51 research outputs found

    Nucleolin Inhibits G4 Oligonucleotide Unwinding by Werner Helicase

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    The Werner protein (WRNp), a member of the RecQ helicase family, is strongly associated with the nucleolus, as is nucleolin (NCL), an important nucleolar constituent protein. Both WRNp and NCL respond to the effects of DNA damaging agents. Therefore, we have investigated if these nuclear proteins interact and if this interaction has a possible functional significance in DNA damage repair.Here we report that WRNp interacts with the RNA-binding protein, NCL, based on immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescent co-localization in live and fixed cells, and direct binding of purified WRNp to nucleolin. We also map the binding region to the C-terminal domains of both proteins. Furthermore, treatment of U2OS cells with 15 Β΅M of the Topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin, causes the dissociation of the nucleolin-Werner complex in the nucleolus, followed by partial re-association in the nucleoplasm. Other DNA damaging agents, such as hydroxyurea, Mitomycin C, and aphidicolin do not have these effects. Nucleolin or its C-terminal fragment affected the helicase, but not the exonuclease activity of WRNp, by inhibiting WRN unwinding of G4 tetraplex DNA structures, as seen in activity assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA).These data suggest that nucleolin may regulate G4 DNA unwinding by WRNp, possibly in response to certain DNA damaging agents. We postulate that the NCL-WRNp complex may contain an inactive form of WRNp, which is released from the nucleolus upon DNA damage. Then, when required, WRNp is released from inhibition and can participate in the DNA repair processes

    Phosphorylation and Proteolytic Degradation of Neurofilaments

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    Interaction of chlorpromazine with low molecular mass ion-transporting ATPase modulator proteins from rat brain cytosol

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    82-87Two low molecular mass proteins (13 kDa which inhibits Na+, K+-ATPase and 12 kDa which modulates Ca2+, Mg2+- and Ca2+-ATPases), purified from rat brain cytosol form complexes with chlorpromazine (CPZ) on incubation. The conformational characteristics of the proteins and their complex have been studied by comparing the fluorescence and CD spectra. The tryptophan fluorescence data show that the inhibitor-CPZ complex does not quench the fluorescence of Na+, K+ -ATPase significantly. CD spectra indicate that the structure of the inhibitor is changed on format ion of the complex. The inhibitor-CPZ complex significantly changes the conformation of Na+, K+-ATPase. The regulator protein-CPZ complex does not have any appreciable effect on Ca2+, Mg2+ - and Ca2+-ATPase activities. The Trp-fluorescence of Ca2+, Mg2+-and Ca2+-ATPases are not significantly affected in presence of the complex. CD spectra indicate that the structure of the regulator is abruptly affected on formation of the complex. The conformations of Ca2+, Mg2+-and Ca2+-ATPases are found to be altered in presence of the complex

    Immunosuppression in Hamsters with Progressive Visceral Leishmaniasis Is Associated with an Impairment of Protein Kinase C Activity in Their Lymphocytes That Can Be Partially Reversed by Okadaic Acid or Anti-Transforming Growth Factor Ξ² Antibody

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    Progressive visceral infection of golden hamsters by Leishmania donovani amastigotes led to gradual impairment of the proliferative responses of their splenic or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (SPMC or PBMC, respectively) to in vitro stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin (Io). Removal of macrophage-like adherent cells from SPMC or PBMC of infected animals (I-SPMC or I-PBMC) was earlier shown to restore almost completely their lymphoproliferative responses to PMA plus Io. The present study was directed to evaluate the status of protein kinase C (PKC), a molecule(s) known to play a key role in the lymphoproliferative process. Our results demonstrate that PKC activities (Ca(2+), phosphatidyl serine, and diacyl glycerol dependent) in the cytosolic fraction of untreated nonadherent I-SPMC or I-PBMC as well as in the membrane fraction of PMA-treated cells were decreased significantly relative to those for normal controls. However, removal of adherent cells from I-SPMC or I-PBMC and subsequent overnight in vitro cultivation of nonadherent cells (lymphocytes) resulted in significant restoration of PKC activity in the cytosolic or membrane fraction of untreated or PMA-treated cells, respectively. Partial, though significant, restoration of PKC activity could also be achieved in the membrane fraction of PMA-treated cells following overnight in vitro treatment of I-SPMC or I-PBMC with the Ser/Thr phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) or an anti-transforming growth factor Ξ² (anti-TGF-Ξ²) neutralizing antibody. These results correlated well with the ability of OA or the anti-TGF-Ξ² antibody to restore the lymphoproliferative response of I-SPMC or I-PBMC following stimulation with PMA plus Io. Interestingly enough, immunoblotting experiments failed to show any reduction in the level or translocation (following PMA treatment) of conventional PKC isoforms in the SPMC or PBMC of infected animals compared to those of normal controls. The results presented in this study suggest that the adherent cells generated in the SPMC or PBMC of infected animals exert a suppressive effect on the proliferative response of nonadherent cells (lymphocytes) which is likely to be mediated through the downregulation of the activation pathway involving PKC and its downstream molecules such as mitogen-activated protein kinases. Further, the observed suppression of PKC activity and subsequent lymphoproliferative responses can be attributed to alternations in the intracellular phosphorylation-dephosphorylation events. The relevance of these results is discussed in relation to the role of TGF-Ξ², levels of which are known to be elevated in visceral leishmaniasis

