1,332 research outputs found


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    n this paper we give the full classification of curves CC of genus gg such that a Brill--Noether locus Wds(C)W^ s_d(C), strictly contained in the jacobian J(C)J(C) of CC, contains a variety ZZ stable under translations by the elements of a positive dimensional abelian subvariety AJ(C)A\subsetneq J(C) and such that dim(Z)=ddim(A)2s\dim(Z)=d-\dim(A)-2s, i.e., the maximum possible dimension for such a ZZ

    On the Hilbert scheme of curves in higher-dimensional projective space

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    In this paper we prove that, for any n3n\ge 3, there exist infinitely many rNr\in \N and for each of them a smooth, connected curve CrC_r in r\P^r such that CrC_r lies on exactly nn irreducible components of the Hilbert scheme \hilb(\P^r). This is proven by reducing the problem to an analogous statement for the moduli of surfaces of general type.Comment: latex, 12 pages, no figure

    Prym varieties and the canonical map of surfaces of general type

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    Let X be a smooth complex surface of general type such that the image of the canonical map ϕ\phi of X is a surface Σ\Sigma and that ϕ\phi has degree δ2\delta\geq 2. Let ϵ ⁣:SΣ\epsilon\colon S\to \Sigma be a desingularization of Σ\Sigma and assume that the geometric genus of S is not zero. Beauville has proved that in this case S is of general type and ϵ\epsilon is the canonical map of S. Beauville has also constructed the only infinite series of examples ϕ:XΣ\phi:X\to \Sigma with the above properties that was known up to now. Starting from his construction, we define a {\em good generating pair}, namely a pair (h:VW,L)(h:V\to W, L) where h is a finite morphism of surfaces and L is a nef and big line bundle of W satisfying certain assumptions. We show that by applying a construction analogous to Beauville's to a good generating pair one obtains an infinite series of surfaces of general type whose canonical map is 2-to-1 onto a canonically embedded surface. In this way we are able to construct more infinite series of such surfaces. In addition, we show that good generating pairs have bounded invariants and that there exist essentially only 2 examples with dimL>1\dim |L|>1. The key fact that we exploit for obtaining these results is that the Albanese variety P of V is a Prym variety and that the fibre of the Prym map over P has positive dimension.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Spin-stiffness of anisotropic Heisenberg model on square lattice and possible mechanism for pinning of the electronic liquid crystal direction in YBCO

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    Using series expansions and spin-wave theory we calculate the spin-stiffness anisotropy ρsx/ρsy\rho_{sx}/\rho_{sy} in Heisenberg models on the square lattice with anisotropic couplings Jx,JyJ_x,J_y. We find that for the weakly anisotropic spin-half model (JxJyJ_x\approx J_y), ρsx/ρsy\rho_{sx}/\rho_{sy} deviates substantially from the naive estimate ρsx/ρsyJx/Jy\rho_{sx}/\rho_{sy} \approx J_x/J_y. We argue that this deviation can be responsible for pinning the electronic liquid crystal direction, a novel effect recently discovered in YBCO. For completeness, we also study the spin-stiffness for arbitrary anisotropy Jx/JyJ_x/J_y for spin-half and spin-one models. In the limit of Jy/Jx0J_y/J_x\to 0, when the model reduces to weakly coupled chains, the two show dramatically different behavior. In the spin-one model, the stiffness along the chains goes to zero, implying the onset of Haldane-gap phase, whereas for spin-half the stiffness along the chains increases monotonically from a value of 0.18Jx0.18 J_x for Jy/Jx=1J_y/J_x=1 towards 0.25Jx0.25 J_x for Jy/Jx0J_y/J_x\to 0. Spin-wave theory is extremely accurate for spin-one but breaks down for spin-half presumably due to the onset of topological terms.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure