2,639 research outputs found

    A non-perturbative field theory approach for the Kondo effect: Emergence of an extra dimension and its implication for the holographic duality conjecture

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    Implementing Wilsonian renormalization group transformations in an iterative way, we develop a non-perturbative field theoretical framework, which takes into account all-loop quantum corrections organized in the 1/N1/N expansion, where NN represents the flavor number of quantum fields. The resulting classical field theory is given by an effective Landau-Ginzburg theory for a local order parameter field, which appears in one-dimensional higher spacetime. We claim that such all-loop quantum corrections are introduced into an equation of motion for the order parameter field through the evolution in the emergent extra dimension. Based on this non-perturbative theoretical framework, we solve the Kondo effect, where the quantum mechanics problem in the projective formulation is mapped into a Landau-Ginzburg field theory for the hybridization order parameter field with an emergent extra dimension. We confirm the non-perturbative nature of this field theoretical framework. Intriguingly, we show that the Wilsonian renormalization group method can explain non-perturbative thermodynamic properties of an impurity consistent with the Bethe ansatz solutions. Finally, we speculate how our non-perturbative field theoretical framework can be connected with the AdSd+2_{d+2}/CFTd+1_{d+1} duality conjecture.Comment: Completely rewritte

    Sequences of acetyl CoA carboxylase promoter for tumour necrosis factor action

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    Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibits the accumulation of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) mRNA by decreasing the rate of ACC gene transcription. The ACC mRNA species found in 30A5 cells are generated from promoter II and TNF inhibits the accumulation of class 2 type mRNAs. By using 5' deletion mutants of promoter II fused to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene, the DNA mobility shift assay and the DNase I footprinting assay, the authors have identified the 30 bp from −389 to −359 as the TNF responsive element in promoter II. TNF treatment causes a decrease in the binding activity of nuclear protein(s) specific to the TNF responsive element. When the fragment containing the TNF responsive element was incorporated into the thymidine kinase promoter, the chimeric gene exhibited TNF induced inhibition of expression

    Numerical analysis of dielectric micro-particle motion in a fluid and electric field

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    We present numerical analysis of a coupled problem composed of fluidics, electromagnetic and particle dynamics. The forces acting on the dielectric micro-particle consist of a dielectrophoretic(DEP) force, drag force and gravitational force in the proposed analysis model. DEP force and drag force are calculated using the distribution of the electric field and fluid velocity field to analyze the characteristic of the micro-particle motion. The forces exerted by each field are driving terms in the Newton’s equation for particle motion. The designed particle separating device, which has the one inlet and the two outlets, is simulated to validate proposed numerical scheme. The analysis results show the trace of the micro-particles can be analyzed using the proposed numerical approach

    Has globalization strengthened South Korea's national research system?

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    노트 : The authors acknowledge a support from the SSK (Social Science Korea) Program funded by National Research Foundation of South Korea; NRF-2010-330-B00232

    Treatment of gouty arthritis is associated with restoring the gut microbiota and promoting the production of short-chain fatty acids

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    Abstract Introduction Although factors initiating the inflammatory response to monosodium urate crystals have been identified, the role of the gut microbiota and their metabolites on gout remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the changes in both gut microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) according to inflammatory states of gout in the same patients. Methods This study enrolled 20 patients with gout in the acute state who had active joints and were followed up until the recovery state with no active joints. Blood and fecal samples were simultaneously collected within 3 days for each disease state. The stool microbiome was analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing, and serum SCFAs were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Differences in the gut microbiome and serum SCFAs were compared between the acute and recovery states. Results Beta diversity of the microbiome was significantly different between the acute and recovery states in terms of weighted UniFrac distance. In the recovery state, Prevotellaceae (p = 0.006) and the genus Prevotella (p = 0.009) were significantly enriched, whereas Enterobacteriaceae (p = 0.019) and its derivative genus Shigella (p = 0.023) were significantly decreased compared to the acute state. Similarly, the levels of acetate were dramatically increased in the recovery state compared to the acute state (p < 0.010). The levels of propionate and butyrate tended to increase but without statistical significance. Conclusion Substantial alterations of bacterial composition with the promotion of SCFA formation (especially acetate) were found after treatment in patients with gouty arthritis

    Mild Hypothermia Attenuates Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Induction via Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase-1/2 in a Focal Cerebral Ischemia Model