    Purification of protein from a crude mixture through SDS-PAGE transfer method

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    122-125SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) transfer method was used for purification and enrichment of the protein from crude sample. Coomassie blue/ZnSOβ‚„ stained protein band(s) containing intact polyacrylamide gel were loaded on to another polyacrylamide gel either alone or as pooled gel bands. Two/three bands were combined together and arranged tightly over one another, sealed with stacking gel and ran in another gel, which was quite useful for enrichment and purification of a particular protein from a complex mixture. Recovery of protein by gel transfer method was found to be 70% in case of ZnSOβ‚„ staining, whereas around 30% recovery was possible, following Coomassie blue staining. The method described here for purification of protein(s) from a complex mixture, following gel transfer procedure could be useful for further characterization of the desired protein

    Elucidation of the involvement of p14, a sperm protein during maturation, capacitation and acrosome reaction of caprine spermatozoa.

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    Mammalian sperm capacitation is an essential prerequisite to fertilization. Although progress is being made in understanding the physiology and biochemistry of capacitation, little has been yet explored about the potential role(s) of individual sperm cell protein during this process. Therefore elucidation of the role of different sperm proteins in the process of capacitation might be of great importance to understand the process of fertilization. The present work describes the partial characterization of a 14-kDa protein (p14) detected in goat spermatozoa using an antibody directed against the purified protein. Confocal microscopic analysis reveals that the protein is present in both the intracellular and extracellular regions of the acrosomal and postacrosomal portion of caudal sperm head. Though subcellular localization shows that p14 is mainly cytosolic, however it is also seen to be present in peripheral plasma membrane and soluble part of acrosome. Immuno-localization experiment shows change in the distribution pattern of this protein upon induction of capacitation in sperm cells. Increased immunolabeling in the anterior head region of live spermatozoa is also observed when these cells are incubated under capacitating conditions, whereas most sperm cells challenged with the calcium ionophore A23187 to acrosome react, lose their labeling almost completely. Intracellular distribution of p14 also changes significantly during acrosome reaction. Interestingly, on the other hand the antibody raised against this 14-kDa sperm protein enhances the forward motility of caprine sperm cells. Rose-Bengal staining method shows that this anti-p14 antibody also decreases the number of acrosome reacted cells if incubated with capacitated sperm cells before induction of acrosome reaction. All these results taken together clearly indicate that p14 is intimately involved and plays a critical role in the acrosomal membrane fusion event

    Characterization of arylsulphatase A in a 70 kDa protein isolated from goat spermatozoa having Na<b><sup>+</sup></b>, K<b><sup>+</sup></b>-ATPase inhibitory activity

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    230-236A protein having inhibitory effect on Na+, K+-ATPase as well as showing arylsulphatase A activity (ASA) was isolated from the cytosolic fraction of goat spermatozoa and characterized biochemically. The molecular mass of the protein was found to be 70 kDa (P70) on 10% SDS-PAGE after 35% ammonium sulphate precipitation, followed by hydroxyapatite column chromatographic separation. The isoelectric point (pI) of the protein was found to be 4.9. The sequencing results of first ten N-terminal amino acid residues of protein showed 100%, 90%, and 80% homology with N-terminal 18-27 amino acid residues of mice, pig and human testicular ASA, respectively. The optimum pH, temperature and incubation time for maximum ASA activity of the protein was 5.5, 37Β°C and 30 min respectively. The ASA activity of protein and AS from a commercial source was studied with respect to the sensitivity to different metal ions, vanadate, carbonyl compounds and ascorbate. Inhibition of AS activity of P70 by silver nitrate suggested that it was related to ASA. Comparable effects of different polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) and purified anti P70-antibody on P70 and AS from commercial source were observed. The findings suggested that protein was novel in nature, having both regulatory and catalytic functions and showed similarities with the ASA reported from different sources
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