1,358 research outputs found

    Effect of vessel wettability on the foamability of "ideal" surfactants and "real-world" beer heads

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    The ability to tailor the foaming properties of a solution by controlling its chemical composition is highly desirable and has been the subject of extensive research driven by a range of applications. However, the control of foams by varying the wettability of the foaming vessel has been less widely reported. This work investigates the effect of the wettability of the side walls of vessels used for the in situ generation of foam by shaking aqueous solutions of three different types of model surfactant systems (non-ionic, anionic and cationic surfactants) along with four different beers (Guinness Original, Banks’s Bitter, Bass No 1 and Harvest Pale). We found that hydrophilic vials increased the foamability only for the three model systems but increased foam stability for all foams except the model cationic system. We then compared stability of beer foams produced by shaking and pouring and demonstrated weak qualitative agreement between both foam methods. We also showed how wettability of the glass controls bubble nucleation for beers and champagne and used this effect to control exactly where bubbles form using simple wettability patterns

    Finite temperature phase diagram of a polarised Fermi condensate

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    The two-component Fermi gas is the simplest fermion system displaying superfluidity, and as such finds applications ranging from the theory of superconductivity to QCD. Ultracold atomic gases provide an exceptionally clean realization of this system, where the interatomic interaction and the atom species population are both independent, tuneable parameters. This allows one to investigate the Fermi gas with imbalanced spin populations, which had previously been experimentally elusive, and this prospect has stimulated much theoretical activity. Here we show that the finite temperature phase diagram contains a region of phase separation between the superfluid and normal states that touches the boundary of second-order superfluid transitions at a tricritical point, reminiscent of the phase diagram of 3^3He-4^4He mixtures. A variation of interaction strength then results in a line of tricritical points that terminates at zero temperature on the molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) side. On this basis, we argue that tricritical points will play an important role in the recent experiments on polarised atomic Fermi gases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Manuscript extended and figures modified. For final version, see Nature Physic

    Ultra-cold Polarized Fermi Gases

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    Recent experiments with ultra-cold atoms have demonstrated the possibility of realizing experimentally fermionic superfluids with imbalanced spin populations. We discuss how these developments have shed a new light on a half- century old open problem in condensed matter physics, and raised new interrogations of their own.Comment: 27 pages; 8 figures; Published in Report in Rep. Prog. Phys. 73 112401 (2010

    Effect of Stretch Orientation and Rolling Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of 2195 Al-Cu-Li Alloy

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    Sheets of 2195 aluminum-lithium alloy were solution-treated at 507 A degrees C for 30 min. One set was stretched to 3-5% in the 0A degrees, 45A degrees, and 90A degrees angle with respect to the original rolling direction. Two other sets were rolled 6% reduction in thickness and 24% reduction in thickness in the 0A degrees, 45A degrees, and 90A degrees angle with respect to the original rolling direction. All specimens were aged at 143 A degrees C for 36 h. A second group of samples was rolled at 24 and 50% reduction in thickness after a solution treatment of 507 A degrees C for 1 h prior to aging at 190 A degrees C for 24 h. Tensile specimens were machined from each sheet at 0A degrees, 45A degrees, and 90A degrees angles to the original grain orientation. Tensile testing was used to determine the mechanical properties and anisotropic behavior of each condition. Rolling 6% reduction in thickness in the 45A degrees orientation yielded anisotropy of 7.6% in the yield strength

    Theory of ultracold Fermi gases

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    The physics of quantum degenerate Fermi gases in uniform as well as in harmonically trapped configurations is reviewed from a theoretical perspective. Emphasis is given to the effect of interactions which play a crucial role, bringing the gas into a superfluid phase at low temperature. In these dilute systems interactions are characterized by a single parameter, the s-wave scattering length, whose value can be tuned using an external magnetic field near a Feshbach resonance. The BCS limit of ordinary Fermi superfluidity, the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of dimers and the unitary limit of large scattering length are important regimes exhibited by interacting Fermi gases. In particular the BEC and the unitary regimes are characterized by a high value of the superfluid critical temperature, of the order of the Fermi temperature. Different physical properties are discussed, including the density profiles and the energy of the ground-state configurations, the momentum distribution, the fraction of condensed pairs, collective oscillations and pair breaking effects, the expansion of the gas, the main thermodynamic properties, the behavior in the presence of optical lattices and the signatures of superfluidity, such as the existence of quantized vortices, the quenching of the moment of inertia and the consequences of spin polarization. Various theoretical approaches are considered, ranging from the mean-field description of the BCS-BEC crossover to non-perturbative methods based on quantum Monte Carlo techniques. A major goal of the review is to compare the theoretical predictions with the available experimental results.Comment: Revised and abridged version accepted for publication in Rev. Mod. Phys.: 63 pages, 36 figure

    Repulsive polarons in two-dimensional Fermi gases

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    We consider a single spin-down impurity atom interacting via an attractive, short-range potential with a spin-up Fermi sea in two dimensions (2D). Similarly to 3D, we show how the impurity can form a metastable state (the "repulsive polaron") with energy greater than that of the non-interacting impurity. Moreover, we find that the repulsive polaron can acquire a finite momentum for sufficiently weak attractive interactions. Even though the energy of the repulsive polaron can become sizeable, we argue that saturated ferromagnetism is unfavorable in 2D because of the polaron's finite lifetime and small quasiparticle weight.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Direct measurement of polariton-polariton interaction strength in the Thomas-Fermi regime of exciton-polariton condensation

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    Bosonic condensates of exciton polaritons (light-matter quasiparticles in a semiconductor) provide a solid-state platform for studies of non-equilibrium quantum systems with a spontaneous macroscopic coherence. These driven, dissipative condensates typically coexist and interact with an incoherent reservoir, which undermines measurements of key parameters of the condensate. Here, we overcome this limitation by creating a high-density exciton-polariton condensate in an optically-induced "box" trap. In this so-called Thomas-Fermi regime, the condensate is fully separated from the reservoir and its behaviour is dominated by interparticle interactions. We use this regime to directly measure the polariton-polariton interaction strength, and reduce the existing uncertainty in its value from four orders of magnitude to within three times the theoretical prediction. The Thomas-Fermi regime has previously been demonstrated only in ultracold atomic gases in thermal equilibrium. In a non-equilibrium exciton-polariton system, this regime offers a novel opportunity to study interaction-driven effects unmasked by an incoherent reservoir.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Uncanny Objects and the Fear of the Familiar:Hiding from Akan Witches in New York City

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    This article examines the cosmology and secret practices of West African traditional priests in New York City in preventing the spread of witchcraft, an evil invisible spirit transmitted between female members of the Akan matrilineage. Explored is an uncanny dynamic as everyday habitus becomes increasingly strange in the world of a young Ghanaian woman in the Bronx, who has become petrified of insinuations of witchcraft from close family members. In trying to hide the young woman from infection by her fellow witches, Akan priests attempt to ‘capture’ her habits and everyday routines, calling upon the iconic magic of New York City in order to ‘misplace’ familiarity within the anonymity of Manhattan. In this process, the transmission of the witch’s spirit to the intended victim is disturbed as the victim’s life and things are moved. Nowhere to be found, the witch shifts her attention to other victims
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