327 research outputs found

    Self maps of homogeneous spaces

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    Measuring the quantum statistics of an atom laser beam

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    We propose and analyse a scheme for measuring the quadrature statistics of an atom laser beam using extant optical homodyning and Raman atom laser techniques. Reversal of the normal Raman atom laser outcoupling scheme is used to map the quantum statistics of an incoupled beam to an optical probe beam. A multimode model of the spatial propagation dynamics shows that the Raman incoupler gives a clear signal of de Broglie wave quadrature squeezing for both pulsed and continuous inputs. Finally, we show that experimental realisations of the scheme may be tested with existing methods via measurements of Glauber's intensity correlation function.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Supernovae data and perturbative deviation from homogeneity

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    We show that a spherically symmetric perturbation of a dust dominated Ω=1\Omega=1 FRW universe in the Newtonian gauge can lead to an apparent acceleration of standard candles and provide a fit to the magnitude-redshift relation inferred from the supernovae data, while the perturbation in the gravitational potential remains small at all scales. We also demonstrate that the supernovae data does not necessarily imply the presence of some additional non-perturbative contribution by showing that any Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model fitting the supernovae data (with appropriate initial conditions) will be equivalent to a perturbed FRW spacetime along the past light cone.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; v2: 1 figure added, references added/updated, minor modifications and clarifications, matches published versio

    Remarks on hard Lefschetz conjectures on Chow groups

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    We propose two conjectures of Hard Lefschetz type on Chow groups and prove them for some special cases. For abelian varieties, we shall show they are equivalent to well-known conjectures of Beauville and Murre.Comment: to appear in Sciences in China, Ser. A Mathematic

    Closed-Loop Perching and Spatial Guidance Laws for Bio-Inspired Articulated Wing MAV

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    This paper presents the underlying theoretical developments and successful experimental demonstrations of perching of an aerial robot. The open-loop lateral-directional dynamics of the robot are inherently unstable because it lacks a vertical tail for agility, similar to birds. A unique feature of this robot is that it uses wing articulation for controlling the flight path angle as well as the heading. New guidance algorithms with guaranteed stability are obtained by rewriting the flight dynamic equations in the spatial domain rather than as functions of time, after which dynamic inversion is employed. It is shown that nonlinear dynamic inversion naturally leads to proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, thereby providing an exact method for tuning the gains. The effectiveness of the proposed bio-inspired robot design and its novel closed-loop perching controller has been successfully demonstrated with perched landings on a human hand

    Low Energy Skyrmion-Skyrmion Scattering

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    We study the scattering of Skyrmions at low energy and large separation using the method proposed by Manton of truncation to a finite number of degrees freedom. We calculate the induced metric on the manifold of the union of gradient flow curves, which for large separation, to first non-trivial order is parametrized by the variables of the product ansatz. (presented at the Lake Louise Winter Institute, 1994)Comment: 6 page


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    We show that the formation of condensates in the presence of a constant magnetic field in 2+1 dimensions is extremely unstable. It disappears as soon as a heat bath is introduced with or without a chemical potential. We point out some new nonanalytic behavior that develops in this system at finite temperature.Comment: 10 pages, plain Te

    Induced quantum numbers in the (2+1)-dimensional electron gas

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    A gas of electrons confined to a plane is examined in both the relativistic and nonrelativistic case. Using a (0+1)-dimensional effective theory, a remarkably simple method is proposed to calculate the spin density induced by an uniform magnetic background field. The physical properties of possible fluxon excitations are determined. It is found that while in the relativistic case they can be considered as half-fermions (semions) in that they carry half a fermion charge and half the spin of a fermion, in the nonrelativistic case they should be thought of as fermions, having the charge and spin of a fermion.Comment: 19 pages, REVTE

    Radial asymptotics of Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models

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    We examine the radial asymptotic behavior of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models by looking at their covariant scalars along radial rays, which are spacelike geodesics parametrized by proper length \ell, orthogonal to the 4-velocity and to the orbits of SO(3). By introducing quasi-local scalars defined as integral functions along the rays, we obtain a complete and covariant representation of the models, leading to an initial value parametrization in which all scalars can be given by scaling laws depending on two metric scale factors and two basic initial value functions. Considering regular "open" LTB models whose space slices allow for a diverging \ell, we provide the conditions on the radial coordinate so that its asymptotic limit corresponds to the limit as \ell\to\infty. The "asymptotic state" is then defined as this limit, together with asymptotic series expansion around it, evaluated for all metric functions, covariant scalars (local and quasi-local) and their fluctuations. By looking at different sets of initial conditions, we examine and classify the asymptotic states of parabolic, hyperbolic and open elliptic models admitting a symmetry center. We show that in the radial direction the models can be asymptotic to any one of the following spacetimes: FLRW dust cosmologies with zero or negative spatial curvature, sections of Minkowski flat space (including Milne's space), sections of the Schwarzschild--Kruskal manifold or self--similar dust solutions.Comment: 44 pages (including a long appendix), 3 figures, IOP LaTeX style. Typos corrected and an important reference added. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Back-reaction and effective acceleration in generic LTB dust models

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    We provide a thorough examination of the conditions for the existence of back-reaction and an "effective" acceleration (in the context of Buchert's averaging formalism) in regular generic spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models. By considering arbitrary spherical comoving domains, we verify rigorously the fulfillment of these conditions expressed in terms of suitable scalar variables that are evaluated at the boundary of every domain. Effective deceleration necessarily occurs in all domains in: (a) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (b) the asymptotic time range of non-vacuum hyperbolic models, (c) LTB self-similar solutions and (d) near a simultaneous big bang. Accelerating domains are proven to exist in the following scenarios: (i) central vacuum regions, (ii) central (non-vacuum) density voids, (iii) the intermediate radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (iv) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a Minkowski vacuum and (v) domains near and/or intersecting a non-simultaneous big bang. All these scenarios occur in hyperbolic models with negative averaged and local spatial curvature, though scenarios (iv) and (v) are also possible in low density regions of a class of elliptic models in which local spatial curvature is negative but its average is positive. Rough numerical estimates between -0.003 and -0.5 were found for the effective deceleration parameter. While the existence of accelerating domains cannot be ruled out in models converging to an Einstein de Sitter background and in domains undergoing gravitational collapse, the conditions for this are very restrictive. The results obtained may provide important theoretical clues on the effects of back-reaction and averaging in more general non-spherical models.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity. 47 pages in IOP LaTeX macros, 12 pdf figure