784 research outputs found
Finite lifetime eigenfunctions of coupled systems of harmonic oscillators
We find a Hermite-type basis for which the eigenvalue problem associated to
the operator acting on becomes a three-terms recurrence. Here and are two constant
positive definite matrices with no other restriction. Our main result provides
an explicit characterization of the eigenvectors of that lie in the
span of the first four elements of this basis when .Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Some typos where corrected in this new versio
Markov Process of Muscle Motors
We study a Markov random process describing a muscle molecular motor
behavior. Every motor is either bound up with a thin filament or unbound. In
the bound state the motor creates a force proportional to its displacement from
the neutral position. In both states the motor spend an exponential time
depending on the state. The thin filament moves at its velocity proportional to
average of all displacements of all motors. We assume that the time which a
motor stays at the bound state does not depend on its displacement. Then one
can find an exact solution of a non-linear equation appearing in the limit of
infinite number of the motors.Comment: 10 page
The extended structure of the remote cluster B514 in M31. Detection of extra-tidal stars
We present a study of the density profile of the remote M31 globular cluster
B514, obtained from HST/ACS observations. Coupling the analysis of the
distribution of the integrated light with star counts we can reliably follow
the profile of the cluster out to r~35", corresponding to ~130pc. The profile
is well fitted, out to ~15 core radii, by a King Model having C=1.65. With an
estimated core radius r_c=0.38", this corresponds to a tidal radius of r_t~17"
(~65pc). We find that both the light and the star counts profiles show a
departure from the best fit King model for r>~8" - as a surface brightness
excess at large radii, and the star counts profile shows a clear break in
correspondence of the estimated tidal radius. Both features are interpreted as
the signature of the presence of extratidal stars around the cluster. We also
show that B514 has a half-light radius significantly larger than ordinary
globular clusters of the same luminosity. In the M_V vs. log r_h plane, B514
lies in a region inhabited by peculiar clusters, like Omega Cen, G1, NGC2419
and others, as well as by the nuclei of dwarf elliptical galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: A Systematic Review
: Evidence about the use of pharmacologic agents in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is lacking, especially in childhood and adolescence. A systematic scoping review was conducted to outline current literature evidence about the use of antipsychotics in this population. A total of 499 studies were identified with the initial search, and 28 of these studies were selected regarding the use of olanzapine (n = 13), risperidone (n = 4), aripiprazole (n = 3), chlorpromazine (n = 3), pimozide (n = 1) clotiapine (n = 1) and multiple antipsychotics (n = 3) in these patients. Overall, major side effects were reported infrequently; improvements in psychopathology and weight measures have been suggested in the majority of the considered studies. Nonetheless, the lack of RCT or good-quality studies strongly limits the generalizability of results in clinical practice
Correlations of Globular Cluster Properties: Their Interpretations and Uses
Correlations among the independently measured physical properties of globular
clusters (GCs) can provide powerful tests for theoretical models and new
insights into their dynamics, formation, and evolution. We review briefly some
of the previous work, and present preliminary results from a comparative study
of GC correlations in the Local Group galaxies. The results so far indicate
that these diverse GC systems follow the same fundamental correlations,
suggesting a commonality of formative and evolutionary processes which produce
them.Comment: An invited review, to appear in "New Horizons in Globular Cluster
Astronomy", eds. G. Piotto, G. Meylan, S.G. Djorgovski, and M. Riello, ASPCS,
in press (2003). Latex file, 8 pages, 5 eps figures, style files include
Instabilities and shape variation phase transitions in tubular lipid membranes
Changes of external parameters in proximity of critical point can increase
thermal fluctuations of tubular lipid membrane (TLM) and result in variation of
the membrane shape. The phase transitions in the system are shown to be
controlled by a single effective parameter, which depends on the pressure
difference between inner and outer regions of membrane and the applied
stretching force. We determine an interval of the parameter values
corresponding to the stability region of the cylindrical shape of TLM and
investigate the behavior of the system in the vicinity of critical
instabilities, where the cylindrical shape of membrane becomes unstable with
respect to thermal fluctuations. The applied boundary conditions strongly
influence the behavior of TLM. For example, small negative effective parameter
corresponds to chiral shape of TLM only in the case of periodic boundary
conditions. We also discuss other three types of phase transitions emerging in
the system.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, in Russia
Extensive solitary lymphatic malformation of the liver in a child: a case report and literature review
Intrabdominal lymphatic malformations are rare benign congenital vascular anomalies that account for less than 5% of benign masses in childhood, with an extremely variable clinical presentation. For this reason, although their radiological appearance is usually typical, diagnosis can be challenging and not always immediate. This report describes a unique case of extensive solitary hepatic lymphatic malformation in a 10-year-old boy with both extra- and intraparenchymal development with no associated symptoms. A literature review of reported cases of solitary hepatic lymphatic malformation is also included
Dynamic correlation functions and Boltzmann Langevin approach for driven one dimensional lattice gas
We study the dynamics of the totally asymmetric exclusion process with open
boundaries by phenomenological theories complemented by extensive Monte-Carlo
simulations. Upon combining domain wall theory with a kinetic approach known as
Boltzmann-Langevin theory we are able to give a complete qualitative picture of
the dynamics in the low and high density regime and at the corresponding phase
boundary. At the coexistence line between high and low density phases we
observe a time scale separation between local density fluctuations and
collective domain wall motion, which are well accounted for by the
Boltzmann-Langevin and domain wall theory, respectively. We present Monte-Carlo
data for the correlation functions and power spectra in the full parameter
range of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
Analysis of isoplanatic high resolution stellar fields by Starfinder code
We describe a new code for the deep analysis of stellar fields, designed for
Adaptive Optics Nyquist-sampled images with high and low Strehl ratio. The
Point Spread Function is extracted directly from the image frame, to take into
account the actual structure of the instrumental response and the atmospheric
effects. The code is written in IDL language and organized in the form of a
self-contained widget-based application, provided with a series of tools for
data visualization and analysis. A description of the method and some
applications to AO data are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astron.& Astrophys.
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