3,409 research outputs found

    The diet and ecological role of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) introduced to the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    With an increase in the popularity of wildlife ranching in southern Africa has come the introduction of non-native (extralimital) mammalian herbivores. Financial gain has arguably been at the forefront of these introductions, with little or no assessment of the ecological consequences. The diet of three populations of introduced giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis was assessed by direct observation in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa between January 2002 and October 2003, as the first step towards understanding the ecological role played by giraffe in the region. Similar to the diet of giraffe within their native range, a deciduous species from the genus Acacia (Acacia karroo) was the most important species in the diet. Giraffe in the Eastern Cape Province, however, consumed more evergreen species than those within their native range. The relative lack of deciduous species in the Eastern Cape Province provides a probable explanation for such a result. Seasonal variation in the consumption of the most important species in the diet was evident with members of the genus Rhus being more important in the winter months. This was attributed to the deciduous nature of A. karroo. The potential for giraffe to have a detrimental effect on the indigenous vegetation is discussed. We conclude that the study provides a much-needed list of plant species threatened by giraffe browsing in a region where the vegetation is thought to have evolved in the absence of such a browser

    Lessons from aloes in the Thicket Biome: reconstructing past elephant browsing to understand the present

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    It is very difficult to quantify elephant-induced change to vegetation in the absence of adequate historical benchmarks. In this commentary, we explore the historical distribution of aloes in the Thicket Biome of South Africa. We contend that the large stands of aesthetically pleasing aloes in the Thicket Biome can be likened to the even-aged stands of tall trees in the riparian forests of Botswana, both being artefacts of the loss of large herbivores through disease and hunting in the past. Elephant browsing on aloes may therefore be the first step in the vegetation reverting to a situation similar to the one prior to excessive hunting in the region

    The use of archaeological and ethnographical information to supplement the historical record of the distribution of large mammalian herbivores in South Africa

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    Introduction: The introduction of animal taxa to areas where they do not naturally occur has the potential to damage severely the native fauna and flora. Introductions, both accidental and intentional, to Australia, New Zealand, Marion Island and other oceanic islands provide spectacular examples of this.1,2 Non-native mammalian herbivores often become invasive in the absence of their natural predators2 and their impact on vegetation, which may include alterations to plant species composition, structure and diversity, is exaggerated, especially if the vegetation has evolved in the absence of similar herbivores.3,4 This influence is not limited to the direct consequence for the vegetation and there may be a cascade effect on ecosystem functioning through, for example, a decline in the amount of available forage for indigenous herbivores,3 a reduction in the breeding efficiency of birds that rely on the vegetation,5,6 and a negative effect on carbon storage by transforming stands of dense vegetative cover to open savannah like systems.7 Nor are these outcomes restricted to non-native herbivores; the re-introduction of a species, such as the elephant (Loxodonta africana), to areas from which it has been absent for many years may have similar consequences.8–11 Additional problems associated with the uncontrolled movement of large mammals include the transmission of disease, such as brucellosis in the United States,3 and a threat to the genetic integrity of a species through hybridization.12 It is thus clear that deliberate introductions of herbivores to areas where they do not naturally occur may not be sound conservation practice

    Particle creation in a Robertson-Walker Universe revisited

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    We reanalyze the problem of particle creation in a 3+1 spatially closed Robertson-Walker space-time. We compute the total number of particles produced by this non-stationary gravitational background as well as the corresponding total energy and find a slight discrepancy between our results and those recently obtained in the literatur

    The diet of Cape clawless otters at two sites along the Bloukrans River, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    The diet of Cape clawless otters was assessed at two sites along the Bloukrans River using faecal analysis. Spraints (n = 78) were collected during 2000 and 2001 and analysed using the relative frequency of occurrence and the reconstituted wet weight methods. Both methods found crab (Potamonautes perlatus) to be the most important component (>50%) of the diet. Frog, Xenopus and Rana spp., (11–42%) was the second most important component while fish (Micropteris salmoides) was relatively unimportant (<14%). Although the diet of Cape clawless otters in the Eastern Cape Province was similar to that reported elsewhere, the fact that they were preying on an alien invasive fish and not the indigenous endemic Sandelia bainsii is significant. The validity of faecal analysis methods is also discussed

