143 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Tinggi (h) Balok Pada Kuat Lentur Balok Bambu Petung Laminasi

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    Bambu merupakan material alami yang cocok digunakan sebagai pengganti material kayu sebagai bahan konstruksi bangunan. Bambu sangat mudah dijumpai di indonesia sama halnya dengan kayu namun kayu untuk digunakan sebagai bahan konstruksi membutuhkan waktu yang lama berbeda dengan bambu hanya membutuhkan waktu tidak terlalu lama kisaran 4-5 tahun. Bambu apabila digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti kayu konvensional sering kali terkendala dengan bentuknya, maka dari itu dengan proses laminasi, bambu dapat disusun antar bilah bambu sepertinya halnya kayu berbentuk persegi ataupun persegi panjang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi tinggi (h) balok pada kuat lentur bambu petung laminasi serta kekakuan batang pada setiap variasi tinggi (h) balok bambu petung laminasi dengan dimensi bilah berukuran sama yaitu 5mmx20mm. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Metode uji lentur two point loading. Variasi tinggi (h) balok bambu petung yang digunakan yaitu 60mmx100mm, 60mmx110mm, 60mmx130mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dengan adanya penambahan variasi tinggi berpengaruh baik dalam hal beban maksimum semakin adanya penambahan variasi tinggi (h) semakin tinggi pula beban maksimum, apabila diteliti pada kuat lentur menunjukkan variasi dimensi 60mmx110mm merupakan rasio tinggi paling efektif yaitu sebesar 31,66 MPa dan untuk kekakuan batang pada variasi tinggi 60mmx110mm paling rendah angka kekakuannya sehingga semakin rendah angka kekakuan semakin lentur batang tersebut, serta memenuhi syarat pada kondisi layan dan lendutan ijin berdasarkan SNI-PKKI-2002.Kata kunci: Bambu, kuat lentur, laminasiBamboo is a natural material that is suitable for use as a substitute for wood materials as building construction materials. Bamboo is very easy to find in Indonesia as well as wood, but wood for use as a construction material takes a long time different from bamboo, which only takes a short time range of 4-5 years. Bamboo, when used as an alternative to conventional wood, is often constrained by its shape, so with the lamination process, bamboo can be arranged between bamboo blades as if it were square or rectangular. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of height variation (h) on the flexural strength of laminated petung bamboo and stem stiffness on each variation of height (h) laminated petung bamboo beam with dimensions of the same sized blade, 5mmx20mm. This research method uses two point loading flexural test method. The height variation (h) of petung bamboo beams used is 60mmx100mm, 60mmx110mm, 60mmx130mm. The results showed that the addition of high variations had a good effect on the maximum load, the more the addition of high variations (h) the higher the maximum load, when examined in flexural strength showed variations in dimensions of 60mmx110mm was the most effective ratio of 31,66 MPa and for the stiffness of the stems in the variation of 60mmx110mm height is the lowest stiffness so that the lower the stiffness the more flexible the stems, and to fulfill the conditions for permit and deflection conditions based on SNI-PKKI-2002.Keywords: Bamboo, flexural strength, laminate

    Telerehabilitation: State-of-the-Art from an Informatics Perspective

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    Rehabilitation service providers in rural or underserved areas are often challenged in meeting the needs of their complex patients due to limited resources in their geographical area. Recruitment and retention of the rural clinical workforce are beset by the ongoing problems associated with limited continuing education opportunities, professional isolation, and the challenges inherent to coordinating rural community healthcare. People with disabilities who live in rural communities also face challenges accessing healthcare. Traveling long distances to a specialty clinic for necessary expertise is troublesome due to inadequate or unavailable transportation, disability specific limitations, and financial limitations. Distance and lack of access are just two threats to quality of care that now being addressed by the use of videoconferencing, information exchange, and other telecommunication technologies that facilitate telerehabilitation. This white paper illustrates and summarizes clinical and vocational applications of telerehabilitation. We provide definitions related to the fields of telemedicine, telehealth, and telerehabilitation, and consider the impetus for telerehabilitation. We review the telerehabilitation literature for assistive technology applications, pressure ulcer prevention, virtual reality applications, speech-language pathology applications, seating and wheeled mobility applications, vocational rehabilitation applications, and cost-effectiveness. We then discuss external telerehabilitation influencers, such as the positions of professional organizations. Finally, we summarize clinical and policy issues in a limited context appropriate to the scope of this paper. Keywords: Telerehabilitation, Telehealth,Telemedicine, Telepractic

