574 research outputs found

    Halo assembly bias and the tidal anisotropy of the local halo environment

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    We study the role of the local tidal environment in determining the assembly bias of dark matter haloes. Previous results suggest that the anisotropy of a halo's environment (i.e, whether it lies in a filament or in a more isotropic region) can play a significant role in determining the eventual mass and age of the halo. We statistically isolate this effect using correlations between the large-scale and small-scale environments of simulated haloes at z=0z=0 with masses between 1011.6≲(m/h−1M⊙)≲1014.910^{11.6}\lesssim (m/h^{-1}M_{\odot})\lesssim10^{14.9}. We probe the large-scale environment using a novel halo-by-halo estimator of linear bias. For the small-scale environment, we identify a variable αR\alpha_R that captures the tidal anisotropy\textit{tidal anisotropy} in a region of radius R=4R200bR=4R_{\textrm{200b}} around the halo and correlates strongly with halo bias at fixed mass. Segregating haloes by αR\alpha_R reveals two distinct populations. Haloes in highly isotropic local environments (αR≲0.2\alpha_R\lesssim0.2) behave as expected from the simplest, spherically averaged analytical models of structure formation, showing a negative\textit{negative} correlation between their concentration and large-scale bias at all\textit{all} masses. In contrast, haloes in anisotropic, filament-like environments (αR≳0.5\alpha_R\gtrsim0.5) tend to show a positive\textit{positive} correlation between bias and concentration at any mass. Our multi-scale analysis cleanly demonstrates how the overall assembly bias trend across halo mass emerges as an average over these different halo populations, and provides valuable insights towards building analytical models that correctly incorporate assembly bias. We also discuss potential implications for the nature and detectability of galaxy assembly bias.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures; v2: revised in response to referee comments, added references and discussion, conclusions unchanged. Accepted in MNRA

    Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance, solitons and gravitational waves in theories of conformally invariant gravitation

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    We study conformal gravity as an alternative theory of gravitation. For conformal gravity to be phenomenologically viable requires that the conformal symmetry is not manifest at the energy scales of the other known physical forces. Hence we require a mechanism for the spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance. In this paper we study the possibility that conformal invariance is spontaneously broken due to interactions with conformally coupled matter fields. The vacuum of the theory admits conformally non-invariant solutions corresponding to maximally symmetric space-times and variants thereof. These are either de Sitter space-time or anti-de Sitter space-time in the full four space-time dimensions or in a lower dimensional sub-space. We consider in particular normalizable, linearized gravitational perturbations around the anti-de Sitter background. Exploiting the conformal flatness of this space-time, we show to second order, that these gravitational fluctuations, that are taken to be fourier decomposable, carry zero energy-momentum. This squares well with the theorem that asymptotically flat space-times conformal gravity contain zero energy and momentum \cite{bhs}. We also show the possibility of domain wall solitons interpolating between the ground states of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry that we have found. These solitons necessarily require the vanishing of the scalar field, repudiating the recent suggestion \cite{f} that the conformal symmetry could be quarantined to a sterile sector of the theory by choosing an appropriate field redefinition.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, colour viewing helpful, version to be published in PR

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization of the Chern-Simons Term

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    We calculate the one-loop perturbative correction to the coefficient of the \cs term in non-abelian gauge theory in the presence of Higgs fields, with a variety of symmetry-breaking structures. In the case of a residual U(1)U(1) symmetry, radiative corrections do not change the coefficient of the \cs term. In the case of an unbroken non-abelian subgroup, the coefficient of the relevant \cs term (suitably normalized) attains an integral correction, as required for consistency of the quantum theory. Interestingly, this coefficient arises purely from the unbroken non-abelian sector in question; the orthogonal sector makes no contribution. This implies that the coefficient of the \cs term is a discontinuous function over the phase diagram of the theory.Comment: Version to be published in Phys Lett B., minor additional change

    One step beyond: The excursion set approach with correlated steps

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    We provide a simple formula that accurately approximates the first crossing distribution of barriers having a wide variety of shapes, by random walks with a wide range of correlations between steps. Special cases of it are useful for estimating halo abundances, evolution, and bias, as well as the nonlinear counts in cells distribution. We discuss how it can be extended to allow for the dependence of the barrier on quantities other than overdensity, to construct an excursion set model for peaks, and to show why assembly and scale dependent bias are generic even at the linear level.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Uses mn2e class styl

    Self maps of homogeneous spaces

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    The external field effect in cold dark matter models

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    In general relativity (GR), the internal dynamics of a self-gravitating system under free-fall in an external gravitational field should not depend on the external field strength. Recent work has claimed a statistical detection of an `external field effect' (EFE) using galaxy rotation curve data. We show that large uncertainties in rotation curve analyses and inaccuracies in published simulation-based external field estimates compromise the significance of the claimed EFE detection. We further show analytically that a qualitatively similar statistical signal is, in fact, expected in a Λ\Lambda-cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) universe without any violation of the strong equivalence principle. Rather, such a signal arises simply because of the inherent correlations between galaxy clustering strength and intrinsic galaxy properties. We explicitly demonstrate the effect in a baryonified mock catalog of a Λ\LambdaCDM universe. Although the detection of an EFE-like signal is not, by itself, evidence for physics beyond GR, our work shows that the sign\textit{sign} of the EFE-like correlation between the external field strength and the shape of the radial acceleration relation can be used to probe new physics: e.g., in MOND, the predicted sign is opposite to that in our Λ\LambdaCDM mocks.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Model-agnostic cosmological constraints from the baryon acoustic oscillation feature in redshift space

