208 research outputs found

    Web environment for publication spatial objects thematic maps

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    The problem of building a public web-environment for the placement and display of spatial objects on thematic maps. Built ontological scheme of the environment and security model. The choice of development tools and use Yandex.Maps service justified. A prototype of the self-regulatory system creates thematic maps. For owners of the objects (organizations or individuals) are created a means of building thematic maps and publishing them industrial, social or personal facility. Interested Internet users does search objects on the characteristics and does get location on a scalable electronic map.Рассматривается задача построения общедоступной веб-среды для размещения и отображения пространственных объектов на тематических картах. Построена онтологическая схема среды и модель защиты данных. Обоснован выбор средств разработки и использование сервиса Яндекс.Карты. Разработан прототип общедоступной саморегулируемой системы. Для владельцев объектов (организаций или физических лиц) предоставлены средства создания тематических карт и публикации на них производственных, социальных или личных объектов. Заинтересованным пользователям Интернет предоставлен поиск объектов по характеристикам и отображение их местонахождения на масштабируемой электронной карте

    Tensiometric estimation of material properties of tissue spheroids

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    Tissue spheroids have been proposed to use as building blocks in biofabrication and as bioinks in 3D bioprinting technologies. Tissue fusion is an ubiqious phenomenon during embryonic development. Biomimetic tissue spheroid fusion is a fundamental constructional principle of emerging organ printing technology because closely placed tissue spheroids could fuse into tissue and organ-like constructs in fusion permissive bioprintable hydrogel. From physical point of view tissue spheroids could be considered as a visco-elastic-plastic soft matter or complex fluid. We hypothesize that quantitative estimation of material properties of tissue spheroids using tensiometry could predict their tissue spreading and tissue fusion behavior as well as provide a powerful insight about possible speed of post-printed tissue and organ-like constructs compaction and maturation. Tissue spheroids from human fibroblasts, ovine and human chondrocytes and immortalised human keratinocytes have been biofabricated using non-adhesive cell culture plates (Corning, USA). For estimation of material properties of tissue spheroids commercial tensiometer Microsquisher have been emploied (CellScale, Toronto, Canada). Modulus of elasticity of tissue spheroids have been calculated based on peformed tissue compression tests. In order to identify structural determinants of material properties of tissue spheroids standard perturbants of cytoskeleton such as Cytochalasin D (Sigma, USA) for disruption of microfilaments and Nocodazole (Sigma, USA) for disruption of microtubules have been used. Viability of tissue spheroids have been also estimated and their morphology have been analysed using light microscopy, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, semithin sections stained wih toluidine blue and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Kinetics of tissue spheroids spreading on electrospun polyurethane matrices have been analysed. Kinetics of two closely placed tissue spheroids fusion have been analysed in hanging drop. Additionally toxic effect of water solution of paramagnetic gadolinium salt (Omniscan®, GE Health Care, USA) on material properties of tissue spheroids have been investigated. It have been demonstrated that material properties of tissue spheroids biofabricated from different cell types have different modulus of elasticity. Even tissue spheroids biofabricated the same cell types but from different species have different material properties. Incubation with Cytochlasin D dramatically reduces estimated material properties of tissue spheroids. Incubation with Nocodazole does not significantly change material properties of tissue spheroids. Material properties of tissue spheroids from chondrocytes (chondrospheres) correlates very well with increasing deposition and accumulation of extracellular matrix (confirmed by expression of collagen type II and glycosoaminoglycans). The incubation with toxic concentration of gadolinium solution dramatically reduces material properties of chondrospheres. There is no any significant correlation between material properties of tissue spheriods and their spreading kinetics. However, there is a certain correction between material properties of tissue spheroids and their tissue fusion kinetics. Our data demonstrate that beside already well established role of cell adhesion receptors such as cadherin and integrins in the realisation of cell cohesion inside tissue spheroids the structural determinants of material properties of tissue spheroids also include components of cytoskeleton such as actin micofilaments and accumulated extracellular matrix. It is possible to predict post-printing tissue fusion behaviour of tissue spheroids based on preliminary estimation of their material properties. Finally, it have been also shown that material properties of tissue spheroids correlate with their viability. Thus, tensiometry is a valuable method for systematic characterization of material properties of tissue spheroids and for prediction of tissue spheroids post-printed tissue fusion behaviour