    User Preferences for Privacy Protection Methods in Mobile Health Apps: A Mixed-Methods Study

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    Background: Mobile health (mHealth) apps have the potential to facilitate convenient health care delivery and self-management of health. However, many users have concerns about their privacy when they use mHealth apps. Different apps provide different solutions for protecting users’ privacy. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine user preferences among the several privacy protection methods used in current mHealth apps and the reasons behind their preferences. Methods: Five privacy protection methods currently used in mHealth apps were presented to a group of study participants who had mild or moderate depression and expressed concerns about privacy of information when they used mental health apps. After a demonstration of the methods, study participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire and indicate their perceived privacy protection level (PPPL) of each method, their preference rating for each method, and the privacy protection methods they had used in the past. A brief interview was then conducted to collect study participants’ comments on these methods and elicit the reasons for their preference ratings. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the statistical significance of differences in participants’ preference ratings and in the PPPLs obtained for the five methods. Study participants’ comments on the privacy protection methods and suggestions were noted and summarized. Results: Forty (40) study participants were selected from a large candidate pool using the IRB approved selection criteria. All study participants viewed the app demonstration and understood the five privacy protection methods properly, which was indicated by their correct sorting of the PPPL of the five methods in their answers to the questionnaire. All study participants specified their preferences with respect to these methods and provided the rationale behind their selections on the questionnaire and during the brief interview. The results indicate that the users preferred privacy protection methods with customizable modules in multi-purpose apps because of their convenience and strong privacy protection, where the customization can be done either in the app or via a Web portal. Conclusions: This study identified user preferred privacy protection methods. These identified privacy protection methods may be used in many types of apps that perform sensitive health information management to better protect users’ privacy and encourage more users to adopt these mHealth apps

    Telerehabilitation: State-of-the-Art from an Informatics Perspective

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    Abstract to follow --please check bac


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    For the last decade, rays fishery in Lamongan suffers a decline in both amount and size. Lamongan is one of districts (Kabupaten) in East Java, Indonesia, serving as East Java’s largest producer of Pari Kembang (blue spotted rays), with Brondong National Fishery Ports (PPN Brondong) as its central. This research aims to identify the sustainability of Pari Kembang fish caught by Cantrang (Danish trawl) fishing method. This research was carried out for 3 months from August 2018 to October 2018. The research method used in this research to determine the sustainability status of Rays fishery was Rapid Appraisal Fisheries (RAPFISH) method. The respective results of all dimensions researched: ecological index is 51.87, economic index is 44.71, social index is 44.67, technological index is 41.86 and ethical index is 45.06. The multidimensional sustainability level of ray fish conservation in Lamongan is fairly low with 47.57 index

    On the Change in Archivability of Websites Over Time

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    As web technologies evolve, web archivists work to keep up so that our digital history is preserved. Recent advances in web technologies have introduced client-side executed scripts that load data without a referential identifier or that require user interaction (e.g., content loading when the page has scrolled). These advances have made automating methods for capturing web pages more difficult. Because of the evolving schemes of publishing web pages along with the progressive capability of web preservation tools, the archivability of pages on the web has varied over time. In this paper we show that the archivability of a web page can be deduced from the type of page being archived, which aligns with that page's accessibility in respect to dynamic content. We show concrete examples of when these technologies were introduced by referencing mementos of pages that have persisted through a long evolution of available technologies. Identifying these reasons for the inability of these web pages to be archived in the past in respect to accessibility serves as a guide for ensuring that content that has longevity is published using good practice methods that make it available for preservation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2013, Valletta, Malt

    Pengelolaan Kelas Program Khusus Layanan Pendidikan Cerdas Istimewa (Studi Kasus Di MTs Negeri 1 Wonogiri)

