4 research outputs found

    Acute poisoning in children

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    Uvod. Otrovanja ili intoksikacije patoloÅ”ka su stanja koja nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja otrovnih tvari na organizam. Visoka incidencija slučajnih otrovanja u dječjoj dobi najčeŔća je kod djece između dvije i pet godina starosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost otrovanja, čimbenike rizika i sredstvo akutnog otrovanja kod djece. Materijali i metode. Retrospektivna studija bolničke dokumentacije Pedijatrijske jedinice intenzivnog liječenja, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek za razdoblje 2008-2012. godine. U studiju su uključena sva djeca od 0-19 godina starosne dobi raspoređena u pet grupa: 0-12 mjeseci, 1-4 godine, 5-9 godine, 10-14 godine, 15-19 godine. Sva djeca bolnički su liječena pod medicinskom dijagnozom akutnog otrovanja. Rezultati. Od 1846 bolnički liječene djece, 367 je bolnički liječeno zbog akutnog otrovanja. MuÅ”ki spol zastupljen je sa 50,7% slučajeva akutnog otrovanja. Kod akutnog otrovanja lijekovima ženski spol zastupljen je sa 51,6% slučajeva kao i u grupi pokuÅ”aja suicida sa 55,5%. Slučajna otrovanja najčeŔća su u dobi od 1-4 godine života 64,9% a najčeŔća sredstva otrovanja su lijekovi 74% i sredstva u domaćinstvu 24,1%. Alkohol sa 64,7% najčeŔće je sredstvo otrovanja u dobi od 15-19 godine starosti kao i 71,2% slučajeva u istoj dobnoj skupini s obzirom na namjeru otrovanja. Namjernih otrovanja značajno je viÅ”e kod obitelji u kojima su oba roditelja nezaposlena. NajčeŔća vrsta otrova kojom se dijete namjerno otrovalo je alkohol u 40,3% i lijekovi u 35,4% slučajeva. Od ukupnog broja otrovane djece namjerno se otrovalo 62,4%, a 91,3% otrovalo se samostalno bez utjecaja drugih osoba. Način ulaska otrovne tvari u organizam je kod 92,2% djece putem usta. Zaključak. Akutno otrovano dijete je često pacijent bolničkih pedijatrijskih odjela. S obzirom na raznolikost sredstava otrovanja u djece logično proizlazi da je ono svaki puta ponovni problem za cjelokupnu zajednicu u okruženju djeteta. Unatoč smanjenju incidencije otrovanja kod djece nakon određenih intervencija, slučajevi otrovanja joÅ” uvijek pridonose značajnom udjelu dječjih ozljeda.Introduction. Poisonings or intoxications are pathological conditions that occur as a result of the activity of toxic substances in the body. The high incidence of accidental poisonings in children is most common in children between two and five years of age. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of poisoning, risk factors and means of acute poisoning in children. Materials and methods. A retrospective study of hospital records of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Center Osijek for the period between 2008 till 2012. The study included all children from 0-19 years of age classified into five groups: 0-12 months, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-19 years. All children were hospitalized under the medical diagnosis of acute poisoning. Results. Out of 1846 hospitalized children, 367 were hospitalized due to acute poisoning. Male gender is represented with 50.7% of cases of acute poisoning. In acute drug poisoning the female gender is represented with 51.6% of the cases, as well as in the group of suicide attempts with 55.5%. Accidental poisonings are most common between the ages of 1-4 years of life (64.9%), and the most common poisoning agents are drugs (74%), and household products (24.1%). Alcohol is with its 64.7% the most common poisoning agent at 15-19 years of age, as well as with 71.2% of the cases in the same age group with the intention of poisoning. Intentional poisoning was significantly higher in families in which both parents are unemployed. The most common type of poison the child used to deliberately poison itself was alcohol in 40.3%, and drugs in 35.4% of the cases. Of the total number of poisoned children 62.4% were poisoned deliberately, and 91.3% poisoned themselves single-handedly without the influence of other people. The way through which the toxic substances enter the body was through the mouth in 92.2% of cases. Conclusion. Acutely poisoned child is often a patient of the pediatric unit. Given the diversity of possible poisoning agents in children, the logical conclusion is that it is a recurring problem for the entire community of the child. Despite of the reduction in the incidence of poisoning in children after certain interventions, the cases of poisoning are still large contributors when it comes to children's injuries

