3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Kualitas Simplisia Lempuyang Wangi (Zingiber Aromaticum L.)

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    Pengeringan merupakan tahapan terpenting dalam menjaga kestabilan senyawa pada simplisia. Simplisia tanaman lempuyang wangi sejak lama dikenal sebagai bahan ramuan obat untuk diare, disentri penyakit kulit dan antimikroba. dikenal sebagai bahan ramuan obat untuk diare, disentri penyakit kulit dan antimikroba. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman dan Obat (B2P2TO2T). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan terhadap biomasa, kadar air, rendemen minyak atsiri dan nilai kesukaan terhadap simplisia tanaman lempuyang wangi. Metode pengeringan yang digunakan adalah pengeringan dengan oven 50oC, pengeringan sinar matahari langsung dan kering angin. Parameter yang diamati yaitu biomasa, kadar air, rendemen minyak atsiri dan nilai kesukaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengeringan menggunakan oven suhu 50oC merupakan pengeringan yang paling baik dengan kadar air paling sedikit 8.4%, rendemen minyak atsiri paling banyak 0.87 % meskipun biomasa paling sedikit yakni 239,36 g

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Dasar Limbah Sawi Putih (Brassica Chinensis L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Manis

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    Liquid organic fertilizer was a fertilizer that comes from nature and served to increase the physical, chemical and biological condition of soil. It contains nutrient that be able to improve plants growth. The purpose of this experiment was to observe the effect of liquid organic fertilizer from waste of China cabbage on the growth of sweet corn. The research was conducted in Laboratory of Biology, Diponegoro University. The research design used was a completely randomized design witha single factor, namely the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer in 6 treatments and 5 replication that. The treatments were control (without fertilizer), 1 mL/L, 2 mL/L, 3 mL/L, 4 mL/L, 5 mL/L. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 95% significance level. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight. The results showed that treatment of liquid organic fertilizer spraying with different concentrations affect on all growth parameters. Concentration of 3 mL/L produced the highest plant, the concentration of 1 mL/Land 4 mL/L resulted in the highest number of leaves. The highest of fresh and dry weight were resulted by application of 1 mL/L liquid organic fertilizer

    Pertumbuhan, Kandungan Klorofil dan Serat Kasar pada Defoliasi Pertama Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L ) Akibat Pemupukan Mikorisa

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    Research about growth, chlorophyl and fibre content at first defoliation in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) after giving biofertilizer mycorrhiza have been done.. This research beginning at 15 March 2006 – 15 agustus 2006 in research on biological garden FPMIPA UNNES Semarang, using plastic polybag, and design research of complete randomized design, one treatment that is give of mycorriza with five concentration that is Mo ( without mikorizzsa); M1 ( ½ capcule/plant ; M2 ( 1 capcule/plant), M3 ( of mikorizza 11/2 capcule/plant) and M4 ( 2 capcule/plant). Every treatment repeating 5 times. Chlorophyll content determined to use method Arnon ( 1949 in Hukmani & Tripathy, 1994); Fibre content used by method AOC ( 1970 in Sudarmaji, 1984 data analyzed this research by computer with SPSS-13 program. Result of research show there are high difference of plant , sum of dry weight and of alfalfa at first defoliation. So the chlorophyll content is ( mg/100 gram naterial) is M0 ( 158,94), M1 ( 149,15), M2 ( 202,12), M3 ( 208,69) and M4 ( 196,91) is sigmificant at p=0,007. Contain average fibre of alfalfa do not signifikan ( p=0,067) start from M0 ( 26,42), M1 ( 26,11), M2 ( 29,57), M3 ( 22,55) and M4 ( 23,44). Conclusion from this research that mycorrhiza biofertilizer influence growth, but not have an in with high dry weight and crop of plant crop, and able to improve content of chlorophyll of crop and have an effect on in is not real at improvement of harsh fibre of alfalfa ( M. sativa L). At first defoliasi of crop M. sativa