225 research outputs found

    Structural dynamics and divergence of the polygalacturonase gene family in land plants

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    A distinct feature of eukaryotic genomes is the presence of gene families. The polygalacturonase (PG) (EC3.2.1.15) gene family is one of the largest gene families in plants. PG is a pectin-digesting enzyme with a glycoside hydrolase 28 domain. It is involved in numerous plant developmental processes. The evolutionary processes accounting for the functional divergence and the specialized functions of PGs in land plants are unclear. Here, phylogenetic and gene structure analysis of PG genes in algae and land plants revealed that land plant PG genes resulted from differential intron gain and loss, with the latter event predominating. PG genes in land plants contained 15 homologous intron blocks and 13 novel intron blocks. Intron position and phase were not conserved between PGs of algae and land plants but conserved among PG genes of land plants from moss to vascular plants, indicating that the current introns in the PGs in land plants appeared after the split between unicellular algae and multicelluar land plants. These findings demonstrate that the functional divergence and differentiation of PGs in land plants is attributable to intronic loss. Moreover, they underscore the importance of intron gain and loss in genomic adaptation to selective pressure

    Characterization of Developmental- and Stress-Mediated Expression of Cinnamoyl-CoA Reductase in Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus

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    Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) is an important enzyme for lignin biosynthesis as it catalyzes the first specific committed step in monolignol biosynthesis. We have cloned a full length coding sequence of CCR from kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), which contains a 1,020-bp open reading frame (ORF), encoding 339 amino acids of 37.37 kDa, with an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.27 (JX524276, HcCCR2). BLAST result found that it has high homology with other plant CCR orthologs. Multiple alignment with other plant CCR sequences showed that it contains two highly conserved motifs: NAD(P) binding domain (VTGAGGFIASWMVKLLLEKGY) at N-terminal and probable catalytic domain (NWYCYGK). According to phylogenetic analysis, it was closely related to CCR sequences of Gossypium hirsutum (ACQ59094) and Populus trichocarpa (CAC07424). HcCCR2 showed ubiquitous expression in various kenaf tissues and the highest expression was detected in mature flower. HcCCR2 was expressed differentially in response to various stresses, and the highest expression was observed by drought and NaCl treatments

    Full Endoscopic Interlaminar Contralateral Lumbar Foraminotomy for Recurrent L5-S1 Foraminal-extraforaminal Stenosis: A Case Report with a Technical Note

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    After endoscopic lumbar foraminotomy, decreased disc height commonly causes foraminal restenosis and accompanying lateral recess stenosis. Interlaminar contralateral endoscopic lumbar foraminotomy can be used to treat multiple recurrent lesions instead of fusion surgery. Dorsal foraminal-extraforaminal decompression is challenging because of severe perineural adhesions. Therefore, neural decompression should be focused on the ventral foraminal expansion along the virgin dissection plane between the exiting nerve root and ventral foraminal pathologies. The prominent bony spur and herniated disc were removed using an endoscopic drill and forceps. As the foramen was enlarged, the endoscope was introduced deeper through the caudal-ventral foramen space to explore the extraforaminal and far-out lesions. Postoperatively, neurological deficits of L5 radiculopathy and radiating leg pain improved. The expanded foraminal-extraforaminal space was well maintained without progression of lateral wedging on the one-year follow-up images. We successfully treated recurrent foraminal-extraforaminal stenosis and combined lateral recess stenosis using the full endoscopic interlaminar contralateral approach at the L5-S1 level. This technique may be an alternative surgical method to treat the recurrent foraminal-extraforaminal stenosis in the collapse of the L5-S1 neuroforamen. However, this technique should be considered in highly selected patients unsuitable for fusion operations

    Simulation Study on a New Hybrid Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Elevators

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    This study aims to design a new hybrid twin autonomous underwater vehicle (HTAUV) consisting of dual cylinder hulls and analyze its pitching motion. The kinematic model for the HTAUV is established, followed by the execution of hydrodynamic simulation CFD of the HTAUV using Ansys Fluent. These simulations are conducted to obtain the hydrodynamic force equation of the HTAUV, which relates to the deflection angle of the elevator. Through the motion simulation of the HTAUV, under the same net buoyancy condition, notable differences emerge when the elevator is deflected. Specifically, parameters such as gliding speed, gliding angle, and pitch angle of the HTAUV are larger when the elevator is deflected, as compared to cases where no deflection is applied

    Bronchospasm and Anaphylactic Shock Following Lidocaine Aerosol Inhalation in a Patient with Butane Inhalation Lung Injury

