9 research outputs found

    Perubahan Fisiko-Kimia Buah Pisang Berangan (Musa Sapientum L) Semasa Perkembangan dan Kesan Parameter Pemprosesan ke Atas Ciri-Ciri Buah Pisang yang Dikeringkan

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    Kajian telah dtbuat terhadap fisiko-kimia buah pisang Berangan semasa perkembangan yang diperoleb dari Ladang Pisang Komersil (RISDA) Bukit Kerayong, Klang. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa buah pisang Berangan mencapai peringkat perkembangan maksimum dan kematangan fisiologi pada umur tiga betas minggu selepas pengeluaran bunga sempurna. Kandungan lembapan turun-naik tetapi stabil ketika buah mencapai peringkat kematangan fisiologi. Pada masa yang sarna jumlah pepejal lamt dan asid askorbik meningkat tetapi protein, dopamin, aktiviti enzim polifenol oksidase (PPO) dan kandungan logam (Cu, Fe dan Mn) menurun. Buah pisang jenis Berangan adalah paling baik untuk penuaian dan pemprosesan pada umur dua belas minggu setelah pengeluaran bunga sempurna. Suhu dan masa pengeringan memberi kesan yang positif terhadap ciri-ciri fisiko-kimia pisang kering yang dihasilkan. Dari kajian awal didapati nilai L tertinggi dan nilai a terendah dijumpai di antara 45 - 55°C, nilai b tertinggi dijumpai di antara subu 60 - 70°C (masa 1 hingga 5 jam); manakala pada kajian akhir nilai L dan b serta nilai a terendah terdapat pada suhu pengeringan 65°C selama 4 jam. Kandungan lembapan dan tekstur pisang kering turun; sebaliknya jumlah pepejal larot, jumlah kandungan gula, glukosa dan fruktosa meningkat; aktiviti air dan sukrosa menurun. Nilai warna pisang kering dapat dikekalkan dengan merendam sampel dalam air suling terdidih tanpa ruang udara serta buah dalam keadaan dibelah dua. Di mana nilai L sedikit di bawah sampel wap air terdidih, tetapi mengekalkan nilai b lebih tinggi dan nilai a cukup rendah serta lebih diterima dari segi penampilan. Dari penilaian ciri-ciri deria pisang kering yang dihasilkan didapati bahawa panelis lebih menerima nilai tekstur dari sampel yang dikeringkan pada suhu 65°C selama 5 jam, nilai bau dari sampel yang dikeringkan pada suhu 60°C selama 5 jam, nilai warna dan rasa serta penerlmaan keseluruhan adalah dari sampel yang dikeringkan pada suhu 70°C selama 5 jam


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    Some of the people of Percut village make a living as fishermen catching fish and collecting shells. The consumptive culture of coastal communities, especially seafood and beach products, provides opportunities to produce innovative culinary businesses. After conducting socialization and hearings with the Percut village community, information was obtained that a breakthrough effort had been made in the marketing of shelled clams. The shelled clams here are sourced from feather clams (Anadara antiquata), although there are several other types of shellfish such as green mussels, hemp clams and other shellfish. On the coast of Percut village it is quite easy to get clams and several other types of shellfish, but the processing is still very simple, namely by simply boiling them. This processed product still contains impurities (sand or mud), the appearance is less attractive, the type and size are not the same and the packaging is not attractive so that the attractiveness and interest of the public to buy is still very low. Therefore, technical improvements are needed from the beginning of the shellfish processing process in order to obtain quality results and be accepted by the market. It is hoped that the improvement in processing techniques for peeled shellfish in Percut village will provide added value from shellfish products and the establishment of a Percut village-specific culinary snack business that will increase people's interest in buying them

    Penanaman Mangrove Sejati Dan Pembuatan Pegar Bambu Pemecah Ombak Untuk Pencegahan Abrasi Kawasan Pantai Desa Pematang Kuala Serdang Bedagai Sumatera Utara

