92 research outputs found

    Improvement of Monte Carlo estimates with covariance-optimized finite-size scaling at fixed phenomenological coupling

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    In the finite-size scaling analysis of Monte Carlo data, instead of computing the observables at fixed Hamiltonian parameters, one may choose to keep a renormalization-group invariant quantity, also called phenomenological coupling, fixed at a given value. Within this scheme of finite-size scaling, we exploit the statistical covariance between the observables in a Monte Carlo simulation in order to reduce the statistical errors of the quantities involved in the computation of the critical exponents. This method is general and does not require additional computational time. This approach is demonstrated in the Ising model in two and three dimensions, where large gain factors in CPU time are obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; v2: slightly changed title, improved presentation, results unchange

    The ordinary surface universality class of the 3D O(NN) model

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    We study the critical behavior at the ordinary surface universality class of the three-dimensional O(NN) model, bounded by a two-dimensional surface. Using high-precision Monte Carlo simulations of an improved lattice model, where the leading bulk scaling correction is suppressed, and finite-size scaling analysis of the fourth cumulant of the surface magnetization, we obtain precise estimates of the scaling dimension of the surface field operator for N=2,3,4N=2,3,4. We also determine the fixed-point values of two Renormalization-group invariant observables, which characterize the finite-size scaling behavior at the ordinary transition.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Nonordinary edge criticaliy of two-dimensional quantum critical magnets

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    Based on large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we examine the correlations along the edges of two-dimensional semi-infinite quantum critical Heisenberg spin-1/21/2 systems. In particular, we consider coupled quantum spin-dimer systems at their bulk quantum critical points, including the columnar-dimer model and the plaquette-square lattice. The alignment of the edge spins strongly affects these correlations and the corresponding scaling exponents, with remarkably similar values obtained for various quantum spin-dimer systems. We furthermore observe subtle effects on the scaling behavior from perturbing the edge spins that exhibit the genuine quantum nature of these edge states. Our observations furthermore challenge recent attempts that relate the edge spin criticality to the presence of symmetry-protected topological phases in such quantum spin systems.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, v2: as publishe

    Line contribution to the critical Casimir force between a homogeneous and a chemically stepped surface

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    Recent experimental realizations of the critical Casimir effect have been implemented by monitoring colloidal particles immersed in a binary liquid mixture near demixing and exposed to a chemically structured substrate. In particular, critical Casimir forces have been measured for surfaces consisting of stripes with periodically alternating adsorption preferences, forming chemical steps between them. Motivated by these experiments, we analyze the contribution of such chemical steps to the critical Casimir force for the film geometry and within the Ising universality class. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, mean-field theory, and finite-size scaling analysis we determine the universal scaling function associated with the contribution to the critical Casimir force due to individual, isolated chemical steps facing a surface with homogeneous adsorption preference or with Dirichlet boundary condition. In line with previous findings, these results allow one to compute the critical Casimir force for the film geometry and in the presence of arbitrarily shaped, but wide stripes. In this latter limit the force decomposes into a sum of the contributions due to the two homogeneous parts of the surface and due to the chemical steps between the stripes. We assess this decomposition by comparing the resulting sum with actual simulation data for the critical Casimir force in the presence of a chemically striped substrate.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures; v2: added references, 17 pages, 14 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/27/21/21401
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