332 research outputs found

    Hybridization and Decay of Magnetic Excitations in two-dimensional Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnets

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    Elementary quasiparticles in solids such as phonons and magnons occasionally have nontrivial interactions between them, as well as among themselves. As a result, their energy eigenvalues are renormalized, the quasiparticles spontaneously decay into a multi-particle continuum state, or they are hybridized with each other when their energies are close. As discussed in this review, such anomalous features can appear dominantly in quantum magnets but are not, a priori, negligible for magnetic systems with larger spin values and noncollinear magnetic structures. We review the unconventional magnetic excitations in two-dimensional triangular lattice antiferromagnets and discuss their implications on related issues.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Magnon topology and thermal Hall effect in trimerized triangular lattice antiferromagnet

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    The non-trivial magnon band topology and its consequent responses have been extensively studied in two-dimensional magnetisms. However, the triangular lattice antiferromagnet (TLAF), the best-known frustrated two-dimensional magnet, has received less attention than the closely related Kagome system, because of the spin-chirality cancellation in the umbrella ground state of the undistorted TLAF. In this work, we study the band topology and the thermal Hall effect (THE) of the TLAF with (anti-)trimerization distortion under the external perpendicular magnetic field using the linearized spin wave theory. We show that the spin-chirality cancellation is removed in such case, giving rise to the non-trivial magnon band topology and the finite THE. Moreover, the magnon bands exhibit band topology transitions tuned by the magnetic field. We demonstrate that such transitions are accompanied by the logarithmic divergence of the first derivative of the thermal Hall conductivity. Finally, we examine the above consequences by calculating the THE in the hexagonal manganite YMnO3_3, well known to have anti-trimerization.Comment: 6 + 7 pages, 3 + 5 figures, 0 + 1 table; Journal reference adde

    Sizable suppression of magnon Hall effect by magnon damping in Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6

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    Two-dimensional (2D) Heisenberg honeycomb ferromagnets are expected to have interesting topological magnon effects as their magnon dispersion can have Dirac points. The Dirac points are gapped with finite second nearest neighbor Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, providing nontrivial Berry curvature with finite magnon Hall effect. Yet, it is unknown how the topological properties are affected by magnon damping. We report the thermal Hall effect in Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6, an insulating 2D honeycomb ferromagnet with a large Dirac magnon gap and significant magnon damping. Interestingly, the thermal Hall conductivity in Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6 shows the coexisting phonon and magnon contributions. Using an empirical two-component model, we successfully estimate the magnon contribution separate from the phonon part, revealing that the magnon Hall conductivity was 20 times smaller than the theoretical calculation. Finally, we suggest that such considerable suppression in the magnon Hall conductivity is due to the magnon damping effect in Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Symmetry breaking and unconventional charge ordering in single crystal Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9

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    The interplay of charge, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom in matter leads to various forms of ordered states through phase transitions. An important subclass of these phenomena of complex materials is charge ordering (CO), mainly driven by mixed-valence states. We discovered by combining the results of electrical resistivity (ρ\rho), specific heat, susceptibility Ο‡\chi (\textit{T}), and single crystal x-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) that Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9 with the monoclinic tunnel type lattice (space group CC2/mm) exhibits an unconventional CO at room temperature while retaining metallicity. The temperature-dependent SC-XRD results show successive phase transitions with super-lattice reflections at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) and \textbf{q}2_2=(0, 13\frac{1}{3}, 13\frac{1}{3}) below TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (365 K) and only at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) between TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} and TC1T_{\textrm{C1}} (630 K). We interpreted these as an evidence for the formation of an unconventional CO. It reveals a strong first-order phase transition in the electrical resistivity at TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (cooling) = 345 K and TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (heating) = 365 K. We argue that the origin of the phase transition is due to the localized 4dd Ru-electrons. The results of our finding reveal an unique example of Ru3+^{3+}/Ru4+^{4+} mixed valance heavy \textit{d}4^4 ions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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