    Intoksikacije u dječjoj dobi

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    Otrovanja ili intoksikacije u dječjoj dobi patoloÅ”ka su stanja nastala kao posljedice djelovanja otrovnih tvari na organizam. EtioloÅ”ki intoksikacije se dijele na slučaj- ne, suicidalne i kriminalne. Mogu nastati kao posljedica akutne, subakutne ili kronične izloženosti otrovnoj tvari. U dječjoj su dobi 85 ā€“ 95% otrovanja uzrokovana peroralnim unosom Å”tetne tvari. Osnovni postupci liječenja akutno otrovanog djeteta su metode prve pomoći, reanimacija, simptomatsko i detoksikacijsko liječenje. Nakon provedenih detoksikacijskih mjera liječenja, medicinska sestra kontinuirano prati dijete kroz 24 sata, uočava i bilježi promjene fizioloÅ”kih funkcija organizma. Ona mora biti osposobljena za procjenjivanje i utvrđivanje o uporabi metoda i postupaka za provođenjem zdravstvene njege, te za planiranje, provođenje i evaluiranje kvalitete i kvantitete provedenih metoda i postupaka zdravstvene njege. Za ispravnu uporabu metoda i postupaka zdravstvene njege potrebita je uporaba individua- liziranih planova zdravstvene njege

    Acute poisoning in children

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    Uvod. Otrovanja ili intoksikacije patoloÅ”ka su stanja koja nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja otrovnih tvari na organizam. Visoka incidencija slučajnih otrovanja u dječjoj dobi najčeŔća je kod djece između dvije i pet godina starosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost otrovanja, čimbenike rizika i sredstvo akutnog otrovanja kod djece. Materijali i metode. Retrospektivna studija bolničke dokumentacije Pedijatrijske jedinice intenzivnog liječenja, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek za razdoblje 2008-2012. godine. U studiju su uključena sva djeca od 0-19 godina starosne dobi raspoređena u pet grupa: 0-12 mjeseci, 1-4 godine, 5-9 godine, 10-14 godine, 15-19 godine. Sva djeca bolnički su liječena pod medicinskom dijagnozom akutnog otrovanja. Rezultati. Od 1846 bolnički liječene djece, 367 je bolnički liječeno zbog akutnog otrovanja. MuÅ”ki spol zastupljen je sa 50,7% slučajeva akutnog otrovanja. Kod akutnog otrovanja lijekovima ženski spol zastupljen je sa 51,6% slučajeva kao i u grupi pokuÅ”aja suicida sa 55,5%. Slučajna otrovanja najčeŔća su u dobi od 1-4 godine života 64,9% a najčeŔća sredstva otrovanja su lijekovi 74% i sredstva u domaćinstvu 24,1%. Alkohol sa 64,7% najčeŔće je sredstvo otrovanja u dobi od 15-19 godine starosti kao i 71,2% slučajeva u istoj dobnoj skupini s obzirom na namjeru otrovanja. Namjernih otrovanja značajno je viÅ”e kod obitelji u kojima su oba roditelja nezaposlena. NajčeŔća vrsta otrova kojom se dijete namjerno otrovalo je alkohol u 40,3% i lijekovi u 35,4% slučajeva. Od ukupnog broja otrovane djece namjerno se otrovalo 62,4%, a 91,3% otrovalo se samostalno bez utjecaja drugih osoba. Način ulaska otrovne tvari u organizam je kod 92,2% djece putem usta. Zaključak. Akutno otrovano dijete je često pacijent bolničkih pedijatrijskih odjela. S obzirom na raznolikost sredstava otrovanja u djece logično proizlazi da je ono svaki puta ponovni problem za cjelokupnu zajednicu u okruženju djeteta. Unatoč smanjenju incidencije otrovanja kod djece nakon određenih intervencija, slučajevi otrovanja joÅ” uvijek pridonose značajnom udjelu dječjih ozljeda.Introduction. Poisonings or intoxications are pathological conditions that occur as a result of the activity of toxic substances in the body. The high incidence of accidental poisonings in children is most common in children between two and five years of age. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of poisoning, risk factors and means of acute poisoning in children. Materials and methods. A retrospective study of hospital records of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Center Osijek for the period between 2008 till 2012. The study included all children from 0-19 years of age classified into five groups: 0-12 months, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-19 years. All children were hospitalized under the medical diagnosis of acute poisoning. Results. Out of 1846 hospitalized children, 367 were hospitalized due to acute poisoning. Male gender is represented with 50.7% of cases of acute poisoning. In acute drug poisoning the female gender is represented with 51.6% of the cases, as well as in the group of suicide attempts with 55.5%. Accidental poisonings are most common between the ages of 1-4 years of life (64.9%), and the most common poisoning agents are drugs (74%), and household products (24.1%). Alcohol is with its 64.7% the most common poisoning agent at 15-19 years of age, as well as with 71.2% of the cases in the same age group with the intention of poisoning. Intentional poisoning was significantly higher in families in which both parents are unemployed. The most common type of poison the child used to deliberately poison itself was alcohol in 40.3%, and drugs in 35.4% of the cases. Of the total number of poisoned children 62.4% were poisoned deliberately, and 91.3% poisoned themselves single-handedly without the influence of other people. The way through which the toxic substances enter the body was through the mouth in 92.2% of cases. Conclusion. Acutely poisoned child is often a patient of the pediatric unit. Given the diversity of possible poisoning agents in children, the logical conclusion is that it is a recurring problem for the entire community of the child. Despite of the reduction in the incidence of poisoning in children after certain interventions, the cases of poisoning are still large contributors when it comes to children's injuries