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    We develop a framework for self-consistently extracting cosmological information from the clustering of tracers in redshift space, without\textit{without} relying on model-dependent templates to describe the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature. Our approach uses the recently proposed Laguerre reconstruction technique for the BAO feature and its linear point rLPr_{\rm LP}, and substantially extends it to simultaneously model the multipoles ℓ=0,2,4\ell=0,2,4 of the anisotropic galaxy 2-point correlation function (2pcf). The approach is `model-agnostic': it assumes that the non-linear growth of structure smears the BAO feature by an approximately Gaussian kernel with a smearing scale σv\sigma_{\rm v}, but does not assume any fiducial cosmology for describing the shape of the feature itself. Using mock observations for two realistic survey configurations assuming Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM), combined with Bayesian parameter inference, we show that the linear point rLPr_{\rm LP} and smearing scale σv\sigma_{\rm v} can be accurately recovered by our method in both existing and upcoming surveys. The precision of the recovery of rLPr_{\rm LP} is always better than 1%1\%, while σv\sigma_{\rm v} can be recovered with ≲10%\lesssim10\% uncertainty provided the linear galaxy bias bb is separately constrained, e.g., using weak lensing observations. Our method is also sensitive to the linear growth rate ff, albeit with larger uncertainties and systematic errors, especially for upcoming surveys such as DESI. We discuss how our model can be modified to improve the recovery of ff, such that the resulting constraints on {f,σv,rLP}\{f,\sigma_{\rm v},r_{\rm LP}\} can potentially be used as a test of cosmological models including and beyond Λ\LambdaCDM.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Bias deconstructed: Unravelling the scale dependence of halo bias using real space measurements

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    We explore the scale dependence of halo bias using real space cross-correlation measurements in N-body simulations and in Pinocchio, an algorithm based on Lagrangian Perturbation Theory. Recent work has shown how to interpret such real space measurements in terms of k-dependent bias in Fourier space, and how to remove the k-dependence to reconstruct the k-independent peak-background split halo bias parameters. We compare our reconstruction of the linear bias, which requires no free parameters, with previous estimates from N-body simulations which were obtained directly in Fourier space at large scales, and find very good agreement. Our reconstruction of the quadratic bias is similarly parameter-free, although in this case there are no previous Fourier space measurements to compare with. Our analysis of N-body simulations explicitly tests the predictions of the excursion set peaks (ESP) formalism of Paranjape et al. (2013) for the scale dependence of bias; we find that the ESP predictions accurately describe our measurements. In addition, our measurements in Pinocchio serve as a useful, successful consistency check between Pinocchio and N-body simulations that is not accessible to traditional measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; v3 -- Matches published versio

    Halo abundances and counts-in-cells: The excursion set approach with correlated steps

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    The Excursion Set approach has been used to make predictions for a number of interesting quantities in studies of nonlinear hierarchical clustering. These include the halo mass function, halo merger rates, halo formation times and masses, halo clustering, analogous quantities for voids, and the distribution of dark matter counts in randomly placed cells. The approach assumes that all these quantities can be mapped to problems involving the first crossing distribution of a suitably chosen barrier by random walks. Most analytic expressions for these distributions ignore the fact that, although different k-modes in the initial Gaussian field are uncorrelated, this is not true in real space: the values of the density field at a given spatial position, when smoothed on different real-space scales, are correlated in a nontrivial way. As a result, the problem is to estimate first crossing distribution by random walks having correlated rather than uncorrelated steps. In 1990, Peacock & Heavens presented a simple approximation for the first crossing distribution of a single barrier of constant height by walks with correlated steps. We show that their approximation can be thought of as a correction to the distribution associated with what we call smooth completely correlated walks. We then use this insight to extend their approach to treat moving barriers, as well as walks that are constrained to pass through a certain point before crossing the barrier. For the latter, we show that a simple rescaling, inspired by bivariate Gaussian statistics, of the unconditional first crossing distribution, accurately describes the conditional distribution, independently of the choice of analytical prescription for the former. In all cases, comparison with Monte-Carlo solutions of the problem shows reasonably good agreement. (Abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; v2 -- revised version with explicit demonstration that the original conclusions hold for LCDM, expanded discussion on stochasticity of barrier. Accepted in MNRA

    Peaks theory and the excursion set approach

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    We describe a model of dark matter halo abundances and clustering which combines the two most widely used approaches to this problem: that based on peaks and the other based on excursion sets. Our approach can be thought of as addressing the cloud-in-cloud problem for peaks and/or modifying the excursion set approach so that it averages over a special subset, rather than all possible walks. In this respect, it seeks to account for correlations between steps in the walk as well as correlations between walks. We first show how the excursion set and peaks models can be written in the same formalism, and then use this correspondence to write our combined excursion set peaks model. We then give simple expressions for the mass function and bias, showing that even the linear halo bias factor is predicted to be k-dependent as a consequence of the nonlocality associated with the peak constraint. At large masses, our model has little or no need to rescale the variable delta_c from the value associated with spherical collapse, and suggests a simple explanation for why the linear halo bias factor appears to lie above that based on the peak-background split at high masses when such a rescaling is assumed. Although we have concentrated on peaks, our analysis is more generally applicable to other traditionally single-scale analyses of large-scale structure.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; v2 -- minor changes, added discussion in sec2.2, fixed a typo. Accepted in MNRA
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