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    Kegiatan Hibah Insentif Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam rangka kegiatan peningkatan di bidang kesejahteraan masyarakat penduduknya yang didominasi oleh masyarakat nelayan kali ini mengambil lokasi di Dusun 5 Desa Pematang Kuala Kecamatan Teluk Mengkudu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Berlokasi di Pantai Timur Pulau Sumatera memiliki rentang yang cukup panjang dan luas terutama pada wilayah Serdang Bedagai yang merupakan wilayah pantai terpanjang dan terluas.  Pada kesempatan ini, kami melakukan kegiatan penanaman mangrove dan pembuatan pegar bamboo  pada daerah pantai di desa Pematang Kuala, dimana pantai ini berbatasan dengan desa Bogak Besar dan Bagan Kuala. Hasil kegiatan  di desa Pematang Kuala adalah tercapainya penanaman 1000 batang bambu pilihan untuk pembuatan pegar pemecah ombak penyebab abrasi yang telah mengancam pesisir pantai dusun 5 hutan mangrove seluas kurang lebih 40 hektar. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah dimana kondisi fisik jalan menuju pantai ini buruk, padahal di pantai ini memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk dikembangkan menjadi ekowisata. Pada daerah pinggir pantai telah ditanam sekitar 20.000 tanaman mangrove dengan luas area sekitar 54 km sejak tahun 2014 oleh masyarakat setempat Jenis Mangrove yang terdapat di daerah ini adalah jenis Rhizopora Sp dan Avicennia. Warga pun antusias dan respect terhadap kegiatan ini demi terselamatkan nya pantai dusun 5. Kegiatan dibagi dua yaitu penanaman mangrove dan pembuatan pegar bamboo. Penanaman mangrove telah berhasil dengan menanam sebanyak 1500 batang bibit mangrove yang terbagi 2 spesies yaitu 750 spesies Rhizopora dan 750 spesies Avicennia. Dan Pembuatan Pegar Bambu dimana bambu yang digunakan adalah Spesies bambu kuning berkulit tebal dan beruas cukup panjang

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Limbah Hasil Pertanian Sebagai Sumber Pakan Dalam Pengembangan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai.

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam rangka kegiatan peningkatan di bidang kesejahteraan masyarakat penduduknya yang didominasi oleh masyarakat petani dan peternak di Dusun IV Desa Matapao dan Dusun 5 Desa Pematang Kuala Kecamatan Teluk Mengkudu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Berlokasi di Pantai Timur Pulau Sumatera memiliki rentang yang cukup panjang dan luas terutama pada wilayah Serdang Bedagai yang merupakan wilayah perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pertanian rakyat. Pada kesempatan ini, kami melakukan kegiatan pembuatan probiotik dan pakan fermentasi (silase) pemanfaatan hasil samping pertanian jagung sebagai sumber pakan dalam pengembangan sapi potong di Dusun IV Desa Matapao dan Dusun 5 Desa Pematang Kuala Kecamatan Teluk Mengkudu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Hasil kegiatan di Dusun IV Desa Matapao dan Dusun 5 Desa Pematang Kuala adalah terlaksananya pelatihan pembuatan pakan ternak fermentasi (silase) dari hasil samping pertanian jagung dan tanaman lain yang ada di sekitar desa lokasi. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah situasi dan kodisi cuaca hujan, sehingga seharusnya Desa Rampah sebagai lokasi kegiatan terdampak banjir dialihkan ke Dusun IV Desa Matapao. Selain kendala cuaca di lokasi pelaksanaan, kendala koordinasi masyarakat khususnya Dusun 5 Desa Pematang Kuala dalam pengumpulan hasil samping pertanian jagung dan tanaman lainnya kurang maksima


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    Processed products of palm sap are cooked for a certain duration of time to produce brown sugar. In general, the community still uses coconut/aren sap water as a raw material for making brown sugar, but currently residents of Pasar Eight village in Air Putih sub-district have made brown sugar using waste palm stems to get the sap water and then mix it with white sugar. The purpose of community service is to increase online marketing and provide education on making brown sugar that is correct and good for health. Brown sugar has its own advantages, but improper processing can harm health in order to gain unilateral benefits. Based on the results of observations when visiting brown sugar craftsmen (partners), information was obtained that the marketing of palm sugar palm sap was carried out online through social media face book and product orders had reached the Pekanbaru area, although not routinely. Therefore community service is carried out by providing outreach to brown sugar craftsmen in order to expand the marketing network which will increase sales, production and profits so as to open jobs for the community. The service method is carried out by observing and interviewing and outreach. It is hoped that the results of PkM activities can increase the knowledge of brown sugar craftsmen about online brown sugar marketing and the quality of brown sugar production and hygiene.  

