2,103 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Pertanian dan Peternakan Pada Masyarakat Tani Ternak di Desa Tete Batu Kecamatan Sikur Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    This activity is based on potensial of Tete Batu Village as agricultural area so that the availability of agricultural waste is abundant and so far it has not been used optimally as animal feed.  Community service activities are carried out by providing materials on the technology of processing agricultural waste using various fermenters and local feed ingredients that can be used as alternative feed ingredients, then continuing the practice of processing livestock waste into liquid organic ferlizer and processing agricultural waste into silage.  The service activity was attended by the Lombok Regional Government which involved in fostering livestock, head and management of Tete Batu, the livestock farming community, alumni and student, avarage 40 people. The community service activities have succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of breeders in processing livestock waste into liquid organic ferlizer which can be used to increase the fertility of agricultural plants and become products that can be sold so as to increase the income of the livestock farming community. Community service activities have resulted in good commitment from the livestock farming community, village administrators and related local government agencies to assist livestock farming communities in processing agricultural and livestock waste into useful products

    Multimodal in Audiovisual Advertisement

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    This study aims to analyse the aspects of multimodal in the audiovisual advertisement of Kartu AS Edisi Paket Mingguan Bikin Kenyang Internetan. Semiotics approach by Chandler (2007) and multimodal analysis Anstey Bull (2010) focussed on linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spacial aspects are applied to analyse the text, visually or verbally. Specifically, the analysis of the linguistic and visual aspects uses the analysis model of Cheong (2004) and Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday (2002, 2004). The research method uses descriptive qualitative by Mahsun (2005) which focussed on the translation, description, and filtration of meaning and also the placement of data to its context.The result shows that all aspects of multimodal in the advertisement are integreted. The lingustic aspect shows that atributive (experiential function), declarative mood (interpersonal function), and unmarked topical theme (textual function) are the dominant types used. The visual aspect shows that red color dominates the background of the advertisement as the main color of the product in the advertisement. The audio aspect shows that the advertisement uses instrumental with ritmix genre to evoke strong spirit in activiting. The spatial aspect shows the unification of the meaning between an image to the others.   Keywords: advertisement, multimodal, aspects of multimodal, text, SF

    Female Personality in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon

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    The research aims to figure out the female personality in Andrea Hirata’s novel Sirkus Pohon. The female personality in the novel is quite interesting to be discussed because in this novel, Andrea Hirata makes us laugh following the innocent female Malay personality in the Belitong countryside, sobbing by the sad love story, or shaking their heads by their tremendous intrigues. We will find imperfect humans, but at the same time find wisdom through their personality. Hirata has portrayed female personality in the novel through five females, namely: Tara, Dinda, Azizah, Tara’s mother and Tegar’s mother. According to Maslow (2002) personality is a pattern of behavior and habits of human. Smith (2004) states that personality is patterned of habits, traits, attitudes, and ideas of an individual. The writers discuss female personality through the personality of Tara, Tara’s mother, Dinda, Azizah, and Tegar’s mother. It is discussed in the analysis. The research uses qualitative research in description analysis by quoting some sentences related to the analysis. The results of the research are: Tara’s personalities are faithful and fragrant; Dinda’s personalities are having a soft heart and losing her memory; Azizah’s personality is chatty but loving her family; Tara’s mother’s personalities are beautiful, kindness, smart and strong; and Tegar’s mother is weak and a heartbroken woman.   Keywords: female, personality, faithful, soft-heart, quarrelsome, strong, wea

    The Characters’ Solicitude in Tere Liye’s Novel Negeri Di Ujung Tanduk

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    This study aims to describe the characters’ solicitude in the novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk by Tere Liye. Tere Liye through the novel portrays about the solicitude which showed by the characters. This study is supported by Bender’s theory (2003) about the solicitude. It is stated that solicitude is to make ourselves related to others and whatever happens to that person. People who prioritize the needs and feelings of others rather than their own interests are caring people. They will not hurt other people’s feeling. Many values that contained in the solicitude such as kindness, generosity, attention, helping and compassion. This study is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method by Miles and Huberman (1994). The data used are the sentences and paragraphs which show the characters’ solicitude contained in the novel. The result of the study shows that there are some values which contained in the solicitude among the characters; they are kindness, generosity, caring, helping and compassion.   Keywords: solicitude, kindness, generosity, caring, helping, compassio

    Code-mixing and Code Switching in Wylvera W.’s Novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta: Their Types and Reasons