    Primary Energy Spectrum and Mass Composition Determined with the Tunka EAS Cherenkov Array

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    New results of 300 hours of operation of the Tunka array are presented. An improved parametrization of the Cherenkov light lateral distribution function (LDF), based on CORSIKA Monte Carlo simulations and the experiment QUEST, has been used for the reconstruction of EAS parameters. The corrected energy spectrum in the knee region is obtained. The mean depth of the EAS maximum has been derived both from the analysis of LDF steepness and the FWHM of Cerenkov light pulse. The mean mass composition around the knee is estimated.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in IJMP

    The Tunka Experiment: Towards a 1-km^2 Cherenkov EAS Array in the Tunka Valley

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    The project of an EAS Cherenkov array in the Tunka valley/Siberia with an area of about 1 km^2 is presented. The new array will have a ten times bigger area than the existing Tunka-25 array and will permit a detailed study of the cosmic ray energy spectrum and the mass composition in the energy range from 10^15 to 10^18 eV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to be published in IJMP

    Spectral Observations of After-Flare Loops in the Active Area NOAA 11515

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    We present the results of observations and analysis of the spectra of the loop system in the active region NOAA 11515 observed on the limb of the Sun 09-07-12 after the flare C6.5. The structure of plasma emission in the K CaII line at the foot of loops at different distances from the limb of the Sun was studied. A computer program was created, numerical simulation was carried out. Non-thermal components (emission of beams of accelerated CaII ions from the lower parts of the loops) were revealed, and their parameters were obtained.Мы представляем результаты наблюдений и анализа спектров петельной системы в активной области NOAA 11515, наблюдавшейся на лимбе Солнца 09-07-12 после вспышки балла С6.5. Исследована структура высвечивания плазмы в линии K CaII в подножиях петель на разных расстояниях от лимба Солнца. Создана компьютерная программа, выделяющая компоненты спектральных линий. Выявлены нетепловые компоненты (излучение пучков ускоренных ионов CaII из нижних частей петель), получены их параметры.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке государства в лице Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (базовая часть госзадания, РКАААА-А17-117030310283-7)

    Signs of non-thermal radiation of the ionised calcium in coronal loops of the active region NOAA 11515

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    Проведены спектральные наблюдения корональных петель активной области NOAA 11515 на лимбе Солнца. В линии K CaII обнаружены «дорожки» слабой однородной эмиссии протяженностью до 1.2 ˚A вдоль дисперсии между двумя движущимися петлями. Выявлен нетепловой характер излучения ионов кальция в «дорожках». Мы полагаем, что наблюдавшиеся «дорожки эмиссии» являются оптическим проявлением потока ионов кальция, излучающих линию K CaII, ускоренных до скоростей не менее 70 км/c, что свидетельствует о присутствии электрических полей между петлями. Выявлена многокомпонентная структура участков петель, между которыми наблюдались дорожки.We obtained observations of coronal loops in active region NOAA 11515 on the solar limb. In K CaII line, “paths” of weak homogeneous emission, with an extent along a dispersion up to 1.2 °A, between two moving loops are found out. Non-thermal character of radiation of calcium ions in “paths” is revealed. We assume that observed “paths” are display of a stream of radiating calcium ions accelerated up to speeds not less than 70 km/s that testifies to presence of electric fields between loops. The multicomponent structure of loop segments between which paths were observed is found out.Работа проведена при фининсовой поддержке государства в лице Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (базовая часть госзадания, РК № АААА-A17-117030310283-7)

    The Lake Baikal neutrino experiment: selected results

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    We review the present status of the lake Baikal Neutrino Experiment and present selected physical results gained with the consequetive stages of the stepwise increasing detector: from NT-36 to NT-96. Results cover atmospheric muons, neutrino events, very high energy neutrinos, search for neutrino events from WIMP annihilation, search for magnetic monopoles and environmental studies. We also describe an air Cherenkov array developed for the study of angular resolution of NT-200.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. To appear in the Procrrdings of International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics, June 28 - July 3, 1999, Dubna, Russi