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    Parmanto. Q.100 130 059. Specific Program Classes Management on Special Smart Education Services (A Case Study at State MTs 1 Wonogiri). Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2015. The purpose of this study: (1) to discribe the planning specific program classes on special smart education services services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri, (2) to discribe the implementation specific program classes on special smart education services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri, (3) to discribe the evaluation specific program classes on special smart education services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri. The location of the research at State MTs 1 Wonogiri. This reaserch Led a qualitative reaserch with na approach etnography. Technic of collecting data in this study using an Conservation, depth interview, an document analysis methods. Model of data analysis in this study using data analysis organized for description. The result of this study are (1) planning specific program classes on special smart education services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri started with SWOT analysis they are has met the terms and conditions of the existing theory so that it can run properly; (2) implementation specific program classes on special smart education services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri covers six aspects they are, the selection process of students, curriculum, and facilities and infrastruktur in general an appoinment of teachers, activities learning, and guidance and counseling services in generally do not meet the term and conditions of the existing theory so that has not run optimally; (3) evaluation specific program classes on special smart education services at State MTs 1 Wonogiri to assess the success of this program is evaluated continously at each in the end of teaching learning program. After held specific program classes in distric level, the number of student increased from year to year significanly

    Exploring the role of GIS during community health assessment problem solving: experiences of public health professionals

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    BACKGROUND: A Community health assessment (CHA) involves the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in conjunction with other software to analyze health and population data and perform numerical-spatial problem solving. There has been little research on identifying how public health professionals integrate this software during typical problem solving scenarios. A better understanding of this is needed to answer the "What" and the "How". The "What" identifies the specific software being used and the "How" explains the way they are integrated together during problem solving steps. This level of understanding will highlight the role of GIS utilization during problem solving and suggest to developers how GIS can be enhanced to better support data analysis during community health assessment. RESULTS: An online survey was developed to identify the information technology used during CHA analysis. The tasks were broken down into steps and for our analysis these steps were categorized by action: Data Management/Access, Data Navigation, Geographic Comparison, Detection of Spatial Boundaries, Spatial Modelling, and Ranking Analysis. 27 CHA professionals completed the survey, with the majority of participants (14) being from health departments. Statistical software (e.g. SPSS) was the most popular software for all but one of the types of steps. For this step (detection of spatial boundaries), GIS was identified as the most popular technology. CONCLUSION: Most CHA professionals indicated they use statistical software in conjunction with GIS. The statistical software appears to drive the analysis, while GIS is used primarily for simple spatial display (and not complex spatial analysis). This purpose of this survey was to thoroughly examine into the process of problem solving during community health assessment data analysis and to gauge how GIS is integrated with other software for this purpose. These findings suggest that GIS is used more for spatial display while other software such as statistical packages (the "What") are used to drive data management, data navigation, and data calculation (the "How"). Focusing at the level of how public health problems are solved, can shed light on how GIS technology can be enhanced to encompass a stronger role during community health assessment problem solving

    Development of mHealth system for supporting self-management and remote consultation of skincare eHealth/ telehealth/ mobile health systems

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    Background: Individuals with spina bifida (SB) are vulnerable to chronic skin complications such as wounds on the buttocks and lower extremities. Most of these complications can be prevented with adherence to self-care routines. We have developed a mobile health (mHealth) system for supporting self-care and management of skin problems called SkinCare as part of an mHealth suite called iMHere (interactive Mobile Health and Rehabilitation). The objective of this research is to develop an innovative mHealth system to support self-skincare tasks, skin condition monitoring, adherence to self-care regimens, skincare consultation, and secure two-way communications between patients and clinicians. Methods: In order to support self-skincare tasks, the SkinCare app requires three main functions: (1) self-care task schedule and reminders, (2) skin condition monitoring and communications that include imaging, information about the skin problem, and consultation with clinician, and (3) secure two-way messaging between the patient and clinician (wellness coordinator). The SkinCare system we have developed consists of the SkinCare app, a clinician portal, and a two-way communication protocol connecting the two. The SkinCare system is one component of a more comprehensive system to support a wellness program for individuals with SB. Results: The SkinCare app has several features that include reminders to perform daily skin checks as well as the ability to report skin breakdown and injury, which uses a combination of skin images and descriptions. The SkinCare app provides reminders to visually inspect one's skin as a preventative measure, often termed a "skin check." The data is sent to the portal where clinicians can monitor patients' conditions. Using the two-way communication, clinicians can receive pictures of the skin conditions, track progress in healing over time, and provide instructions for how to best care for the wound. Conclusions: The system was capable of supporting self-care and adherence to regimen, monitoring adherence, and supporting clinician engagement with patients, as well as testing its feasibility in a long-term implementation. The study shows the feasibility of a long-term implementation of skincare mHealth systems to support self-care and two-way interactions between patients and clinicians
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