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    Code-mixing constitutes a mixing of two codes or languages which is usually without a change of topic, whereas code-switching shows a change made from one language or language variety to another one. There are three types of code-mixing including insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization as proposed by Muysken (2000: 3), and code-switching is of four types, that is, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, emblematic/ tag switching, and intra-word switching (Poplack, 2004: 589). The uses of code-mixing and code-switching are quite common in bilingual or multilingual communities in an informal situation. Based on these two terms (codemixing and code-switching), this paper was then made to describe the types and reasons of code-mixing and code switching in Wylvera W.’s novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta written in 2015. The types of code-mixing which are used in the novel are all the three types above (i. e. insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization), and those of code-switching which are used are only two from the above four types (i. e. inter-sentential switching and emblematic/ tag switching). It was found that, in terms of code-mixing, insertion was used more than the other types of code-mixing, and, in terms of code-switching, it is inter-sentential switching which was used more than the other types of code-switching. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method as proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) in the analysis of the matters concerning code-mixing and code-switching in the novel.   Keywords: code-mixing, insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization, codeswitchin

    Peningkatan Usaha Beternak Ayam Petelur pada Kelompok Peternak Unggas Dusun Tukak Bendu Santong Mulia Kayangan Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    The productivity of laying hens in North Lombok Regency has not yet reached its maximum.  Egg production has not been able to supply the needs of the people, hotels and restaurans in North Lombok Regency.  Assistance activities from various parties are needed in order to improve the business of laying hens through the share of science, technology, and training in livestock.  The community service activity was initiated by a speech from the head of the breeders group who revealed the various problems by breeders in improving their poultry farming business.  The next activity was the share knowledge of community service which include successful management of laying hens, techniques for preparing various feed formulas by utilizing and techmiques for improving the quality of alternative feeds.  The community service activity was attended by 35 breeders and the discussion was active.  The breeders who attended were farmers who are members of the ‘Gemas’ Layer Farmer Group Associantion, which has 23 members with a business capacity of 20.000 layer hens.  The farmer group is eager to increase egg production in order the needs of hotels, restaurants, people in North Lombok Regency.  Through the use of alternative feeds by arranging variouse feed formulas according to the needs of liverstock is a solution that can be applied to increase the quantity and quality of eggs. complete feed; alternative feed; quantity; quality; eg

    Polarization-modulation near-field optical microscope for quantitative local dichroism mapping

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    A couple of experimental techniques have been implemented to an aperture near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) to obtain reliable measurement of sample dichroism on the local scale. First, a method to test NSOM tapered fiber probes toward polarization conservation into the near optical field is reported. The probes are characterized in terms of the in-plane polarization of the near field emerging from their aperture, by using a thin dichroic layer of chromophore molecules, structured along stretched polymeric chains, to probe such polarization when approached in the near-field region of the probe. Second, to assure that the light intensity coupled in the fiber is polarization independent, an active system operating in real time has been realized. Such combination of techniques allowed quantitative imaging of local dichroism degree and average orientation by means of dual-phase lock-in demodulation of the optical signal. Translation of the coupled light polarization state in the near field has been observed for one-half of the tested probes. For the others, the tip acts as a polarizer, and therefore showed it was not suitable for polarization modulation NSOM measurements

    Glassforming Liquids, Amorphous and Semicrystalline Polymers: Exploring their Energy Landscape and Dynamical Heterogeneity by Multi-frequency High-Field EPR

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    We review past and recent work carried out on viscous liquids, amorphous and semicrystalline polymers by multifrequency high-field electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) facility in Pisa. The emphasis is on the enhanced ability to provide fine details of the reorientation process of the paramagnetic guest, the spin probe, revealing features driving the dynamics of the host system, including the energy-barrier distribution of glassy polymers, the dynamical heterogeneity of semicrystalline polymers, and the dynamical changes occurring at the critical temperature predicted by the ideal mode-coupling theory

    Haptic-Guided Shared Control Grasping for Collision-Free Manipulation

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    We propose a haptic-guided shared control system that provides an operator with force cues during reach-to-grasp phase of tele-manipulation. The force cues inform the operator of grasping configuration which allows collision-free autonomous post-grasp movements. Previous studies showed haptic guided shared control significantly reduces the complexities of the teleoperation. We propose two architectures of shared control in which the operator is informed about (1) the local gradient of the collision cost, and (2) the grasping configuration suitable for collision-free movements of an aimed pick-and-place task. We demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed shared control systems by a series of experiments with Franka Emika robot. Our experimental results illustrate our shared control systems successfully inform the operator of predicted collisions between the robot and an obstacle in the robot's workspace. We learned that informing the operator of the global information about the grasping configuration associated with minimum collision cost of post-grasp movements results in a reach-to-grasp time much shorter than the case in which the operator is informed about the local-gradient information of the collision cost
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