    Study of Corn Plant Availability as a Source of Forage for Feed and Beef Cattle Waste Potential

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    ABSTRACT One of the factors that determine the growth of beef cattle is the supply of feed. The main feed source for beef cattle is forage which is currently increasingly limited in availability. The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate the utilization of corn waste into forage sources of feed and the potential amount of beef cattle waste in Deli Serdang Regency. The data source used in this study is secondary data covering the planting area of corn and beef cattle population described in a qualitative description. The results of studies and evaluations indicated that the availability of forage production of corn (stover) as a source of forage for beef cattle feed in Deli Serdang Regency, in average is only sufficient of 80.57% of the existing beef cattle population, that is every 20,066.95 Ha of corn plants can provide forage for 75,234 cows. Cattle waste potential in the form of feces is 509,385,066.00 kg/year, urine is 203,479,979.00 L/year and the remaining feed is 34,255,889.00 kg/year.     Keywords: corn, forage, feed, beef cattl

    Study of the Use of Yeast Types and Soaking Time on the Quality of Cocoa Beans (Theobroma cacao L.)

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    The quality of cocoa beans at the farmer level is very low. The main factor that makes the quality of cocoa is low, it of which is fermentation. Improved fermentation will improve the quality of the cocoa beans produced. This study aims to examine the effect of the use of yeast types and soaking time on the quality of cocoa beans. This research has been carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture UISU Medan using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consists of two factors, namely: Factor I type of yeast (R) consisting of 4 levels: R0 = Control; R1 = Bread Yeast; R2 = Tempeh Yeast and R3 = Tape Yeast. Factor II The immersion time (P) consists of 4 levels: P1 = 1 hour; P2 = 2 hours; P3 = 3 hours and P4 = 4 hours with 2 repetitions. Parameters observed were yield, pH, water content, fat content, and organoleptic test of taste and aroma. The data is analyzed using means of variance and if it had a significant effect, then continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of the study showed that the type of yeast had a significant effect on pH, water content, fat content, and organoleptic test values ​​for taste and aroma. Soaking time has significantly different effects on pH, fat content, and organoleptic test values ​​for taste and aroma. The interaction of the treatment the effect of yeast type and soaking time had no significant effect on all observed parameters. Fermentation of cocoa beans with the addition of yeast can improve the quality of cocoa beans, especially with the addition of baker's yeast and soaking time of 4 hours to produce the highest taste and aroma

    Effect of Yellow Sweet Potato Substitution and Egg Yolk Amount in Making Wet Noodles: -

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    Most of the noodles are made from wheat flour, for countries that do not produce wheat this is a problem because the need for wheat must be imported and generates a large amount of foreign exchange. This situation resulted in research involving the use of non-wheat flour or mixing wheat flour with other flour to produce noodles. This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of wheat flour with yellow sweet potato and the amount of egg yolk in the manufacture of wet noodles. The study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD), which consisted of two factors, namely: substitution of wheat flour with yellow sweet potato with the code "U" consisting of 4 levels; U1 = 10 %; U2 = 20 %; U3 = 30 %; U4 = 40 %.  Egg yolk amount,  and with code "T" which consists of 4 levels; T1 = 5 %, T2 = 10 %, T3 = 15 %, and T4 = 20 %. Parameters observed were yield, protein content, moisture content, stretchability, and organoleptic test of texture, color, and taste. The research was carried out at the UISU Faculty of Agriculture laboratory, Medan. The main ingredient used in this research is yellow sweet potato. The results of statistical analysis on each parameter concluded that the substitution of wheat flour with yellow sweet potato had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the yield, protein content, water content, tensile strength value, organoleptic texture, color, and taste of noodles. Wet.  The amount of yolk dose had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on protein content, moisture content, tensile strength value, organoleptic texture, color, and taste of wet noodles. The two treatment factors did not show any interaction. To produce wet noodles with the best quality, you can substitute up to 30% wheat flour with yellow sweet potato and use 20% egg yolk. &nbsp


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    Dari hasil pertanian yang dilakukan warga desa Aras diperoleh hasil samping salah satunya brangkasan jagung. Hasil samping ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh warga desa, karena minimnya pengetahuan dalam hal pemanfaatan hasil samping pertania khususnya brangkasan jagung. Uraian di atas menjelaskan  bahwa hasil samping pertanian di desa Aras Kecamatan Air Putih Kabupaten Batubara berupa brangkasan jagung dari panen akhir yang jumlahnya tergantung kepada  jenis usaha tanaman jagungnya belum dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Hasil samping tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi sumber pakan ternak ruminansia melalui pelatihan kepada warga desa Aras, sehingga dapat menjamin ketersediaan pakan ternak sepanjang waktu dengan menggunakan metode fermentasi/pengomposan