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    Allergic reactions to local anesthetics are very rare and represent <1% of all adverse local anesthetics reactions. A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital in the winter because of shortness of breath. The patient reportedly had an inhalation lung injury due to butane gas fuel. On the fifth day, he developed an asthmatic attack and anaphylactic shock immediately after lidocaine aerosol administration to prepare for bronchoscopy to confirm an acute inhalational lung injury diagnosis. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed immediately after respiratory arrest, and the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit intubated and on a ventilator. He was extubated safely on the third post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation day. These observations suggest that aerosol lidocaine anesthesia may cause airway narrowing and anaphylactic shock. Practitioners should be aware of this potential complication. We report on this case with a brief review of the literature

    Salinomycin enhances doxorubicin-induced cytotoxicity in multidrug resistant MCF-7/MDR human breast cancer cells via decreased efflux of doxorubicin

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    Salinomycin is a monocarboxylic polyether antibiotic, which is widely used as an anticoccidial agent. The anticancer property of salinomycin has been recognized and is based on its ability to induce apoptosis in human multidrug resistance (MDR). The present study investigated whether salinomycin reverses MDR towards chemotherapeutic agents in doxorubicin-resistant MCF-7/MDR human breast cancer cells. The results demonstrated that doxorubicin-mediated cytotoxicity was significantly enhanced by salinomycin in the MCF-7/MDR cells, and this occurred in a dose-dependent manner. This finding was consistent with subsequent observations made under a confocal microscope, in which the doxorubicin fluorescence signals of the salinomycin-treated cells were higher compared with the cells treated with doxorubicin alone. In addition, flow cytometric analysis revealed that salinomycin significantly increased the net cellular uptake and decreased the efflux of doxorubicin. The expression levels of MDR-1 and MRP-1 were not altered at either the mRNA or protein levels in the cells treated with salinomycin. These results indicated that salinomycin was mediated by its ability to increase the uptake and decrease the efflux of doxorubicin in MCF-7/MDR cells. Salinomycin reversed the resistance of doxorubicin, suggesting that chemotherapy in combination with salinomycin may benefit MDR cancer therapyopen

    Tiul1 and TGIF are Involved in Downregulation of TGFβ1-induced IgA Isotype Expression

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    TGF-β1 is well known to induce Ig germ-line α (GLα) transcription and subsequent IgA isotype class switching recombination (CSR). Homeodomain protein TG-interacting factor (TGIF) and E3-ubiquitin ligases TGIF interacting ubiquitin ligase 1 (Tiul1) are implicated in the negative regulation of TGF-β signaling. In the present study, we investigated the roles of Tiul1 and TGIF in TGFβ1-induced IgA CSR. We found that over-expression of Tiul1 decreased TGFβ1-induced GLα promoter activity and strengthened the inhibitory effect of Smad7 on the promoter activity. Likewise, overexpression of TGIF also diminished GLα promoter activity and further strengthened the inhibitory effect of Tiul1, suggesting that Tiul1 and TGIF can down-regulate TGFβ1-induced GLα expression. In parallel, overexpression of Tiul1 decreased the expression of endogenous IgA CSR-predicitive transcripts (GLTα, PSTα, and CTα) and TGFβ1-induced IgA secretion, but not GLTγ3 and IgG3 secretion. Here, over-expressed TGIF further strengthened the inhibitory effect of Tiul1. These results suggest that Tiul1 and TGIF act as negatively regulators in TGFβ1-induced IgA isotype expression

    Inhibitory Effect of Yongdamsagan-Tang Water Extract, a Traditional Herbal Formula, on Testosterone-Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Rats

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    Yongdamsagan-tang, a traditional herbal formula, is used widely for the treatment of inflammation and viral diseases. In this study, we investigated whether Yongdamsagan-tang water extract (YSTE) affects testosterone propionate- (TP-) induced benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in a rat model. To induce BPH, rats were injected subcutaneously with 10 mg/kg of TP every day. YSTE was administrated daily by oral gavage at doses of 200 and 500 mg/kg along with the TP injection. After 4 weeks, prostates were collected, weighed, and analyzed. The relative prostrate weight was significantly lower in both YSTE groups (200 and 500 mg/kg/day) compared with the TP-induced BPH group. YSTE administration reduced the expression of proliferation markers PCNA, cyclin D1, and Ki-67 and the histological abnormalities observed in the prostate in TP-induced BPH rats. YSTE attenuated the increase in the TP-induced androgen concentration in the prostate. The YSTE groups also showed decreased lipid peroxidation and increased glutathione reductase activity in the prostate. These findings suggest that YSTE effectively prevented the development of TP-induced BPH in rats through antiproliferative and antioxidative activities and might be useful in the clinical treatment of BPH