    Acute poisoning in children

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    Uvod. Otrovanja ili intoksikacije patoloÅ”ka su stanja koja nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja otrovnih tvari na organizam. Visoka incidencija slučajnih otrovanja u dječjoj dobi najčeŔća je kod djece između dvije i pet godina starosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost otrovanja, čimbenike rizika i sredstvo akutnog otrovanja kod djece. Materijali i metode. Retrospektivna studija bolničke dokumentacije Pedijatrijske jedinice intenzivnog liječenja, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek za razdoblje 2008-2012. godine. U studiju su uključena sva djeca od 0-19 godina starosne dobi raspoređena u pet grupa: 0-12 mjeseci, 1-4 godine, 5-9 godine, 10-14 godine, 15-19 godine. Sva djeca bolnički su liječena pod medicinskom dijagnozom akutnog otrovanja. Rezultati. Od 1846 bolnički liječene djece, 367 je bolnički liječeno zbog akutnog otrovanja. MuÅ”ki spol zastupljen je sa 50,7% slučajeva akutnog otrovanja. Kod akutnog otrovanja lijekovima ženski spol zastupljen je sa 51,6% slučajeva kao i u grupi pokuÅ”aja suicida sa 55,5%. Slučajna otrovanja najčeŔća su u dobi od 1-4 godine života 64,9% a najčeŔća sredstva otrovanja su lijekovi 74% i sredstva u domaćinstvu 24,1%. Alkohol sa 64,7% najčeŔće je sredstvo otrovanja u dobi od 15-19 godine starosti kao i 71,2% slučajeva u istoj dobnoj skupini s obzirom na namjeru otrovanja. Namjernih otrovanja značajno je viÅ”e kod obitelji u kojima su oba roditelja nezaposlena. NajčeŔća vrsta otrova kojom se dijete namjerno otrovalo je alkohol u 40,3% i lijekovi u 35,4% slučajeva. Od ukupnog broja otrovane djece namjerno se otrovalo 62,4%, a 91,3% otrovalo se samostalno bez utjecaja drugih osoba. Način ulaska otrovne tvari u organizam je kod 92,2% djece putem usta. Zaključak. Akutno otrovano dijete je često pacijent bolničkih pedijatrijskih odjela. S obzirom na raznolikost sredstava otrovanja u djece logično proizlazi da je ono svaki puta ponovni problem za cjelokupnu zajednicu u okruženju djeteta. Unatoč smanjenju incidencije otrovanja kod djece nakon određenih intervencija, slučajevi otrovanja joÅ” uvijek pridonose značajnom udjelu dječjih ozljeda.Introduction. Poisonings or intoxications are pathological conditions that occur as a result of the activity of toxic substances in the body. The high incidence of accidental poisonings in children is most common in children between two and five years of age. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of poisoning, risk factors and means of acute poisoning in children. Materials and methods. A retrospective study of hospital records of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Center Osijek for the period between 2008 till 2012. The study included all children from 0-19 years of age classified into five groups: 0-12 months, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years, 15-19 years. All children were hospitalized under the medical diagnosis of acute poisoning. Results. Out of 1846 hospitalized children, 367 were hospitalized due to acute poisoning. Male gender is represented with 50.7% of cases of acute poisoning. In acute drug poisoning the female gender is represented with 51.6% of the cases, as well as in the group of suicide attempts with 55.5%. Accidental poisonings are most common between the ages of 1-4 years of life (64.9%), and the most common poisoning agents are drugs (74%), and household products (24.1%). Alcohol is with its 64.7% the most common poisoning agent at 15-19 years of age, as well as with 71.2% of the cases in the same age group with the intention of poisoning. Intentional poisoning was significantly higher in families in which both parents are unemployed. The most common type of poison the child used to deliberately poison itself was alcohol in 40.3%, and drugs in 35.4% of the cases. Of the total number of poisoned children 62.4% were poisoned deliberately, and 91.3% poisoned themselves single-handedly without the influence of other people. The way through which the toxic substances enter the body was through the mouth in 92.2% of cases. Conclusion. Acutely poisoned child is often a patient of the pediatric unit. Given the diversity of possible poisoning agents in children, the logical conclusion is that it is a recurring problem for the entire community of the child. Despite of the reduction in the incidence of poisoning in children after certain interventions, the cases of poisoning are still large contributors when it comes to children's injuries