3,617 research outputs found

    Long-term starin monitoring data of jacket-type offshore structure for tidal current power generation under severe tidal current environments

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    Structural strain responses of the jacket-type Uldolmok tidal current power plant structure under severe\ud tidal environments were analyzed using long-term measurement data from construction to normal operation. From the\ud measured data during construction, it was found that there were significant changes in strain responses at the steps of\ud jacket lifting, weight-block loading, pile ejection and insertion. Strains due to permanent and tidal current loads were\ud analyzed during removal work on one among six jacket legs, and it was found that the strains due to permanent load\ud were much significantly changed after removal of on jacket leg. From the measurement data during normal operation, it\ud was observed that strain responses were obviously fluctuated with M2 and M4 tidal periods and also with relatively\ud short period of about 11 min due to the peculiar tidal characteristics in the Uldolmok strait

    Subthreshold characteristics of pentacene field-effect transistors influenced by grain boundaries.

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    Grain boundaries in polycrystalline pentacene films significantly affect the electrical characteristics of pentacene field-effect transistors (FETs). Upon reversal of the gate voltage sweep direction, pentacene FETs exhibited hysteretic behaviours in the subthreshold region, which was more pronounced for the FET having smaller pentacene grains. No shift in the flat-band voltage of the metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor elucidates that the observed hysteresis was mainly caused by the influence of localized trap states existing at pentacene grain boundaries. From the results of continuous on/off switching operation of the pentacene FETs, hole depletion during the off period is found to be limited by pentacene grain boundaries. It is suggested that the polycrystalline nature of a pentacene film plays an important role on the dynamic characteristics of pentacene FETs

    Internet of Things over future internet

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    Everyday objects surrounding us including numerous sensors weaved into the daily fabric of life are becoming online, that is, readable and controllable via Internet, these days. By providing a new ecosystem of information, this notion, termed Internet of Things (IoT) will drastically change our ways to interact with real world. Meanwhile, current Internet is facing various challenges such as exponential growth in bandwidth demand. The realization of IoT is also putting current Internet under great pressure due to its unprecedented scale—according to some forecasts, IoT, an integral part of the “future” Internet, will consist of over 50 billion connected things. To cope with such bandwidth demand and complexity as well as to solve other issues, for example, seamless wireless access and mobility support, and security, with current Internet, new architectures for the future Internet have been proposed, for example, information/content centric network architectures and cloud-computing centric network architectures. However, several questions still remain: how IoT will be supported in the future Internet architectures, that is, when deploying large-scale wireless sensor networks do we need to fully integrate embedded sensors with Internet or use dedicated gateways to bridge sensors and Internet similar to state-of-the-art technologies? The aim of this Special Issue is to answer various open questions in realizing IoT over future Internet technologies. The Special Issue includes extended papers forwarded from the seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2015) and other contributions from outside the conference highly related to IoT in future Internet. Specifically, 6 high-quality papers out of 18 submitted have been accepted

    JAK2V617F promotes replication fork stalling with disease-restricted impairment of the intra-S checkpoint response

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    Cancers result from the accumulation of genetic lesions, but the cellular consequences of driver mutations remain unclear, especially during the earliest stages of malignancy. The V617F mutation in the JAK2 non-receptor tyrosine kinase (JAK2V617F) is present as an early somatic event in most patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), and the study of these chronic myeloid malignancies provides an experimentally tractable approach to understanding early tumorigenesis. Introduction of exogenous JAK2V617F impairs replication fork progression and is associated with activation of the intra-S checkpoint, with both effects mediated by phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling. Analysis of clonally derived JAK2V617F-positive erythroblasts from MPN patients also demonstrated impaired replication fork progression accompanied by increased levels of replication protein A (RPA)-containing foci. However, the associated intra-S checkpoint response was impaired in erythroblasts from polycythemia vera (PV) patients, but not in those from essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients. Moreover, inhibition of p53 in PV erythroblasts resulted in more gamma-H2Ax (γ-H2Ax)–marked double-stranded breaks compared with in like-treated ET erythroblasts, suggesting the defective intra-S checkpoint function seen in PV increases DNA damage in the context of attenuated p53 signaling. These results demonstrate oncogene-induced impairment of replication fork progression in primary cells from MPN patients, reveal unexpected disease-restricted differences in activation of the intra-S checkpoint, and have potential implications for the clonal evolution of malignancies

    One-dimensional structures behind twisted and untwisted superYang-Mills theory

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    We give a one-dimensional interpretation of the four-dimensional twisted N=1 superYang-Mills theory on a Kaehler manifold by performing an appropriate dimensional reduction. We prove the existence of a 6-generator superalgebra, which does not possess any invariant Lagrangian but contains two different subalgebras that determine the twisted and untwisted formulations of the N=1 superYang-Mills theory.Comment: 12 pages. Final version to appear in Lett. Math. Phys. with improved notation and misprints correcte