    Complexation of NpO2+ with Amine-Functionalized Diacetamide Ligands in Aqueous Solution: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Computational Studies

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    Complexation of Np(V) with three structurally related amine-functionalized diacetamide ligands, including 2,2'-azanediylbis( N, N'-dimethylacetamide) (ABDMA), 2,2'-(methylazanediyl)bis( N, N'-dimethylacetamide) (MABDMA), and 2,2'-(benzylazanediyl)bis( N, N'-dimethylacetamide) (BnABDMA), in aqueous solutions was investigated. The stability constants of two successive complexes, namely, NpO2L+ and NpO2L2+, where L stands for the ligands, were determined by absorption spectrophotometry. The results suggest that the stability constants of corresponding Np(V) complexes follow the trend: MABDMA &gt; ABDMA ≈ BnABDMA. The data are discussed in terms of the basicity of the ligands and compared with those for the complexation of Np(V) with an ether oxygen-linked diacetamide ligand. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure data indicate that, similar to the complexation with Nd3+ and UO22+, the ligands coordinate to NpO2+ in a tridentate mode through the amine nitrogen and two oxygen atoms of the amide groups. Computational results, in conjunction with spectrophotometric data, verify that the 1:2 complexes (NpO2(L)2+) in aqueous solutions are highly symmetric with Np at the inversion center, so that the f-f transition of Np(V) is forbidden and NpO2(L)2+ does not display significant absorption in the near-IR region

    Particle Creation If a Cosmic String Snaps

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    We calculate the Bogolubov coefficients for a metric which describes the snapping of a cosmic string. If we insist on a matching condition for all times {\it and} a particle interpretation, we find no particle creation.Comment: 10 pages, MRC.PH.17/9

    Two--Electron Atoms in Short Intense Laser Pulses

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    We discuss a method of solving the time dependent Schrodinger equation for atoms with two active electrons in a strong laser field, which we used in a previous paper [A. Scrinzi and B. Piraux, Phys. Rev. A 56, R13 (1997)] to calculate ionization, double excitation and harmonic generation in Helium by short laser pulses. The method employs complex scaling and an expansion in an explicitly correlated basis. Convergence of the calculations is documented and error estimates are provided. The results for Helium at peak intensities up to 10^15 W/cm^2 and wave length 248 nm are accurate to at least 10 %. Similarly accurate calculations are presented for electron detachment and double excitation of the negative hydrogen ion.Comment: 14 pages, including figure

    The diet of a small group of extralimital giraffe

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    Giraffe are extralimital in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa where recent local introductions have persisted despite limited research into their impact on the indigenous flora. The diet of 15 giraffe at the Shamwari Game Reserve was recorded by direct observation during summer (March/April) and winter (July/August) 2001, quantifying diet by frequency of occurrence (individual records scored and expressed as a percentage of the total). Preference indices were also calculated. Habitat use was measured by the number of hours giraffe fed in different habitats. The diet comprised of 14 plant species, the most important species being Rhus longispina (47.9%), Acacia karroo (25.7%) and Euclea undulata (17.6%). Importance of R. longispina, A. karroo and Tarchonanthus camphoratus fluctuated seasonally. Rhus longispina was more important in winter with a corresponding decrease in feeding on A. karroo. Tarchonanthus camphoratus was only consumed during summer. Acacia karroo thickets (previously disturbed areas) were utilized most (summer 12 h; winter 9 h), with alternative habitats utilized more often in winter than in summer. We suggest that the seasonal fluctuation in the importance of R. longispina & A. karroo reflects the deciduous nature of A. karroo
