatedly linked to schizophrenia. This finding identifies Cdk5 as a crucial signaling factor in cortical interneuron development in mammals

    La fantasía como partera de la historia : El rey de los espinos de Marcelo Figueras

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    La novela El rey de los espinos (2014) del escritor argentino Marcelo Figueras se ubica en una constelación de umbrales que ofrece una figura semejante a la del caleidoscopio. Definida como "novela de aventuras" por su autor, pero tributaria tanto del género fantástico como de la ciencia ficción, arrastra a los lectores a una serie de peripecias en las que se intersectan historias y estéticas provenientes del cómic con una radiografía del mundo contemporáneo. A partir de la configuración de héroes inesperados, el texto contrapone una utopía de índole social a un presente al que ya experimentamos cotidianamente como distópico.The novel El rey de los espinos (2014) by Argentine writer Marcelo Figueras is set in a constellation of thresholds that offers a figure like that of the kaleidoscope. Defined as an "adventure novel" by its author, though a tributary of both the fantastic genre and science fiction, it draws readers into a series of adventures in which stories and aesthetics from the comic strip intersect with an X-ray of the contemporary world. From the configuration of unexpected heroes, the novel opposes a social utopia to a present that we daily experience as dystopian.La novel·la El rey de los espinos (2014) de l'escriptor argentí Marcelo Figueras s'ubica en una constel·lació de llindars que ofereix una figura semblant a la del calidoscopi. Definida com a "novel·la d'aventures" pel seu autor, però tributàriatant del gènere fantàstic com de la ciència-ficció, arrossega els lectors a una sèrie de peripècies en què s'intersequen històries i estètiques provinents del còmic amb una radiografia del món contemporani. A partir de la configuració d'herois inesperats, el text contraposa una utopia d'índole social a un present que ja experimentem quotidianament com a distòpic
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