2,398 research outputs found

    Observation of an orbital interaction-induced Feshbach resonance in 173-Yb

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    We report on the experimental observation of a novel inter-orbital Feshbach resonance in ultracold 173-Yb atoms, which opens the possibility of tuning the interactions between the 1S0 and 3P0 metastable state, both possessing vanishing total electronic angular momentum. The resonance is observed at experimentally accessible magnetic field strengths and occurs universally for all hyperfine state combinations. We characterize the resonance in the bulk via inter-orbital cross-thermalization as well as in a three-dimensional lattice using high-resolution clock-line spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Rabi oscillations and magnetization of a mobile spin-1/2 impurity in a Fermi sea

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    We investigate the behavior of a mobile spin-1/2 impurity atom immersed in a Fermi gas, where the interacting spin-↑\uparrow and non-interacting spin-↓\downarrow states of the impurity are Rabi coupled via an external field. This scenario resembles the classic problem of a two-state system interacting with a dissipative environment, but with an added dimension provided by the impurity momentum degree of freedom. In this case, the impurity can become "dressed" by excitations of the Fermi sea to form a Fermi polaron quasiparticle. For the steady-state system, where the impurity has thermalized with the medium, we derive exact thermodynamic relations that connect the impurity magnetization with quasiparticle properties such as the number of fermions in the dressing cloud. We show how the thermodynamic properties evolve with increasing Rabi coupling and we present exact analytical results in the limits of weak and strong Rabi coupling. For the dynamics of the Rabi-driven Fermi polaron, we formulate a theoretical approach based on correlation functions that respects conservation laws and allows the efficient calculation of Rabi oscillations for a range of time scales and impurity momenta beyond what has been achieved previously. Our results are in good agreement with recent experiments on the Rabi oscillations of the attractive polaron, and they reveal how the Rabi oscillations are influenced by the interplay between the polaron and its dressing cloud.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Quasi-equilibrium polariton condensates in the non-linear regime and beyond

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    We investigate the many-body behavior of polaritons formed from electron-hole pairs strongly coupled to photons in a two-dimensional semiconductor microcavity. We use a microscopic mean-field BCS theory that describes polariton condensation in quasi-equilibrium across the full range of excitation densities. In the limit of vanishing density, we show that our theory recovers the exact single-particle properties of polaritons, while at low densities it captures non-linear polariton-polariton interactions within the Born approximation. For the case of highly screened contact interactions between charge carriers, we obtain analytic expressions for the equation of state of the many-body system. This allows us to show that there is a photon resonance at a chemical potential higher than the photon cavity energy, where the electron-hole pair correlations in the polariton condensate become universal and independent of the details of the carrier interactions. Comparing the effect of different ranged interactions between charge carriers, we find that the Rytova-Keldysh potential (relevant to transition metal dichalcogenides) offers the best prospect of reaching the BCS regime, where pairs strongly overlap and the minimum pairing gap occurs at finite momentum. Finally, going beyond thermal equilibrium, we argue that there are generically two polariton branches in the driven-dissipative system and we discuss the possibility of a density-driven exceptional point within our model.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Trion resonance in polariton-electron scattering

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    Strong interactions between charges and light-matter coupled quasiparticles offer an intriguing prospect with applications from optoelectronics to light-induced superconductivity. Here, we investigate how the interactions between electrons and exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional semiconductor microcavity can be resonantly enhanced due to a strong coupling to a trion, i.e., an electron-exciton bound state. We develop a microscopic theory that uses a strongly screened interaction between charges to enable the summation of all possible diagrams in the polariton-electron scattering process. The position and magnitude of the resonance is found to vary depending on the values of the light-matter coupling and detuning, thus indicating a large degree of tunability. We furthermore derive an analytic approximation of the interaction strength based on universal lowenergy scattering theory. This is found to match extremely well with our full calculation, indicating that the trion resonance is near universal, depending more on the strength of the light-matter coupling relative to the trion binding energy rather than on the details of the electronic interactions. Thus, we expect the trion resonance in polariton-electron scattering to appear in a broad range of microcavity systems with few semiconductor layers, such as doped monolayer MoSe2 where such resonances have recently been observed experimentally [Sidler et al., Nature Physics 13, 255 (2017)].Comment: 13 pages and 8 figure

    Cytokinin response factor 6 represses cytokinin-associated genes during oxidative stress

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    Cytokinin is a phytohormone that is well known for its roles in numerous plant growth and developmental processes, yet it has also been linked to abiotic stress response in a less defined manner. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) Cytokinin Response Factor 6 (CRF6) is a cytokinin-responsive AP2/ERF-family transcription factor that, through the cytokinin signaling pathway, plays a key role in the inhibition of dark-induced senescence. CRF6 expression is also induced by oxidative stress, and here we show a novel function for CRF6 in relation to oxidative stress and identify downstream transcriptional targets of CRF6 that are repressed in response to oxidative stress. Analysis of transcriptomic changes in wild-type and crf6 mutant plants treated with H2O2 identified CRF6-dependent differentially expressed transcripts, many of which were repressed rather than induced. Moreover, many repressed genes also show decreased expression in 35S:CRF6 overexpressing plants. Together, these findings suggest that CRF6 functions largely as a transcriptional repressor. Interestingly, among the H2O2 repressed CRF6-dependent transcripts was a set of five genes associated with cytokinin processes: (signaling) ARR6, ARR9, ARR11, (biosynthesis) LOG7, and (transport) ABCG14. We have examined mutants of these cytokinin-associated target genes to reveal novel connections to oxidative stress. Further examination of CRF6-DNA interactions indicated that CRF6 may regulate its targets both directly and indirectly. Together, this shows that CRF6 functions during oxidative stress as a negative regulator to control this cytokinin-associated module of CRF6-dependent genes and establishes a novel connection between cytokinin and oxidative stress response

    Asymmetric Fermi superfluid with different atomic species in a harmonic trap

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    We study the dilute fermion gas with pairing between two species and unequal concentrations in a harmonic trap using the mean field theory and the local density approximation. We found that the system can exhibit a superfluid shell structure sandwiched by the normal fermions. This superfluid shell structure occurs if the mass ratio is larger then certain critical value which increases from the weak-coupling BCS region to the strong-coupling BEC side. In the strong coupling BEC regime, the radii of superfluid phase are less sensitive to the mass ratios and are similar to the case of pairing with equal masses. However, the lighter leftover fermions are easier to mix with the superfluid core than the heavier ones. A partially polarized superfluid can be found if the majority fermions are lighter, whereas phase separation is still found if they are heavier.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Pairing in spin polarized two-species fermionic mixtures with mass asymmetry

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    We discuss on the pairing mechanism of fermions with mismatch in their fermi momenta due to a mass asymmetry. Using a variational ansatz for the ground state we also discuss the BCS -BEC crossover of this system. It is shown that the breached pairing solution with a single fermi surface is stable in the BEC regime. We also include the temperatures effect on the fermion pairing within an approximation that is valid for temperatures much below the critical temperature.Comment: 8 pages and 6 figures, few typos corrected, version to appear in EPJ
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