15 research outputs found

    Fungicide And Drying Effects On The Viability Of Recalcitrant Seeds Of Inga Vera Subsp. Affinis

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    Studies on the health and quality of seeds from native tree species are scarce in the tropics, which is the case of Inga vera, a recalcitrant-seeded Brazilian species used in reforestation. In this study a series of experiments were conducted to analyze the effects of fungicides and hydration levels on the suppression of seed borne fungi and seed physiology. Firstly, three commercially available fungicide formulations (thiram, carbendazim + thiram and carboxin + thiram) for seed treatment were evaluated. Secondly, embryos were subjected to a combination of four drying levels (62, 52, 44 e 34 % water content) with or without fungicide (carbendazim + thiram). All three preliminary screened fungicide formulations were not phytotoxic, with carbendazim + thiram performing best. Seed deterioration was associated with a high incidence of fungi at any level of drying. Fungicide treatment reduced the incidence of the most common fungi (Acremonium curvulum and Phomopsis diachenii) and extended the lifespan of non-dried embryos from 90 to 120 days. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia.41317718

    Viability Of Inga Vera Willd. Subsp. Affnis (dc.) T. D. Penn. Embryos According To The Maturation Stage, Fungal Incidence, Chemical Treatment And Storage [viabilidade De Embriões De Inga Vera Willd. Subsp. Affnis (dc.) T. D. Penn. Em Função Do Estádio De Maturação, Da Incidência De Fungos, Do Tratamento Químico E Do Armazenamento]

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    The main strategies for conserving Inga vera seeds during storage consist of their partial dehydration and low temperatures. However, such storage conditions can lead to further deterioration of the seed, either from its own metabolism or the development of microorganisms favored by moisture. In this study, the relationship between fungi and the conservation of I. vera embryos with different levels of hydration and maturity was studied, together with the efficiency of treating with carboxin + thiram (300 mL/100 kg of embryos) for fungus control. Embryos were collected at two stages (immature and mature) and subjected to two drying levels. A sample of embryos from each stage and drying level was treated with carboxin + thiram. Embryos were then stored at 7 or 25 °C for up to 65 days. It was found that undried, mature embryos have a higher physiological quality than the immature ones after storage at 7 °C for 65 days. The carboxin + thiram treatment is phytotoxic for dried embryos. "Field" fungi develop according to the degree of embryo deterioration, differing from the classic pattern defined for orthodox seeds.3517076Andréo, Y., Nakagawa, J., Barbedo, C.J., Mobilização de água e conservação da viabilidade de embriões de sementes recalcitrantes de ingá (Inga vera Willd. subsp. affnis (DC.) T.D. 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    Respiratory rates of inga vera willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T. D. penn. seeds

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    The deterioration process of recalcitrant seeds is not fully known, mainly regarding the relation between fungi activity and respiration. Inga vera seeds are characterized by their high degree of sensitivity to desiccation and for only maintaining viability for a few weeks. The objective of this study was to identify the fungus action on respiratory metabolism of I. vera embryos subjected to chemical treatment in order to extend their storability. The results showed that the presence of fungi increases embryo respiration rate, thus affecting their conservation during storage. Treatment with carbendazin + thiram, especially at a dose of 200 ml per each 100 kg of seeds, was effective in controlling fungi, reducing the respiration rate and metabolism of I. vera embryos, increasing the maintenance period of their viability in storage26

    Quimio e termoterapia em sementes e aplicação de fungicidas em Brachiaria brizantha como estratégias no manejo do carvão Chemical and thermal therapy in seeds and application of fungicides in Brachiaria brizantha as strategies for managing smut

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    Objetivou-se estudar os potenciais dos tratamentos térmico e químico em sementes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã, preconizados como eficientes na superação da dormência física das mesmas, na redução do inóculo de carvão (Ustilago operta). Amostras de sementes foram expostas ao ácido sulfúrico por tempo variando de 0 a 10 min, ou imersas em água à temperatura variável (27 a 60 ºC) por 5 ou 10 min. Avaliaram-se os efeitos dos tratamentos no número de teliósporos de U. operta remanescentes e na freqüência de germinação das sementes tratadas. À medida que se prolongou a escarificação química das sementes se evidenciou decréscimo do inóculo de carvão. Menor número de teliósporos foi observado nas sementes submetidas à quimioterapia por 10 min. Em geral, a exposição das sementes ao H2SO4 não levou ao decréscimo da capacidade germinativa das mesmas. Os resultados da termoterapia não foram tão evidentes como os observados para a quimioterapia, sejam na redução do número de teliósporos ou na superação da dormência. É provável que o tempo de exposição das sementes não tenha sido o suficiente. Paralelamente, verificou-se a eficiência da aplicação de fungicidas na parte aérea das plantas no controle da incidência do carvão. Foram testados os fungicidas: 1 - tiofanato metílico + chlorothalonil; 2 - mancozeb; 3 - tebuconazole; 4 - triadimenol; 5 - azoxystrobin + cyproconazole; 6 - pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole; 7 - trifloxystrobin + cyproconazole; 8 - carboxin + thiram; 9 - tiofanato metílico + flutriafol; 10 - carbendazin, e 11 - difenoconazole. Mesmo com a ocorrência de baixa incidência de carvão na área experimental (máximo de 15%), observaram-se diferenças entre os fungicidas quanto ao controle da doença. O fungicida tebuconazole e as formulações pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole e trifloxystrobin + cyproconazole foram os mais promissores.<br>This work investigated the potentials of the thermal and chemical treatments in seeds of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã, which have been described as efficient strategies to overcome the physical dormancy of seeds, in the reduction of smut (Ustilago operta). Samples of seeds were immersed in sulfuric acid for 0 to 10 min, or in hot water (27 to 60 ºC) for 5 or 10 min. The effects of the treatments in the number of remaining teliospores of U. operta and in the germination of treated seed have been evaluated. A decrease of inoculum was observed as the time of chemical scarification of seeds was increased. The reduction on the number of teliospores was superior with 10 min of chemotherapy. In general, the exposition to H2SO4 did not result in a decrease of the germinative power of the seeds. The results of the thermotherapy were not as evident as those observed for the chemotherapy. Reductions on the number of teliospores or on the overcoming of the physical dormancy were less apparent, maybe, because the seeds were not immersed in hot water during enough time. In parallel, the efficiency of the application of fungicides on the aerial part of the plants for the control of the smut incidence was verified. The fungicides tested were as follow: 1 - methylic tiofanato + chlorothalonil; 2 - mancozeb; 3 - tebuconazole; 4 - triadimenol; 5 - azoxystrobin + cyproconazole; 6 - pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole; 7 - trifloxystrobin + cyproconazole; 8 - carboxin + thiram; 9 - methylic tiofanato + flutriafol; 10 - carbendazin, and 11 - difenoconazole. Although the smut incidence observed in the experimental area was low (maximum of 15%), a differentiation among the fungicides was possible. The tebuconazole, pyraclostrobin + epoxyconazole and trifloxystrobin + cyproconazole were the most promising fungicides