1 research outputs found

    Estr茅s y satisfacci贸n laboral en profesores del altiplano peruano.

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    Currently, educational organizations are interested in the welfare of human resources, which are relevant elements for the achievement of the objectives set, in correspondence with the above, the general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between stress and job satisfaction, in this sense, a descriptive study with correlational design was developed. Likewise, the sample consisted of 57 teachers-administrators of the Yunguyo Local Educational Management Unit, where the inquiry was conducted; in relation to the collection of data, the SL-ARG stress and job satisfaction scale was applied, using descriptive and inferential statistics through Spearman's Rho statistical package, the results showed that stress and job satisfaction are related; highlighting as a relevant conclusion that the inverse and moderate correlation means that the higher the level of stress, the lower the job satisfaction.Actualmente las organizaciones educativas se interesan por el bienestar del recurso humano, los cuales son elementos relevantes para el logro de los objetivos planteados, en correspondencia con lo anterior, en la presente investigaci贸n se plantea el objetivo general, determinar la relaci贸n que existe entre el estr茅s y la satisfacci贸n laboral, en tal sentido se desarroll贸 un estudio descriptivo, con dise帽o correlacional. Asimismo la muestra estuvo conformada por 57 docentes-administrativos de la Unidad de Gesti贸n Educativa Local Yunguyo  , donde se realiz贸 la indagaci贸n;  en relaci貌n a  la obtenci贸n de  los datos, se aplic贸 la escala de estr茅s y satisfacci贸n laboral SL-ARG, utiliz谩ndose una estad铆stica descriptiva e inferencial a trav茅s del paquete estad铆stico Rho de Spearman, los resultados demostraron, que  el estr茅s y satisfacci贸n laboral, est谩n relacionados; resaltando como conclusi贸n relevante que la  correlaci贸n inversa y moderada, significa que a mayor nivel de estr茅s menor es la satisfacci贸n laboral