    Random wave loads on a long detached breakwater considering diffraction

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    Battjes (1982) found the loads of short-crested random waves on a long structure decrease with the structure length and also with the obliqueness of wave incidence. These decreases come from the spatial phase difference along the structure. Lee et al. (2010) found that obliquely incident random waves in a nearshore area become directionally asymmetric due to refraction. They also found the asymmetry becomes more significant in shallower waters. Recently, Jung et al. (2011) studied random wave loads on a long structure considering diffraction and directional asymmetry. In this study, we further study random wave loads on a detached breakwater considering diffraction of waves which propagate at both ends of the breakwater. We also consider directional asymmetry. The structure may be placed along the bottom contours in order to protect on-shore incoming waves. In that case, refraction induced random waves may become asymmetric, i.e., on-shore components are more dominant than along-shore ones. Therefore, directional obliqueness on the structure becomes less and thus the wave loads decrease in less degree than the symmetric waves. When waves are obliquely incident on a long structure, the diffract ing waves give forces on the lee side of the structure. The diffracting wave has a spatial phase variation along the lee side which is different from that the obliquely incident wave has on the front side. Thus, the wave loads decrease with the existence of diffract ing waves and also the phase difference between the incident and diffracting waves

    Application of the Virtual Fields Method to determine dynamic properties at intermediate strain rates

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    Crash analysis simulation is now very important in automotive industry to assess automotive crashworthiness and safety. In order to acquire reliable crash simulation results, precise material behaviors at intermediate strain rates should be used as input data. To determine the stress-strain curves at various strain rates, the number of expensive and complicated experiments is large. The present study aims at determining the stress-strain curves of sheet metals at various strain rates from a single dynamic experiment. A new type of high speed tensile tester for sheet metal specimens was built and high speed tensile tests were carried out. Full-field heterogeneous strain fields were measured by a digital image correlation technique using a highspeed camera. The load data was acquired from strain gauges attached to the elastic deformation region on the specimen. Then, an inverse identification scheme with a rate dependent hardening law was applied to retrieve dynamic parameters. The stress-strain curves of advanced high strength steel at intermediate strain rates (100 /s - 300 /s) were successfully obtained from a single experiment.11Ysciescopu

    Long-range dependence in a changing Internet traffic mix

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    This paper provides a deep analysis of long-range dependence in a continually evolving Internet traffic mix by employing a number of recently developed statistical methods. Our study considers time-of-day, day-of-week, and cross-year variations in the traffic on an Internet link. Surprisingly large and consistent differences in the packet-count time series were observed between data from 2002 and 2003. A careful examination, based on stratifying the data according to protocol, revealed that the large difference was driven by a single UDP application that was not present in 2002. Another result was that the observed large differences between the two years showed up only in packet-count time series, and not in byte counts (while conventional wisdom suggests that these should be similar). We also found and analyzed several of the time series that exhibited more “bursty” characteristics than could be modeled as Fractional Gaussian Noise. The paper also shows how modern statistical tools can be used to study long-range dependence and non-stationarity in Internet traffic data

    Visualization and inference based on wavelet coefficients, SiZer and SiNos

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    SiZer (SIgnificant ZERo crossing of the derivatives) and SiNos (SIgnificant NOnStationarities) are scale-space based visualization tools for statistical inference. They are used to discover meaningful structure in data through exploratory analysis involving statistical smoothing techniques. Wavelet methods have been successfully used to analyze various types of time series. In this paper, we propose a new time series analysis approach, which combines the wavelet analysis with the visualization tools SiZer and SiNos. We use certain functions of wavelet coefficients at different scales as inputs, and then apply SiZer or SiNos to highlight potential non-stationarities. We show that this new methodology can reveal hidden local non-stationary behavior of time series, that are otherwise difficult to detect

    Characterization of dynamic hardening behavior using acceleration information

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    Crash analysis simulation is very important in automotive industry to assess automotive crashworthiness and safety. In the FE simulation, accurate dynamic hardening behavior should be used as input data to provide reliable results. But, it is difficult to obtain precise hardening properties at intermediate or high strain rates due to inaccurate measurement of load caused by the inertial effect. In this study, a new methodology was applied to retrieve dynamic strain hardening properties of sheet metal specimens. The virtual fields method (VFM) was adopted as an inverse method to identify hardening parameters without load information. As an initial study, Swift model for a rate independent hardening law was selected for an elasto-plastic constitutive model. In order to validate the proposed methodology in the experiments, a new type of high speed tensile tester for sheet metal specimens was built and high speed tensile tests were performed. Digital image correlation technique using a high-speed camera was utilized to measure strain and acceleration fields so that the identification is carried out from the measured quantities. The validation of the proposed VFM identification procedure using the acceleration will be performed by comparing with the conventional procedure using a load-cell. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.110Ysciescopu