    Предварительные результаты включения меглюмина натрия сукцината в лечение пациентов с острым панкреатитом средней и тяжелой степени

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    Objective: to develop criteria of inclusion/noninclusion of patients for further randomized clinical trial of meglumine sodium succinate in patients with acute pancreatitis based on analysis of individual outcomes.Material and methods. The efficacy of treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe and severe acute pancreatitis (n=100, 23–65 years old) with meglumine sodium succinate (intravenous drip infusions, 10 ml/kg daily, for 11 days) was assessed. Data were collected by 10 medical centers as a part of an observational program developed in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines and Clinical Trial Committee of the AllRussia Public Organization «Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists» (FAR) and approved by local ethical committees of the institutions. Treatment was prescribed in accordance with national and international standards. The patients were divided into two groups based on the outcome: group 1 (n=81) included patients who survived, while the patients of group 2 (n=19) died. We analyzed demographic characteristics of the groups, life and illness history, physical examination, routine laboratory and instrumental investigation data. The obtained results were statistically analyzed.Results. We identified several factors occurring during hospitalization and/or transfer to intensive care unit (ICU), which could be predictors of adverse outcome and had varying impact on the risk of death in patients treated with the study drug. High-risk factors included stupor, platelet count below 248.5×109/l, base excess (BE) less than -2.9 mmol/l, and urea above 11.85 mmol/l. Risk factors included body temperature below 37.1°C, plasma creatinine above 237 µmol/l, and glucose above 9.45 mmol/l. Mottled skin and plasma ionized calcium levels below 1.13 mmol/l were considered probable risk factors.Conclusion. Determined prognostically significant predictors of adverse outcome in patients with acute pancreatitis receiving Reamberin should be considered when selecting inclusion/exclusion criteria for the randomized controlled comparative clinical study of the efficacy of meglumine sodium succinate in patients with acute pancreatitis.Цель. На основе анализа индивидуальных исходов заболевания выявить критерии включения/невключения пациентов для последующего проведения рандомизированного клинического исследования эффективности меглюмина натрия сукцината у больных с острым панкреатитом.Материал и методы. Провели анализ эффективности лечения 100 пациентов в возрасте 23–65 лет с острым панкреатитом среднетяжелого и тяжелого течения, получавших меглюмина натрия сукцинат в составе инфузий внутривенно капельно в средней суточной дозе 10 мл/кг продолжительностью до 11 дней. Сбор данных проводили десять медицинских центров в рамках наблюдательной программы по протоколу, одобренному Комитетом по рекомендациям и организации исследований Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» и локальными этическими комитетами учреждений. Лечение проводили в соответствии с национальными и международными стандартами. С учетом исхода заболевания больных разделили на две группы: группа 1 (n=81) — выжили, группа 2 (n=19) — летальный исход. Проанализировали демографическую характеристику групп, анамнез жизни, болезни, данные объективного осмотра, стандартных лабораторных и инструментальных исследований. Полученные результаты статистически обработали.Результаты и обсуждение. Выделили ряд факторов при госпитализации и/или при переводе в отделение реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ), которые могут быть предикторами неблагоприятного исхода и в разной степени влиять на риск смерти пациентов, получавших при данном заболевании инфузию и изучаемый препарат. К факторам высокого риска отнесли наличие сопора, содержание тромбоцитов ниже 248,5×109/л, Base Excess менее -2,9 ммоль/л, содержание мочевины выше 11,85 ммоль/л. К факторам риска отнесли температуру тела ниже 37,1°С, содержание в плазме креатинина выше 237 мкмоль/л и глюкозы — выше 9,45 ммоль/л. К вероятным факторам риска отнесли мраморность кожных покровов и содержание ионизированного кальция в плазме крови ниже 1,13 ммоль/л.Заключение. Получили предварительные данные для формирования критериев включения/невключения рандомизированного контрольно-сравнительного клинического исследования эффективности меглюмина натрия сукцината у больных острым панкреатитом