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    Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in cerebral vascular endothelium induced by ischemic insult triggers leukocyte infiltration and inflammatory reaction. We investigated the mechanism of hypothermic suppression of ICAM-1 in a model of focal cerebral ischemia. Rats underwent 2 hours of middle cerebral artery occlusion and were kept at 37°C or 33°C during occlusion and rewarmed to normal temperature immediately after reperfusion. Under hypothermic condition, robust activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) was observed in vascular endothelium of ischemic brain. Hypothermic suppression of ICAM-1 was reversed by ERK1/2 inhibition. Phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in ischemic vessel was attenuated by hypothermia. STAT3 inhibitor suppressed ICAM-1 production induced by stroke. ERK1/2 inhibition enhanced phosphorylation and DNA binding activity of STAT3 in hypothermic condition. In this study, we demonstrated that hypothermic suppression of ICAM-1 induction is mediated by enhanced ERK1/2 activation and subsequent attenuation of STAT3 action

    Helicobacter pylori Infection and Halitosis – Evidence, Hypothesis, and Korean Red Ginseng to Mitigate Its Effect

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    Halitosis is a common and ignored condition, but in some, it is a disease-associated health problem, suggestive of overt disease conditions and hasaffected about 25–30% of world’s population, bothering nonmedical social disturbance in many people. Although two kinds, pseudohalitosis and halitophobia, are also concerned, genuine halitosis originated from the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, caries, and poor oral hygiene, in 80% and the remaining 20% are extraoral sources of halitosis, which should not be ignored because of stigmata suggestive of overt tissue dysfunctions, for instance, poor nutrition and hygiene, alcohol abuse, smoking, and systemic illness such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal diseases. In this chapter, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)–associated halitosis as one of the extragastric manifestations is introduced. Since diagnostics of halitosis includes subjective methods (examiner’s sense of smell) and objective methods (instrumental analysis), under the hypothesis of a possible relationship between H. pylori infection and objective halitosis, the real levels of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in the breath showed significant correlation between VSC levels and the degree of H. pylori–associated erosive gastritis as well as gastric cancer. These findings are further validated through either measuring H2S level in gastric juices of H. pylori–infected gastritis or checking the expressions of cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) and cystathionine-β-synthase (CBS) responsible for H2S generation in biopsied stomach. The eradication of H. pylori significantly ameliorated halitosis, accompanied with significant reductions in gastric H2S levels (p<0.01). Korean red ginseng was very effective in either reducing H. pylori–associated H2S or alleviating halitosis in patients with H. pylori–associated chronic atrophic gastritis. Conclusively, H. pylori infection demonstrates to have an important relationship with the development of halitosis, and its eradication could possibly promote the improvement of this condition

    Eco-Innovation Indices as Tools for Measuring Eco-Innovation

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    Measuring eco-innovation helps us understand the overall trends and raises awareness in society. Measuring eco-innovation at the national level and making comparisons across countries may allow us to benchmark performance and foster policy learning. This paper assesses two indices developed in two different regions: The ASEM Eco-Innovation Index (ASEI) by the ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center, based in Republic of Korea; and the Eco-Innovation Scoreboard (Eco-IS) developed by the Eco-Innovation Observatory, based in the European Union. This paper aims to examine and compare the features of both and attempts to obtain insights on their strengths and weaknesses. Towards this aim, our paper assesses those scoreboards against four criteria stemming from innovation analysis: (1) relevance of areas and stakeholders covered; (2) ability to indicate changes; (3) directions towards common goals; and (4) ability to facilitate further changes. We conclude both are promising, despite data shortages, and have great potential to contribute towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly with regard to the SDGs on sustainable industrialization and sustainable consumption and production. In comparison, the ASEI covers more countries than the Eco-IS. However, the ASEI has limitations on measuring indicators due to limited data availability in Asian countries. The Eco-IS is closely linked with the regional and national policies for eco-innovation in Europe, while the ASEI’s impact appears more limited, as of now. In conclusion, the research results give insights into key areas, goals and applications of eco-innovation indices, and can help upgrading eco-innovation indices. This research helps interpret the scores of two indices better and facilitate application of the scores in the multiple ways. It is expected that this research contributes to developing and modifying a global eco-innovation index and enhancing the ability of these indices to facilitate eco-innovation strategies at national levels and across relevant actors